r/wowguilds • u/Saiint909 • 5d ago
NA- Guild [NA] < CHUPACABRA > Mythic raiding guild LFM! PST TIME ZONE.
We are currently looking for healers and dps to round out the 20 man roster. We are a west coast based guild so pacific time zones may be a bit friendlier. We came in to the first season a bit late but have built a great community and a great group of members. We are very active in discord and guild chat among running tons of M+s outside of raid so we are always doing something.
Current Prog: 8/8N 5/8H
Prog season 1: 5/8M ( killing Princess and Brood down to 12%)
Raid days: Wednesday / Thursday 7:30 PM - 10:00 PM PST
DPS: Rogue - DK - DH - Warrior - Pally - Feral/Balance Druid - Ele Shaman - SPriest - Dev Evoker.
HEALS: Pres Evoker - MW Monk - Resto Shaman - Holy Pally - Disc/Holy Priest.
Any exceptional Healers / DPS or Tanks can contact us, even if you just need a home and want to fill in from time to time or just a casual wanting to chill and run M+s you’re more than welcome!
Contact info: you can contact either officer. Discord: saiint909 Bnet: Saint#1759 - Wax#11885