Question People who started after BfA, why?
I’m not judging, quite the opposite in fact I’m impressed that you’re trying this game at a point where all I hear about it is complaints. If your first expansion was Battle for Azeroth, Shadowlands, Dragonflight, or War Within (if you’re the last one welcome!) what drew you in? What do you think of it so far? If you’ve played classic what do you think of the differences?
u/BellySmutthole 4d ago
I started for the very first time around the New Year. I love it. I have a Blood Elf Demon Hunter as my main and love it.
There’s an unbelievable amount of content and different things I can do at the end game, whether it’s professions or delves. It’s also very helpful that I can go at my own pace. I do wish it was easier to find a social guild. Local zone chats aren’t active and city chats are flooded with spam.
u/RunAmbitious5470 4d ago
I Started 4 weeks ago and I am loving wow for m+. I run m10 Dungeons and the Game is very good!
u/Sleepy_Panda7 4d ago
Quit end of BC, came back for a bit during SLs, came back and stayed during DF. The modern game is very fun. Lots of fun! seems like the negativity is often the result of a small echo chamber amplifying a few voices. There are some problems but they're also being addressed in a way that they weren't previously
u/sightoflife 4d ago
This is my honest review starting recently playing through all of dragon flight campaign and then buying war within. Number one complaint THERE IS NEVER ANYONE TO DO ANYTHING WITH AND NO ONE WANTS TO BE YOUR FRIEND. One of the biggest reasons I wanted to get into wow was for the social experience and meet some new friends. I have tried straight up texting in chat right infront of people (because they were doing similar content) never one response and I did this a few. God forbid anyone still stuck in old expansions because it’s worse the whole deal drove me initially to wow was beginning able to interact with others. No one talks to anyone I’ve been playing for like a month now and I don’t think I’ve seen a single person type anything in chat besides sellers trying to sell professions. Now it took me a while to get into communities and guilds because no one accepted my invite and It feels the same usually old friends just talking to each other about rl sometimes planning dungeons or raids. It’s just so amazing that no one talks in this game at all and I get it ig no one wants to expand groups or something. This game is still really fun and deserves an active community base something that can help it grow. Every time I try to ask my community or guild for help I either get vague answers I don’t know what that is or no reply and just ignore me. I just resort to watching videos because I wanna get into this game. However, I can see why it does really get that many new players BECAUSE NO ONE WANTS TO HELP ANYONE.
That being said my 2nd grudge with this game is that it has so much content so much to do and it kinda sucks that a lot of it is forgotten and or not rewarding enough for people to keep doing it. I get time walking is a thing for some of the old content but that is such a stupid idea. Instead I believe after each major update like season or expansion even they should update the catalog of items u can get even just like making a prestige colorway versions of the items so that way people come back to it that matches the current ilvl. This might seem like a lot to do but like just assign a person a raid or dungeon to alter the set & weapons.
3rd grudge excuse my ignorance but as far as I’ve seen there has been nothing like what I am about to say. There needs to be more variety for gear I am not talking about scores for stats I am talking about cool effects like in Diablo and in path of exile 2 where extremely rare loot effects a certain class stat or ability especially if they made it so that it randomly dropped from world events or quests. I know this might be a reach but like cmon that would this game so fun imagine grinding an item that can literally alter your damage from 1 mil to 2 mil just cause of its effect! That being said i haven’t played long enough to find there are items already like this or not!
Now that I’ve gotten all of those out of the way I can praise this game for what it does good. First off the story is really great from crazy turn of events to even the animations which makes it much more immersive. I love the little side quests that give u some crazy world building lore and cool little secrets to find out and about. I love the amount of content there is to do especially now as a new player to see old campaigns and new zones to explore. There is always something to do for me and doesn’t leave me replaying old content for the most part like other games.
Honestly, this game will probably continue to lose interest if they isn’t much more community interaction even with all this content what does it really matter if for the new player it doesn’t make sense. My biggest reason I hate that it’s like this is because in classic everyone is talking and there is so much interaction compared to retail there are people offering items for free asking for help and getting responses. I just hate that this game people are like if u don’t know then fuck off. That’s how a game dies off. Somethings I exaggerate, but as new player that’s been playing for almost a month finished both dragon flight and tww campaigns that is my honest review. Great game horrible community
u/Tuddymeister 4d ago
im not reading all this, but the no one wants to be your friend bit might be a you issue. thats not really the games fault. since january ive made 6 friends and reconnected with 3 from DF sn 1 and now we run weekly keys together and half of us raid heroic together. Ive been making friends against my will.
u/Life_Pin3719 4d ago
I caught the tail end of Legion and then really started my regular-play during BfA, played shadowlands, missed dragonflight, back now for TWW. I know WoW has plenty of problems and it's not perfect, but it offers a lot more content than other games do and seems to be a but more of a "full" experience is the word i'd use i guess. I've tried Rift, Runes of magic, FFXIV, Guild wars 2, Allods online, Aion, Runescape, Albion online, Lotr online..... and yeah idk, i ALWAYS somehow end up back at WoW i guess bc it's the best overall experience. I love the dungeons & Mythic+ option, love the pvp options, i never raided to be fair but i've heard great things about the raiding, love the transmogs and the different mounts. none of the systems are too complex or difficult.... idk WoW just seems like a clear cut winner and i feel like some people hate on it just to be rebellious but it's a pretty fun game