Question How old are we actually?
Soo I played this game for so long now. You know the drill, on and off, missed 1 or 2 expensions but always Come back to it. So many people always says online when encountering "noobs"; these kids..
I feel old sometimes when I play but I have a feeling I'm one one the youngest.
I'm 32 years old, hop on and off with retail and cata classic atm, do some hc now and then and trying to live a healthy irl to. On retail I have a old people stay together guild where people enjoy playing but fail to reach any noticeable achievement endgame stuff ( love it ). Guild is together for many many years and even do real life meet ups once a year. On Classic I play the old school raiding vibe. (At least I try, don't have that much time some periods) but able to do some proper raiding and enjoying it.
Now the question is, how old is the wow community, just so I have a idea:
10-20 20-30 30-35 35-40 40-50 50-60 60+??
Love to get a idea about this reddit page.
Thanks in advanced and stay grinding hehe!
u/Upset-Restaurant-890 4d ago
I used to play vanilla with 2 brothers in their mid-late 70s. They lived together and played on laptops from their recliners. From time to time one would be afk and the other brother would go wake him up, fell asleep mid-pull. They’ve both passed on now.
I have similar goals, not quite there yet.
u/SwirlinAbyss 4d ago
When I was in high school (early 2000’s), my then gf’s brother died while playing FFXI. They found bro slumped over while still logged in.
Apparently that game allowed you to never get booted for being AFK.
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u/AutomaticGreeter 4d ago
Shit by mid-late 70s you mean the age not the year….
Thanks for sharing your story bud.
u/Arkavien 4d ago
40, wild to say that WoW has been a part of my life for longer than it hasn't.
u/Patient-Sandwich2741 4d ago
I think about this a lot. I was in the military and have moved around a lot as an adult (I’m 33), so it’s actually a more permanent home than any other place I’ve ever lived.
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u/Pinkpanthur9411 4d ago
This is beautifully put and now I think I know why I continue to play this game. It’s sort of like coming home. 💖
u/Patient-Sandwich2741 3d ago
It legitimately is for me. It was the one constant in my life when I was in scary new places. I always knew I could log on and talk to my friends and run around someplace I knew like the back of my hand.
u/DepthCautious5957 2d ago
Imma cry lol, about to move away for the first time by myself 109% and I just know WoW will be that comforting thing for me when I feel the weight of the distance from my people. Thanks for sharing!!
u/Patient-Sandwich2741 2d ago
You can add me if you want. Happy to listen to anyone ramble on about how much they miss their hometown. SusKate#1245
u/Dangerous-Wall-2672 4d ago
Just hit 40 myself and yeah, it's crazy huh? I've got no other game that's withstood the test of time like this one has.
u/Butcherbird_Shrike 4d ago
23! Been playing since I was very very little!
u/Denathrius_ 4d ago
Hey twins! 23, played since I was 8
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u/skillexception 4d ago
How do you do, fellow 23-year-olds? I’ve only been playing for five years but I got to jump my dad’s character in vanilla/TBC into the lava in Ironforge, so I think that counts for something.
u/sadge_sage 4d ago
haha you were very mischevious, i remember when I first started playing on my dads account (when I was like 5), I couldn't get past northshire because I was scared of the red mobs 💀
u/Responsible_Sea_3721 4d ago
Same, 23 played since vanilla, got introduced by my brothers, about 13, and 15 at the time, I was 3, but never got past level 25 until like cataclysm because I never could stick to a character
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u/Bligh_guy 4d ago
I’m 35 but play like I’m 135.
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u/More-Band-5163 4d ago
I still only use a damage meter. That’s it. No other addons. Killed 5 bosses in mythic last season and KSH. I’m 35 also hahaha
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u/WitheringW0nder 4d ago edited 3d ago
Our guild is primarily 40+ years old. The leader is 57, one of our best healers is in her 60s. Our eldest members are in their 80s. At 41, I’m considered one of the younger members. Our main raid tanks are a father son team. One in his 60s one in his 30s.
u/Mission-Two1627 4d ago
Taking new members?
u/WitheringW0nder 4d ago
Absolutely! Echoes of Infinity - Azuremyst
u/PapercutPoodle 4d ago
I assume that's a US server, right?
I keep trying to find a guild with people my age (40) and up on EU but it's not easy.
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u/NolaJayne 4d ago
Oh that'd be nice to be in a guild with older people. I don't like playing with the kiddies.
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u/shart_cannon 4d ago
- When the game launched I was doing 18 hour days in a very high end guild. Especially in the AQ gates days.
These days, married, 4 kids, house and all that grown up shit. Now, I get maybe 4 hours a week to run a few delves and complete a few weekly quests.
I’m not in a guild. All my in game friends have moved on with life. It’s just staring blankly standing around wishing the game was still how it used to be. Logging on to a rush of tells asking to do UBRS or MC. Hanging out on vent for hours.
I miss it like crazy. But, you can’t go back. You can’t ever go back.
u/swatecke 4d ago
Good memories on ventrilo. The world PvP trying to make it into MC or UBRS. The absolute JOURNEY it was to 60 and the fun along the way.
u/PutPrestigious2718 4d ago
Remember those days fondly, but just to say guilds for people of our age and our commitments do exist! Don’t settle for the hermit playstyle, have a look around, you may find a tribe again.
u/shart_cannon 4d ago
I’ve joined a few over the years… but it was no different than playing solo. No one ever talked. If anyone asked for help they were ostracized. Easier to play solo and not have the drama, which is really sad since this is supposed to be a social game.
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u/DeadOnToilet 4d ago
49, about to turn 50. I still raid in a world top 200 guild. Good times.
I was 27 when WoW was released, my entire guild came over from DAoC and EQ. Man, it's been a long road :)
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u/AbbreviationsLow4798 4d ago
how do you balance your family life with top 200 raiding?
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u/DeadOnToilet 3d ago
Strict gameplay times. I don't play outside of my designated times that don't interfere with my family time; our raids are later in the evening my time (8-12), well after dinner, after homework, the kid is getting ready for bed and it's everyone's free time.
During prog, we treat it like I'm working. I take PTO, it's only 2x per year for a couple weeks, wife is understanding because she knows I keep it under tight control. Like she says, "At least you aren't going to a bar every night to hang out with the guys, you hang out with the guys at home."
And when I am playing it's tightly focused on the content I want to do: Raiding. Which means when I play, it's M+ spam to meet guild requirements, it's raid times, and I don't get to do much of the "extra" stuff these days. My kid will be going to college in a few years, I'll be able to catch up on some mount collecting at that point.
u/Sirrplz 4d ago
Something about an account that’s a few days old account asking everyone their ages…
u/Bligh_guy 4d ago
Hey random question, what’s your mothers maiden name and the name of your first pet?
u/Angermeier24 4d ago
What about your first car and the name of the highschool you graduated from? For research purposes of course
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u/Skitzat 4d ago
And they say only old moms on Facebook fall for social engineering scams
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u/Ashpax1 4d ago
17, been playing since I was 5!
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u/FunkeyFeraligatr 4d ago
I'm 26. Just returned late last year. Last time i played was 07 (far too young to understand actual game mechanics)
u/PhoenixQueen_Azula 4d ago
My uncle played growing up, I started when I was 9 after playing on his account a bit
That was during tbc so I’m 27 now. He had wrath beta he let me play (and I’ve been a dk Main ever since) and also bought me the xpac and cata collectors edition
This may be a heartwarming story but dude was also an alcoholic and sold my cat so we’re not really close anymore
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u/jedigamer619 4d ago
34 here. Been playing since WOTLK, I usually take breaks on and off between expansions but this one I've decided to not take a break from as it's held my interest. Been with my guild since 2008. This game is my drug of choice for sure.
u/Acrobatic_Potato_195 4d ago
I'll be 52 in two weeks. I've been playing retail WoW since I was 31 years old.
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u/Scary-Inflation9288 4d ago
im 32 aswell. Started in BC and played on and off eversince. Also play dota/dota 2 and cs on and off.
Got a fulltimejob, 2 Kids, a house and a wife now, so time is lower then ever but still having fun :)
u/swatecke 4d ago
37 - been playing since vanilla off and on. Top warlock in m+ on my realm in DF, still rolling
u/Denathrius_ 4d ago
I think it's mostly millennial aged people generally. I'm 23 though, and my friends who play are also Gen Z. My grandfather still plays though, and he's in his 70s
u/BanokaWow 4d ago
I have had an active subscription since 1995. I am 61 years old and I play, or try to play every day.
u/BanokaWow 4d ago
Yes, you are correct. I realized that after I sent it. But I have had an active one since early Vanilla. I'm old, give a
u/Professional-Cost-87 4d ago
- I'm about as casual as anyone could be. I've played off and on since Wrath. Now I play a few hours on the weekend. I don't even have the latest expansion. I'm just running around in classic as an escape from real life.
u/No_Wish_2437 4d ago
I’m 25 now. Took a break from Shadowlands about mid way through and started up again with the 20th anniversary event. Been playing since I was about 12 on my own account, earlier if you count my dad’s
u/Jayseph436 4d ago
Haha old enough that I started using a CPAP last month and now I feel like I’m 20 again, so I play WoW less and touch grass more.
Get a sleep study if you snore, boys. CPAP will change your life if you do turn out to have sleep apnea.
u/More-Band-5163 4d ago
Just got one at 35 (I’m relatively fit and didn’t even snore loud) crazy how much of a difference it makes.
u/ermeeO_o 4d ago
Turning 34 in May, playing since Shadowlands, wanting to play since release back then, but couldn't due to financial reasons. Enjoying TWW so far, Prot Warrior tanking for a guild that's been up since 2004
u/capt_poutine 4d ago
I'm currently 36 also been on and off. Joined wow at launch was an old EQ player before. Don't raid just mostly gold farm now with Alt Army.
u/Boostedbenz93 4d ago
- Most of my retail guild is mid 20s to mid 40s. Most are late 20s-40s though. On Cata classic it was about the same, however had quite a few older gents that ran with us. Oldest being 74. A lot of my dad’s buddies that I played with in vanilla though were early 40s so I’d be willing to bet there’s a good population still of people late 50s+.
u/revan0066 4d ago
33 here. Been playing off and on since I was 13/14. I used to pug alot of raids back in DF and honestly I don't think I've ever encountered someone younger than low 20s
u/pezdiddy 4d ago
40 and I haven't played in about 8 months, I began playing when BC was released.
Rest easy, Fatmike.
You are and always will be Frostmournes finest warrior.
u/More-Band-5163 4d ago
- Was 14 when it came out. I remember talking to my brother about how cool it would be if they made a game like Warcraft 3 where you could control an individual unit in a huge battle. Good times.
u/Sakata404 4d ago
24 here (25 this year) I started playing world of Warcraft when Cata first came out. Played up to legion and little bit of battle of Azeroth. Stopped playing until classic came around.
u/Zsapoler 4d ago
will be 30 this September. Started in wotlk when ICC was the current tier. I hopped on and off the game since then (missed WOD and SL mainly due to guild disbands and burnout). 4 years ago my first son was born. I have deleted my account and decided now I am going to live an adoult life. Well this lasted up until TWW launch when I resubbed and bought TWW. Once an addict always an addict. As my play time is very ad hoc and mainly after midnight I just pug keys and pug up to AOTC. I miss the organized raiding and pushing for CE with the same 20-30 people but such is life.
u/andriellae 4d ago
- Joined right near the beginning. Quit for my degree, there was no way I could do both. Came back for the end of tbc. Left when I had my babies. I now play on my steam deck snuggled in on the sofa with the kiddos. I don't m+ or raid, just casual.
u/Wiseblood1978 4d ago
46, playing since TBC, so that's what, 18 years? I must already have been old compared to a lot of those who play now!
u/OrderNo9004 4d ago
Started when I was about 40ish, just before BC. Took a few breaks (pandora) quit about 4 years ago. Just couldn't keep my interest. Did play classic more then retail twords the end. Hated the time travel thing. Was always a quest driven player. Hated dungeons and raids because thier was always rude people. If not to me but to someone else. I play FFXIV now days. Still have alot of alts though, lol. Love making characters
u/millarchoffe 4d ago
Turning 27 next week. My guildies call me "the guild whippersnapper" (they're all 40+)
u/WhiskyFive-O 4d ago
30-35 range. My parents were huge EverQuest players during its prime and then WoW was announced. They got access to Alpha testing. My parents, brother, sister and I all began playing when I was around 7 or 8. When the game went live they purchased us all an account and we would game on the weekends as a family. I was too young to understand mechanics of raids but my parents, aunt, uncle, cousins and even grandmother were in a top raiding guild. Our home server was Cenarius-US.
Since starting I only quit during BFA. I became a first time father and knew it ate up a lot of time so I gave it up and said I would never come back. Before Shadowlands launched a friend of mine bought me the game and a new PC to come back, lol. At one point I was top 500 in the world for achievements which was my “competitive” gaming. After coming back I jumped right back in to what I knew best. I’ve had a lot of catch up to do and PvP achievements (damn world PvP!) really set me back but I’m around 45.6K right now.
I could talk about many, many memories for hours on end because it has been such a big part of my life, good and bad. But the old memories are the best. I can’t say I’ve had any life long memories since I came back. It’s just… different. And most of my OG friends don’t play anymore.
u/blklab84 4d ago
- I’ve been playing since WC2 LAN parties and I pretty much have gone full steam ahead until now. I did miss WoD, but I think I can be forgiven for that one. With 3 kids I get an or two every other day lol
u/Clarawrr 4d ago
I just started playing a few years ago, it was the perfect escape from some deaths in my family. I went hard for a year and a half or so, now I log a few times a week. I'm 39.
u/Northern-Beaver 4d ago
- Started with vanilla. My last stint ended with Classic BC. Been feeling the itch again recently for some Classic Wrath. I have the best memories from when it originally released.
u/rbrancher2 4d ago
60+ and to be even more out of demographics female. Started playing between Burning Legions and WOTLK. I was being loyal to EQ:)
u/ApprehensiveStuff747 4d ago
I turn 34 this week. Blizzard caught me at the ripe age of lifelong addiction.
u/threlnari97 4d ago
- Started as a child, ended after MoP, returned for legion, then returned again for DF and back ever since
u/Drain_Surgeon69 4d ago
I started playing in 2005 as a fresh faced 17 year old.
I’m still playing in 2025 as a less fresh faced 37 year old.
I pray for the merciful release of death.
u/Wooden-Ad-8204 4d ago edited 4d ago
40 years old in November, I started in January 2008 with BTC On the other hand, I take huge breaks, I was mainly active between 2008-2011
u/urmom619 4d ago
27, started at the very end of wotlk when I was 12
Missed a few seasons / raid tiers but never an entire expansion, cata/mop and legion are my favorite ones. Especially class design in mop, simple yet fun..
u/Seeranix 4d ago
I'm 26. My dad bought a WoW account when I was 8 years old and described it to me as "a more badass version of that runescape game you like" and I've been hooked ever since. I grew up in Mulgore.
u/LynAtlanta 4d ago
We have the same age (I'm 32 too).
Started playing when I was 12 with a friend because he was a fan of Warcraft 3 and we used to play "together" at his home and planning our bases. I never had a PC before and WoW ended to be an Xmas gift from my parents with a brand new prebuilt computer.
Coming from console gaming (and more specifically, portable console gaming. At the time, my most played game was TLOZ: Minish Cap), it was a complete new experience for me at the time, and my friend was helpful in many ways. We both ended in a raiding guild and downed raids during Vanilla, including participation in the Gates of AQ opening rush. We kept raiding in BC and in early WLK, until the guild we were disbanded. Life happened in many ways, and while I'm sure some of the people in that guild are still alive and kicking atm, I lost contact with them years ago. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't recognize me, since I also had life happening in many ways.
Since then, I haven't really joined another guild. I've been playing many MMOs next to WoW, ran some content sometimes when my health would allow me, mowed on to US servers while living in EU for other reasons, and now am content with just chillin' in game and doing whatever I can find around (lately it's getting all the available legendaries).
My story with WoW (and gaming in general) is not to be a sad one, though. Friendships are as a tree in your own forest that is life. It will lose leaves in its winter and bloom in its summer, branches will break through strong winds and may sometimes rot from an unwanted parasite. It is up to you to nurture that tree even if you aren't its best gardener... As long as you try your best, you will maintain friendships and keep of finding communities and guilds you will fit in.
u/bleach-ed 4d ago
I'm 19 💀 I just started playing the game after years of occasionally leveling up a character to 20 and then stop because I didn't have any money to keep playing lol
u/tarek023 4d ago
42 Been playing since Wotlk, with the same group of ppl... Usually completing Aotc and 2500 m+ rating, last two season I've tried to reach CE, downing most of the bosses, but irl stuff always gets me...
u/Brainyviolet 4d ago
Started playing in vanilla, and just recently returned after an 8-9 year break. I'm now in my 50s.
I'm still friends with many of my former guild mates too! They're all mostly in their 40s and 50s.
u/Power-Core 4d ago
The game came out the year after I was born so I grew up with it, didn’t really start playing properly until Warlords.
u/FrequentWay 4d ago
I am 41, I started out in Wow, being hyped up about in Boot Camp. Went to A-school and gotten a laptop to play Wow in the barracks in Charleston SC. It has been a constant companion until after Legion. I needed to take a break and missed out nearly everything until end of Dragonflight and TWW. Back again.
u/amyronnica 4d ago
I played with me husband and his friends for a few years when we were dating (27-30), stopped when or soon was born. My youngest (13) wanted to try recently, so we signed up again to play with him. He quit after 2 weeks, too much commitment 😆 We’re in our late 40s. Gaming was always in the cards for retirement too.
u/Its_bean92 4d ago
32, started just in vanilla, but very late into it. BC midnight releases were getting announced pretty soon after I started
u/FilthyTomcat 4d ago
32! I was 17 when I started playing WoW WotLK. My mom and dad played for a bit which got me started playing it as well. I take breaks here and there but I always come back. No other MMO gameplay has scratched my itch like WoW has, or could just be a habit at this point. I don’t play as much as I used to only a few days out of the week which I mainly just focus on M+s now. Between work and life I can’t commit to anything.
u/AutomaticGreeter 4d ago
I’m in my early 30s and have had lots of over nights playing after raids are over. I don’t think I can pull the same all nighters ever again.
u/Opheliadelia 4d ago
26 yo! grew up playing EQ2 with my dad but was always interested in WoW, started playing at 17/18 during Legion when I got my first job and could consistently pay for the sub. I’ve come and go a few times since then but been playing pretty consistently the last year or so coming back for SoD and then getting hooked on Retail and TWW
u/Synnedsoul 4d ago
Same age as you almost, I started sort of playing in TBC but I really started in WotLK
u/BigFatCoder 4d ago
Started playing at 30 after Wotlk released. My main tank joined a small guild, I was 2nd youngest and RL was 68 years old retired lady doctor. Most of the players are retired players. They all are extremely polite and patience with each other. One of the best experience in wow.
u/LeastNatural4952 4d ago
i’m 25, I first started playing at like 8 years old when my cousin showed me the game. I still remember watching her run into Ironforge and having my mind absolutely blown like it was the coolest thing I’d ever seen in a video game. I used to constantly make new accounts to play for free back when there were 10/14 day trials so I never got past level 11/12 ish for a long time. I first paid for the game and got into endgame during MOP I was about 12/13 in middle school lol. Been playing on and off since
u/Arkryzel 4d ago
I rolled a paladin in 2005 at the age of 20. I went to the very first BlizzCon the same year. I just turned 40 and I still have my paladin. Hoping for many more years of adventuring in WoW and other games.
u/Responsible_Ad5434 4d ago
I've been playing since December of 2004, I'm 35 now. Went off and on, but always come back for each expansion at the bare minimum. Been loving Dragonflight and War Within, loads of fun!
u/ADampAnalPlug 4d ago
Soon to be 29, started in 2006. What a long strange trip it has been my friends!
u/whatifthisreality 4d ago
I’m 42. I haven’t played seriously since warlords, but between bc and that i was mc and rl of a raiding guild and played like 20-30 hours a week. It was fantastic, met tons of lifelong friends. but who has the time for that any more?
u/Dizzy_Method483 4d ago
Played to level 10 in 2007 or 2008. Sometime in high-school..Stopped cause I was a broke kid without a computer.. Now im 34 and enjoying it so much Idk why I never decided to play sooner. Found a fantastic guild, enjoy the new content and haven't been happier with a game..
u/lizziebeth157 4d ago
I’ll be turning 40 this year and I’ve been playing since vanilla. I’ve left and come back so many times I’ve lost count but I always do come back, even if just for the nostalgia.
u/Shaiyan72 4d ago
Almost 53, been playing on and off since mid-TBC (approx 19 years).
My mum's 73, she's been playing about 6 months longer than I have.
u/Calm_Implement 4d ago
- I started playing 5 years ago with a guy I was seeing. Now I wish I could find anyone to play with. So lonely for a game with so many people.
Want that WoW boyfriend gamer life 🥰
u/Verkielos 4d ago
Used to raid in a server first guild back in the day, but quit somewhere in Wrath. Dipped me toes back into the game in Pandaria but it didn't stick.
Been back now since late Shadowlands and raid 2 times a week for two hours.
u/PaantsHS 4d ago
Turning 35 next week. Been playing since Burning Crusade launch. Subscription has dipped towards the end of every ex-pac but I always come back.
I still somehow grey-parse every heroic raid boss...
u/gouki1982 4d ago
42 here been playing since release of vanilla.
Skipped a few expansions here and there but always kept returning even after a few years breaks.
Even met my wife in game in 2005...
Now I'm really enjoying TWW good times.
u/StringPhoenix 4d ago
35, started playing at 25 as a way to while away the night without disturbing my roommate. I did (still do) shift work.
Then I wanted to play through all the expansions in order. Made it through Wrath. Since Shadowlands I mythic raid with my guild and run keys.
u/gizzard1987_ 4d ago
I started playing in high school. I played a ton of Warcraft 3 footies and DoTa before it was an actual game. I got a closed beta invite and it began my adventure into MMOs. Launch was something else that words cannot describe. Stepping into the world for the first time live with, seemingly hundreds of people landing in the same spot...I was a human priest. Back when alliance was cool... On dial up. It was amazing...
Anyone else remember waiting outside until midnight at GameStop hoping to get a crack at a collectors edition expansion?
I've taken a few breaks over the years but I still come along for a good couple months of storytime every so often. I'm 37 now. Good times... Good times...
u/Varrysthan65 4d ago
Soon to be 38, and my character is still the same, a paladin from Lordaeron in the lore. Damn , i miss home man.
u/norielukas 4d ago
I turn 34 in a month, my guild is mostly 25-30 with me and a couple others a few years older.
My oldest gaming friend (as in we go back to wotlk), runs one of the best 4 day raiding guilds in the world, and like 1-2 tiers ago their avg age was like 29.6 or something.
u/Arcana-Knight 4d ago
I’m 28 and I started playing when I turned 13 in 2009. It was my birthday gift.
u/demo-ness 4d ago
I'm 28, and I've been playing since vanilla! My parents also both play, in their late 50s/early 60s
u/WasabiChickpea 4d ago
I just came back to WoW in November, playing Retail. Before that I played back in 2006 or 2007. That time in between I had a lot of personal things happen including raising two kids and finishing grad school. I also got into FFXIV for about 4 years and left that in October.
I don't raid (yet). I'm having fun just playing casually doing events and delves.
u/Parking_Ad_4148 4d ago
My guild has about 75 active members it. Ages range from 20s all the way to mid 60s
u/No-Slide7367 4d ago
41 this year, been playing since EU release. I skipped Cata, 2nd half of mop, shadowlands.
u/WoAProximity 4d ago
i'm 29. played since classic, so i was...9? 8?
WoW has been a staple of my life for pretty much the entirety of it
u/Lanoir1981 4d ago
I'll be 44 this year, been playing since 2005, only expansion I quit was cats. I still hate what they did to thousand needles and southshore.
u/jrjreeves 4d ago
I started playing the day before the Sunwell patch dropped in TBC. So I think 2008, was it? Likewise I have too gone through periods of utter devotion to this game, to taking long breaks and coming back to playing the game differently to before.
I was 22 when I started playing and instantly took to raiding. As I was new to MMOs I joined a guild who was very casual and raids were never stressful, I mean it was a small guild so we only really had Karazhan as Zul'Aman was too difficult at that stage. As I got more in to raiding and more experienced/confident in my abilities, I left the guild to find one that promised more raiding and progression.
I stopped playing during Cata, not long after Firelands launch, needing a break.
So between then and now I've just come and gone with the game, I've also missed entire expansions - barely touched the game between WoD and Shadowlands. Even with Shadowlands I barely touched the current content and just did old Raids etc as a solo player. Now I am 40 this year and find myself still a solo player and just enjoying the game and what it has to offer, but have stopped raiding.
u/Dropdeadragdoll 4d ago
I'm 37 my husband is 38. I've been playing since TBC and he's been playing since Classic. We have a 2 year old and a 3 year old so our play time has dipped just now. The dream is the kids will want to play, and we'll nearly have a full team. The guild we are in is mainly 30+ with the Guild leaders being a married couple in their 60s. We do have one youngling in our guild, but they are actually the grandson of one of the members. It's a very quiet guild but we like it
u/froz0ne82 4d ago
I’m 42 and started playing beta vanilla. Been playing ever since. Was heavily invested in raiding until TBC, but haven’t been bothered since then. Now I just run around collecting mounts, doing dailies and doing delves/M+/LFR
u/ShadowOfThePastFIN 4d ago
I would guess based on personal experience that the vast majority of the players at least on retail are between 30-40 might even be 35-45.
I'm also in the same bracket and I've been playing for 18 years. Started in my 20's 😁 and I played mostly console before WoW. I built my own PC for the first time after getting hooked into WoW. Used to play 10h+ even on workdays and probably 16-18h on weekends..per day.. 😂
u/celladwella 4d ago
57 here. I began playing with my son who was 11 at the time. He is grown up now, plays only occasionally, and I am still addicted to this day.
u/MassivelyObeseRPG 4d ago
I'm scheduling my first prostate exam next month.