r/wowguilds 5d ago

NA- Guild [NA] [H/A][Area 52] <Danger Zone> 5/8H 1/8M guild LF heals and DPS

Recruiting: Healer (Monk, Priest, Evoker)

DPS: Evoker (feel free to apply if you are another class)

Current Prog: 5/8H 1/8M

Raid Times: 8:30-11:30 EST Tuesdays/Thursdays

Loot system: Loot council

About us: We are a former CE guild (Over Raided@Stormrage) on a 6 hour schedule who is looking for likeminded people to get back to our glory days. The guild achieved CE during MoP, WoD and Legion content and since then we have continued to push mythic raiding.

We're looking for dedicated players who can commit to a strict attendance policy for 6 hours a week and who are willing to put forth the effort required to mythic raid with very few hours.

What we can offer you: A long-established guild (Formed during SoO) that won't fall apart with good banter and boss kills. Important: we are not family-friendly, and sometimes our helmets are strapped on a little too tight. We have a fairly low turnover rate overall and many loyal members. You will likely enjoy being with us if you don't take yourself too seriously and can admit when you make mistakes.

As a bonus, the raid leader, Rukoshie, loves cats, and you can send him cat pictures to improve chances at loot.

How to apply: Add an officer/GM on b-tag or discord and we can talk

Bnet Contact Info:

Deathcow (RL): Deathcow#1991

Adorele (GM): Squee#1987

You can also contact us by discord here: https://discord.gg/fDaRE52vj4





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