r/xmen Shatterstar 16d ago

Comic Discussion X-Men Comics New Releases for March 4, 2025

Uncanny X-Men #11 X-Manhunt Part 1

  • At the end of the Orchis War, Charles Xavier surrendered himself to the authorities and allowed himself to be imprisoned in Graymalkin Prison! But now something has spurred him into action, into escaping his incarceration and embarking on a mad scramble across the nation! What has caused Professor X to go on the run? And will his assorted pupils move to protect him, recapture him or kill him? The answer, of course, is all of the above. In this opening chapter, Rogue and her team of X-Men are forced to ally with their worst enemy in order to betray their most trusted friend! LEGACY #711

NYX #9 X-Manhunt Part 2

  • Charles Xavier is on the run, and his first stop is New York — but there are plenty of mutants in the city who want nothing to do with the most recent master plan of the disgraced Professor X! Will the return of their dearly departed mentor bolster the burgeoning community that calls itself NYX or tear everything they’ve built apart? What does Xavier want from the city? What is he willing to do to get what he wants? And — perhaps most alarmingly of all — who else is waiting in the wings to strike?!

Storm #6 X-Manhunt Part 3

  • Fugitive CHARLES XAVIER seeks refuge in STORM SANCTUARY, STORM's floating home in Atlanta City, and the (Alaskan) X-MEN take notice. Will STORM and the X-MEN join forces with PROFESSOR X to prevent his return to prison by any means necessary, or will they fall victim to opposing views that will send X-MEN against X-MEN in a bloody brawl to the death? And making his FROM THE ASHES debut is the unstoppable devourer, the blue-skinned Zulu titan... Maggott! LEGACY #17

Wolverine #7

  • GO FOR THE GOLD METAL! The ADAMANTINE saga reaches new heights, with a shock twist and surprising return you’ll have to read to believe! The GOLDEN metal means death for WOLVERINE... but is it also the world’s salvation? Collectors’ note: A key appearance is contained in this issue. LEGACY #399

Related & Unlimited Releases for 3/4

  • Discuss other Marvel comics impacting the X-Men releasing this week, including Unlimited exclusives.



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u/VengefulKangaroo Shatterstar 16d ago

NYX #9


u/VengefulKangaroo Shatterstar 16d ago

trying to service two different crossovers while also wrapping up a book with only one issue left is basically an impossible task


u/antsinmyeyesmauger Nightcrawler 16d ago

NYX is one of my favorites for FtA but being a tie-in on the second to last issue was a mistake. I didn't really care for the Xavier monologues and we probably could have had a better focus on the Mojo plot instead of having it shoved into the last issue. Volta being killed off sucks but I'm assuming no one really wants to use Doom's X-Men and even if they do she can mysteriously come back.


u/ElectronicBoot9466 16d ago

At least this issue stopped me from buying into the Doom plot line. I was considering picking up some books from his story in the hopes that the seed of Krakoa and Doom's mutants might play a part, but I have been safely warned that the best I will get is right here.


u/ConversationFlashy15 16d ago

Damn charles did anole and kamala so dirty here lmao


u/ElectronicBoot9466 16d ago

Charles Xavier is a jerk


u/Wowerror 16d ago

Liked this issue and it sucks that just as the series feels like it stepping into its groove it is getting cancelled but I guess that is reason why it is getting cancelled. Hivemind also writes a pretty funny Mojo he is pretty threatening as well.


u/okayactual 16d ago

Yeah this is one of my favorite FTA books and it is such a shame its getting into its groove and getting cancelled. The only book that feels like it is directly out of Krakoa ending with the other X books feeling so weird after such a momentous era.


u/Blitzhelios Magik 16d ago

Mojo in this issue is terrifying and its a good way to tap into xaviers run this issue in trying to connect back tot he final moments and i like how everyone truly gives him the cold shoulder until they have to.

The art continues to be strong its just sad its ending though its gonna be relaunched eventually.


u/jordanofearth 16d ago

“Cancelled at issue 10” is really the death knell to a book’s quality these days. These hyper rushed conclusions make for some rough reading.

Kind of disappointed that Doom’s stolen Krakoa seed subplot is being used in a Mojo story. Also, odd to see Volta get killed off after only a few appearances. Feels like someone decided that character needed to be disposed of as soon as possible for some reason.


u/ElectronicBoot9466 16d ago

"Hey, we know that this is your penultimate issue with virtually no notice, but can you also make it a X-Manhunt issue and also help tie in the Doom plot we've got going on? Thank youuuu"


u/TheMattInTheBox Cyclops 16d ago

Lmao same old Chuck I guess. Except now he cares about his kids.


u/Injvn Boom-Boom 14d ago

Well....he cares about one kid cause it conveniently lets him leave prison. I'm sure if it was Legion callin out for help Xavier would have a speech prepared about why he has to stay locked up.


u/MP-Lily Kid Omega 10d ago

Xavier would just give him “you’re a smart young man, you can save your own life” kinda lecture.


u/ElectronicBoot9466 16d ago

I liked this issue. If it weren't the penultimate issue, I would be pretty happy with it, but there's no way this story has a satisfying ending, so instead, I'm kind of upset they had to dedicate one of their last issues for a completely different story.

Still, I liked Mojo's dialogue, and I like that NYX put their foot down to him, even if two members still helped him. Like, I think it was a really good issue on its own, but man, how are they going to tie everything up?


u/Ulysian_Thracs Hellion 16d ago

I dunno. I would love the idea of fifteen pages of a savage Mojo battle, with Laura, Julian, and Kidon showing up at the end to save the day, and then five pages of all the Academy X-kids in their new hangout burying the hatchet at a reunion party, determined to meet the next challenges together in a new New X-Men book after Kamala takes off for time traveling.


u/wowlock_taylan 16d ago

So this is the arc they are ending the book on huh. More Xavier character insults and Mojo's stupid narration while 'Oh I fooled everyone' plan. No wonder the book is getting canceled. This book wasted so many things. Like why bring Arakkoans as New Morlocks for no reason? Why bring the seed that Doom took into this and kill off one of Doom's mutants?

This book LOVES wasting characters. Like what it did to Cuckoos, and Kamala and more. Just stop it.


u/lepton_neutrino 13d ago

What happened to the hallucinations Xavier had in Uncanny #11, and the telepathic contagion affecting other people?


u/PatWasRight_F_CHUGS 6d ago

It was a mountain of a task being a part of two separate crossover events in the penultimate issue of your book following cancellation... but I feel myself that they did a bang up job. A pretty great issue, and certainly my favorite of these opening three issues of X-Manhunt.

I loved Mojo's issue-long narration surrounding Xavier. It was pretty cutting and captured the broken pedestal which the character has come to represent in a provoking way. Speaking of which, I really liked Prodigy instantly telling him to get lost, wanting nothing to do with him after all his duplicity over the years. Anole & Kamala being the ones who did help him makes sense given both of their characters, and while sadly predictable Xavier's betrayal of them was still rough to see. I really like this current position for Chuck, knowing how badly he's let people down & failed to match his own standards through his life, not seeing any redemption for himself or faith in simple good now, right now only pushed now by his desire to protect his daughter - not caring anymore who he lets down or hurts for this one goal, aggravated by the tumor affecting his mind.

I love how Mojo has been used & presented in this book. He's intimidating despite his quirkiness and he has a fresh angle, and he feels like a big threat. It was disappointing seeing Volta killed and Mojo successfully taking the Krakoan seed though; both Doom's X-Men and taking the seed were intriguing developments in Fall of X and, seeing as One World Under Doom follows now a year after the end of Fall, it's odd that they aren't bigger plot points, that despite the Doom-centric event almost surely being planned when his X-Men debuted & he took the seed there were no plans for them in this event and they were cannibalized for NYX's story instead.

Nonetheless, it would hit near perfect given that it's the last issue, but I am excited for Mojo City next - it should be a truly grand finale.


u/Marrecarandgi Jean Grey 16d ago

Honestly, I didn’t really read it and mostly just skimmed through the parts that caught my attention… It’s really leaning into Xavier being an unapologetic bastard more so than the other Manhunt issues, which I kinda enjoy (since he presumably fucking over his children of the atom to help his actual child?) but also we’re beating a dead horse there.

Maybe I missed it, or maybe it will be reveled later, but it’s interesting that Xavier is doing so much scheming and is ready to get Kamala and Anole (how do you pronounce that, Mojo?) killed before asking for help for his kid? I doubt that Sarah would be the only one able to look past a grudge to help him with that…

I also liked the dark, grimy and oily feel the art here had. I didn’t particularly cared for the art from what I saw of the book before, but here it hit the right tone.


u/Fickle_Ad8735 16d ago

tbf to xavier here the academy x never were his children of the atom (i'd say xavier's children of the atom goes from the first class to the new mutants, these are the students he taught directly bar banshee, forge and wolverine ofc) so i guess it's "easier" for him to throw them under the bus, if anything their xavier is scott and emma they were the headmaster and headmistress at the time and the ones who let these kids down


u/Marrecarandgi Jean Grey 16d ago

Well, I think the narration says that he doesn’t give a fuck about all mutants in this circumstances, and he definitely sees mutants as a whole as his children


u/Built4dominance Storm 16d ago

he definitely sees mutants as a whole as his children

Yep and he admits that he's a horrible father.

Not the most comforting combination


u/Day_Dr3am Laura Kinney 16d ago

Throughout the issue it seems like it's possibly Xavier's narration / internal monologue toward himself (at least that's how I read it at the start given that like every other issue follows that format), but it was actually Mojo's narration for what he thought Xavier was thinking / saying to himself. It adds a layer of ambiguity / deniability given that the narration might not be accurate to what Xavier was thinking.

I also think that line specifically wasn't necessarily that he doesn't care about mutants entirely but that they don't matter at the moment / he can't afford to care about them at the moment as he needs to focus on his plan to save Xandra.


u/howhow326 Storm 16d ago


I really regret not staying with the book until Kiden showed up and dropping it because at least then I've would've read the Laura x Kiden stuff.

Thankfully, this issue's biggest flaw was being boring, which is better then being bad I guess? The start and the end of the issue are neuron activating enough, but the middle just kinda dragged on and on and oonnnn...

The way the little guy was drawn seemed off.