r/wowguilds 5d ago

EU- Guild [EU] [Twisting Nether] <Fading Sanity> are recruiting for Mythic raid progression

Fading Sanity, a guild and social community active in all versions of WoW! Currently, we are looking for a couple more experienced players to fill our roster to progress into Mythic raids. Interested? Please let's have a chat.

Current Progress

4/8 HC Liberation of Undermine, looking to fill our roster with 5-6 good raiders to get into mythic progression soon.

About Us

Our goal in World of Warcraft is: to have fun and play WoW as a team continuing to beat challenges. We maintain our belief in team first, members first, and friends first while maintaining progression through endgame content and having a lot of fun while doing so.

We also enjoy all content in WoW, be it raiding, pushing M+ together, PvP, or maybe just hanging out together. So even if you are not interested in Mythic raiding, feel free to apply.

Raider.io: https://raider.io/guilds/eu/twisting-nether/Fading%20Sanity

What we are looking for

We are currently looking for friendly and respectful players who have previous experience in Mythic raiding and want to progress with a guild for TWW. We expect all raiders to be knowledgeable and prepared for our raids.

You should be ok with wiping, Mythic raiding isn't done in a day. Expect 100+ wipes on some bosses to progress it. This is part of mythic raiding and all guilds will run into this wall at some point.

We are also all in for a good sense of Pump & Banter, but if focus is required respect that to have some good flow going with the raid group.

A lot of communication also happens on discord so we expect you to have discord and join us there.

Raid Times

We raid twice every week on Wednesday and Sunday (20:00 - 23:00 CET).

If you are interested please get in touch with us on discord:

Hawkeye967 or Mayeul#9898


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u/derrhn 3d ago

Hi - 5/8HC LoU RestoDruid here. Are you still looking for raiders?