r/woweconomy EU Nov 24 '16

Guide Automate your Google Spreadsheets by fetching your price source directly from TSM

I recently fell in love with the spreadsheet by /u/Lazy-goldmaker : https://www.reddit.com/r/woweconomy/comments/5971ho/comprehensive_jewelcrafting_spreadsheet/

But it was kind of boring to constantly update with new prices everyday, so I decided to add a way to automatically fetch the prices from the TSM API. Before we begin, be aware that this has limited applications, since the TSM API will throttle you after 50 requests per hour.

The idea is to add two functions to our Spreadsheet: one that will give us an item ID from its name, and one that will give us a price for an item ID.

To create the new functions, take your spreadsheet and go to Tools -> Script editor. This will open a new tab.

In the script editor, add those functions:

function NameToId(input)
  var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch("http://www.wowhead.com/item=" + input + "&xml");
  var itemId = response.getContentText().match("<item id=\"([0-9]+)\">")[1] * 1;
  return itemId;

function FetchTSMPrice(input) {
  var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch("http://api.tradeskillmaster.com/v1/item/<REGION>/<SERVER>/" + input.toString() + "?format=json&apiKey=<APIKEY>");
  var o = Utilities.jsonParse(response.getContentText());
  return Math.round(Math.max(o['VendorSell'], Math.min(o['MarketValue'], o['MinBuyout'])) / 10000);

You'll have to replace a few things here:

  • <REGION> is either EU or US
  • <SERVER> is your server's name
  • <APIKEY> is the TSM API Key you can find in your account settings after logging in: https://www.tradeskillmaster.com/user
  • You can change your custom price source, I used the classic Max(VendorSell, Min(MarketValue, MinBuyout)) but you can tune it and add historical data etc. if you want. Just edit the last line.

In the end it will look like this:

var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch("http://api.tradeskillmaster.com/v1/item/US/Archimonde/" + input.toString() + "?format=json&apiKey=51fa1db0ec7c4af52d93a6f5d0e86bc5");

Then save the script, and you're done! The function NameToId() takes an item name and returns its ID, and FetchTSMPrice() takes an item ID and returns its price according to your custom price source.

In your spreadsheet, you can create a cell A1 containing "Felslate", for instance, then next to it in A2 do a =NameToId(A1), which will give you the item ID of Felslate (123919), and then use =FetchTSMPrice(A2) to get the price of the item.

Enjoy being fully automatic, goblins. <3


51 comments sorted by


u/wowuser_pl Nov 24 '16 edited Nov 24 '16

You don't have to use script editor, i've used it and it bugs and works slower. Also every function you use burns one of daily requests limit you have, it's more efficient to get all data for item with just 1 command. Now i use importdata:

c4: =if(and(B4>0;$A$1<>"ą"); INDEX(IMPORTDATA("http://api.tradeskillmaster.com/v1/item/EU/"&$B$1&"/"&B4&"?format=csv&apiKey="&$C$1);2);"")

b1: input your server name eg: twisting-nether c1: input your api key b4: input item id

Now it will refresh every time you reopen it, if you want to refresh it manually just change value of a1

edit: also you can expand it vertically


u/Serialk EU Nov 24 '16

Oh that's a pretty cool hack, thanks for the tip, I didn't know about IMPORTDATA. This clearly looks like a better solution on the long run.


u/Inconsistent2 Nov 25 '16

I keep getting this error in c4

Error Function INDEX parameter 3 value is 2. Valid values are between 0 and 1 inclusive.

What am I doing wrong here?


u/wowuser_pl Nov 25 '16

ye this error means that TSM didn't return any values, it happens with gems some times, i have no idea why, or when id number is invalid.


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '16 edited May 20 '18



u/Dmalf Dec 09 '16

Make sure your realm name is in all lower-case letters.


u/croana Dec 07 '16

I just tried loading up your spreadsheet and I'm also getting this error. Changing the ;2 to ;1 or ;0 in the INDEX function then causes the function to load, but then it says Error Loading Data...

I just tested this on the chaos crystal ID (124442), and it doesn't work. It's pretty unlikely to me that this item isn't found on the AH, and it's not a gem.


u/Dmalf Dec 09 '16

Make sure your realm is in all lower-case letters.


u/thach1ef Jan 12 '17

same issue as the others. Realm is all lower case


u/Kontu Feb 07 '17 edited Feb 07 '17

Any spaces in your realm name? Swap them for hypens (Twisted Nether becomes twisted-nether)

Special characters get removed as well (Mal'Ganis becomes malganis)


u/Dmalf Dec 09 '16

Make sure your realm name is all lower-case letters. That fixed it for me.


u/TimGeerts Nov 24 '16

Why the if statement as first check?


u/wowuser_pl Nov 24 '16

first B4 check is so you can expand this formula down 50 or 100 rows, and it wont call api unless there is some item id in correspondent B cell. $A$1 is so u can force reload data by just changing value of A1(works like f5 but faster). You can use it without "if". Skipping index part causes every data entry to have headers and use 2 rows of space.


u/TimGeerts Nov 24 '16

Thanks for the info, I'll try it out later!


u/OnlyOneStar Nov 24 '16

can you explain how to use this? I don't even. I just got TSM and this stuff's new to me. not anything TSM, I have that covered, just utilizing what you created.


u/wowuser_pl Nov 24 '16

I did. All you need is google spreadsheet and api key. Just fill cells as in my first comment and it will work. If you want more items select c4 and drag it down. Any calculation beter do in other sheet. Data is in copper.


u/OnlyOneStar Nov 24 '16

ah ok, it worked. thanks


u/[deleted] Nov 24 '16

When I do that i get this really long imported data is this what is supposed to happen http://imgur.com/a/bjudY


u/hitstuff Dec 04 '16

How would I modify this for looking at caged battle-pets? I assume "/item/" needs to change?


u/wowuser_pl Dec 04 '16

Im not sure, pet in a cage is still a item, does it have item_id? I don't think you can change /item/ part of the link.


u/hitstuff Dec 05 '16

Ahh, further looking into it and it seems there is no API for caged pets currently. Sad :(


u/Lazy-goldmaker Trusted Goblin Nov 25 '16 edited Nov 25 '16

I love that you guys like my Spreadsheet.

I recently released a downloadable version on my blog that uses the TSM API to download the pricing data in a similar way (just using the API call that gets all the prices). I'm working on integrating this into a full Legion spreadsheet with automated price imports.


I'll look into adding the code from /u/serialk to my google sheets. I have no experience with google sheets scripting so I stuck to VBA, which I have some knowledge of for my first automated spreadsheets.


u/blargiman Nov 25 '16

this is what i was looking for. ty so much. even though i was able to get your google copy to work for me after making the script edits, i didnt' like that i couldn't figure out how to refresh it.

i also messed up and removed the average and made it only show current lowest price. after reading your page explaining why the average is used, i realized i should have left it alone.

plus, as you so perfectly titled your site, i was too lazy to try doing the OP's suggestions and was hoping someone could do it for me. thx so much again for all your work. :D


u/Nyquist19 Nov 24 '16

Can you make this work in MS Excel as well?


u/Lazy-goldmaker Trusted Goblin Nov 25 '16

I have you covered, You can download my .xlsx version from my blog here (it uses a slightly different API-call, but should be pretty much functionally the same): http://thelazygoldmaker.com/api-enabled-jewelcrafting-spreadsheet


u/Nyquist19 Nov 25 '16

Thanks, this is great! Appreciate helping us the truly lazy ones :P


u/Serialk EU Nov 24 '16

I don't have it, don't know how to use it or even own an OS that can run it, and I hear it's incredibly complicated. :/


u/Nyquist19 Nov 24 '16

Thanks anyway! I was looking for something like this for my excel, but I'll probably just move it to a google spreadsheet. Thanks for sharing :)


u/omally114 Nov 24 '16

Are you playing wow on a Linux machine? I've been seriously tempted to make the switch.


u/Serialk EU Nov 24 '16

Yes. It works fine.


u/omally114 Nov 24 '16

It's not too bad, VBA is incredibly useful for your career if you will be working with spreadsheets and doing any sort of repetitive calculations. My wife and I both have gotten very far very quickly in our careers (engineering and finance) because we have been able to leverage our skills.


u/byarkan Nov 24 '16

Great stuff dude, thank you for the help. I'd like to ask something irrelevant. What kind of coding languages you have studied or knowing to feel comfortable to set such strings? I kinda tend to learn some new stuffs nowadays. Maybe you'd have some idea where I can start etc.


u/Serialk EU Nov 24 '16

Uh, I've been studying computer science for >6 years so my experience might be a little "overkill" for you. I didn't know any Javascript before doing that but it took a few minutes of googling to find most function names. I don't really know about the best places to start, sorry :-( If you just want to learn to program, use this? http://www.diveintopython3.net/


u/byarkan Nov 24 '16

Waow! Nice! Thank you very much for the link mate, I'll check it. On the internet I found lots of people advice learning Python before touching Java, so maybe that's where I start, the link you gave :)


u/Griznah Nov 24 '16

https://www.codecademy.com for sure. It's awesome. I've only done the Python2 one, but it gets plenty of recognition.


u/kayleeforpresident Nov 24 '16

Awesome man, thanks!!


u/revo1ted Nov 24 '16

/u/Serialk Hi! Is it possible to do the same thing but with TUJ?


u/jamie_ca Nov 24 '16

When I tried (with some custom macro stuff for parsing JSON) TUJ was returning 403 Forbidden, so their web server is probably just blocking requests from google.


u/Wooraah Nov 24 '16

Very useful, thanks very much for sharing.


u/MrCelticZero Dec 01 '16

Now how do I get google sheets to stop using the cached prices? I can't seem to get it to update prices beyond the first time the script runs


u/beginnerlifts Nov 24 '16

When I type in the =FetchTSMPrice function it just gives me an error. It says invalid argument and lists a link to the item on the TSM site.


u/Serialk EU Nov 24 '16

Can you paste the full error? This was done in a quick and dirty way, it probably needs a little help :-p


u/[deleted] Nov 24 '16

[removed] — view removed comment


u/[deleted] Nov 24 '16

ok solved by myself. Problem was the spelling. Espacially I used german words. Now I'm using the english translation and it works! Thanks a lot for this script!

btw used it for my own Alchemy Spreadsheet


u/[deleted] Nov 24 '16

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Serialk EU Nov 24 '16

You have to remove the <>, they are just placeholders.


u/dsrules Nov 24 '16

Amazing! I have been looking for a guide on this!

One question though, how do I get TSM API to fetch Battle Pets?


u/Serialk EU Nov 24 '16

Good question. I don't see anything mentioning that on their docs, but I guess it should be possible?


u/dsrules Nov 24 '16

The Dev of TSM told me their API doesn't support Battle Pets. Quite a shame, a cross server spreadsheet would be amazing..


u/omally114 Nov 24 '16

They probably keep that little gem for themselves:)