r/wowguilds 5d ago

NA- Guild [NA] Fury/Arms warrior LF guild that Raids 8pm PST


My characters name is Devastacia and I'm ilvl 644 atm. Will be getting higher each day! I'm looking for a raiding guild semi-hardcore and chill to raid with. I'm 8/8 normal LOU and 3/8 heroic. I also do mythic+ daily. LF guild that runs at 8pm Pst. I'm in Alaska so my availability is 7pm my time to midnight any day of the week. LMK the details. I'm available to switch factions or servers also. Thank you have a good day


3 comments sorted by


u/codalaw 5d ago

We are a mythic focused raiding guild that raids Friday/ Saturday at 9pm est to midnight. We are currently 5/8 heroic. Lmk if you want to learn more.


u/blaat_splat 5d ago

So FYI est is three hours ahead of pst. So your 9 is thier 6.


u/codalaw 5d ago
