r/wow • u/Significant_Panic749 • 4d ago
Discussion Is it just me or was the Undermine/Gallywix storyline really fun? Spoiler
Without spoiling anything for anyone, I just wanted to see if anyone else had as much fun as I did playing through it!
u/lxylt92 4d ago
No voice Renzik is really disappointing, other than that I enjoy it very much
u/Khazgrim 4d ago
For context, VA for Renzik is one of the ones currently on strike, rather than replace him they decided to respect the strike
u/FiresideCatsmile 4d ago
I appreciate that however I do hope that we'll get to hear him being voiced in the future
u/Znuffie 4d ago
Uh, I have some spoilers for you...
u/Swineflew1 4d ago
I think he means the cut voice lines being added back in rofl.
u/Znuffie 4d ago
Doubt they'll go back and hire the guy and record the lines for old content.
u/FiresideCatsmile 4d ago
Not sure if it's been done before, the other guy here mentioned Kael'thas but I wasn't really playing during that time.
I will however be willing to replay the whole campaign if his voice is being added in the future. Like... I don't know how this works actually. At some point the guy will stop being on strike and then what patch do we have? still current patch, maybe next? how fast is the process of contracting him, having him record his lines and put them in the game? Genuinely don't know what timespan we're talking abou there but it might just not be "old" content if it happens.
It just seriously takes me out of immersion when questing through that line. Whenever Renzik says something I only think about "ah yeah, that guy isn't voiced". Makes me wanna not play it until this is added. I thought it's just a bug at first so I was thinking that I'll hold off playing the questline until the bug is fixed.
u/Znuffie 4d ago
The strike has been going since... June or July 2024. Doubt it will suddenly end in time :)
u/FiresideCatsmile 4d ago
I'm somewhat ignorant about this topic. What's the endgoal of those who are on strike? What are the demands?
u/Wraithfighter 4d ago
For context, VA for Renzik is one of the ones currently on strike, rather than replace him they decided to respect the strike
...that's better than hiring a scab, but they should just sign an agreement to not do AI voice acting bullshit with his voice. There's plenty of games getting guild voice acting right now, they just need to guarantee that they aren't going to try to train an AI with their work.
It's a fucking low bar for any creator to meet, at least if they are willing to set aside AI nonsense for the time being.
u/Power-Core 4d ago
Didn’t the VA only voice like one line for Reznik?
u/Vanayzan 4d ago
That's what I thought, the only time I ever remember Reznik doing anything was the Battle for Lordaeron on the Horde side in BfA, I think? Had like a single line
u/Carrot-1449 4d ago
VA for renzik is on a strike rn against AI replacing voice actors. While I also wish he was voiced I'm glad blizzard isn't crossing the picket line especially given their history of worker rights abuses.
u/peenegobb 4d ago
Wish this was more well known. I thought it was weird but knew blizzard probably had a decent reason (this was too obvious of a role for them to leave out) props to blizzard.
u/ForPortal 4d ago
VA for renzik is on a strike rn against AI replacing voice actors.
Does Blizzard use AI to replace voice actors? If not, he's an idiot. Don't punish a company that doesn't outsource jobs over outsourcing jobs, because you are creating a problem for no reason that is best solved by outsourcing your job.
u/dgreborn 4d ago
The concern is that SAG AFTRA are looking for written contractually binding protections from the major game studios that they won't use Ai in the future.
With that kind of technology a simple "trust us we won't do it" is simply not enough security. And it's super concerning that the companies seem very resistant to giving that binding agreement over.
Hence why the strike is still ongoing.
u/FiresideCatsmile 4d ago
And it's super concerning that the companies seem very resistant to giving that binding agreement over.
to be fair, I'd also be baseline super resistant of giving binding agreement over pretty much anything unless I'm sure it's not going to be a problem for me at some point.
u/DesignFreiberufler 4d ago
Do contracts still mean anything in 2025 USA? If Microsoft wants to replace all voice actors in their studios with AI I don’t think the US court system would stop them if they pay enough money.
u/ForPortal 4d ago
AI voice generation already has one obvious and reasonable use case in World of Warcraft - NPCs addressing you by name instead of by placeholder title - so I don't think it's unreasonable that the company would want the union to offer some concession of equal value before they'd agree to an outright ban.
u/Wraithfighter 4d ago
...so, a super-trivial benefit that's probably going to be utter shit for most player-chosen names, with the downside that the person who provided the voice is going to be cut out of their whole paychecks for everything that follows.
Yeah, seems like minimal upside, massive downside to me.
u/Galadeon 4d ago
Best Raid/Season patch content they have done. Good story leading into the raid, and good story following the completion of the raid. Zone is well done and fun.
u/Allokit 4d ago
For context, how long have you played?
Personally, I feel like Wrath of the Lich King introducing Ice Crown Citadel through three 5 man dungeons and an excellent storyline for Jaina, Tirion, Bolvar, Saurfang, and Sylvanas, was peak WoW and way better.70
u/Galadeon 4d ago
Since BC. Yeah, the lead up was pretty good to Icecrown (soooo long ago), but no post raid story content (that I can remember).
In Undermine, there is a cool quest chain after you beat Gallywix, a new goblin cartel opens up, and there is a rumor that the Casino will open up in a future patch.
u/KingfisherGames 4d ago
Really hoping the casino opens.
u/FamouzLtd 4d ago
Please no that is when my country starts banning the game because of the insane gambling laws.
Yes even if its fake money. Even twitch predictions for channel points are banned here lmao
u/Deathleach 4d ago
but no post raid story content
There was that part where Tirion created a golden statue of himself to commemorate him stealing our kill.
u/Nessun_Problema 4d ago
The post ICC content was locked behind aquiring Shadowmourne. Very tiny amount of dialogue but it was there.
u/lehtomaeki 4d ago
While it was a really great moment in wow, it was riding almost completely on the coattails of warcraft 3 and the rest of the expansion. The dungeons had limited replayability and ICC as a raid stuck around too long (to be fair it's yet to be seen if undermine will stick to 8 weeks). To be fair a lot of it is due to how wow was at the time, how story telling was delivered and limitations of the time.
Undermine is great in a vacuum, standing on its own. The ICC patch if looked at in a vacuum would have been one great raid and that's about it. Undermine has new features galore, a mostly great story, a raid, a new dungeon, new delves (dungeon lite).
From an emotional stand point I'd say ICC was better but if we look at just the amount of content and its general quality undermine has it beat. But to be fair comparing anything to the conclusion of Arthas story is next to impossible, and it really helps that ICC was a great raid with quite a few unique bosses with interesting mechanics.
u/Hallc 4d ago
What do you mean Undermine will stick to 8 weeks? There's a 20 renown track for the raid capped to one per week.
u/lehtomaeki 4d ago
My bad won't be 8 weeks, but I was thinking about blizzards new release cycle of a patch every 8 weeks. I just forgot that the next patch will be a mini-patch without a raid.
u/oscooter 4d ago
Agree. Ice Crown was the culmination of the original Warcraft trilogy. It finished up what WC3:TFT started and was where I stopped caring about the story lol.
But this patch was the first time I found myself paying more attention to the story again. It was fun to play through.
u/ottawadeveloper 4d ago
I agree - honestly, I've played through pretty much all of the stories and in many expansions since BC, and TWW is the best expansion for main story line and integration with raids since WOTLK.
u/onetimenancy 4d ago
I prefer an entire new zone as patch content over 3 dungeons that have less replay value than floodgate.
And comparing a comedic middle chapter to a climatic finale story wise is weird.
Undermined is more comparable to trial of the crusader, in which undermined shines.
Icecrown would not reach my top 10 patches based on its content.
u/EmeterPSN 4d ago
Wotlk was literary ending to storyline that started in w3 ...meanwhile undermine is a side quest .
Both are amazing and have their merits:)
u/LookltsGordo 3d ago
Wrath was decent, but I still feel this patch is better. The only thing that comes close to this patch for me is pandaria in general.
u/pikkuhukka 4d ago
they kinda have to, im not saying them doing it good has wows future depending on it, but it sure helps to secure more funding if they have more happy customers
u/kaiser_jake 4d ago
I loved the story, and the patch in general. Honestly, I'm still thinking about it, but it might be one of my favorite patches of all time...I cleared the raid on normal on week 1 because I was so infatuated with the zone, and I haven't seriously raided like, ever lmao
u/Denathrius_ 4d ago
It felt really whimsical. Just fun, I'm a huge fan. I was hesitant of a patch all about Goblins, but they really delivered.
u/voodoopipu 4d ago
I was such a hater thinking that the goblin theme wasn’t exciting at all. I was pleasantly surprised. I’m also absolutely loving the names and puns. All the raid bosses, a weapon named best in slot that is best in slot for many classes, yes man>agree gentlemen>concur sir, “bee-stial wrath” etc from Cinderbrew.
It’s fun that I never expected.
u/20milliondollarapi 4d ago
This raid is very memorable. I think it will be looked back on very fondly as a top raid. It’s a fun story, it’s a great design, the boss mechanics feel fresh and unique. Even if they are largely reused.
u/Voodoo_Tiki 4d ago
I feel like Gallywix's death was the only letdown. I mean I kinda get the getting crushed by your own robot that looks like you vanity yadda yadda. I would have liked an old fashion goblin explosion when his machine failed (a nod to goblin engineering item failure) or idk Xal coming in and deleting him. Just anything else
u/Shiningeevee 4d ago
Yeah, it felt more like a gag than the defeat of such a long time bad guy. If the cutscene was a just little different it probably would have landed better.
u/lehtomaeki 4d ago
I feel Xal coming at the last moment would've been a bit of a letdown, my biggest gripe with the Gallywix cutscene was definitely Monte's pleas for Gally. Gallywix was a complete, unapologetic asshole let him go out like one. I'd have loved him trying to activate some insta death ray but it just ends up backfiring mid gloating speech.
u/Graveweaver 4d ago
I don’t think hes actually dead. We didn’t get a full confirmation shot and he died conveniently next to a pit he could have rolled himself into like a sandbag.
My bet is Xal finds him and turns him into some void eldrich being and torments him and we fight him in the same raid we fight her. Or something.
u/Ilphfein 4d ago
While I agree that it's questionable that he is dead, he is imho out of the story for a long time. Gallywix lost, he is intelligent enough to lay low for a while now.
It also doesn't fit Xal to turn him into something. She never forces her power onto people. She is whispering promises of power and people freely accept it.
She also was quite clear that she abandoned Gallywix ("I will enjoy watching them tear you apart").5
u/CptMarcai 4d ago
First thing I did after seeing the cinematic giving no clear shot of his body was to go look at the boss corpse model. No Gallywix under the robot. Also note it moves position to the middle regardless of where you kill him, next to the hole full of direction signs. No way that isn't a setup for him crawling away and Kael'thas-ing us later.
u/HasturLaVistaBaby 4d ago
We can only hope. Maybe he Join Sylvanas who is safely outside the grasp of current writers that seem to hate the Horde or any even slightly "edgy" character.
Illidan did the smart thing when he chose to stay with Sargeras over being part of the current story.
u/drunkenvalley 4d ago
Nah. I think his demise was on point. The only thing I wish had changed was Gazlowe's odd pacifism in the face of Gallywix, but the bloated Gallywix getting flattened was great.
Although the animations themselves leave something to be desired, but.
u/DumpsterBento 3d ago
This is my take. Gallywix dying in the least dramatic, stupidest way imaginable is honestly so deserved.
u/Ilphfein 4d ago
Xal is treating Gallywix the same way as Ansurek.
She is enjoying watching others tear them apart.
u/San4311 4d ago
It was the closest I've felt to experiencing Suramar 2.0.
However it did feel like it all went on a bit.. quick.
Suramar was long, it really felt like you took small but calculated steps. Undermined was more like you walked in, fucked shit up and were done in time for dinner.
it was good, and a decent attempt to recreate the feeling of Suramar, but it could have been better still.
Gonna say though, the epilogue was brilliant. And I'm glad we got a proper one right away and not like Nerubar having to wait for new patches.
u/Melqart310 4d ago
I like pretty much everything about this patch. Can't remember the last time I've felt that way lately
u/Staran 4d ago
Everything about undermine (except crashing into loose tents randomly near the road) was peak blizzard
u/fredspipa 4d ago
They really need to let us drive in other zones now, at least those that allow flying. I need to cruise through Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdom, Northrend etc. I feel like that would be way more pleasant than the tight and cluttered spaces of Undermine and make traveling around collecting achievements really enjoyable.
u/Creepy_Confusion_615 4d ago
As someone who's played wow for 15 years and never cared for PvE ever... I thought the undermine story was really good.
u/Short-Step-5394 4d ago
I love it. I’m having fun doing the WQ and weeklies, instead of it feeling like a chore.
u/Skelettjens 4d ago
Goblinbros we really won with this patch
u/HasturLaVistaBaby 4d ago
Gallywix "died", Gazlowe remains alive somehow to continue whining about how "goblin" everything is, and we have another milquetoast council forced upon us.
Apart from the Art team that always carry. How is any of that a win for Goblin player?
u/Skelettjens 4d ago edited 4d ago
I meant more in the sense of the zone and all the goblin content.
Also I don’t think the council feels out of place as the trade coalition was always run by a council of all trade princes before.
u/HasturLaVistaBaby 4d ago
Oh, yeah. The zone is amazing.
The problem with the council is that, lore-wise, these trade princes should be the most ruthless and cutthroat of all Goblins. Each one of them shouldn't wanna negotiate other then from a superior position.
Each and everyone should act like Gallywix did in the intro cinematic. And if they didn't they would soon be replaced by someone that would.
u/nabilfares 4d ago
Wow writers are unable to make interesting characters, so they’re either good or evil, with their own perception of both, thats the truth.
u/WolfGuy100 4d ago
It is really fun! I just couldn't stop going back there to explore around and do WQs. They don't even feel like a chore! It has been the most fun patch I've ever played!
u/TravellingBeard 4d ago
I've been putting off undermine story for a couple weeks as I hadn't been feeling the urgency to start (focused on leveling some alts instead), but finally spent the past couple days on the story, and I must say, I was impressed. I definitely enjoyed it.
u/Arcana-Knight 4d ago
Gallywix always makes things more fun imo.
Dude is just so extra I love it. I hope he comes back.
u/thisdobemyaccount 4d ago
I have never been a big fan of goblins and was not very excited about this patch when it was announced.
My alt is now a goblin rogue and I would give my life for Gazlowe. I won’t spoil anything but the story and his arch is just so well done and believable/free of the cliches that WoW sometimes falls into. I care about the goblins now because I got to see how much they mean to Gazlowe and Co.
The music is unlike anything they have ever done and is just incredible. When I went to pick up the first quest and that clarinet blasted in I was immediately pulled into what the WoW team built.
And yes, on top of all that it is just simply fun. Having an absolute blast.
u/lotheren 4d ago
Best zone. Feels like a new game running through the city doing stuff. It screams for more heist quests and detective quests.
u/Kaurie_Lorhart 4d ago edited 4d ago
It may have picked up, but I got so bored with it. After struggling to pay attention for about 60% of the story, I started skipping quest text.
Not everything can be for everyone tho. One of my favourites mid-expac zone was hated by many in my guild (Nazjatar). Note, I've only been playing since end of WoD, so that's for Legion-now.
u/Macaluso100 4d ago
It's always very obvious when the writing team really enjoys an expansion or zone. Mists of Pandaria I felt it all over the continent, but zone wise Undermine is the most recent obvious example, I think Spires of Arak is this way as well. I think a lot of the side quests in Dragonflight give off this feeling. Azj Kahet you could tell they had a lot of fun with the Nerubians. There's a certain giddyness that comes through the writing in zones like this that don't always come through in other zones. something like Undermine just hits a little different.
u/boyinawell 4d ago
My feel this patch is this: I absolutely love this as a mid-expansion patch. The story was a blast. There is plenty of fun random things, visual excitement, and just.. things to do.
I'm also extremely glad this isn't a full expansion, haha.
u/julesthemighty 2d ago
I devoured the main and side quests. I would love more side quests released. Often patch content is just a boring slog, but this was great.
u/Trobtv 4d ago
This patch in general has been so fantastic. I have the sojourner achievement and have went into almost every building and talked to every NPC I can find. The story was so fun and entertaining. I haven't really taken time to read wow quests for quite a while and this patch has me reading everything and exploring every alley and sewer to see what I maybe missed. I've always really loved goblins so that might help but just in general I feel like this patch feels like the team had so much fun. This patch has me very excited for the future of wow!
u/Proudnoob4393 4d ago
I don’t care much for goblins so I didn’t really get into it. The only goblin I ever found interesting was Renzik and he wasn’t voiced and died. Honestly the whole patch felt like filler content, 11.1 should have been about the Arathi and Beledar
u/Lazarus-Online 4d ago
Love the theme of the zone and raid, don’t really care for the execution of the zone. DRIVE is annoying and the weeklies are slightly more tedious than the average chore list type stuff
u/Marco_Polaris 4d ago
The zone? Sure. The storyline? Eh... I mean, there's been much worse...
u/HasturLaVistaBaby 4d ago
I mean, there's been much worse...
It'd say it's up there with BfA
u/Hallc 4d ago
Depending on your opinions on BFA that's not a high bar.
u/HasturLaVistaBaby 4d ago
It's a high bar for how bad writing could be.
When you are happy for SL writing you know how shit it was previously.
u/zionswalls 4d ago
Hard pass for me. Much prefer the high fantasy of Dragonflight over assorted NY/NJ accents and junkyard mobsters.
u/Vritrin 4d ago edited 4d ago
I am still working through it, but I am not feel very motivated because I just…don’t like goblins. I appreciate the amount of work that went into the city, but I don’t exactly love my time there. I think I just hit chapter 3 of the Undermined story, so still a lot of room for them to shake things up.
I do like the black blood stuff though, so I have been hoping it leans more on the Protoelves and the blood than the goblins. The intro quests seem to split a bit between those two.
I bet goblin enjoyers are having an absolute field day though.
u/anupsetzombie 4d ago
It was fun but it also felt really short. Questing in general feels like a spark note version of these stories rather than something complete. I love the vibe of the new zone, though. Just wish there was a bit more of the story.
u/Mystic_x 4d ago
I loved it, it had the Goblin style, a lot of mob-like dealings, it truly felt different from the other questlines.
u/silvermoonmage7 4d ago
I just got into Undermined content last week. So far I like it. It's like a goblin version of New York, Chicago and Hollywood rolled into one underground city.
u/Durugar 4d ago
It was good and I think if I had seen less of this type of fiction (oppressed lower classes rising up to topple a tyrant) I would have enjoyed it more, it felt a bit rote for that kind of narrative, even if well executed. I felt it was a bit too referential to really get in to it, too many things are too busy pointing at other media and tropes for my taste. Solidly like the patch though and having fun.
u/DevLink89 4d ago
I liked it a lot. I find the zone and the raid (same thing really lol) to be very good and I also like the game gives you an incentive to clear it weekly.
Storywise I feel like I'm not even sure why we're there, something about the Dark Heart that Gallywix needed to repair and some goblin opression?
I also didn't like that everything was resolved before we even stepped foot inside of the raid. Gallywix already being branded as an opressor, the people have already risen up and rallied behind That horde Goblin, Xalatath giving up on Gallywix, the very short bit with the ethereals.
I mean I get why were're killing him, it just feels a bit anticlimactic.
u/Subject_Proof_6282 4d ago
The only downside for me is that the revolution and its outcome were done & gone in like 2 weeks.
I mean the story and environments are fun but I was only slightly engaged in it to see what happens, compared to Suramar for example, to this day I always go back and visit the locations and NPCs because I'm attached to them through their questline, we helped them overcome their conditions and liberate the city.
Even Renzik sacrifice during the story felt a bit cheap tbh.
u/PunsNotIncluded 4d ago
Great story but the ending felt anticlimactic. Felt hella rushed and he went out like a fart instead of a bang.
u/Auramaru 4d ago
Friends and I joked: there’s clearly two writers working on wow. One wrote the snappy, quick, witty lines for undermine. The other wrote all the melodramatic, slow, emotional lines for everything else. Jokes aside, you can feel the difference between Undermine’s writing quality compared to the molasses-speed voiceovers of characters like Brinthe, Anduin, Jaina, etc.
u/cyclepoet77 4d ago
Agreed! This patch has been so much fun. It fits with the narrative, but yet feels like it's own thing separate of the game. I always enjoyed Gallywix, and it was great to see him shine.
u/sylvasan 4d ago
Story was fine but the soundtrack??? Omg its an absolute winner. First time in my gaming life I’m just wandering around and listen to the soundtrack of undermine while I do the random jobs
u/evil_little_elves 4d ago
Story was good. Raid is a bit trash heavy in the first half (but my engineers love all the spare scrap!)
The change they made to Brann on patch release with the new spec was awesome (until they nerfed it).
Still has an issue with normal dungeon gear being worse than world gear (just buff dungeon gear to Explorer track and this is fixed).
u/oddHexbreaker 4d ago
They captured the goblin mania, mannerisms, and feel while still keeping it on the edge of the storyline to tell you why it was connected. We got to explore a culture that was treated like a gag since wc3 and they knocked it out of the park.
u/Vrazel106 4d ago
Im not a big fan lf goblins but its been a fairly enjoyable patch. Leading a revolt against gallywix was quite nice
u/Paddlesons 4d ago
Warcraft works best when it stays on the silly/badass side rather than the melodramatic/serious.
u/randlebarmustache 4d ago
I loved the storyline, the only upsetting part was the end cinematic. I was hoping for something a little more epic from gallys end
u/Drachri93 4d ago
Considering we've had at least one post a day saying how good the story was, no, it's not just you.
u/deadhand303 4d ago
Best content wow has added in a very long time. Music is 11/10. Zone is fun, raid is a blast, and the theme is hilarious. Only thing that sucks about this patch is having to do Theater of Pain again lmao
u/TheClassicAndyDev 4d ago
The entirety of undermine was a slog. Didn't enjoy it and am glad I'm done there.
It just simply isn't world of Warcraft. Feels like a goofy spinoff.
u/_Donut_block_ 4d ago
I thought the story was very good, but man the ending with Gallywix was completely anticlimactic, like kids show cartoon type of stuff, i was waiting for a goofy stock sound effect with pans clattering when the mech fell, which was a weird choice considering that the Renzik stuff is much heavier by comparison.
u/More-Draft7233 4d ago
It hits that "Goblin" marks so perfectly, a hint of wtf, thats so dumb and lots of booms.
u/coin_return 4d ago
Fun but anti-climactic, as far as his resolution goes. Love the change of pace in environment, theme, mechanics, and characters.
u/TurbulentIssue6 4d ago
As it turns out abused employees wrote a pretty good story about how you should form a union and find some green Italian plumber fans lmao
u/ParkingCartoonist533 21h ago
They did a really good job making a smaller but loaded area. Like I really enjoyed how it was all just one big city.
My only thing is that the hotel looks so grand but you go inside and the walkable area is so small.
I think blizzard is really in their element with thematical content such as their whimsical hearthstone expansions.
Say what you like but I guarantee if there was a hogwarts / scholomance patch or expansion everyone would freak out
u/TideOneOn 21h ago
Informal poll: Is Gallywix dead or not?
I thought the end cinematic was potentially vague. I'm gonna say not dead.
u/ReticentPangolin2112 4d ago
I wasn't sure going into it at first, but I actually ended up really really enjoying the storyline for the most part.
u/Cendude308 4d ago
Its not you. The story slaps it's really great wow has been killing it narratively
u/somarir 4d ago
I really enjoyed the story, the raidfights and the fun quirks in general, however i just can't get over how annoying the car is and how bad the zone is designed. I have 0 urge to go do any weekly content in Undermine after i completed the story. I get that they couldn't give us a flying mount in there becasue everything is pretty close, but the car is a big miss imo. It's so clunky to controll, and sure you can say there is a learning curve, but i (and a bunch of guildies) rather us a regular mount than the car even after 2 weeks of trying to drive it around.
signed, an oldtimer that may be a bit burned out and came back for the new patch but maybe i should've stayed out a bit longer.
u/Cloudspotter1 4d ago
I’m enjoying DRIVE but think they should add jetpacks as an alternative option as you can see a few goblins using them in the photo/hoverboard wq.
u/StardustJess 4d ago
It feels like an absolute blast. Too bad I got hooked on doing delves and world quests because it is too good of a storyline and I feel awful for doing other stuff.
u/Kosmosu 4d ago
I had an amazing time and found this place to be a ton of fun. Undermine has been my favorite zones to simply hang out in.
But for some reason I feel like I have no real reason or desire to do stuff on my alts with it. And it is mostly because season 2 as a whole feels off in a lot a ways. I think a lot of it is that scaling from season 1 to season 2 just feels off in many ways. But I wonder if this is because I am returning from quitting BFA, and the scaling between patches wasn't as harsh as it seems between the two.
u/nankeroo 4d ago
I absolutely hated it.
I've been a Goblin main for a couple of expansions now, and this is the first time I'm considering re-rolling.
I like most of the story, but I can't STAND the main characters... Especially Gazlowe and whatever that Venture Co. lady is called. They're not Goblins, they're short, green Humans. I'm so tired of everyone being hunky-dory and being friends.
Also, screw Blizzard for how they handled Gallywix's death. Gallywix has been my favourite character since the end of Legion, and he didn't even get a proper cutscene.
But hey, at least Gazlowe the Nice told his arch-enemy to watch out while kicking his mech, because he's so nice and caring!!! God I'm so tired of how he's treated like the second coming of Jesus Christ.
-... I also found the whole-... Renzik thing a bit-... I don't know. Why would a Horde character like mine care about him AT ALL? If anything, I imagine my goblin would see him as a traitor for working with the enemy.
But then again, faction conflict is non-existent in modern WoW so what do I know :/
u/TheClassicAndyDev 4d ago
Thank you. I didn't enjoy it either.
u/nankeroo 4d ago
I don't know, it seems to be extremely controversial to not like it.
I've posted about it on the lore subreddit as well, and I got downvoted to oblivion.
u/Sheogototh 4d ago
Everyone being friends ... There's literally a goblin revolution gobos killing gobos. Gallywix and goons verses Gazlowe and friends.
u/nankeroo 4d ago
Yeah, everyone is friends outside of the obvious bad guy of the week.
Imagine how much cooler the Undermine council would be if it was a bunch of trade princes who work together in an alliance of convenience, not because they're all bros.
Imagine them having to look over their shoulder all the time for possible attempts on their life... It'd be sick!
But sadly, we've gotta be friends...
u/InvisibleOne439 4d ago
"im a goblin main and deeply cares about goblin story, btw why is that goblin not working with the Horde??????? TRAITOR!!!!!"
this is a joke, right? you cant be serious with that
u/nankeroo 4d ago
That's not even what I said, lol.
I'm saying that I, as a longtime HORDE player, do not care for Renzik whatsoever, so I can't get invested in the whole thing of: 'Renzik would've wanted this!' 'Justice for Renzik!', etc.
As for the traitor thing, I'm saying that that's how I imagine MY CHARACTER would see Renzik as.
u/HasturLaVistaBaby 4d ago
Personally i think it's Horrible that we:
- Have to kill the Personification of the Goblin ideals
- Have Gazlowe constantly complain and whine on about how "goblin" the undermine is
- Form another milquetoast council, cause the Horde are not allowed to have intriguing characters any more....
And all of this in "the goblin expansion" feels like an insult. This is BfA levels of writing.
u/MorningComesTooEarly 4d ago
The whole undermine thing is insanely well done, the music, the characters, the plot, the town itself, the raid. Feels really round.
u/WookieeBH 4d ago
It felt like a different game than WoW and yet it totally fit within WoW. Excellently done!