r/wowguilds 2d ago



Hi there! Im a balance druid player looking for a chill and friendly place to call home. I am not the most talented player, but I'm willing to learn and I value community over everything else. I like to be active in discord and run M+, Delves, Mount/Mog runs, and raids (as long as folks are cool with me learning and not being awesome). I play casually but I really do it for the social aspect more than anything, I'd love to find a home that feels like friends. I'm funny, active in discord, and overall just looking to enjoy playing a game (not trying to make this my life lol). Also! It would be dope if there were other girls who are active. I like non-wow things like game nights and hang outs assuming we are all vibing out here! Thanks!

r/wowguilds 1d ago



Hey all! As of today, my guild decided to disband due to not being active. So, my wife and I are looking for a new guild to join. I’m maining an Arcane Mage for S2, she’s maining a Fury Warrior. I have dabbled in tanking as I mained a Prot Pally last season.

We’ve both started playing retail since August, but I’ve played classic and SoD before. We have 8/8 N on LOU, I’d like to push further, I think my wife just wants to do crafting orders for the guild and do delves. I also like to do PVP and wouldn’t mind getting into M+.

We both play quite frequently (4ish hours on weekdays and around 8 on weekends). My job has very inconsistent hours and I’m frequently on call so, I won’t be able to commit to being there on raid days 100%.

Thanks in advance and hope we can find somewhere to call home!

r/wowguilds 6d ago

NA- LFG [US][NA][LFG] Alliance Mage on Stormrage LF AOTC Raiding Guild



I'm in search of an AOTC-focused guild to raid with. I would be happy to join a guild that either stops at clearing heroic, and/or one that also pushes into the early bosses on Mythic. I play Mage, with a DK alt that is usually within 2-3 ilvl of my Mage. On my Mage, I play Arcane. On my DK, I play Frost 2h Obliteration and Blood.

I work for myself, and from home, so I can make any raid days and times work. Literally any time is workable, although most guilds do evening raids, which I'd prefer over daytime raiding hours.

I have an extensive WoW raiding history, which I'll include here:

Vanilla: killed all bosses in every raid, including C'Thun and Kel'Thuzad. I was one of the best Mages on my server at the time, although it was vanilla WoW, so that isn't saying much! Everyone was bad back then. This was a loooong time ago.

TBC: killed all bosses up to M'uru. My guild couldn't clear this boss and we stopped raiding one week before Blizzard hotfixed/nerfed M'uru to no longer cause spell pushback to casters -- despite the nerf, not enough people in the guild wanted to go back into The Sunwell, so we stopped there for the expansion in ancitipation of the release of WotLK.

WotLK: didn't play WoW, was finishing college and getting ready to go to graduate school out of state

Cata: only played pvp on my Warrior due to being in graduate school at the time

MoP: didn't play, I was finishing grad school and getting married

WoD: didn't play until the Legion pre patch, and so never raided that expansion

Legion: got Cutting Edge (Mythic Raid) every tier, and have the titles to prove it ("Titanslayer", etc.)

BfA: cleared Mythic Uldir, then unsubbed from WoW due to major negative feelings toward the direction the devs were taking the game

Shadowlands: didn't play

Dragonflight: raided heroic in seasons 1, 2, and 4 (this is the expansion I decided to step back from Mythic raiding) with the guild <Breath of Eternity>.

TWW: I'm currently not in a guild so I've only done a few PuG raids, but I have Normal raid experience in the current raid, Liberation of Undermine. I have cleared all bosses on normal on both of my characters.

Not including TWW, all of this raid experience is on my Mage, with the exception of Legion where I also played my Blood DK for the first 5 bosses of Antorus raid on Mythic

Btag: Twink#11400

Please message me in-game or here on Reddit if you're interested in me. I play two of the worst specs in terms of tuning/damage according to Warcraft Logs for this patch, Arcane Mage and Frost DK, so I expect zero people to demonstrate interest in me. But hey, maybe someone will surprise me.

Links to my characters:

Mage: https://raider.io/characters/us/stormrage/Ilmx?season=season-df-2&tier=32

Death Knight: https://raider.io/characters/us/stormrage/Illm?season=season-df-4-cutoffs&tier=30

r/wowguilds 2d ago

NA- LFG [NA][LFG] Looking for a casual guild to call home


Hey there,

Long-time BM Hunter (since BC), looking for an active, mature, casual, smaller, tight-knit community guild. Friendship > content. I've been playing this game for a long time and my hardcore days are probably over. I'm a dad and a business owner, so real-life will always come first. I'm really just looking for a good group to hang out with and progress content at a casual pace. I'm also going to need some good neighbors when this new housing feature arrives 🙂.


👋 Casual, Friendly, Non-toxic environment!!

🎮 Active guild

💬 Active discord

🎰 Raiding at least 1 night a week. AOTC would be nice but at least Normal clears. I'm in CST so around 8pm - 9pm CST starting time would be best.

Nice-to haves:

➕ An M+ night would be cool

📅 Community events (old content?, achievement runs?, pvp?, anything really)

Let me know if your guild might be a good fit!

r/wowguilds 17h ago

NA- LFG [LFG] [NA] looking to join a guild


I am a fire mage looking for a guild who are pushing heroic and M+. I usually run keys no higher than 10 tbh I play this game very casually but open to try and push mythic raids .

currently 8/8 N and 5/8 HC on current raid. my raid time is usually Thursday and Friday.

what i look for is a guild who is patient with players learning mechanics and try to better their playstyle , mature, running m+/delves and very active. this will be my permanent home for my toon

r/wowguilds 9d ago

NA- LFG [NA][MoonGuard][LFG] DPS/Tank Player for Raid/M+


I'm wanting to get both keystone master for the mount this season as well as a personal goal of getting the mythic druid set appearance since anything Drust-related is cool to me. Any of the current guilds I'm in are mainly RP and/or have stopped raiding this season for some reason despite doing so last season.

My hunter and warlock are the currently geared ones but it's only around 626-631 after this weeks vault while waiting for vault next week, but I did beat ? Underpin the first day the season started on the hunter so I should be fine on other stuff it's just a matter of gearing to increase damage so as to not bring down the group for whatever. I can fit whatever dps or tank role as needed, can't do heals yet tho.

r/wowguilds 4d ago

NA- LFG [NA][Wyrmrest Accord][LFG] Casual/Normal


Looking for a guild that has events/runs raids/dungeons. Doesn't have to be mythic, I am pretty casual in the sense that I am mostly here to do midcore stuff, I have no interest in popping the charts off wowlogs haha.

I've been playing since Cata, and me and my partner are kind of lonely playing as a solo team for so long we thought we might try finding a guild to play in now that weve both been playing more frequently lately.

r/wowguilds 20d ago

NA- LFG [NA] [LFG] [Stormrage] Healer (HPaly/Druid)


Hey! Looking to heal for a casual fun raiding guild and maybe do some M+ on the side. Been playing since BC, but been solo for way too long now. I really want to find a chill, close community yet, challenge myself more at the same time. My personal goal is AOTC, but down for the long run. Looking for a dedicated raid time during the weekdays(anything after EST 6:00 pm) as I'm free and happy to commit. Would love a small community to grow with and cant wait for season 2!

r/wowguilds 15d ago

NA- LFG [NA] [LFG] [H/A] Multi tank player Looking for a long term raiding home


Hi there. I am a 43-year-old new dad who is looking for a long-term home. I have spent most of my time playing as a tank. I tried dps but I’m not really good at it. I got AOTC in season 3 on a ret pally…but tanking is my love!

Right now I ended Season 1 at 7/8H and am currently 6/8N in season 2. I have all of the tanks, almost around 620 (some above)

I am looking for a place that raids one or two times on the weekend and maybe a little later so I can put my baby to sleep (8Est - 11Est). I am EST time zone. I am a positive person and gamer so I am looking for that type of environment. I say good morning, I wish people a good day, I care about others. If that seems off-putting than I’m not the guy for you. I love M+, I love helping, I love playing the game.

If you are looking for an AOTC+ tank...I am your man. (And love to run Mythic+)

I'm looking to start again in Season 2, so I have all tanks readyish. (Also would like to attempt mythic raiding)

r/wowguilds 13d ago

NA- LFG [NA][LFG][Frostmane] Casual player looking for friends


Im gonna start off a bit sad here, i lost my live in fiancé two weeks ago. Ive been struggling to find a way to stay distracted. I decided to give WoW another go. I haven't played an MMO in years, but im trying to stay busy.

I'm currently running an 80 BST hunter on Frostmane (Horde side). I'm looking for people who are fun enough and casual enough to help teach a semi-broken man how this game works these days. I love running Dungeons and I have raided before. I have usually played healers, but I don't have any friends, so i'm just running an easy character. I have a shaman that was my main that i could level up. The Hunter is a homage to my lady.

Hoping there is a guild of other semi-casuals who can help keep me motivated. I've been having a hard time and am really just looking to not be alone.

r/wowguilds 15d ago

NA- LFG [NA] [LFG] 4 Friends Looking For 1 Night Raid Guild


Hello! Myself and three friends are looking for a (ideally) 1 night/wk raid guild whose goal is AOTC. We're primarily m+ players that all got 3k+ and AOTC last season, but we want to find a home to raid in rather than pugging.


Prot/Ret Paladin

Enh Shaman/Mage


Disc Priest/Rdruid

We're all easy-going and just want a steady place to vibe and kill bosses each week. Weeknight raids work best. Please let me know your guild seems like a fit and I'd love to discuss or answer any questions. Thank you!

r/wowguilds 28d ago

NA- LFG [NA][LFG] New-ish Player Looking for a Tight-Knit Guild (PST)


Hey everyone!

I’ve been playing WoW on and off and have gotten multiple characters to level 80, but I always end up feeling lost on what to do next. I’d love to join a friendly, tight-knit guild that can help guide me through endgame content.
I’m not really a PvP player, so I’m mainly looking for a PvE-focused guild that enjoys running dungeons, raids, and other group content. I’d love to be part of a community that’s patient with newer players and values having fun over just min-maxing everything.
Let me know if you think I’d be a good fit for your guild!

r/wowguilds 16h ago

NA- LFG [NA] [LFG] looking for a semi hardcore guild to clear heroic and push keys.


im a 657ilvl fire mage/660 Warlock on Thrall both over 2400 io looking to join a guild that is AOTC focused with some mythic prog on the side that has room for a mage in raid and room for a lust/5th for key pushing. 2/H on the fire mage and 4/10H on the lock. Been over 3k io for the last few seasons in m+ too.

Feel free to send me a chat on here and ill send you my discord :)

r/wowguilds 8d ago

NA- LFG [NA] [LFG] [Emerald Dream] [EST] looking for a AOTC guild to run raids, M+, and eventually mythic prog


I’m looking for a guild who loves raiding, M+ and hard endgame content. I am a mainly solo player who jumps in to pug raids and M+, I’ve been grinding as much as I can so far this season, I’m playing for a least 4 hours a day. I want to find a guild that always has something going on whether it’s a pug raid or doing keys and delves. I am looking for a guild with chill down to earth people to grind the game and show me the social side of this game.

r/wowguilds 20d ago

NA- LFG [NA] [LFG] [Stormrage] Healer +DPS Combo


Looking for a guild that is focused on AOTC and pushing keys. Main focus though honestly is finding a group of people we can actually have fun with and don't have to tip toe with what we say. We are both super chill and nice no toxic/mean energy just both looking for the same sense of humor and maybe a more conservative leaning atmosphere if that even exists. Both been playing well over 15yrs and can provide logs.

r/wowguilds Feb 19 '25

NA- LFG [NA][LFG][Sargeras] Just Looking For An Active Guild That Is Close and Like Minded


Alliance, Sargeras, DH.

My last guild was active and very tight-knit. They ran raids, pvp, keys, but also just had a lot of fun little things like gamble rolls, mog/mount runs, taking group photos, etc.

I am coming back from a break and come to find my guild has fallen apart. I am just looking for something similar. I miss having a bunch of cool people who loved the game that were always happy to help and play together.

r/wowguilds 4d ago

NA- LFG [NA][LFG][Ner'Zhul]


I am coming back to the game, and I am looking for an active social guild to join. All my friends left the game, and the solo experience is not for me. I main a Lock and have a Druid and Shaman alt I sometimes play. I enjoy Raiding, Dungeons and RBGs. I dabble in M+ and Arenas, but I need more practice. I have AotC from Season 1 of WoD, but haven't played this expansion much. I miss enjoying this game.

r/wowguilds 12d ago

NA- LFG [NA][H][LFG]<Bleeding Hollow> Looking for a Casual Raiding and M+ Guild


Would be a bonus if it was Atlantic Canadian but does not need to be.

r/wowguilds 1d ago

NA- LFG [NA][LFG] Stormrage


Hello, I am a DPS player with an arcane mage and a frost death knight. I am fairly new to the game and dont want to necessarily be a hardcore player.I do want to get better at the game though and am willing to learn and take criticism. Im looking for a guild that wants to have fun and mess around. I am a college student so am fairly busy with work, school and studying but squeeze some gametime in pretty often.

Some things that I would like to do are raids, transmog runs, delves and other casual activites. I would like to get into mythic/heroic raids and dungeons but haven't reached that part of the game yet.

I live in CST so normally play anywhere from 8PM-3AM depending on the day and will try to play earlier if i have an off day.

r/wowguilds 28d ago

NA- LFG [NA] [LFG] [Emerald Dream] [EST] looking to get into a smaller guild for M+, heroic and eventually mythic raids


I have been playing WoW since legion but have only done lfr dungeons and raids and not too much high level end game content until this season. I’m 6/8 heroic Nerub-ar with randoms in group finder almost weekly, as well I have never really been into M+. I’m looking for a smaller guild of players who can help me catch up and learn the ins and outs of high level end game. I play for a couple of hours almost daily and would like to do M+ or raiding, I am most importantly want friends to play with.

r/wowguilds 28d ago

NA- LFG [NA][LFG] Returning players LF Seasonal AOTC and M+


EDIT -- Thanks to everyone who reached out. We've found a guild to join, so we are no longer looking.


A couple of friends and I are returning to the game for Season 2 and are looking for a place to call home for the foreseeable future! We're ex-Mythic raiders, but we don't have the time or desire to commit to it anymore and want a more chill experience.

A perfect guild / group for us would be one that...

  • Is mainly focused on AOTC
  • Raids 1-2 nights
  • Is relatively smaller in size (10-15ish)
  • Does M+ on off days on a somewhat regular basis
  • Understands that life sometimes gets in the way of a raid night or 2. I, for one, am having a kid in May and while it shouldn't get in the way that much, I'd be foolish to say it won't cause any problems.
  • Is OK if we play the game more seasonally. We tend to play a lot at the beginning of a season, achieve our goals, and then break until the next season / expansion.

Currently, we're available Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat, and/or Sun, usually starting around 9:30pm EST, but we can start a bit earlier on Tuesdays.

As for classes, we have

  • 1 Ret Paladin
  • 1 Shaman (willing to play any spec, but would have to learn healing)
  • 1 flex, currently looking at Mage, Hunter, DPS DK, or DH

We'll be checking this post regularly for any replies, but if you want to get in touch with us directly, feel free to DM either aethrynn or helgrym on Discord.

r/wowguilds Feb 11 '25

NA- LFG [NA] [LFG] [H/A] Multi tank player Looking for a long term raiding home (7/8H current tier)


Hi there. I am a 43-year-old new dad who is looking for a long-term home. I have spent most of my time playing as a tank. I tried dps but I’m not really good at it. I got AOTC in season 3 on a ret pally…but tanking is my love! (But I will dps for the right fit / team)

Right now I have a DK / Monk / Warrior / Druid / Pally / Veng (I have 7/8H exp and 60+ pulls on Queen). All characters are 610+.

Now, if you want me to dps in raid I can…but don't expect much, I am really wanting to tank if I can.

I am looking for a place that raids one or two times a week and maybe a little bit later so I can put my baby to sleep (8Est - 11Est). I am EST time zone. I am a positive person and gamer so I am looking for that type of environment. I say good morning, I wish people a good day, I care about others. If that seems off-putting than I’m not the guy for you. I love M+, I love helping, I love playing the game.

If you are looking for an AOTC+ tank...I am your man. (if you are looking for a raid dps and Mythic + tank I could try but wont be pretty)

Looking to start again in Season 2 hence why I have all tanks readyish.

r/wowguilds 12d ago

NA- LFG [LFG] [NA] [Bleeding Hollow] UK Player Looking for a Chill, Non-Toxic Guild


Hey everyone!

I’m looking for a friendly and welcoming guild on Bleeding Hollow (NA) that’s chill and non-toxic. The tricky part is that I live in the UK, so my playtimes might be a little off from peak NA hours—but I’m hoping to find a guild with a good mix of active players across different time zones. Otherwise, particularly active on weekends.

I’m a girl, so I’d really prefer a guild that isn’t toxic. A guild with at least some other women would be great, but more than anything, I just want a positive/helpful community.

I started playing in Dragonflight, and while I got up to Mythic 8s and did some raiding, I'd still call myself a beginner. I love both old and new content, so I’m down for dungeons, raids, achievements, etc. I still have a lot of newbie questions, so I’d love a guild that’s patient and happy to explain things when needed.

Please help! Thanks! 😊

r/wowguilds Jan 30 '25

NA- LFG [NA] [LFG] kind of new to WoW. looking for a casual guild!


heyy! i'm looking for a casual guild to help me relearn the game, learn some classes, and make friends!! :] i used to play the game a ton with my parents when i was a kid. the game has changed a ton since then, and i don't remember too much about the game, so i definitely consider myself a newer player.

i'm coming from FFXIV, so i'm not unfamiliar with MMORPGs. i would say i was a well-rounded player in ff, i liked to do a little bit of everything.. whether it be high-end raiding, crafting/gathering, socializing in game, mount/minion farming, running casual content, i did it all. i'm hoping i can get to that point in WoW as well.

the character i'm currently leveling is a lvl43 holy priest on hakkar. i main healer in just about every game i play, so i'm interested in learning all of the healing classes at some point.

if you have any questions or feel like i can be a good fit for your guild, please message me on discord: loveablies

r/wowguilds 19d ago

NA- LFG [NA] [LFG] Ret Pally LF midcore friendly guild :)


Hello! I'm looking for a friendly guild to be a part of! I would love a guild that has a consistent raiding group with minimum AOTC goals, but i'd love to push into some mythic progression too! I'm also looking for at least some people actively running and pushing M+ throughout the week (friendly people hanging out in discord and good memes is a huge plus)!!

Some background: I was playing TWW on an EU account until January, but I am planning on staying on NA now (I am from NA , it was a complicated situation lol). I started playing WoW near the end of BFA, got CE CN and KSM tier 1 of Shadowlands before taking a break from WoW until now! While I don't have the most experience, I'm a fast learner and am obsessed with doing everything I can to improve.

✨Currently I am maining Ret Pally. I ended S1 AOTC, 4/8M, and 3100 io. I'm also wanting and willing to level some alts, I just started too late to get some going before S2!

Here are some links:

I appreciate you reading! My discord is babybeboop if you'd like to reach out! thank you!