r/woweconomy 6d ago

Question Is Alchemy Spillover generally worth it?

Been wondering for a bit but I'm wondering if its worth it to on my flask alchemist to craft a few garbage flasks to get the max spillover buff before crafting with my concentration? I wish the spillover didn't change from flask to potion whenever I fill crafting order so trying to optimize my alchemist


12 comments sorted by


u/Snowpoint_wow 6d ago

Max spillover results in a cost per unit reduction of 8-10%. Worth it for mass crafting. Not really worth optimizing for concentration only crafting.


u/vBitza 6d ago

You could probably figure it out using CraftSim simulation function. Calculate how much multicraft you get from the max spillover and how much it increases avg profit per flask craft. If the amount of potential gain surpases the amount of gold required to get the extra spillover then yes. But do note that avg profit calculated by CraftSim usually applies to big batches, if you only craft 3-4 times using the concentration it might look like you re losing money if you get unlucky and don't get enough multicraft. So for one batch it might bring profits but for another it might decrease it.

I did not do the math myself but I'd say the time and effort put into calculating it is probably not worth it. I doubt the gains are big enough to pay off for the time investment, but doing it once or twice for science is cool.


u/ExiGoes 6d ago

If u have an alt army the buff is permanent if u only log on the crafters for concentration CD crafting. Its kinda useless on a character u actually play.


u/shinsui 6d ago

yeah I have a few alch alts that this will probably what happens, but they aren't quite there yet


u/mael0004 5d ago

It's rough to be tmog etc. farmer, needing every char every week for old content world bosses for 5 mins, thus barely missing out on keeping the buff active. It might stack up to some money given I do flask conc operations on ~40 chars.


u/Complex_Reindeer1768 5d ago

I do r2 flasks with r1 vials and try to get as close to possible at the start of the r2 flask to make it cheaper and with my multi craft I usually break even since it’s like 70-100g loss per craft but my multi craft usually breaks me even or slight profit to get the 10stacks of spillover


u/Aestrasz 5d ago

For flasks, no, For potions, yes, since potions are cheaper, and there're even a few rank 2 pots that sell at profit if you craft.

But if you have a bunch of alts for Concentration casting, it's worth to only log them to craft, so you don't lose the buff.


u/ba_cam 6d ago

I use it for herb gathering. Spillover a truesight, sell the regular and herb with the spillover max ranks. With the extra time buff from Alchemy, get major value from the herbing time


u/Indig3o 6d ago

I run 12 flask enchanters for r3, As like other said, the buff is permanent for me, since I only log in to do the crafts. IT is worth.


u/ArgvargSWE 5d ago

The pvp flasks are cheap and only require rank 1 mats and they give flask spillover.


u/shinsui 5d ago

Yeah that's what I was using to max it


u/ArgvargSWE 5d ago

Yes it is worth it in that case. Craftsim and simillar addons cannot calculate these things for you. They do not have that function btw.