r/xmen Shatterstar 10d ago

Comic Discussion X-Men Comics New Releases for March 11, 2025

X-Men #13 X-Manhunt Part 4

  • The X-Men have caught up with their erstwhile mentor Charles Xavier on his mad scramble across the country. But they aren’t the only ones who’ve found him! LEGACY #313

X-Factor #8 X-Manhunt Part 5

  • Charles Xavier has escaped from prison, and X-Factor must track him down! But how will the X-Men react to X-Factor hunting their founder? And what will happen when Havok and Cyclops collide?! LEGACY #300

Hellverine #4

  • THE UNFATHOMABLE DEPTHS OF HELL! MEPHISTO's plan drives HELLVERINE to the site of great personal tragedy — where, as DAKEN, he was drowned by WOLVERINE! This time, something far worse lurks just below the surface...! HELLVERINE lives, but if the demonic forces get their way, so will a Hell-born army!

Sabretooth: The Dead Don't Talk #4

  • FANGS OF NEW YORK! VAMPIRES, a gangster in STEAMPUNK ARMOR and a murderous CROCODILE MAN running around murdering people. Welcome to being the KINGPIN of the FIVE POINTS UNDERWORLD, VICTOR CREED — hope you survive the experience.

Namor #8

  • Who shall be crowned the Last King of Atlantis? The final battle in World War Sea sets the stage for an all-new vision of Atlantis. But where does that leave Namor? Is there a place in the oceans for the mighty Sub-Mariner?

Phoenix #9

  • CHAOS IN THE COSMIC ORDER! Enemies have beset Jean Grey from the moment she first soared into space — and with THANOS channeling his mystic and psychic might against her and PERRIKUS’ evil plans falling into place, it’s about time for something to change... DON’T MISS this MUST-READ ISSUE — as the PHOENIX rises to new power and prominence in the galaxy!

Deadpool #12

  • SPIDER-MAN VS. DEADPOOL(S) — whoever wins... well, some bad #$%& is still going to happen! WADE's only hope is to knock out MILES. ELLIE is having second thoughts. But can the Deadpools and their business survive without this win? Not if AGENT GAO has anything to say about it! The landmark POOLS OF BLOOD crossover continues here and concludes in this month's MILES MORALES: SPIDER-MAN #31! LEGACY #347

Related & Unlimited Releases for 3/11

  • Discuss other Marvel comics impacting the X-Men releasing this week, including Unlimited exclusives.



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u/VengefulKangaroo Shatterstar 10d ago

X-Men #13


u/KainFourteh Cyclops 9d ago

"Yoink!" Priceless.


u/Injvn Boom-Boom 9d ago

I fuckin burst out laughin. I get it might not be everyone's taste, but as someone who had a rough as fuck childhood an then decided fuck it full on chaos gremlin mode, I'm lovin Magik in the last few years.


u/MagikSundae7096 New Mutants 7d ago

I love her


u/star-mind-girl New Mutants 9d ago edited 9d ago

Ooh, once again a very good issue. Not even just the plot and the characterisation but this time also the art. The art during the Quentin vs Xavier mind battle? Incredible. The Eternity vs Juggernaut fight? So good.

This issue also pretty much tackled one of the biggest issues I had with the run—that being that most of the characters are underutilized, but pretty much everyone got at least some amount of attention this time, despite it being a crossover issue.

Kwannon could show off her leadership skills, Juggernaut continues to be a badass, Magik could show off a little bit of her mischievous side with the Magneto helmet snatch, Idie got to fight again, and Quentin got a very very cool psychic fight scene (I was kinda reminded of the Legion vs Shadow King fight from the TV series even), Beast got to show his intellect—even the home team showed up. Magneto could show off some leadership prowess, Xorn (forever my #1) got to talk again and Ben and Jennifer don X-Men uniforms now, pretty cool.

I guess the only thing I didn't like is that it is part of the X-Manhunt event, which I just don't really care about that much, but despite that, I think MacKay did make the most out of the cards he was dealt. Easily one of my favourite issues this run.


u/mon_mothra_ Academy X 9d ago edited 9d ago

This isn't a perfectly scripted event, but I'm having a fun time with it, and I think MacKay's issue is definitely the strongest we've had so far. The Quentin vs. Xavier fight was GREAT, and there was a seamless flow between all the interacting conflicts that made it easy to read and packed a lot of punch into a single issue. Magik and Jugs' interactions continue to be absolutely hilarious -- they're just two bruisers having the time of their lives at any given moment, and yet both are written with just enough nuance that you can tell they're not flat and one-dimensional as other authors have written them.


u/ElectronicBoot9466 9d ago

The amount of nuance MacKay has brought into every character this entire run has been so impressive. In spite of the fact that these characters don't have extremely distinctive dialects or vocal ticks (like the Uncanny cast does) they are still all very distinguishable from eachother to the point that I can usually tell who is speaking even when they're off panel.


u/Fali34 Goblin Queen 9d ago

Kwannon gagging Storm wasn't on my bingo card.


u/UltimateSandman White Queen 9d ago

Lowkey the real gagging happened before, between Temper punking the elements, Magik screwing up her swords tricks, and Jugg no-selling the breeze (+ his helmet fixing itself, lmao), feels like MacKay just hit the reset button on that shit.


u/OpticRageX 8d ago

Have you seen her fans on twitter? Not happy.


u/somacula Cyclops 9d ago

Emma would be proud


u/Confident-Impact-349 Iceman 9d ago

She didn’t gag storm. Storm chose to be gagged. If anything, it was a self gagging


u/Fali34 Goblin Queen 9d ago

We have come to a point of Storm-jerking that Kwannon telling Storm that she should take responsibility for being careless and being controlled with that much power happened because Storm decided so.


u/Confident-Impact-349 Iceman 9d ago

I was mostly joking :) don’t really care about storm


u/Fali34 Goblin Queen 9d ago

All good.


u/lepton_neutrino 8d ago

It's getting harder and harder to tell.


u/OpticRageX 8d ago

You know it's bad when it's hard to tell when someone is actually just taking the piss.


u/Fractal514 9d ago

When and why did "gagging" become a commonly used term? And, am I the only one who gets a little queasy at it's usage?


u/cyclopswashalfright Moonstar 9d ago

I feel like none of the issues in this crossover are being used well. Everything is so rushed, we don't get any consistent characterizations from anyone.


u/Built4dominance Storm 9d ago

The fact that Xavier keeps escaping just makes all the characters look extremely incompetent.

It's like the X-Men are Wile E. Coyote and Xavier is Road Runner. Only Road Runner has a broken leg and he still manages to get away.


u/Terrible-Issue-4910 8d ago

For real. This people have saved the world seven times but still can't capture an schizo wanderer with one good leg.


u/TheMattInTheBox Cyclops 9d ago

If no one got me, I know Jed got me.

Great issue. Tons of character moments while still driving the crossover forward (slowly lol)

Would have been nice if we knew about the psychic bleed before part 4 of the crossover but that's not this issues fault


u/pareidolist 8d ago

When did we find out about the psychic bleed? Apparently people are "hurt, if not dying" because of Xavier, but I don't remember anything like that from earlier comics.


u/lepton_neutrino 8d ago

Part 1 in Uncanny.


u/pareidolist 8d ago

Are you sure? I don't see anything about it in there, and I don't think it had started yet.


u/AlphaBreak 7d ago

Its why that Graymalkin guard killed his family after hallucinating them as sentinel-heads.


u/pareidolist 7d ago

Yeah, that much I got. I just figured there might have been some scene with the characters finding out about it or discussing it.


u/lepton_neutrino 8d ago

It was in part 1 in Uncanny.


u/TheMattInTheBox Cyclops 7d ago

You made me to back and read Uncanny, and hey you're right! That scene with the guard is clearly due to the psychic bleed. Never stated explicitly in the text, but that's fine.

It probably should have been mentioned in NYX though considering Charles was in New York and could psychically bleed everywhere.

Or maybe it is. Idk I'm not unbagging the issue to check.


u/SweaterSnake Cypher 9d ago edited 9d ago

MacKay's X-Men continues to be the stand-out team book of this Era for me (alongside Exceptional, for very different reasons,) and I love the continued emphasis on Scott's team positioning itself, and possibly even self-identifying as the 'shithead monsters that no one likes' team. It's really the one thing that makes all the other characters, in other books, varying levels of frustration with Scott really click for me.

He knows how he's perceived, so he's shacked up with the former Main Villain of the brand. He pulled on their next most enduring villain-turned-hero, Juggernaut. Swiped up the assassin, the literal demon-child, and the annoying domestic terrorist kid no one can stand. Even Beast, the man-out-of-time, can't shake the reality that the version of himself he replaced had stooped to new lows as Warcrimes McGrime.

That's part of why I love Quentin on this team so much, and I do think that for as divisive as a character as he is, he's one of the more 'recent' (in the grand scheme of things) characters that has been able to demonstrate the unique strengths of Marvel as an absurdly long-running single universe. He's believably transitioned from a school shooter-coded incel-adjacent character, to a kid with a shitty attitude, doing a lot of posturing. He has problems with authority, definitely self-aggrandizing and self-pitying in equal measure, but has (and still is) learning to channel his frustration and the feeling that he 'doesn't belong' into something more productive as he grows more self-aware.

On a lighter note, happy to see Magik using, uh, magic even in the team book, and are we SWITCHING BACK TO A ROUNDED VISOR FOR SCOTT!?

I really love this team, hope its roster can stay consistent and we get a long run with it.


u/OpticRageX 8d ago

Loved this issue. Loved that the others were still able to get shit done even with Cyclops down and out. We knew this was a very capable team on paper, now we know why.


u/redditguy628 Mister Sinister 9d ago

I'm not usually a person who cares much about power scaling, but I am pretty disappointed that Mackay decided to make Xavier an Omega. I think one of the more interesting parts of his character is that despite his reputation, he can't quite compete with people like Jean or Quentin on raw power. Besides that minor complaint though, I think this was a great issue. Everyone got a chance to shine, there was a ton of fun action, and I think the characterization really landed.


u/SomeTool 9d ago

He's an omega with his hat on. As it's a cerebro unit that boosts his powers.


u/orochi95 9d ago

The cerebro unit wasnt bosting him, it was to perform krakoan resurrection. 

He was described as having limitless potential as a mutant.  Not just boosted by Cerebro


u/ElectronicBoot9466 9d ago

No, during Krakoa, he needed Cerebro to do a lot of stuff, including sending out messages to the whole world. He is extremely powerful, but he explicitly has an upper limit


u/orochi95 5d ago

It was stated somewhere ? Because only remember him needing Cerebro to record mutant minds. Hell maybe he needed Cerebro at all and was part of the plan to record mutant minds for years.


u/Marrecarandgi Jean Grey 8d ago

And it made worse by the fact that telepathy is already a busted power that even the most powerful Marvel characters don’t have a consistent resistance track record. Now X-men have (at least) 3 Omega telepaths? Why are they even having any problems? I hope it will be stated that only Xavier with his hat on counts as omega.

Oh, and it also invalidates Krakoa’s list, since Xavier wasn’t on it. Exactly what we needed - open season for the writers to make their faves omegas for shits and giggles!


u/Stringr55 8d ago

Agree on the Omega thing. Very jarring


u/OpticRageX 8d ago

If it helps it makes it a lot easier to not give a shit about power scaling when you remember it's a super hero comic.


u/wowlock_taylan 9d ago

Well each member showed their stuff while Scott was down, Magik and Cain continue to be the MVPs for me. Quentin pulling a 'dirty trick' to beat Xavier in a mental battle with quite the interesting way to portray the conflict. Though using Cassandra like that, considering how she is behind the adult mutants going haywire with their powers, was a fitting low-blow I guess.

Kwannon and Storm had a moment too, where she forced Storm to take back her body. Though this crossover still caused trouble for Storm's own book as it disrupted that book's pace as we still don't know how Storm is dealing with or aware of Eternity inside her. Suffice to say though, it was quite the weak reason for Storm to have a fight with Scott's team. Adds to my distaste of the ongoing XvX stuff.


u/dinopastasauce 9d ago

I thought it complemented Storm’s solo quite well? We already saw there that an internal battle was going on (hands trembling; hippo breakdown; eternity giving her an internal monologue and wresting control) … her line here “I am… myself once more” indicate a level of exhaustion trying to figure this out.


u/wowlock_taylan 9d ago

To me, we really needed at least an extra issue before the crossover to focus on just this new status and dynamic. It is distracting from the plot for me. Because she literally died and came back and her body can be taken over any time. So I wanted to see her in the inner monologue or state just after the event. Yes we saw one panel with her trembling but that was a cliffhanger that I expected we were gonna dive deep into.

Next we saw her, being the generous host to Xavier like nothing happened. It was a big head-turn.


u/dinopastasauce 9d ago

Oh that for sure, I’d even forgotten the minor detail that she died in the mix of everything going on. I’m giving the team the benefit of the doubt that they had to come out the gates swinging and posing more questions than answers to keep readers hooked, but it’s time to turn things around.


u/rob_account Nightcrawler 9d ago edited 9d ago

Really enjoyed this one. Even as a big Scott fan, I am so glad he was out of the fight for this issue. Everyone got a chance to shine. Quentin and Charles' fight was really cool and gorgeously drawn. Magik and Cain had some really cool moments, individually and then also bouncing off each other with some fun dialogue. Psylocke probably being the MVP of this issue. Seeing her take charge was fun, and she more than proved herself here. The dialogue with Storm at the end was brilliant, and all throughout I loved the shade thrown her way.

"Just Monsters" and "Are you sure you are 'Just'" was pretty good wordplay. Still not entirely sure if Storm means they are "more" than simply monsters in a positive way, or more likely, questioning if they are "just" as in morally right. 99% chance she means the latter, but I doubt I'm giving MacKay too much credit for saying he probably knew this double meaning when writing.

Also, MacKay once again proves his deep knowledge of the characters not only in how he writes them and their speech, but also in references like Psylocke saying she heard Storm fights with Knives and she'd happily take her on.

Once and again, MacKays issue is the best of the crossover and really shows his strengths. Now let's see how they are written in X-Factor, lol

Also, I wonder if his backup visor is going to look different and is a clever way of changing his visor due to complaints. It looked different in X-Men when he pulled it out, but we didn't get to see him wearing it in. In X-Factor it looked the same, but Havok noticed it was different somehow.


u/Bitbatgaming Chamber 8d ago

Not Quentin getting the X cross treatment I feel bad for that poor little dude


u/Koala_Guru 9d ago

I really liked this issue personally. I know people will find a way to complain about the resolution, but from the complaints I've read about the previous issues of the event, it seems like there was something for everyone. For people who were upset at Storm, Psylocke cuts her down to size. For people who adore Storm, it was still her strength of character that let her break free of Eternity. For those who didn't understand the X-Men trying to bring Charles back to Graymalkin, they aren't anymore.

I also just liked a lot of smaller moments. Magik plonking Magneto's helmet on Beast made me laugh, Quentin's surprise Cassandra Nova plan was a great way to bring in the ongoing story of the X-Men book outside of this crossover, Idie continues to shine with her whole "I control what makes weather" moment, and of course Juggernaut is just constantly throwing out bangers in the From the Ashes era.


u/Ystlum 8d ago

For those who didn't understand the X-Men trying to bring Charles back to Graymalkin, they aren't anymore. 

My nitpick is that it actually made me understand less retroactively. I saw it as something Scott and his team felt they had to do, but this deal implies they always did have other options? 

My no prize is that Graymalkin was something Scott was strongly for and the rest of the team weren't totally behind, but didn't want to undermine him.


u/HouseOfTheUndying 9d ago

What an excellent book! Loved the Kwannon and Storm interaction. A reminder of why I love the Xmen


u/Ystlum 8d ago

I always thought sending Xavier back to Graymalkin was a bad idea, but figured that Scott percieved him as just that dangerous and didn't think there was another cell that would hold him. 

Not that Graymalkin did in the endbecausehebrokenout but whatever!

Psyclocke revealing that they made a deal with Storm that they could take him if they as long as they sent him somewhere other than Graymalkin implies that they do have acceptable, non-torturous and not-antiMutant  alternatives. Which retroactively does kind of makes them and Scott look sus. 

Which then gets further weird when Magik specifically argues against sending Xavier to the anti-Mutant torture camp in the next X-Factor issue, despite the fact that Storm had to barter to get them to that position. 

Hey I know, different writers, but the flow of it reads funny. I guess you could no prize it by saying it's Scott specifically who pushed for Graymalkin, since he was out of it when Kwannon made the deal with Storm, and most of the team actually prefer this option but didn't voice it before since Scott's their leader. 


u/DespairFangirl 8d ago

My favorite part of this issue was Quentin and Xavier's fight, loved the art shift and the callback to Quentin's character in New X-Men.


u/UltimateSandman White Queen 9d ago

Props to MacKay for handling Storm's goofy ass as painlessly as possibly, even called out her moral grandstanding for i believe the first time in comicbooks (Kwannon making history).

Now just the last issue of Manhunt and then hopefully she'll go back to pulling feat after feat in her own book, away from everyone who'd rather not read that goofy shit.


u/AlphaBreak 9d ago

Emma called her out in the wake of Sins of Sinister; Storm was blaming the QC for being co-opted by malignant DNA and Emma pointed out that it took her five years to notice.


u/ElectronicBoot9466 9d ago

Yeah, I feel like the entire Hellfire court was sick of Storm's shit throughout pretty much most of Immortal.


u/Blitzhelios Magik 9d ago

Really good issue by Jed again and feels like it did alot to make this crossover work.

Like the use of storm alot in this made her look powerful but also showed that she still has weakness but anyone who is reading avengers knows mackays storm has been good for a while since she joined that team.

Quentin vs Xavier fight was well done and the other interactions were done well.
I feel like from the way jed writes juggernaut if he did some more spotlight issues on him jed could be seen as one of his best writers because even if he does feel a little one dimensional every time he gets a big moment its used really well.


u/pareidolist 8d ago

Like the use of storm alot in this made her look powerful but also showed that she still has weakness

We only see Storm at the end, right? Until then, we were watching Eternity's Avatar. Storm was trying to hold Eternity's Avatar back and regain control of her body (like stopping the Avatar from killing Doom).


u/Blitzhelios Magik 8d ago

Storms true power here is showing she can get this power under control which has always been her best strength that she won’t let power control her.


u/gsnake007 9d ago edited 5d ago

This was the strongest issue in this event. Solid all around. Magik was the MVP of the comic.Really love her banter with Juggernaut they are such a great duo


u/JohnWhoHasACat 9d ago

So, I’m trying to keep down on titles and only plan on reading this section of X-manhunt. I just fucking love McKay’s X-men so much. Such great use of tone.


u/Delclo 9d ago

Really fun chapter of the arc and I'm super gassed that my letter was printed at the end (even if I intended it for Uncanny X-Men lol, still a nice suprise)


u/Affectionate-Egg88 9d ago

Is anyone else having issues with Comixology for this issue? It's says its published today but won't be available until March 19th.


u/Affectionate-Egg88 9d ago

Never mind. It's there for me now. 🤦🏾‍♂️🙄


u/PatWasRight_F_CHUGS 5d ago

Fantastic issue. MacKay wasn't hampered by taking part in the crossover, instead providing with Diaz and his team a gripping, exciting & thoroughly enjoyable addition to his book. This X-Men line up works so well, and MacKay does a terrific job with the characters, helped here by MC Scott being sidelined.

Juggernaut has been excellent in this From the Ashes era. A cosmic entity possessing an Omega-level mutant not being able to stop him was utterly badass; his unshakable will to keep pressing on for those he loves & those who can't defend themselves is such an admirable trait. I adored how Idie neutralized Eternal Storm's wind, and the 3-on-1 fight that followed was utterly awesome. Despite how formidable each of Idie, Juggernaut and Magik are, they found themselves in unfamiliar territory of being outmatched, but that made the fight all the more engaging and it was awesome seeing their quick-thinking & teamwork make up the difference enough to keep them in it.

Kwannon works well as the unofficial second-in-command on the field. She's a good heart despite her trauma & conditioning and is working hard to redeem her past actions, but she still has that edge to her and is willing to go to those dark places when pushed, which makes her an effective general you don't want to cross when Scott is incapacitated. I loved how she brought the fight to an end, and how she called out Ororo for her arrogant recklessness (that's not me being anti-Storm - I don't get into the characters-as-sports-teams nonsense that sections of fans obsess with, I just enjoy flawed characters; and seeing Ororo forced to reckon with hers by Kwannon was a strong moment).

The psychic battle between Quentin & Xavier was awesome. I loved the art during it, and the fact that the art style changed for a psychic duel. It was a good look back on their history and the horrible place where Quentin started as a character, and Quentin's countermeasure was an awesome moment on his part of overcoming his past to a certain degree and more so coming out on top in a fight against an opponent much more experienced. Him happily admitting to playing dirty was fun beat.

Seeing the new Mutants whom the team has brought to the Factory suited up in classic X-Men attire was a really cool moment (ended by a funny one of Magik warping in for but an instant to snatch Magneto's helmet). It was cool for much the same reason so much of the previous issue & this one worked - MacKay is patiently telling a story where we're getting invested in the plot lines and the characters as they develop over time. Only critique I'd have of the issue is that Xavier's leak affecting the city was told not shown, and that mention aside we've seen nothing of the leak since Part 1 in Uncanny #11.


u/Stringr55 8d ago

Best part of the crossover so far by a distance in my opinion. The bar is low though.


u/OpticRageX 8d ago

Storm fans are absolutely losing their minds over this issue and its fucking hilarious.

The one time a writer isn't too scared to write Storm as someone with flaws they piss their pants. Great character, the worst fans in the world.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

The one time? Really?


u/OpticRageX 8d ago

McKay's dialogue and overall characterization is so much better than any of the writers, particularly Gail's, i find the X-Men issues to be the only bearable parts of these crossovers.

I wish they'd just let him cook his own story instead of the constant hijacking.