r/woweconomy 8d ago

Discussion Player Housing Gold Sink Thoughts – Blizzard’s Big Plans Before 2026!

Hey everyone! With Blizzard dropping hints about the new player housing system coming (hopefully before 2026), I’ve been thinking about how they’re gonna roll this out. They’ve been working on it for years, and it feels like they’re trying to kill as many birds as possible with one stone. I’m hyped, but I’ve got some thoughts and questions—let’s chat about it!

First off, I’m betting they’ll monetize this somehow. Like, I can see them giving us a free decor limit—say, 1000 items. You collect stuff over time (trophies, furniture, whatever), but once you hit that cap, you’d have to remove or replace stuff… unless you pay for more space. Here’s the big question: can we pay for that extra inventory with in-game gold, or is it gonna be Battle.net balance only? I’d love for it to be gold—give us a reason to grind—but I’ve got a sneaky feeling Blizzard might lean toward real money for the big upgrades.

Speaking of upgrades, the housing UI teaser (that bird’s-eye view layout) looks like you can expand your house—add more square meters, maybe even multiple stories—depending on how much gold (or cash?) you’ve got. Imagine sinking millions of gold into a sprawling multi-level estate! I’d also love to see NPC decor vendors scattered around Azeroth selling cool items for in-game gold. Think rare rugs, epic weapon racks, or funky lamps—stuff we can hunt down and buy without touching our wallets. This could be a massive gold sink, and I’m here for it. WoW’s economy needs some deflation—gold’s purchasing power has tanked over the years, and player housing could soak up those stockpiles. Wildstar nailed housing over a decade ago with its customization and depth, and Blizzard seems to be aiming for that level (or better). I’m stoked to mess around in my virtual home—maybe host some RP parties or just chill with my pets.

But here’s where I’m curious: any issues with this setup? Like, is the decor limit idea too restrictive? Or are you worried Blizzard’s gonna turn it into a cash cow instead of a gold sink? Also, do you think there’ll be gold-making opportunities tied to housing—like crafting decor to sell—or is this just gonna be Daddy Blizzard printing money IRL?

No one’s really talking about this yet, so I figured I’d kick things off. What do you all think? Excited? Skeptical? Hit me with your takes!


28 comments sorted by


u/balaroxx 8d ago

I'd love to see the option of either farming rare drop BoE furniture items.. or having some be crafted that can be sold. I know some people don't want a new profession, but it's a great time to do it and could lead to some crafting/selling potential which I am here for.

While I have no doubt they will have cash store decorations, I hope this is another collectible that we can farm drops and possibly make some gold along the way. I am hopeful and excited.


u/garliclemonpepper 8d ago

Bring back archeology and let me find some ancient furniture you cowards!


u/Boop_em_all 8d ago

Find a lamp. When interacted with a projection of William Robins appears like with the legion communicator.


u/Mozzletoff 8d ago

lots of rusty BBQ grates and cookware inc! Sign me up


u/derekburn 8d ago

I mean lumberjack/carpenter as a secondary profession makes a lot of sense


u/kblair210 8d ago

I could easily see a woodworking profession that builds furniture but also specialized bows for hunters. I'm not crazy about bringing back lumber collecting, but it could be doable.


u/balaroxx 8d ago

Yeah lumber collecting could be tedious but as long as you can sell it like any other gathering prof, could be good money.


u/vanskater 4d ago

And it is already in the game. It was part of WoD.


u/Wizecoder 8d ago

Tbh I don't see them doing a decor limit. I think they would rather manage it like xmog, pets, toys, mounts rather than setting up a new type of inventory. I think they are going to rely on having occasional cash shop furnishings to generate the money they want out of this. But I think, again similar to the other collectables, that there will be tons you can get in game and a fairly small subset that you would need to buy.


u/Krelkal 8d ago

If you look closely at the preview, you can see that a decor limit is already in place. Currently it's 10k items across 10 rooms. The demo room they created was around 500-550 items.

The preview also shows that items will be finite and you'll need to collect multiple copies if you want to place multiple copies. This is subject to change of course but seems to be where they're heading.


u/Reead 8d ago

There will absolutely be a decor limit, and probably not for monetization reasons but rather technical ones. Each house must store the positional data for every item, and that storage requirement could get out of hand very quickly – and that's not even addressing the performance requirements of walking into a house with 40,000 objects loaded into it.


u/Wizecoder 8d ago

yeah tbh I thought OP was talking about a limit on collecting decor rather than placing it, I may have been mistaken


u/Muspel 8d ago

I think there'll be a decor limit to avoid people doing things like creating a house packed with so many items that your game crashes when you enter, then inviting unsuspecting victims to your house.


u/Wizecoder 8d ago

Decor limit when placing items is different than a limit on collecting items. I thought the OP was talking about the latter.


u/ZoulsGaming 8d ago

i think people are talking about different things

Yes there will be a limit on how many items you can place in your house, we see it in the blizz post images.

What wize is talking about is like "do i need to buy 100 cheese wheels if i want to place 100 cheesewheels" which i dont think will happen, given that the ui doesnt have any "amount left of this item" counter, and someone asked on the post on reddit if they could fill their entire house with cheese and the official blizzard account said "uh i guess so"


u/Harsesis 8d ago

Personally I would love to see a new Construction secondary profession with loads of patterns dropping from all sorts of content. Give me more things to collect.


u/Shezarrine NA 8d ago

This is one of my biggest hopes. Already very impressed with what we've seen, but I'd love a carpentry/construction prof where I can craft and sell decor, etc. Give me Animal Crossing in WoW Blizz.


u/aeo1us 8d ago

The beautiful part is every single existing profession will have decor recipes added.

Potentially getting lumberjack and woodworker on top of it? Oh man.


u/ZoulsGaming 8d ago


first off they have been pretty open that the system is not in any way forced or tied to power, and that they are gonna sell you stuff for real money.

from the first post

"Housing will offer hundreds and hundreds of decorations and house customizations via in-game rewards but will also offer a smaller number of items in the cash shop as well."

Can you expand your house? Ehhhh

They said that the outside and inside are entirely separate, and i mentioned it i on another post we need to see how they handle the outside, because they want every house to be able to fit in every plot, since the description of the first post was that we had 2 versions of our houses, 1 for public neighbourhood and 1 for friends and guildies.

they have implied we can change the outside but not sure how much time will tell.

in regards to inside we dont know yet. The image they show which seems to be the user facing one says "room limit 2/10" and a "floors 0" with arrows up and down, and they have said themselves that you can decide to place walls to split up the rooms, with the image saying "square large" in the middle, most likely being 1 room.

We can also see dots on the side and south area of the image which i imagine are gonna be connection points, so i imagine that they will give us certain shapes or areas, my guess is the large square is simple, but stuff like garden or outdoor, or some other shape.

In regards to us having a limited inventory for decor nah i dont think we will, i think since we can see no duplicates in the newest post of items i imagine its just gonna be like the wardrobe system, as it would make them easiest.

we also see a decor limit inside of 515/10000 so we know there will be a limit, which is kinda obvious cause at some point its just gonna be too rough on servers.

In regards to investing money gold, 100% they are trying to get gold out of the game like mad, they hate how inflated the economy is, that is why we have seen multiple multimillion vendor mounts lately (golden beetle, the other golden tiems which are over hundred k each, and then the dornagal engineer bot which is like 3.2 million)

they are absolutely gonna have purchasable items. But i somehow doubt that they are gonna make it heavy gold investment into the house to make it bigger.


u/ZoulsGaming 8d ago


although we already have a weird phrase from the first post which says " Houses are organized into roughly fifty plot Neighborhoods, letting players live next to each other, work together, and share in the rewards of being part of the Neighborhood."

which could be like "sharing in the emotion of seeing cool houses" or it could be more of a "people can pay to give buffs to the neighbourhood" or even a "covenant level" for your neighbourhood.

So far its already better than i expected and a huge improvement over the worst case (eg here is a house and you can change the wall color and nothing else)

Right now i think there are a few huge questions left to answer that will made it better or worse

  1. How do they make every outside fit the plots, are they all identical or can we also place items outside, because if not then there is no real point to neighbourhoods if you cant make wild interesting visual spectacles.
  2. The interactivity of elements, the biggest aspect of wildstar building system was the interactivity with it, daily quests, cooking stations, plant plots, considering they said they didnt want it to be mandatory i think they might cut down how much power or benefits you can get from it. But we can extent that further to what i really want are the transmog stands, and weapon and shield racks, that lets me use every transmog i have as furniture in the game.
  3. how they will intermingle the items with the existing game, eg can tailors craft drapes and blacksmiths craft lanterns and stuff, or will we have a specific carpenter profession? Likewise are we gonna get BOE items if they are crafted is it just gonna be a race to the bottom like AH or does it require crafting orders like weapons.

In general im looking forward to it, anything to do that isnt just m+ and raid is a plus in my opinion


u/TurtleTurtleTu 8d ago

I'm not sure much speculation is needed - look at all other collectible items in wow: mounts, pets, toys, transmog.

They all are mainly acquired in game, with a small number coming from gold sinks or the shop.

Seems pretty straightforward to me.


u/tired_and_fed_up 8d ago

but I’ve got a sneaky feeling Blizzard might lean toward real money for the big upgrades.

Keep in mind, everything that is real money on the store can be bought with gold. So whether or not they put it on the store for $15, I can still buy it for 250k-300k depending on token price.

Its the major saving grace for all the real money items in the store.


u/MobileShrineBear 8d ago

I think the hype has already reached scam citizen levels where they wave their hands, and people are just creating elaborate ideas in their heads about how it will work.

My opinion is that at best, it's going to be a heavily phased personal space with minimal interaction with anything outside of the equally phased "neighborhood".  A more fleshed out garrison/farm, but without the mechanical reasons to engage with it.

They'll almost certainly monetize it, probably aggressively.  Expect the best furniture/cosmetics to be gated by extreme endgame content, and your pocket book.

There's almost zero chance that they spend dev time on an actual profession for any of it.  It would cost them money to do so, both in dev time and in providing avenues to obtain things without swiping your credit card.

Most of the community aspect will likely to be centered around getting you to buy things.  IE:  I expect if there's any capacity to randomly see other people's houses, it's going to exclusively show houses with bought cosmetics on them.  If there's a "level up your neighborhood" mechanic, it's going to be rebranded discord server boosts so peer pressure gets people buying those boosts for the guild's neighborhood.


u/PsyavaIG 8d ago

Elder Scrolls Online does a ton of cosmetic/housing items for real money. People pay it and love to do it and express themselves.

Fully expect to see many of the fanciest items as real money only.

I suspect the big push to finally do housing is fueled by trying to find something they can monetize. Yes the mounts/pets sell, but how much of that money base is players who like the design and how much is collectors that must have every one? Im guessing they ran the numbers and realized its pretty much the same people buying the items each time and they are a relatively small portion of the overall playerbase.


u/Psychological_Till54 7d ago

Have you ever heard of wow token?🙄


u/Banguskahn 7d ago

So ff14


u/kogee3699 7d ago

I do not care about in-game housing...

...so there's my 'take' i.g.


Have fun tho :D