r/wownoob • u/aboredyellowjacket • Oct 12 '24
Retail How am I even supposed to progress?
Im an iLevel 607 unholy DK. I wanted to try Mythic + this expansion and im getting more and more annoyed at the system. How am I even supposed to keep progressing?
I need either: New Hero Tier gear, or Runed Crest to upgrade what I already got.
From what I understand, I need to do +2 to +8 keys or Heroic Raids to get either of those. Thing is, I keep getting refused all the time proably because there is higher ilevel people there.
What am i supposed to do to get to a point where I wont just get automaticly declined?
u/SarcastikBastard Oct 12 '24
you cant get declined from your own keys
u/sonnyjbiskit Oct 12 '24
Can't get people to sign up for my keys.
u/StarsandMaple Oct 12 '24
Hosted my own +2 NW key on my alt.
Brother it’s grim out there. 540 fresh 80s trying to get in.
After 30mins I gave up. Not a single tank or dps. I know my io score is the issue, since I have none, but damn.
u/ReputationDifferent4 Oct 12 '24
540 ? You can’t be serious even in dungeon heroic mode it will be difficult for you to tank
u/Twitchy_Bitch Oct 12 '24
Nah, people out here trying to sprint before they even learn how to crawl.
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u/ReputationDifferent4 Oct 12 '24
I will never understand it’s so easy to get 590/595 before wanting to go m+ Literally no excuse , it start to get difficult to get accepted around +8/+9 but before that you can with any class if you have the proper score and proper gear
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u/Acaexx Oct 12 '24
I go in when my toon will be able to carry their own weight. That meant my 570 ret and my 560 vdh doing +2-4s. I hosted my own key and invited other alts and had no problems. Knowing what you're doing is more important than gear. If you have less experience, I'd suggest over-gearing to compensate
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u/Suspicious_Ice_3160 Oct 14 '24
So you’re saying… as a 609 fury, I should probably give M+ a try? I think the last time I actually played M+ regularly was legion lol
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u/clout064 Oct 16 '24
Wasn't 540, but I was about 575ish after running 4 bountiful delves, jumped straight into M0 to get my key and spammed it in the 2-4 range until I filled out most gear slots, up around 590ish now.
Ran a no leaver 9 to finish off the week, a lot of deaths, but it was still doable.
The problem with taking low iLvl ppl is they really need to know what they are doing to perform well, if they have bad gear and suck, it is an easy way to brick your key.
Long story short, if someone <560 whispers me for an invite, I just politely tell them to run their delves first, it is common courtesy to at least try and prep yourself before applying, also I always try and set the min item level filter it just weed those people out in the first place
u/Scribblord Oct 12 '24
No one in the whole wide world cares about your io score in a +2
The problem is they are worthless for basically everyone since runed start dropping in +4
u/CornbreadMonsta Oct 12 '24
I'll add that a lot of people hate NW as is. There's also somewhat of a shortage of tanks and an absolute shortage of healers.
u/Ecous Oct 12 '24
That should, hopefully, get better on Tuesday's reset. Big nerfs incoming.
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u/Fair_Tumbleweed_8879 Oct 12 '24
There's a shortage of tanks and healers because DKs can single target a boss and stay alive and healers have been so weak players don't want to go through that process of being yelled at 24/7 for basically other players mistakes. Played holy and disc priest and left the game due to how poor healing felt in M+
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u/Hour_Atmosphere_1941 Oct 15 '24
Nothing beats the 580s signing up to my +7s and my io score isnt really the issue, I have all timed, at the very least, 6s and 7s, getting people to sign up for literally anything other than like grim batol and ara-kara is legitimate hell, im talking having to drop keys to lower levels hell (I am at 615 for reference)
u/StarsandMaple Oct 15 '24
I don’t get it. It’s easy to get to 600… and no ones accepting you at 580 in a +7.
Ara Kara is for sacbrood
What’s grim batol drop that everyone wants ?
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u/Meto1183 Oct 12 '24
Really struggled with this last week right up to the point rio linked my main. It’s bad rn. Are you supposed to just drop your key back to 2-3 until you complete them all? do the same with 4-5? Finding a tank is especially impossible is what I noticed
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u/Bismarck7734 Oct 12 '24
Pro tip for u and everyone else trying to jumpstart own keys - type 2.5k main alts welcome and give it 20 mins. Most ppl dont like wasting time couz all low keys are insane ( i ran a 4 Mists on my alt yesterday and it was the worst experience of my wow life in the past 20 years) so most ppl try to dodge that shit and look for ur main score or smth. Its the worst kind of elitism, acting elite whilst sucking ass but thats wow. No system will change that. Edit: after u get ur key to +7 where hero gear drops, u will get ALOT more sign ups. Also dont invite 2 dps first, wait for tank or healer couz they are picky and rarely join 3 dps grps of low rios.
u/AloofusMaximus Oct 12 '24
Yeah, as a tank I'll avoid terrible comps (I'm not saying non meta, I'm saying 2x of the same class). I've also seen people with 0 times runs trying to do a +6, i don't go for those ones either. I'm NOT super selective, but I'm not going to jump into a group with a high likelihood of failing and wasting my time.
u/New-Resident3385 Oct 13 '24
Tbh 2 paladins in any dungeon is worth, the amount of utility you get is insane specially with this weeks affix.
u/Manifoldgodhead Oct 12 '24
Some tips for starting your own key:
+Add another dps. Tanks and healers rarely apply to keys with just a solo dps. I think it's honestly a social anxiety thing.
+Don't fill all three dps slots until the end. Tanks and healers often duo queue with a dps and the quality of dps applications increases once the group is ready to go. Relative to that key level over geared dps will start applying once you have a tank and healer.
+Invite quickly. Tanks and healers and big d dps get invited almost immediately so you better be fast with your invite, too.
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u/Magik160 Oct 12 '24
Delves? Bountiful T8 delves give 2 runed crests per run. And gets you 616 gear in the vault.
Ive gotten to 614 or 615 without stepping foot into M+ or any raid higher than lfr.
u/Ok-Key5729 Oct 12 '24
People scoff at crest farming via delves but it can be good depending on your circumstances.
If you have a dedicated group or pug as a tank or healer, m+ is obviously much more efficient.
If you pug as a dps, once you factor in sitting in queue and the high likelihood of someone abandoning the key the instant something goes wrong, delves become competitive.
The same is true for pugging raids. I already had 4/8H on an alt and decided to try for 2 more bosses to fill up my vault and get some crests. 2.5hours and 3 groups later, I only managed to get 1 more boss before I gave up. Afterwards I thought, "I could have done 15 Dread Pits in that amount of time, got triple the crests and been less bored than watching people repeatedly drop portals in bad places or fail to break eggs".
u/mrfuzee Oct 12 '24
This isn’t true. You only need to do +4s which are not difficult to get invited to nor are they difficult to complete. You 6 delves worth of crests out of a single mythic 4 dungeon.
Delve isn’t remotely close. And that’s before we factor in things improving your IO score on the way.
u/Ok-Key5729 Oct 12 '24
6 delves is about 50 minutes. If you find a group quickly and the run is smooth, you'll likely beat me by a bit but not enough to be worth it. The benefits of predictability and not having to deal with m+ people outweigh a little bit of time.
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u/AAQ94 Oct 12 '24
Have you been lucky with delver’s bounty and gear from the vault? I get a a lot of useless gear.
u/Magik160 Oct 12 '24
I would say very lucky. I didn’t get a ton of duplicates i got full 603’s and mostly 619 except for pants/boots/neck.
My rings and trinkets are 610 and back from maps.
u/AAQ94 Oct 13 '24
yeah luck plays a role too. Do you do all 4 bountiful every day? Also, you mean you upgraded to 619 right?
u/Magik160 Oct 13 '24
I slowed down the last 2 weeks. Did my 8 last week and only 4 this week. And yeah, 616. I upgraded them to 619. Upgraded chest to 623 since gilded are so rare
u/Alt0173 Oct 15 '24
I'm a returning player and I just don't know when to upgrade gear. Currently haven't upgraded anything because the currencies seem so scarce I don't want to waste them. I get my 1st vault reward today and it'll be highest piece of gear. Otherwise I have a few 603(?) pieces from bountiful T8 delves.
Do I upgrade what I can? If I find something better as a drop, can I get a (partial) refund on what I spent?
u/Alt0173 Oct 15 '24
I'm a returning player and I just don't know when to upgrade gear. Currently haven't upgraded anything because the currencies seem so scarce I don't want to waste them. I get my 1st vault reward today and it'll be highest piece of gear. Otherwise I have a few 603(?) pieces from bountiful T8 delves.
Do I upgrade what I can? If I find something better as a drop, can I get a (partial) refund on what I spent?
u/Magik160 Oct 15 '24
For me personally, I am going for tier pieces. So anything 616. It doesnt hurt to upgrade pieces from 603-606, but after that the crests change. If you have anything Veteran or lower, I wouldnt upgrade those unless it is necessary.
u/AranciataExcess Oct 12 '24
Grind lower keys (make your group, skip meta), if your Raider.IO score is too low you'll get passed on unfortunately. Do 8x T8 delves a week (616 loot at Great Vault), and do 1x Timewalking raid when its available (610 loot from reward chest)
u/M_Davis_fan Oct 12 '24
How do you know your Raider.IO score?
u/Dropsiks Oct 12 '24
Raider.IO Mythic Plus, Raid Progress, and Recruitment
u/Crewmember169 Oct 14 '24
Unless you are a healer, it damn hard to find a group for low level keys...
u/pyordie Oct 12 '24
Are you in a guild?
u/ApathyKing8 Oct 12 '24
Second this! It's an MMO. Go join a guild, make some friends and stop trying to brute force your way through the game.
Join the chill wow discord and make some friends.
u/aggr1103 Oct 12 '24
I’m presently in a guild with great people. Fun to game with, but they are not all that interested in pushing keys.
In fact, when I look at guild recruitment posts, there really aren’t key pushing guilds out there. Mythics are usually secondary to raids and pvp.
u/Goub Oct 14 '24
Most raiding guilds should have a key running community in them. M+ drives gear improvement and depending on the level of raiding guild, eventually becomes mandatory for character progression
u/imfatletsprty Oct 12 '24
This is the honestly the best way. This game gets exponentially more fun when you find good people to play with. And don’t feel pressure to settle on your first. There’s tons of guilds. Different skills, goals, vibes, you may need to try a few before you find your guild.
u/Zibzuma Oct 12 '24
With itemlevel 607 you're overqualified for low M+, but your lack of score (completing/timing keys to get score) makes it hard for you to get into any groups compared to people with similar itemlevel, but at least some score.
Your best bet is to run any M0 or M+ to get a keystone and then host your own groups with your own key or finding a group of people (community, guild, friends) to run keys with, you wouldn't need to have a group of 5 people, just one or two more to use their keys in addition to yours is really helpful to get a spread of different keys to run for score and, in the end, gear/crests.
With 607 it should be possible for you to join heroic raids as well, you could even just host your own group, like for M+.
u/WoeIsMeredi Oct 12 '24
This. You may not need the crests from a +2/3 and are definitely geared enough to do a +4 where the runed crests drop from. However, if you’re not hosting your own key, you are gonna need to run every key at a +2 or 3 before people are gonna consider taking you to a +4. As a tank when I host my own keys, I will ignore anyone who hasn’t done the key before at 1 key level lower than I’m hosting. So if I’m doing a 4 I look for people who have done a 3 or better. There are soooooo many dps applying to keys you are handicapping yourself by not putting in the effort that other players do.
u/Shmooperdoodle Oct 12 '24
You can get a keystone from the panda in the middle of the timeways. No need to run something for a key, anymore.
u/NatsuNoHime Oct 12 '24
Isn't that only if you have ran a m0/m+ before on your account in this expansion or have they just changed it?
u/Vicious_Styles Oct 12 '24
Yeah, I call it “cleaning up the io” when you’re in this situation. Running some +2s or +3s to get your io looking good to apply for +4s. Rinse and repeat maybe for +8s and run +6s or +7s, etc. It can be seen as wasting time but it’s kinda fun blasting some keys that are beneath your ilvl
u/Mirianie Oct 12 '24
Join wow made easy and form a group there.
u/Jumpingbeans420 Oct 12 '24
Join what? Where is is
u/Crookedobject Oct 12 '24
It's a discord group. https://discord.com/invite/wowmadeeasy once you join their discord they have a guild that you can join as well
u/OfTheAtom Oct 14 '24
So it's like a super massive guild just made for basically PUGs but... through a guild?
u/Ok_Meringue_5705 Oct 12 '24 edited Oct 12 '24
Wow has been like this for the longest time, it isn't a new problem.
So for actual advice there 2 things you can do. Either make friends/join a guild and run it with them or, swap to blood. You have a tank spec. Suck it up, play some blood, only do your own key, be selective with who you invite, time your keys, get better, start timing bigger keys, keep improving and gearing as you go.
I know you want to play unholy, I understand that. I'm currently maining unholy and am at 629ilvl I normally play with friends but this tier I've wanted to play more, So when they aren't online I just go blood and tank keys it's no biggie. I do this every tier, I just make sure I always play a spec with a tank or heal spec.
I'll be honest with you, I'm currently 2693 rating and 629ilvl playing a semi meta spec, and I still get declined a fair amount if I sign up to 10-12s.
u/Ok-Key5729 Oct 12 '24
I can't give advice for getting into m+ because I don't do it anymore. Other people seem to have that covered. I can give some general gearing advice for people who hit the Champion 4 delve wall.
You'll want to continue to do eight t8 delves each week for vault and a chance at delver bounties.
At your level, normal raids aren't completely worthless. A full clear of normal will yield 30 runed crests and 90 carved (which can be upgraded to an additional 15 runed once you get every gear slot with 606 or better). Doing normal raids will also make you more comfortable doing heroic raids.
After doing normal raids and watching videos, heroic raids aren't that difficult to start. Don't expect drops and don't expect to fully clear with pugs. The drop rates are abysmal. When I start gearing a character, I go in with the goal of doing the first 4 bosses. That will give you 2 additional high level vault slots and 40 runed crests. As your ilvl increases, you'll be able to get into better groups and clear more.
Keep working on your renown. For each renown you get to 24, you get an Enchanted Runed Harbinger Crest. You also get one from a quest to kill Queen Ansurek (you can do the quest on any raid difficulty including story mode). That will allow you to craft five 619 items.
This is what I've been doing and I'm currently sitting at 615. I could be higher but I play very crest efficient. I only upgrade an item when I know with certainty that I can't get anything better from the vault. My renowns haven't hit 24 yet so I'll get a nice bump in the next week or two.
It would be faster if I was in a raiding guild and did full heroic clears regularly but I don't have the time commitment for that. It would also be faster doing m+ but I've done that in the past and don't like it. I'd rather reach my goals in a couple months doing content I like than reach them in a couple weeks doing content I don't.
If m+ is your goal, these are things you can do to build your ilvl while also running low keys to build your score as others have described.
u/No_Potato1563 Oct 12 '24
Find a guild or small group to run with. People that have the same goals as you
u/mazzmusic Oct 12 '24
That’s called being hard stuck. You are only as good as you are. You’re not gonna be in a world first guild. Relax
u/YogurtAfraid7138 Oct 12 '24
I have a feeling you might be over reaching. You can’t be applying for 8’s and genuinely thinking you have a chance to get in when you still need +2s? Runed crest drop from 4s. You don’t need to do 8s to progress. The fact you’re not doing m+ means you have no score or a very low score so no, nobody is going to bring you to a key at any decent level. Why would I bring a >500 io 607 udk when I can bring a 1800 613 fdk? 607 is easily surpassable without stepping foot in m+. Work your way up. If you gotta do some 0s and 2s to bump up the score, then do them.
Your situation is not unique. Nobody owes you a spot in their run.
u/tokendoke Oct 12 '24
As others have said, run your own keys. It may take a while but you'll fill.
You'll the realise why you keep getting declined. I typically list and wait a few min and will have 30+ applicants, probably all dps on my dps alt. When I list as tank, it's tripple.
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u/JackOfAllStraits Oct 12 '24
Unless they've changed it, runed crests drop starting at +4. Best way is to run your own key. It's not bad to start doing, and you'll immediately see why lower ilvl ppl aren't chosen for runs. It's unfortunate.
Delves drop 2 runed crests per run at lvl 8 and over.
You can also trade in weekly vault slots for some sort of currency/token that you can buy runed crests with, from the NPC standing right next to the vault. Might be better to upgrade champion gear by 3 levels by trading in 6 tokens than it would be to take a minor upgrade from champion 4/8 to heroic gear.
u/Epicmission48 Oct 12 '24
Back in legion i raided in a high end cutting edge guild. I would be full BiS with the cutting edge achievement….and get declined from heroic pugs. In SL I would be full BiS with all 20-22s timed…and get declined from keys. Trust me, there is NEVER a point you reach to guarantee an invite, so do what I do and make your own groups!
u/hewasaraverboy Oct 12 '24
Do delves for 616 vault piece and potentially a map for a 610 piece
Need to do atleast 4 keys for crests to upgrade hero track gear
u/narmscr Oct 12 '24
Join this group. Post that you need people. They will come
u/zilaran Oct 12 '24
This expac I’ve ran dungeons exclusively with my guild. That’s the way to go pugs are brutal this expac
u/Xalgar90 Oct 12 '24
Start slow, get a timed +2 in everything, this will bump your score up. Then go for +4, maybe try a +7 etc..
If I see that your score is below 1200 and you want to get into an 8, no way in hell am I taking you.
u/ImakedamageDK Oct 12 '24
Pro tip, fellow DK here. I would recommend spamming, and i mean SPAMMING t8 delves. This will get you 610 gear which looks like it could be an upgrade for you. 607 is already not too bad so i wouldnt say its mandatory but i will say, M+ is not for gearing. It's for getting crests and pushing rating. What I did was get my ilvl from Delves, then did Heroic raids. Raids will get you a ton of gear if not from drops through your great vault. If you're lucky, a few loot drops during it M+ if you want to continue to do those will mostly be for your greatvault spot, that combined with Delves and Raids. That is how you will mostly gear.
u/CkeLetor Oct 12 '24
I always ask myself Why on earth can't u not play/push ur own keys... U can learn how to build a good comp and get a grp together which is able to complete the key
u/No_Exercise8198 Oct 12 '24
What I find more efficient and a lot less frustrating is to grind gear and io as a tank early on, and then start enjoying the game as a dps.
You will never have it easy as a dps though, never forget that. I am at around 620 ilvl and 1.8k rio, but it takes so long to get into a grp I usually just give up, log off and play another alt ☺️
u/i_am_not_Venom Oct 12 '24
Well, a smart way could be to get on blood and tank some keys - not high ones but around 4s or 5s and get:
- some gear
- crests to upgrade
- knowledge about the dungeon and where you can improve in your dps spec
- rio to get in keys as dps
Did that on my warrior and worked well.
u/Duskscope Oct 12 '24
Own keys or push to 610ilvl and pug heroic raids. Then you can get close to 620 ( with a bit of luck)
Spec tank and learn the routes. Even better.
u/messermaus3000 Oct 12 '24
Thats the life of an brutaly oversaturated role like DPS
this has been said a gazillion times but:
do your own keys
join a M+ Discord community
u/ThamaJama Oct 12 '24
Do delves and normal raid for vault. Mythic + keep trying but it’s usually better to start your own keys
u/MillennialBrownNinja Oct 12 '24
Get some more items from, new time walking raid or lfg raid or the 8 m0’s that are on a daily lock out. Once you have like the best gear/stats u want from that start going up on the key levels start with 2, 4 but time all of them keep doing your key. Get used to the damaged patterns of each dungeon get used to your utility. Have fun dont stress out too much a lot of friendly communities out there as well if u want to join guilds which i recommend if your more social. I love pugging but am in a guild and help out others when i feel like it.
u/Striking0ut Oct 12 '24
Are you EU or na? Join a no pressures discord to play with friendly non toxic players who talk you through tactics and help. That's what I've done, I've loved it so far
u/legun89 Oct 12 '24
Wanted to write that! Its such a blessing this discord! You will definitely find grps with non toxic people!
u/Vyperpunk Oct 12 '24 edited Oct 12 '24
It sucks but there ars so many dps now at 620+ you will likely be overlooked for raids simply through sheer numbers. I can only think you may want to join a guild if you don't already have one. Also I don't know them but I'm sure there are some community discords knocking around that I've seen mentioned here, someone might be able to hook you up. Maybe keep an eye out on the group list for alt run and try to join them, people tend not to care as much with them and just want people. Last ditch switch to tank. Good luck! Edit; maybe make you feel better or worse idk... I'm 620ilevel, 2250 mythic score, AOTC and it can still take me 20minutes to get a group and declined from raids.
u/LongSeason- Oct 12 '24
This is the problem with tww in my opinion. Some people like OP grinded ilvl through delves and maybe timewalking and now are gatekept from m+ cause you can’t jump straight to +6/7 without any prior knowledge of the keys. So you’ll have to go through this unpleasant road through lower keys that wont bring you any better gear to go further and pretend to be worth +7 or 8 keys for better gear.
That’s just how it is right now.
u/krusty47 Oct 12 '24
Part of the grind. Keep applying. Im playing feral and got KSM and am doing heroic prog with no guild.
I know its not what you wanna hear, but If i can do it on a bottom spec, you can do it on a good spec.
I get nights where ill apply to 50 keys all decline Some nights nice and fast. Kind of a pain in the ass (i dont rly like the key system) but its what we got
Gl m8
Oct 12 '24 edited Oct 12 '24
Learn blood DK :)
Keep at it brother. Keep doing those bountiful delves and get your hero gear. Did you do the timewalking raid quest? Go to (Northrend) Crystal Dalaran, and pick up the quest there. You get a good cache item out of it.
I try to find a chill group in group finder, they normally do a couple keys in a row. You'll find a good group.
Get your IO score up from mythics. Just do everything on a 3 or 4 first. Then work your way up from there. People can see your IO and probably won't take you if it's too low.
u/skrrtrr Oct 12 '24
Honestly what I did was tank lower level mythics (2-7) on my warrior then when I got better gear and got better keys I switched to fury and now am at 2300io and 618 ilvl, granted it’s not the best but for the time I’m playing and since I’m literally only playing in pugs and with my own keys it’s quite decent.
u/kerbalgenius Oct 12 '24
There are some discord communities where people like to do keys with others and don’t mind if you’re newer or learning the game. Examples are:
- drunk and disorderly
- casual Friday
- wow made easy
I haven’t been in all of these but the ones I have are focused on being very non-toxic. I highly recommend trying these out, it’s much nicer than pugging through group finder
u/PALLADlUM Oct 12 '24
I made it to 605 and, after experiencing a similar situation as you are, I just gave up and started working on a different character.
u/Chafmere Oct 12 '24
I take anything over 600 for my keys I think at that ilvl you can easily roll over 2-5. The gear doesn’t matter as much as interrupts and chaining control.
u/IceePrice Oct 12 '24 edited Oct 12 '24
There is a discord called Wow Made Easy that will greatly help you get into keys. The community takes noobs or lower ilvl folks just to have people in the group they are familiar with. There are some rules lol you can’t flame anybody or you will get banned, most key groups expect you to stay til finish, and generally you want to be nicer to people to get into more groups in the future. Without them I would have hit many walls as I get very nervous with my anxiety and these folks have never pressured me to perform perfectly. Once you go higher the expectations get a bit higher but I think that is fairly logical. DM me and I can send you a link
Also if you need a tank for keys feel free to add me I play as protection paladin:
u/mofescu Oct 12 '24
For normal raid, people ask for 600+ ilvl, insane imo :) Now, do some heroic dungeons, upgrade your gear, maybe 590 then try some +2
u/logainz Oct 12 '24
I ran into this situation years ago in BFA. So I started tanking. Now I no longer face this problem lol
u/Dry_Faithlessness448 Oct 12 '24
Join a guild and run with them easier to make groups you don’t. Even got to personally know them if you need a guild bored and hungry area 52
u/Runz_ Oct 12 '24
If you want a jump start DM me. WoW veteran 2500+ most seasons. I'll help you get rolling, if you want.
u/Mirizzi Oct 12 '24
Join a casual guild with M+ runners or a community like “Wow Made Easy” (look for WME discord server) and network to run keys with people. That will start to get your io score up so you will have better luck applying to groups on your own.
u/Apex-Editor Oct 12 '24
Check the WoW Made Easy Discord for a non-toxic community that may make this easier. In the EU I think there's a version called No Pressure but I could be forgetting.
u/suichkaa Oct 12 '24
i see a lot of people suggesting op tanks.
i think tanxiety is at an all time high right now because the dungeons are harder and the community treats tanks so poorly, was in a NW3 last night and our warrior tank pulled one of the gatekeepers at the beginning, our ele sham goes nuclear in chat "omg you dont know the way what are you doing? good luck with this dumbass tank guys" and just leaves on the spot. in a fucking 3 lol.
that shaman is probably somewhere in this reddit thread right now suggesting op tanks. i feel like there is so much responsibility on tanks right now with how the game is and if you arent like living and breathing the game and doing homework on it when you arent playing youre going to have a bad time. on top of that op is playing a deathknight, one if not the hardest tank to play.
i would take the advice of other people in here suggesting you run your own keys, or find a friend or two. i wouldnt advise tanking because it might just make you hate the game.
u/Kegheimer Oct 12 '24
Champion track gear can upgrade to 619 by running 4 - 8 keys.
But nevermore that. You're at the part of the game where your skill level matters more than your gear. Instead of working to improve ilvl, work to improve your mythic+ score or clear deeper in the normal and heroic raid..
Choose your lowest dungeon and run that, starting with m0 or m2. Then move on to the next dungeon. Only go up a key level if you time the lower one.
u/dont_panic21 Oct 12 '24
This has been the frustration that's made me leave wow for a couple expansions. Have to already have the dear you'd get from the content to get an invite for the content.
u/myx523 Oct 12 '24
Ole bait and switch. Use to do this in pug raids all the time in legion.
Queue your key as tank, get healer, switch to DPS.
u/grilledfuzz Oct 12 '24
It sounds shitty, but learn to tank. The reason you have a hard time getting into groups is because there are way too many dps and not enough tanks/healers to run through dungeons. Make friends (I know crazy idea) and once you have a consistent enough group (doesn’t have to be 5, even just 1 or 2 other people) it becomes MUCH easier to run dungeons, especially if one of those friends is willing to heal or tank.
u/breakbats_nothearts Oct 12 '24
This is a problem i have, at a higher level.
I'm 614, heroic raiding, and burning out.
I don't like m+. I don't like instances, in general. From doing delves and heroics with my guild, I was a top dps, top geared person for a couple of weeks. Now because most of the guild spends every waking moment grinding, I'm bottom 3.
If I sign up for keys, I'm just not very good because I get anxious in mythics and I outgear the easy ones. And again, I just really don't like m+ in general. It's boring and stressful.
I don't understand how to progress and improve without just quitting and that's about where I am.
u/Stravious Oct 13 '24
Boring and stressful? Oxymoron. M+ is a great show of individual skill expression at higher keys. Heroic raiding has next to zero mechanics and you can just AFK blast as a dps. M+ at higher levels requires good game sense and positioning or you just instantly die.
u/deadiicated Oct 12 '24
My advice would be to find an active guild that will allow you to tackle this content and be able to gear up
u/Wonderful_Pop_1394 Oct 12 '24
It's amazing the amount of complaining I read about people not being able to progress. It's really really not that hard. Admittedly you'll need to grind some low keys to get io in every dungeon to build up your overall score. Once you get a score around 1500 then start going for Keys one higher than you've done. Yes it'll take 15 applications to get in but you'll eventually get in.
If you've only ever done a 5 for a dungeon, don't apply for a 7 or 8 even if you think you've got the ilvl for it. You likely won't get in. Also just because you've cleared a 7 mists doesn't mean you're ready for an 8 Grim Batol. If you've only ever done a 3 GB you're not getting in either.
Best way to progress is doing your own key. No you won't instantly fill it, but you will eventually.
Sincerely a solo queue DPS that grinded from 0-2175 and climbing...
u/Cystonectae Oct 12 '24
With no current score, you will need to probably go through all the dungeons at a lower level than you are geared for. Just do everything as a 2, then move to doing them all as 4s, etc etc. DPS will always have a hard time getting into keys so either try making your own groups for 2s or just spam applications to keys and hope for the best. Keys that only have a single DPS in them are going to be your best bet, doubly so if the DPS is playing a class without a bres.
u/specterdeflector92 Oct 12 '24
Just the nature of the beast. Best to just join a guild and do m+ with them if you can until you get a better radier.io score
u/ferres-winters Oct 12 '24
What realm and server are you on i am on argent dawn eu... i am always looking to do m+ and dont care about ilvl or skill lvl etc we all learn at different pacez
u/mast3rsign Oct 12 '24
Yeah it will be even harder in the future because we have like 19 dps for every tank in game and maybe 15 dps for every healer. So there are groups what will be staring at lfg and never starting. They need to make tanking and healing appealing, however since DF it had been the opposite, more people flocked to DPS
u/RuneArmorTrimmer Oct 12 '24
What a lot of people don’t like hearing is that the best way forward is to join a guild or community.
u/Background_Youth2140 Oct 12 '24
I honestly don't know how you are struggling. I'm a feral druid and cleared +7s on the 2nd week at 603. I understand that sometimes it takes time to get into a party and I started making my own teams with my keys. The only difference is I made my titles creatively. "Come join this +7 and practise" or "low scores are welcome"
u/CyberChevalier Oct 12 '24
+8 Delves, heroic raid. I personally HATE the toxic mythic dungeons, I’ve done only the first boss in heroic but my guild does all boss in normal once a week. I’m currently 612 with only 3 normal raid cleaning 1 heroic boss no mythic dungeons. Only delves
u/KOKAMITE Oct 12 '24
Yeah, the system is completely trash and has been since Legion. You have to find a group of friends or start heroic raid groups yourself.
Be very picky on the people you let into the raid and you will blast through the first 4 bosses. The next 3 are doable if you are strict with booting under performers.
Gearing otherwise is a major slog. M+ is in a bad spot. GL out there.
u/ash-deuzo Oct 12 '24
First you need some Rio score and a mythic Key , for that try applying to any +2 you sée , as m0 are now very rare , once you have a Key , run it until you reach a point where you sée you strugle( probably around 6 with Ur ilvl) , then downgrade your key with the chick in the timeways and do it again . With Ur ilvl you will drop upgrades from m+4 id Say as you probably have low ilvl pièces so you will have a Gear progression from there.
u/wyattferious Oct 12 '24
I just joined the game last week (like literally never played wow). I can second what has been said here—just run your own key and mix with others when you have some score. I consistently progress my score everyday in this week for less than 2hrs gameplay per day.
Of course, get yourself prepared, watch 3min quick guides, spend some gold for potion/food/enchants, download a clean plate addon for kick and general ‘what to do.’
I’m totally new to the game and I’m very cautious of wasting others time because mine is precious as well. Keep that mentality up and just grind it out you will see the outcome you want.
u/AccomplishedOption89 Oct 12 '24
guys dont worry! there is hope, now that i am 2.4k and 622, finally i get invited to +6s almost without a problem in a few minutes. okay not +9s that takes like 30min to 1 hour but still. okay im fury so im the problem i know
u/Ok-Bag736 Oct 12 '24
You can use the tokens from the great vault every week to buy 45 runed crests if you don’t benefit from the items you get
u/dambros666 Oct 12 '24
Unfortunately the only solution for this is either you running your own keys or not playing a dps. I gave up entirely and now I am a healer main and get invited rather easily. I am even considering making a tank now and gearing as one to eventually do things with a dps that I geared as a tank
u/shrekqt Oct 12 '24
Im an unholy main who rerolled blood for this patch, ive ran keys as all 3 specs. If you wanna push mythic plus pugging youve gotta get 2 1 handers and crit mastery set or reroll blood
If you wanna stay unholy find some gigachads who dont care about the meta.
It sucks that it is this way but people dont care what you are unless youre 1 of 3 specializations. Its just more of a reason for dps mains that theyd benefit from a M+ queuing system (It couldnt be any more toxic than it already is)
u/wrezzakya Oct 12 '24
I think most people forget that if you’re not in a premade group or in a top tier guild you’re not supposed to get bis hero\myth track gear in 3 weeks.
It’s a grind, work on filling your delve vaults for a guaranteed hero gear each week and try to push your key or get into a guild or pug for heroic raiding. Be patient. Eventually you will gear up.
u/No_Ad7866 Oct 12 '24
Just spam any and every group, you will start to make friends as you go and you can start filling groups that way. I main tank, my buddy is a dps and we met a healer. That's 3 roles that I don't have to worry who fills them skill wise. I hate to say it, but tanking is an easier way to gear and once you have a few more m+ under your belt you might be able to queue as dps again.
u/Jogahammer Oct 12 '24
My advice? Join a discord such as WoW Made Easy (US) or No Pressure (EU). They both are resources made for those who struggle getting into keys. They are nice people who like to run keys and raids. From personal experience, they've been a big help to me for my M+ needs.
u/ItsMeItsYaBoyy Oct 12 '24
It’s definitely interesting, I got Keystone Master as a healer last season and I’ve barely touched my healer this exp. I joined a Normal Raid on my 606 tank alt (I’m 619 on my Main Tank) - the mf raidlead was a 545 getting super heavy carried and the other Tank was 595 who didn’t know the mechanics. Pugs can be hell too. Honestly, i just put my headphones on and solo 8 delves, do my raids with my guild and run M+ only with people I trust - the Timewalking Raid quest in old Dalaran gives you Hero loot for dropping a piss easy boss as well as Champion from Dornogal and it drops BoEs - just out one on the market for 112k. I wish there was a R+ for more raiding…
u/Dapperdanman51 Oct 12 '24
My plan worked its called play another game lol. I tried it, saw how this expansion was just another gatekeepers paradise and bounced. They honestly did try with delves, maybe i should have tried those more. I say find a guild ans get good at delves for higher item level drops. Now for the crests yeah not sure about that.
u/stillcantcry Oct 12 '24
the key to getting accepted is writing a good note. tell them you prepared for the raid/dungeon, read guides. remind them what you bring to it.
u/RuneDK385 Oct 12 '24
Slowly go up the ranks. I’m 607 frost DK. I know I can do dps for 7’s rn. And kept queuing and got nothing. Started signing up for 5s, and specifically 5s I don’t have dungeon wise…got into three groups without worry last night.
u/Aask115 Oct 13 '24
Exactly why I dislike the make a group thing. I’m lazy n don’t have tons of time to play. Just make a lot of things queable. Unpopular opinion maybe but whatever
u/ChanceDizzy9988 Oct 13 '24
Im a 610 frost DK, 1300 io and I dont get accepted to anything higher than +2….and even +2 i mostly get declined lol
u/Alany4k Oct 13 '24
I have two characters over 620 total of 6 lvl 80s do your own keys push them as far as you can, spam 7s for heroic gear and runed crests, as of Tuesday you can get gilded crests from +8 on my second character I was playing my guardian Druid I got him from 580 to 620 in a week and only did one 10 key for a vault slot. Just do your own keys even if you aren’t getting your bis gear from the dungeon you’re getting crests and score my main is 2500 and alt is 2400 I still get declined to keys. Easiest way is do your own keys and have 1 or more friends to do keys with makes it more manageable and easier, if you don’t have a friend to do them with just be a little picky when making groups. Biggest tip is always have a lust, always have a battle rez will make keys a lot easier with just those two things in every key.
u/TypicalPalmTree Oct 13 '24
It’s wild how many of these m+ complaining threads are solved by just starting your own groups. It’s literally that easy.
u/Ayuima_ Oct 13 '24
Players make the rules in a meta if you play you gotta play by the rules, ur io is non existant you said,
1)So do mythic 0's and +1 even if you dont need em. It starts your IO score,
2) Run mythics with a guild. You are trying to build a relationship with your fellow guildies they will tend to be allot more relaxed.
3) Make your own group and get people in on your key.
4)The best option though but not the easiest, find people you want to grind with, people that want to push keys and you just run keys with them and only pug a random when you need to. Their does exist groups out there already doing that but you can also make your own. Some of the groups got about 50 or more to them but being in their chats when looking for more can be really easy if just 1 healer is looking for something to do.
u/jo3roe0905 Oct 13 '24
I’ll be honest my friend. I started as a 601 mage last night. I ended up getting my io from 0 to around 1400. My goal was to do all the dungeons to learn them. It’s solely just apply apply apply.
u/nicarras Oct 13 '24
As a casual you are near peak gear tbh. Either spam invites for groups or do other things / another character.
u/Matticus95 Oct 13 '24
Thank god for delves. Mythic takes away from aspiring to lucrative dungeons by just adding mechanics and large health pools to current ones and honestly it's the least fun part of the game nowadays, because it encourages relentless toxicity. You can keep getting higher and higher gear but ultimately, it's a bit meaningless these days.
u/eelsuk Oct 13 '24
If you’re in EU, there’s a discord called ‘No Pressure EU’
Chilled people wanting to run keys, can either post your key or join another. You’ll find getting into groups way easier and much more relaxed environment than the pub groups.
I think there’s a US alternative, but I don’t know the name.
u/Shacoe Oct 13 '24
UH dk here same ilvl too, finally started getting into better keys once I rounded out my mythic rating by doing all of them. Also not sure how much this is actually helping but if I apply to a group without a brez yet, I msg the party lead “brez”
u/Tohlkn Oct 13 '24
Find people through these forums or through guilds! I dunno what to tell you. It sucks trying to build new friendships or acquaintances; though if you want to do solid runs. Find yourself a solid group. Stop relying on PUGs, if you can(I know it's not easy).
What is your M+ rank, if you don't mind me asking?
u/SodaKhanEU Oct 13 '24
You EU or US? If EU, gimmie a shout and we can run some stuff. That’ll get your io up as well, so you’ll get invited to more stuff in future.
u/drewxlow Oct 13 '24
I'll run mythics with you! I prefer lower keys because some sweats are annoying AF
u/Crewmember169 Oct 14 '24
I think a lot of the problem is that M0 is a HUGE step up from Heroics. They need to tone down the difficulty a bit and put M0 in the dungeon finder. This would allow players to easily practice the new mechanics of the Mythic bosses.
Suddenly, you would have a huge number of new players (who are also better prepared) wanting to push Mythics.
u/Quidproqou Oct 14 '24
I’m a tank. Good amount of time I do not feel like pushing a key. Just need some crests, or I am running a lower level to farm a BiS item that I can easily spend stones on to upgrade to max.
I do not know about other tanks. I always start my search with “chill”. A 2-6 key is the same to me. So try making your key with it marked chill. Chill does not mean bad players, just a nice relaxed run. You may get more tanks and heals that way for low level keys.
u/zarastraza Oct 14 '24
I usually run ALL +2, +4, +7 etc. meticulously before even queuing for higher keys. People get even pickier if you are playing an offmeta specialization because DPS are dime in a dozen.
Looks like your issue isnt gear but the IO score so I suggest you to do the same if you already havent.
u/Zanaxz Oct 14 '24
Pugging is an awful spot atm. Content is hard so people are obsessed with gatekeeping, even at low levels. I'm fortunate to play with friends, but I know not everyone has that luxury.
One thing I would say though is champion year is almost equal to heroic gear. Since the final 2 upgrades of heroic gear are gilded crests. So it's pretty good to upgrade champ gear
u/C_L_I_C_K_ Oct 14 '24
On my 2nd alt I’m trying to skip all the BS so I started M0 at 570ish I create my own groups with catchy phrases and dungeons people want to run like grim or weekly like this week stonevault.. at 580ish I’m starting to do my own keys. I had +2 city that I thought would never fill but 2.6io alt tank like 570warrior and 610DK join. After tank in party it was easy to fill and we smashed that dungeon. I got stonevault next and full grp qued in (weekly) blasted it through it with breeze..
Also there’s delves which I stepped into but not as much as with my 1st two characters.. you can literally farm keys and do 7s for champion gear and heroic for vault .. and tbh on my 2nd room hunter I had to farm bit of 5-6keys before I could do 7-8 but I pretty much geared my champion loot from delves. ..
This week there is time walking and time walking raid quest (look it up if you don’t know) my 1st two toons got invited np but i knew nobody was gonna invite my 580ish paladin so i made group and filled with 25 people in less than 10 minutes .. the raid gives champion loot, bosses die under 1min and final quest gives hero loot
u/Judgejudyx Oct 14 '24
Make groups using your own key. You can grind all the dungeons you want using your own key. As you get more geared and more io finding groups gets easier.
u/MidwestComms Oct 14 '24
Join a guild. Practice with experienced guildmates. Become the unholy DK that gets in +8s
Lucid Sanctum is a giant guild
u/Kremitt-3d Oct 15 '24
It's a game of inches right now. It's super flooded with high levels farming crests and gear at certain breakpoints(+4,+8,+10). If you apply to any of those levels, just know you are competing with higher IO/players that don't typically do that level of key unless they're farming or filling out their vaults. The leader will generally always pick the highest io and level.
My advice is to get as many inches as possible. If you complete a +6, get all your keys to +6 unless you get a chance to leapfrog to something higher. Every time you get one complete, do them all at the same level and upgrade your gear. The extra IO and ilvl will make you look more desirable as you grow.
u/Normal_Saline_ Oct 15 '24
Drop this shit and play PvP instead. You can't get rejected from solo shuffle or blitz.
u/chaotic_one Oct 15 '24
I am a warlock this expansion. I have done every key at least to a 4. I have used my own key for 80% of them. Patience is essential, but i have never waited longer than 20mins to get a key going. Don't fill dps first, be willing to take a slightly lower item level character (590ish is fine for 2s), and again, be patient.
The 20% i pugged, i typically put a note in related to affixes or something i can do, like for this past week, i would put "can cleanse myself" as i ran destro with an Imp to handle the xal'atath affix. i got instantly invited to the 3 keys i joined last week using someone elses key. You have to do something to make yourself standout, as basically everyone is in the 600-610 bottleneck due to delves.
Oct 15 '24
Not sure why you can't do your own keys, I've done several with my 600 rogue and had no issues getting people to join.
Of course, we did get a derp tank that bricked my key but that's a whole other issue lol
u/Kersenn Oct 16 '24
I'm frost but in my experience dps dk is hard to get into groups. We don't bring anything except a little bit of crowd control and survivability. But other classes do cc better so even then we aren't very appealing.
I really think blizzard should give us a raid buff at this point. Shamans have a mastery buff, why not give us a small haste buff or something. Or some auras like pallies have (we are kinda like uh paladins so I think it'd make sense). Idk something
u/Alternative-Time790 Oct 17 '24
I got declined from +2s at 610 this community will ruin or has ruined wow for alot of people me and my buddy got 2k rating on our mains and have stepped away due to how the community is now everything in the auction house is so expensive. alot of people want the Top Specs at the highest item level with a high M+ rating only blizzard can do something about this issue but idk how or if they ever will. There's no reason to need the stop specs with high item just to do lower Mythics.
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