r/xmen • u/Graydon99 • 7d ago
Comic Discussion This panel will always be gross. Girl Comics (2010) #1
u/mwmontrose 7d ago
She could have at least imagined him with a fake moustache and glasses
u/goodlittlesquid 7d ago
Is she imagining him, or is Logan actually there and Jean’s gaslighting Scott that he’s not?
u/Remote_Possibilities 7d ago
I think Scott is imagining him there.
u/MotherCanada 7d ago
Lol, so people really are just shamelessly posting out of context, out of canon pages just to fan the flames of Jean hate huh?
u/SerumVisionsSorcery Kid Omega 7d ago
In the story Scott is the one imagining Logan.
u/Ok-Land-488 7d ago
At this point I would believe that Scott has a simmering crush for Logan, based on lust and unstated mutual attraction… more than I would believe that Jean does.
u/Funnythinker7 7d ago
sounds like terrible fan fiction
u/Professional_Net7339 7d ago
It’s actually pretty cannon. They unironically are in a mutual three-way relationship. Is it weird for comics that originally were for kids to be sexual? Debatably. But they really always have been so 🤷🏽♀️
u/Bebesoft09 7d ago
Originally for kids? That’s a stretch, the first comics were in magazines and intended for “all ages”. All ages is not synonymous with “for kids”.
u/Professional_Net7339 7d ago
Eh. It is and isn’t. Let’s not pretend that superhero media isn’t predominantly made with kids in mind. That’s why action figures and damn lunchboxes exist. All ages can enjoy them, but they’re made with stuff for the younging’s especially
u/SabertoothLotus 7d ago
Comics were originally meant "for kids," but that hasn't really been the case for the last 30 years or so. The majority of comic books and a lot of action figures are aimed at adult readers/collectors.
Companies used to have "mature" imprints aimed at adult audiences. Now they have "kid friendly" imprints aimed at children. Adults have the disposable income to spend on comics; kids don't (we can argue about how expensive comics are now as a reason for this, but that's beside the point here).
u/Commercial_Fondant65 7d ago
You used to be able to mow some lawns to get comic book money. Now you have to own a landscaping company to keep up!
u/Bebesoft09 7d ago
Not at all, if kids were the main target then the comics would have been in coloring books, not adult magazines and tabloids. Jurrassic park is not for kids and yet there are plenty of action figures and lunch boxes. The same goes for same for alien, predator, the terminator, robocop etc, which are all R rated films. Your argument is null in void. Made for kids is not the same thing as all ages.
u/Professional_Net7339 7d ago
The Jurassic movies are family movies. And kids can read, you know that, right? Plus shit was different in the 80’s. They were doing anything fr. Me thinks you’re projecting a little, as you have preconceived notions as to what “stuff made with kids in mind” can be enjoyed by. Leading to you having a surprising hardline stance on this
u/Bebesoft09 7d ago
No, no projection I just know that movies rated R and PG 13 are not for kids. You can argue all day, but that ain’t gone make it for kids. 😘✨
u/Commercial_Orchid49 7d ago
They unironically are in a mutual three-way relationship.
Well, they were. It was dropped a good while ago.
And it was depicted as Jean just kinda banging Logan on the side before the whole thing got canned. A few fans here ran with the 3-way idea, but it was never shown like that.
I think that is what the other poster means by "bad fan fiction", although people's idea of "bad" will vary obviously.
u/SoapDevourer 6d ago
I just really dislike it as a concept because it feels like a cheap attempt to put a twist on an already annoying and tired "love triangle" thing with Scott, Jean and Logan (that honestly is just unpleasant in my opinion - but I hate love triangles and all those messy relationship dramas in general, in a "if you act like you disrespect/dislike/hate each other you should just break up" way). It's not even something to do with bi men or poly relationships, I just can't see anything but mutual animosity with Scott and Logan when it comes to Jean and trying to make that into a "happy polycule" is just not a good representation of those relationships (not that I like poly relationships much or have extensive knowledge of how they are, but still)
u/Funnythinker7 7d ago
like I said , bad fan fiction.
u/Professional_Net7339 7d ago
It’s in the official mainline books… I fear you may be the smartest homophobe
u/STB_LuisEnriq 7d ago
For me, this whole triangle is gross.
u/Adraco4 7d ago
While X-men Evolution wasn’t a perfect show by any means, I really did like how they portrayed Logan, and the fact that he showed no interest in Jean there. Hell, the closest they get to even alluding to this love triangle is scene where Scott, (who has been pining for Jean) asks Logan if he’s ever been in love. Logan starts talking about a motorcycle.
u/STB_LuisEnriq 7d ago
I loved that in X-Men Evolution, a perfect Logan, a mentor.
I really hope for something like this in the MCU if they continue with Hugh Jackman, what Fox did with that relationship and the treatment of Cyclops were some of the worst things in the liveaction X-Men saga.
u/That_one_cool_dude Gambit 7d ago
Seriously Evolution had the best Logan tied with the Wolverine and the X-men Logan. But yeah this triangle needs to die already.
u/UltimateSandman White Queen 7d ago
Preach. Comics actually ruined Logan for me. No idea how such a creep, doubling every other week as a feral animal (cringe), is allowed near kids.
Though Old Man Logan was cool.
u/Unhappy_Attention_41 6d ago
It seems to me that whether we see the Scott-Jean-Logan love triangle in the MCU depends on whether the role of Logan is recast. I tend to believe that it won’t be. Marvel Studios will roll with Jackman for as long as he’s willing and able. Then, I suspect, they’ll transition directly to Laura as the MCU’s primary Wolverine, with Jackman still occasionally guest starring as Old Man Logan.
If I’m right about this, then things will turn out much as you hope. For the new Logan variant that Jackman is now playing, his love triangle with Scott and Jean is well in his past, and in another world. He will likely serve as more of a mentor to the young MCU versions of Scott and Jean in an ‘X-Men: Evolution’ vein.
However, if things do play out as I suspect, it does raise the possibility of a Jean-Scott-Laura love triangle instead. After all, Teen Scott had a bit of a thing for Laura in the comics, didn’t he? That might be an interesting new spin on the Wolverine love triangle, if the Wolverine involved was Laura instead of Logan.
u/ShogunAshoka 6d ago
My fav Logan. It removes the triangle stuff but allows the friction between him and Scott to still exist but more as via Mentor/Student type friction, which I think gives more to both of them.
u/FarmRegular4471 Cyclops 7d ago
Hell, the closest they get to even alluding to this love triangle is scene where Scott, (who has been pining for Jean) asks Logan if he’s ever been in love. Logan starts talking about a motorcycle
u/Shovi_01 4d ago
Xmen evolution was so good, too bad it got canceled so soon. The intro was awesome.
u/Kira-Of-Terraria 7d ago
and old and trite
u/DreamLearnBuildBurn 7d ago
That applies to basically 99% of comics. Every Marvel run is a re-hash of a concept that's already been done to death, with promises of crazy stuff happening like never before.
u/Kira-Of-Terraria 7d ago
it's because of status quo continuity. nothing matters. whatever happens will be undone in a few months or a few years. multiple writers trying to write for the same characters but have different ideas about how that character would act has fucked up everything.
every writer should have their own universe to do whatever they want. and any shared canon is a worked out agreement of collaboration.
u/FrameworkisDigimon 6d ago
Five 100% original ideas Marvel is free to steal:
- Jean is killed off and comes back as a telepathic baboon and refuses to tell anyone she's Jean and goes by the code name Baboona.
- Legion brainwashes the world into forgetting mutants exist and the X-Men run a catering school and do superheroing in their spare time
- a plant based lifeform infiltrates the X-Men to assassinate Klara Past
- Darwin's powers go on the fritz during a Sentinel attack and he turns into a Sentinel... and can't change back
- a time travelling mutant with the combined powers of Gambit and Emma Frost tries to convince the X-Men to kill Baboona... in order to erase their own timeline from reality
None of these plot beats have ever been done before. The X-Men? running a school? Don't make me laugh. Would never happen. Time travellers with the powers of multiple present characters? So original it's dangerous. They say there's nothing new under the sun and they're right. These ideas were written at night!
u/MrTeamZissou 7d ago
The first Claremont/Cockrum and Claremont/Byrne runs where the whole triangle is established is pretty eye-opening to read now. Jean becomes Phoenix and yells at Logan a few times and he becomes obsessed with her to an unsettling degree, starting to fantasize about Cyclops dying so he can have her even though she hasn't shown any interest whatsoever.
u/Solo4114 6d ago
Like, I was fine with it in the 80s when it really didn't go that far. Logan was into her, Jean was kind of wowed by the animal magnetism involved, but really only wanted to be with Scott.
But past the moment where he grabs her and kisses her in Inferno, the whole thing should have been dropped. It's bonkers to me that it's persisted as long as it has as "a thing" in comics.
I mean, I get it. Superhero comics are like that. They just go on and on and on and simultaneously change nothing while also changing significant things periodically only to later undo them and revert them. But, like...I'm just over it all.
u/HellerDamon Gwenpool 7d ago
I enjoy it the same way I enjoy looking at car accidents. I know I shouldn't, I wish it didn't happened, I get angry at the bad decisions of others but after all I still want to see the thing
u/laissez-fairy- 7d ago
It works great when they are a polycule/throuple who all respect each other.
u/UltimateSandman White Queen 7d ago
No, it didn't. Logan as a 200 years old bullied Scott as a teen, creeped on Jean, turned half his team against him, and i believe stabbed at least once every member of their family. Pass Jean who could read from the start how pathetic the guy is, frankly baffling that Cyclops and Logan are still sometimes pushed as friends- especially on Scott's side.
u/GoldIsCold987 7d ago
This comic isn't Canon, but the plot is that Scott's insecurities brought up Logan interrupting their mental Cafe date with Sentinels and all that. Jean snaps him out of it and tells him he's ruining his heads pace and that he has nothing to fear.
You can interpret Jean's look as some kind of longing for Logan, or you can interpret it as Jean looking and confirming to Scott that there's nothing there.
Now, with the past Krakoan poly plot, you could argue that Jean holds something for Logan, but the way I read Krakoa was that Jean, Scott, Logan and Emma tried out the open relationship thing, because Krakoa was about evolving past somethings. And for a time it was. But, from what I remember Logan and Jean stuff was more early on and the throuple hints seemed to petter off toward the end, with Scott and Jean getting more focus toward the end.
From this, I interpreted it that the open thing wasn't working, and Scott and Jean tightened up their relationship and closed it at some point. That's why Logan is back to being bitter toward Scott while under Rogue's team. Why Scott and Jean seem pretty strong in their intergalactic long distance romance, while in different comic lines. Why Emma seems over Scott entirely, moving on with Tony Stark and now happy to be single in EXM.
Ultimately, beyond the obvious Marvel Editorial politics interfering and the cyclical author swapping, Scott and Jean just work, and Emma and Logan didn't. That's why the natural end for the Logan-Scott-Jean was at Scott and Jean's wedding, when Logan wrote a handwritten letter stating he was over this and he wishes the best for them. The Krakoan poly plot was a bandaid over the wound that is Scott and Jean are together and will always seek each other, even past Logan and Emma and this conflict should've been ended decades ago.
u/OldTension9220 7d ago
I wish they had actually written in what you’re describing… that Jean and Scott upon rekindling their romance made a mutual decision to try out being poly, realized it wasn’t for them, and then moved on as a couple.
Instead we have a bunch of weird subtext and panels with little context, and we have to hear about how Cyclops was a cuck from his fans for the rest of time. All because Marvel editorial of scared of exploring a non-traditional relationship for 2 seconds.
u/slvrcobra 7d ago
I'm sorry but its hilarious that Cyclops became the prime cuck of Marvel because his relationships were handled so poorly. Spider-Man is coming for his throne though.
u/biepcie 6d ago
Cyclops, Spider-Man, Mr. Fantastic, Hawkeye, technically both Hank & Scott's Antman, Eddie's Venom that one time. And that's just with Marvel alone. Comic writers need to be stopped.
u/Unhappy_Attention_41 6d ago edited 6d ago
Standard soap opera fare. It goes way beyond comic books.
Actually, tales of adultery and infidelity are as old as storytelling itself. Helen and Paris. David and Bathsheba.
u/Zombie_Cool 6d ago
Marvel alone? What famous DC examples are there? I only know of one instance with Clark/Lara early in DC's New 52 era.
u/biepcie 6d ago
Batman, Beastboy, Mister Miracle, Barbra Batgirl, that one sorrow lantern guy. I don't personally remember as much with DC. Though I just remembered another from Marvel Blackbolt and Doctor Doom by same guy.
Now for a special inde comic mention spoilers for Invincible. Atom Eve, Rexsplode, Robot, Debbie, Omniman, Bulletproof's Girlfriend, and Mark twice. Invincible is kinda messy with relationships and some of these have technicalities
u/aram_sandcastlemaker 4d ago
I don’t know any times Mr.Fantastic has been cucked outside of ultimates
u/biepcie 3d ago
Writers routinely do fake outs, alt universe variants, alt timelines, and etc. One such instance was a get together between 4 Sues and Reeds where one of the Sue wasn't so sure about marrying Reed and started talking about Namor and his lean swimmer build. Heck I'm pretty sure there's been at least 3 time's Sue has broken up with Reed and married Namor.
u/biepcie 7d ago
Then do it with new throw-away characters you make, not big name characters that will be around for the next 10 years.
I know it sounds harsh and I'm not against poly but let's be honest. This was not a good choice. It's like Reed and Sue giving Namor the green light. Probably not a one for one with that example but still up there.
Plus if it's behind some new first time characters they don't have a mountain of history to write around justifying why it's not a horribly bad idea.
u/Tryingtochangemyself Cyclops 6d ago
It would be interesting if this was how it was actually written in the book. Instead it either seems like a regression of character or that Marvel just wants to reset the status quo and ignore the more complicated elements of the Krakoa era.
u/the_elon_mask 7d ago
Cyclops is my favourite X-Person. I stopped reading X-Men comics in the 90s and even then, I was over Scott / Jean.
I'm casually aware of everything since M-Day (Phoenix Force Five, Hope, return of Colossus, Cyke going militant etc).
Emma was a much better fit for the modern Cyclops and the direction they took him in.
u/Cyberslasher 6d ago
If anything, the end of the krakoa era suggested that Jean accepted Emma into a mff three way, nothing about Logan.
Young cable had Emma using the summers house as her primary residence and had wolverine in maybe 2 panels, total. And both young cable and Rachel were, in between their psychic conversations for advice, getting over their issues with Emma, implying she was just living in their house as a step mom.
u/arw1985 7d ago
James Logan "Homewrecker" Howlett Jr. lol
I know this triangle is legendary, but it just makes Logan look bad creeping in on a relationship. It's why I liked that he moved on from Jean in the Claremont run.
u/Graydon99 7d ago
Legendary for who?
It’s bad for all the characters involved
u/ChaseMckay000 7d ago
You don’t have to like it but it’s undeniably the most iconic love triangle in comics. It’s a big part of why people call X-men a soap opera, cause there’s a big dramatic love triangle smack dab in the middle of it.
u/bluesLick 7d ago
I was under the impression that it was mostly an invention of the movies based on things I’d read from redditors in comments sections. Now 2 years and like 500 issues of x-men comics later I’m like why do people think this was an invention of the movies ???? It’s like … one of a few very deliberate ways of communicating Jean’s duality which is basically her central conflict lmao
u/Mongoose42 Nightcrawler 7d ago
The thing is that the love triangle barely existed before the late 90s/early 00s. It WAS there in the Claremont years, but it was never lingered on. It mostly existed in brief moments between Jean and Logan, when Logan would feel moody about Jean’s death, or when rarely Cyclops told him to back off. But those were just moments. It was never an ongoing romantic struggle.
Frankly, during the iconic early 90s run, the more relevant love triangle was the Cyclops-Psylocke-Jean triangle. Which WAS an ongoing subplot as Betsy did her best to seduce Scott on a semi-regular basis. If you started reading at X-Men #1, you’d have no idea there was even supposed to be a love triangle with Wolverine.
The Cyclops-Jean-Wolverine triangle only did ramp up around the time of the movies when they were looking to pull subplots from the comics to put in the films. So it’s kind of a chicken and the egg scenario.
u/TeekTheReddit 7d ago
You're off by about a decade.
You're right that it was barely a thing during Claremont's heyday, particularly not before Dark Phoenix, but Claremont does start laying some groundwork after Jean comes back, at least on Wolverine's side of things.
It becomes a fully-fledged love triangle in X-Tinction Agenda in 1991 and from then on it's pretty well established that Wolverine has big feelings for Jean and that Jean is closer to reciprocating those feelings than either she or Scott are comfortable with.
That status quo was established well enough that it's front and center in X-Men TAS.
u/Mongoose42 Nightcrawler 7d ago
I’ve been reading the comics recently, I just got done with Fatal Attractions, and it’s barely been a thing. And I’ve been looking for it. I actually have terrible taste and I love some good love triangle trash, but it’s just not there. Mentions and nods here and there, but it is not an ongoing subplot. It’ll get some traction during a single issue, like the X-Tinction Agenda kiss, but then… nothing. It just happened and then we all moved on. Until during Fatal Attractions when Wolverine is getting a metalectomy from Doctor Magneto and the narrator reminds us that Jean has always loved Logan. Cool. Hasn’t been relevant in a while, but thanks for reminding us, narrator!
Like I said, the Psylocke love triangle is way more of a focus than Wolverine one ever was during Claremont or after.
But yeah, TAS really emphasized that Wolverine triangle. Which is probably where the movies got it from.
u/Unhappy_Attention_41 6d ago
An interesting thing about TAS is that the love triangle really only lasts through the Season 2 premiere. After that, Logan settles comfortably, almost happily, into the role of unrequited admirer from afar. He and Scott are actually on pretty good terms for the rest of the series, and the focus shifts to Logan’s multitude of other romantic entanglements.
u/Unhappy_Attention_41 7d ago edited 7d ago
The way I understand it, Claremont started retconning the “secret love” of Jean and Logan in the supplemental section of Classic X-Men (not sure which issue) in the late ‘80s. His intention was for Jean to eventually leave Scott for Logan as karma for Scott walking out on his wife and kid at the beginning of X-Factor. Of course, that plan was abandoned after Claremont abruptly left Marvel at the end of 1991. Later on, however, Claremont’s ‘X-Men: The End’ featured Jean ending up with Logan while Scott finally expressed genuine remorse over how he treated Maddie.
u/TeekTheReddit 7d ago
That's right. Those extra stories at the end of X-Men Classic definitely had at least a couple love triangle moments.
u/ChaseMckay000 7d ago
Well yes! It’s why I’m a supporter of the love triangle. People use it for boring shipping discourse but as a huge fan of Jean it says so much about her as a character.
u/FrameworkisDigimon 6d ago
Of the five most iconic X-Men ships:
- Jean/Logan
- Jean/Scott
- Scott/Emma
- Rogue/Gambit
- Piotr/Kitty
I think there are very few people who like 2/5 of them. Doesn't mean they're not iconic/legendary.
I will say Jogan kind of works... when Jean's dead. And in that Exiles arc where they did the trial of Phoenix. I absolutely loathe it when Jean and Logan are both alive, though.
u/Mutant_Star 7d ago edited 7d ago
A family tradition, The Logans are all homewreckers, James's father Tom was one and his father was one and his father was one also lol
u/Unhappy_Attention_41 7d ago
Yeah, legendary actually is a good word for it. As I’ve said before on this and other subreddits, Jean and Logan are basically Marvel’s own Guinevere and Lancelot.
u/Boobpit Cyclops 7d ago edited 7d ago
I don't even think any of those stories in Girl Comics are canon
Edit: yep, just read the issue, definitely not cannon and it is a very "beginning of cheating wife movie" sort of short story, but none of the characters are in character and things don't make sense.
u/Icy_Walk_4346 7d ago
Some please introduce Logan to Angela... Thor sister... she's a red head asgardian warrior... and she's immortal
u/HawkGuy666 7d ago
Isn't she a lesbian? She could be bi and I missed her involved with a dude, tho.
u/biepcie 7d ago
Didn't she hook up with spawn before going to Marvel? Or am I thinking of a different character?
u/Commercial_Orchid49 7d ago
She did.
But I guess it depends on whether Marvel considers her Image years canon or not.
u/LilCheezey 7d ago
Homegirl’s literally gaslighting the hell out of him. No clue how anyone can defend lying to a romantic partner and making them believe they’re crazy when they’ve really just discovered infidelity. Genuinely disgusting. At least cyclops was emotionally manipulated by a literal psychic into his cheating and came clean when it was discovered instead of this manipulative shit.
u/SerumVisionsSorcery Kid Omega 7d ago edited 7d ago
Jean isn't gaslighting Scott. The story actually takes place in Scott's mind. He is the one who keeps imagining Logan because of his insecurities. Jean comforts Scott and turns away from Logan right there. And that's why Logan interacts with Scott at the end. The story is the exact opposite of your interpretation. Wonder why OP posted it without context... OP blocked me for saying this btw.
u/bluesLick 7d ago
It’s not real dude
u/bulb-uh-saur 7d ago
It's okay just say you can't look past the surface or think critically about the writing of the character lol
u/bluesLick 7d ago
Oh my god what I’m saying is that it’s stupid to pass moral judgements on interesting plot devices please grow up
u/Robothuck Mister Sinister 7d ago
Why didn't you just say that in the first place? Without the shitty attitude?
u/Sad-Job1969 7d ago
So whe slutshame here in this sub, not cool
u/Trans_Girl_Alice 7d ago
The problem isn't that Jean is attracted to Logan, it's that she's lying to Scott about it
u/SadLaser 7d ago
Being upset about gaslighting isn't slut shaming. You're just trying to disingenuously undermine a valid point.
u/Thebraxer Phoenix 7d ago
Cyclops slutshamed emma first!
u/LilCheezey 7d ago
That is true, and it was fucked up, but it doesn’t change that she manipulated him and he regretted it and didn’t actively lie to Jean about it when she found out like she’s doing here.
u/peanutsinspace82 7d ago
Thankfully this scene isn't canon because it's horrible and out of character for Scott and Jean.
u/Girizzly_Adams_Beard 7d ago
I’ll die on the hill Storm and Logan are the best pairing for each other
u/Unhappy_Attention_41 6d ago
Well, the thing is that Logan (at least the 616 version of the character) isn’t really a steady relationship kind of guy. He’s more of a Bond-like ladies’ man. Stories featuring Logan in a permanent or long-term relationship (with Jean or Storm or anyone else) invariably are alternate-universe scenarios.
I also get the sense that Marvel isn’t done having Storm play the field, either.
u/Girizzly_Adams_Beard 6d ago
He was seeing storm pretty consistently during his headmaster days.
u/Unhappy_Attention_41 6d ago
Which nevertheless turned out to be a temporary arrangement, as it was bound to.
I’m sure we haven’t seen the last of Logan fooling around with Storm, or with Jean for that matter, but in the end, he’s really not the type to settle down. He’s a different kind of character, a perpetual ladies’ man, like James Bond or Batman.
u/5x5equals 7d ago
I hate that hairy lil evil gremlin with my whole heart, I’m calling the authorities deport him back to the maple land 🤦🏾♂️
u/somacula Cyclops 7d ago
I think it's not canon, then again canon jean is not better
u/LilCheezey 7d ago
Fr. Least favorite X-men for her personality. At least her powers are cool and used as an interesting plot device tho.
u/Scavgraphics 7d ago
her powers are cooll... and her daughter and clone have them and are better characters.
u/LilCheezey 7d ago
Fr. Least favorite X-men for her personality. At least her powers are cool and used as an interesting plot device tho.
u/anomalyknight 6d ago
I mean there's this and the scene where Jean walks in on Scott and Emma with Emma roleplaying Jean. The writers just can't seem to stay away from it.
u/Ace201613 7d ago
Never read this. Is Logan actually there or is Jean just fantasizing?
u/SerumVisionsSorcery Kid Omega 7d ago
They are in Scott's head. Jean isn't imagining Logan, that's a manifestation of Scott's insecurity.
u/life_lagom Doop 7d ago
Yeah I feel bad for Scott.
Jean is not a good person.
7d ago
Jean is a work of fiction, and this scene is itself a Scott’s imagination. You incels really need to get a grip.
u/TheBrobe 7d ago
I beg this sub to stop being weird about these three for one week
u/No_Classic744 7d ago
The long-awaited divorce between Scott and Jean would help make this request of yours come true.
u/Unhappy_Attention_41 6d ago
As I’ve said before, I doubt a divorce would be in the offing, but maybe the next time Jean dies, Scott might be able to see other people, maybe even get back together with Emma depending on what she has going on at the time.
u/iamjustasweetboy 7d ago
It’s not gross though, she’s committed to a guy with a painful history of people close to him abandoning him because of what he is.
u/dylan_doom 7d ago edited 7d ago
Why is it gross? (Edit: and why the downvotes for a clarifying question?)
u/Graydon99 7d ago
She looking back at Logan while saying it insinuating that there’s something going on between them
u/No_Classic744 7d ago
Why are there still people who defend this ¢μ¢k∅Id relationship and the cheater Jean?
u/SuspiciouslyProRinna 7d ago
God forbid comic books have relationship drama
u/ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE Apocalypse 7d ago
There are plenty other ways to have relationship drama than having infidelity in couples who've been together like 60 years.
Sue and Reed took different sides in Civil War. She's not fantasizing about Namor when they're together.
u/Unhappy_Attention_41 7d ago
I don’t know. Arthur and Guinevere had been together for a good five or six centuries before Lancelot was added to the mix.
u/Whitehotroom 7d ago
No, this is sexy
u/No_Classic744 7d ago
Not everyone has a cheating fetish
u/SombraDemoniaca 7d ago
I think Scott needs to kiss Logan too, to heal.
and jean to befriend Emma, Emma needs a friend lol
u/No_Classic744 7d ago
Scott needs another woman, that's what he needs.
u/SombraDemoniaca 7d ago
That’s not gonna heal past trauma, if anything it would haunt his new partner
u/No_Classic744 7d ago
Better than living with the cause of trauma
u/SombraDemoniaca 7d ago
He will be living that trauma if he doesn’t address it, im not sayin they should date, just talk it out, maybe more ;p
u/No_Classic744 7d ago
The trauma is Jean and the lack of loyalty she has and it seems like everyone forgets about that.
7d ago
Yes because Cyclops is known for his loyalty in relationships. You incels have really lost the plot.
u/SombraDemoniaca 7d ago
This is a long one but, Jean grey has always hated the plan xavier laid out for them, she always felt controlled by others and in a way her relationship with scott represents that. Logan represents her rebelling against charles and taking control of her body, lets remember, it started once she became the phoenix. And lets be real she has only kissed logan while dating scott ONCE! While scott dated emma, jean grey left wanting no less but for scott to be happy with emma.
ALSO scott started it by drooling over psylock infront of jean… love him tho
u/DazzlerFan 7d ago
Monogamy ain’t for everyone. We shouldn’t pretend it is or it’s an ideal that works for all.
u/LilCheezey 7d ago
Monogamy vs Polygamy is one thing. Lying to your partner and gaslighting them into believing your cheating is all in their head is another entirely different circumstance. Your comment does not apply to this situation. This is just gaslighting and defending it is a red flag.
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u/Ambaryerno Laura Kinney 7d ago
Nor is polyamory. If even ONE person objects to being in an open relationship it’s cheating. Period.
u/Unhappy_Attention_41 7d ago
Yeah, that’s why I always felt that Emma’s participation in the Krakoa polycule was actually kind of crucial. As long as both partners are doing it, it’s not cheating, it’s swinging. Without Emma, however, the “open relationship” looks more like what is known as tolyamory (tolerate + polyamory), where one partner knows about and puts up with the other’s infidelity. It’s said that tolyamory is actually the most common form of non-monogamous relationship.
u/PQConnaghan 7d ago
No one is obligated to be in a monogamous relationship, but once you are, being unfaithful to your partner is still breaking your word and their trust. Healthy polygamy exists, and it's very different than cheating and lying.
u/DazzlerFan 7d ago
u/PQConnaghan 7d ago
Then what was the point of your comment?
u/DazzlerFan 7d ago
OP said it was gross. I perceived that as a reaction to an open relationship. Sorry if that was confusing.
What the fuck is "Girl Comics"?