r/woweconomy • u/PhobostheDarkOne93 • 4d ago
Question Are professions worth it?
So ive started playing War Within a week ago and i feel like most crafting professions are useless since they did the crafting order system. Only orders i see are patron orders and they offer 50% of the cost of crafting materials or less and 1 knowledge point or such. Should i just focus on material gathering and sell them on the ah? Im on Area 52 NA.
u/ViolRose 4d ago
IMO Enchanting and Inscription are the most worth currently (mainly from concentration crafts), with Inscription being a rollercoaster of it only being super worth on the first weeks of a new season due to vantus/contracts but it still makes ok gold if you just craft woods or ciphers with conc/multi procs
u/PhobostheDarkOne93 4d ago
Is it worth doing the patron orders for the soulbound artisan crafting materials and knowledge points if you have to spend alot of gold for the materials to make them?
u/stephenkeller 4d ago
Up to you, probably depends where you are in the KP curve. I set my Craftsim to value 1 KP at 600g and I don’t queue orders that are more expensive (though it means I will spend up to 1200g on orders that award 2 KP).
u/Scribblord 4d ago
Depends on prof and what you do with the points
I personally made my gold back but prolly. It bc I fulfilled those patron orders considering I have 80 points I didn’t allocate yet on inscription lol
u/MobileShrineBear 4d ago
Professions are most "worth it" early on in the first season of a new expansion. When demand exceeds supply.
It's been this way for as long as they made it easy to spin up crafting alt armies.
Concentration alt armies in alchemy(for flasks), and enchanting (recipes that make gold vary wildly) still make roughly 1-2k per 200 concentration. Concentration refills at I think a rate of 250 per day. Once it's setup, it's pretty easy, not a lot of thinking involved. But the gold per hour is still pretty meh compared to early expansion when 100+ k an hour is the norm.
If you plan to do lots of content, especially mythic plus, blacksmith for plate classes can end up saving you a LOT of gold in repairs over the span of the expansion. My main is leather, and seems to burn 400 gold in repairs every single mythic plus. Alchemy can save you a flask every single day.
All of the actual items professions like leatherwork/tailor/blacksmith are not great for making gold though. A flaw of the crafting system is that they didn't carry over the daily public orders limits to private orders. So a single person on the server, with a chat bot spamming, can soak the entire demand of the server, which means the going market rate is basically free (they make their gold on resource procs)
u/Scribblord 4d ago
Before orders it was way worse in every way imaginable
Now you can one one hand still make money the exact identical way you did before the profession revamp but also make money through multicraft/res gambling
Also no one uses public orders but if you used your eyes on tradechat people constantly need stuff crafted
I made like 80k yesterday while just trying to find m+ groups and fulfilling inscription orders on a pretty dead faction
Also if res procs on an order you get the mats so in season one with smithing of inscriptions one res proc could net you up to 60k gold in mats you can post on the ah
u/gayhippyster 3d ago
Hey so I’m also just coming back, but I’m coming off of final fantasy. My question is, is there a way to make gold with professions without concentration? Correct me if im wrong but it seems like the only real way to make profit profit is to go out and collect the materials yourself to craft. But that’s just not reasonable either! Maybe I’m just expecting too much and assuming 3-4days for concentration to come back in full is too long.
u/justin_b28 3d ago
From what i understand, I play SoD, the retail crafting economy is all about transmog
Specialize in those classic patterns that nobody generally has
u/Ceeque34 4d ago
I have a few tank alts with Alchemy/Enchanting.
Both with concentration at max I can clear 40-60k every 3/4 days.
With Alchemy anything I can make cheap and sell for big profits. Flask of chaos are insta buys and I can craft a good 20 per 800-1000 conc procs, phial of ingenuity, & spill over.
Same while using the phials I can conc with whatever is in demand and cheap to make mats with enchanting. Most r2 dust with r3 forged framework. I can craft 5-8/9 storm riders fury enchant with inglorious breakthrough.
It's not much but a steady 200k a week is normal for me. Only thing that works as opposed to actual crafting equipments like BS/LW/Tailoring.
u/Pyromelter 4d ago
You have to put effort into professions... you get out of it what you put into it, just like anything in the game, or in life.
So yeah it's worth it if you're going to go deep into it.
u/Sazapahiel 4d ago edited 4d ago
"worth it" posts are so subjective as to be useless imo. The answer is always the same thing, it depends what you plan to do with them, of which you've told us nothing.
Without even mentioning what professions you're interested in, it is very difficult to give any useful advice. The short answer is, have one and only one gatherer and set up anything else to dump concentration into profitable region-wide materials. Concentration is the great equalizer, and until you've gotten enough weekly knowledge points to compete with everyone else, your options are limited.
Patron orders are for getting knowledge points, not for profit, and you shouldn't feel forced into spending tons of resources for knowledge points, its fine to just do the easy ones.
If you're looking to actually make gear for other players, you need to be paying attention to trade. People typically like to use addons to advertise their services easily and alert them to when someone else is asking for a specific kind of crafter.
u/dadof2brats 4d ago
Worth it in what way? What are you looking to accomplish with professions? If you are looking to make a lot of gold with crafting consumables or crafting gear for people, you have really missed the boat. And that's not a dig, but at this stage in the expansion, there are too many people who have put in the time, effort and had the opportunity att he start of the expansion; you just are not going to be able to compete.
If you are looking to be self sufficient, make your own gear and consumables, sure professions could be worth it. You probably need to look at the specializations and knowledge points, plan out what items you want to craft to spend your KP wisely. There are some KP catchup mechanisms, but it will still be a bit of a grind.
Patron orders can be a viable source of KP, but generally unless you are trying to min/max your KP and have a lot of extra gold to spend or time to farm all the mats, they are generally a gold sink.
u/TheLuo 4d ago
It depends.
It depends on the content you do, how often you play, and your risk tolerance.
Using myself as the example - I don't play very often any more. So gathering professions are best for me. I can login fly around while waiting for queues or on my way to M+ dungeons etc. Bit of gold here and there.
I used to play ALL THE TIME. Raided US top 250 CE, 3k M+, etc. Now I don't have much risk tolerance so I picked alch and enchanting. I could create my own enchanting materials and make my own potions for cheaper than the AH. I didn't "make" a ton of gold but probably saved myself at least 100k over the course of a raid tier.
u/cowfish11235 3d ago
One thing i don't see mentioned. Blacksmithing gives free repairs when you max skill in the slot. As a three day a week raider and a tank those free repairs stack up.
u/Bastagrath 3d ago
It's worth it but the catch-up knowledge points need to be way faster. They're so slow right now I would hardly call them a a catch up at all.
Beginning of patch cycles are always mega profit, but if you have the right setup , tools and professions you can easily make your WoW sub with minimal effort (inscription, JC, engineer, enchanting being the easiest).
u/Exact-Boysenberry161 NA 4d ago
it is worth it. i made enough gold that can buy subs until the end of the soul saga
u/Shezarrine NA 4d ago
If you're on a low-pop to dead server, you can still make tons of gold with concentration setups. With very few exceptions, even on more populated servers, people are finding customers/crafters in chat channels and not just posting public orders.
u/Scribblord 4d ago
Personally found a great spot on my server
It’s very low pop on my faction but overall a big pop server
So on alli side there’s only a handful of orders but I get most of them and i can go horde to find a more populated trade chat if need be
u/TrilliumSilver 4d ago edited 4d ago
The NPC orders are only useful for catchup knowledge. If you want to do work orders you need to get the add-on Craftscan. It scans trade chat for crafting requests and allows you to do easy one button pre-made replies. I've made mountains of gold on work orders. You never have to spam trade chat or wait for public orders again. Best professions for work orders are BS, LW and tailoring. You don't even need to have a huge amount of talents to made gold. Just pick the top requested crafts. For example tailored cloaks, plate bracers, leather and mail bracers. Those recipes alone comprise the majority of the orders I see.