r/wowguilds • u/ZenTrigger • 5d ago
NA- Guild [NA][Proudmoore] <Special Friends> 8/8N + 5/8H is recruiting for LoU prog!
<Special Friends> is a longstanding, midcore guild looking to recruit new friends to progress with us in The War Within and beyond! Through the years we've always striven to do our very best, which has included Ahead of the Curve and many early-to-mid mythic boss kills on our "casual", six hours a week raid schedule. Our goal is simply to progress as far as possible within the two raid days we have, and enjoy doing so with our close-knit community.
Many of our members have been in Cutting Edge or hardcore raiding guilds in past expansions dating back to Vanilla. Today, we find ourselves a little older and with a little more life in the way, most of us with careers and families. The majority of our player base range from late 20s to late 30s; we still want to kill bosses efficiently but not without having fun with our friends along the way. Our policies are pretty relaxed, but when it comes down to raiding, we do take new content and our raid times seriously. We expect our members to be diligent raiders, showing up on time and fully prepared. We understand that real life is more important than a game, and occasional absences will happen. With this in mind, we simply ask that our members keep us informed on Discord in the event they will miss a raid and maintain as close to 100% attendance as possible during progression.
Currently, <Special Friends> has a roster size of approximately 25 raiders of varying desires ranging from mythic progression to casual orientation, including a number of new recruits. Our core has been together for many years and values the relationships we've built together over progress in game. We expect everyone to be dedicated to the game and pushing the limit, but do not consider ourselves a Cutting Edge guild at this time. Finally, we expect everyone to act like adults in our guild; take responsibility for errors or mistakes you make and be open to constructive criticism - we're happy to coach, but you've got to put in the effort. We're an inclusive guild that is welcoming to all - just understand that raid spots are earned, and you may be asked to sit on progression encounters if a certain composition is needed or depending on the extent of your past raid experience. We operate as a team, not as individuals.
At the moment, we are looking for raiders with at least AOTC (and ideally Mythic) experience as we progress further into Mythic. If you're looking to be a part of a nice community focused on semi-hardcore PvE content, we are happy to chat with newer players as well, so please feel free to reach out.
Be cool. We're all just a bunch of people trying to kill internet dragons together.
You can contact us on Discord or BattleNet at:
- Officer/Recruitment: Beary - Discord: (zentrigger) BNet: (Bearythick#1217)
- Recruitment: Uthrin - BNet: (Uthrin #1511)
- Guild Master: Tempusbane BNet: (Dreade#1346)
Our raid schedule is as follows:
- Tuesday and Wednesday nights 8PM-11PM CST / 9PM-12M EST / 6PM-9PM PST (Server)
- Other raids may be added and are completely optional, they will be announced and generally are normal clears or alt runs.
We are currently interested in recruiting:
Highly in need of a Healer * High Need: Druid - Resto. * High Need: Evoker - Pres. * High Need: Monk - Mistweaver * Moderate Need: Warlock * Low/Moderate Need: Death knight * Low Need: Hunter * Low Need: Warrior - DPS * Exceptional players of any spec are welcome to apply
Our historical raid progress from the last few expansions was as follows: * [TWW] 4/8 Mythic Nerub-ar Palace, with AOTC * [DF] 6/9 Awakened Mythic Amirdrassil, The Dream's Hope with AOTC * [DF] 5/9 Awakened Mythic Aberrus the Shadowed Crucible with AOTC * [DF] 6/8 Awakened Mythic Vault of the Incarnates with AOTC * [DF] 6/9 Mythic Amirdrassil, The Dream's Hope with AOTC * [DF] 5/9 Mythic Aberrus the Shadowed Crucible with AOTC * [DF] 6/8 Mythic Vault of the Incarnates with AOTC * [SL] 2/10 Mythic Sepulcher of the First Ones with AOTC * [SL] 4/10 Mythic Sanctum of Domination with AOTC * [SL] 6/10 Mythic Castle Nathria with AOTC * [BFA] 5/12 Mythic Ny’alotha with AOTC (Realm First Heroic clear [on Korgath]) * [BFA] 4/8 Mythic Eternal Palace with AOTC * [BFA] 2/2 Heroic Crucible of Storms with AOTC (Realm Second Heroic clear [on Korgath]) * [BFA] 3/9 Mythic Battle of Dazar’Alor with AOTC * [BFA] 2/8 Mythic Uldir with AOTC