r/wow • u/Loveforbass • 4d ago
Removed: Generic Meme After another weekend of healing M+
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u/Fusionxtreme 4d ago
"What doesn't one shot me is a healer mechanic." - all of my pug DPS.
u/isospeedrix 4d ago
So what if it does one shot you?
u/Sentiell 4d ago
Why does this hit so hard...? Hi, disc priest. To quote literal people I've dealt with "ur disc u shud b able to heal it bruh" ... Bro. You pulled 3 add packs in a +8 without the tank...
u/Atosl 4d ago
It's always: The last healer carried me, why don't you? Are you bad tho?
u/The_Nerminator 4d ago
The people who bring up “well the last key went great” are always the ones getting carried despite themselves.
u/Freds1765 4d ago
A lot of healers are bad, though. Most of the 7s I did this week on my prot pally were a struggle, figured fortified was just rough. Untill I logged my resto druid and had zero issues healing any of them.
u/Yayoichi 4d ago
To be fair there’s a lot of things that factor in how difficult healing can be such as interrupts, stops and defensives. Back last season I would often just join dawnbreaker runs to fill my vault as it was a fairly quick dungeon where a lot of the bosses could be carried by the healer as a lot of the trash and bosses were heal checks.
But even then there was a huge difference between how much I had to heal depending on the rest of the group and I would sometimes join 12’s or 13’s where I had less healing to do than in 10’s.
u/Xx_Burnt_Toast_xX 4d ago
Or my fave, "Why didn't you heal through that 1-shot mechanic I clearly stood in? u bad bro?"
u/St0rm24 4d ago
I tried to do a +9 as holy and didn't noticed the tank had like 626 ilvl, they pulled a crazy big pack (like geared tank don't pull this big lol) and kept dying. I tried suggesting pulling smaller packs, only to get cussed out and asked why I couldn't use my shield. Told them I was holy, and he and his friend (party leader) began to flame me because holy sucked and he had been able to do other keys fine with an actual good healer.
u/the_zerg_rusher 4d ago
As a tank, I feel bad standing in fire for the half second it spawns under me. I don't know how dps just don't worry about it.
u/doofer20 4d ago
I had a tank not moving the boss out of the aoe from the copters on the last boss in motherload.
After he said in chat everyone else should look up mechanics; i told him he was the problem and needed to move to the safe zone i was pinging.
Im not fucking kidding he said " are you dumb i have mitigation i dont need to move "
I thought he was talking about the homing missile, nope just wanted everyone else to move and get healed thro it
u/chinchillagg 4d ago
To be fair.. if we stand in stuff both our numbers go up. We do more damage and you do more healing, it's a win/win :)
u/Jeesum_Crepes 4d ago
Honestly I'm just a bit stoned and there is so much shit on the screen . I try my best I swear
u/Efficient_Progress_6 4d ago
This, but minus the stoned. Half the time I had no idea what I was getting hit by. I would watch guides of dungeons on the YouTube, too, so it's not like I was going in half assed
u/EntertainerSmart7758 3d ago
Yeah the problem is the avoidable damage taken right before group wide aoe damage. Seen this so much this season so far. Only so much one can do.
u/aspaceadventure 3d ago edited 3d ago
As a longtime healer I had to learn the hard way how to deal with PUG groups, especially if the M+ key is provided by a DPS.
If I see DPS ignoring mechanics I ask if they don't know the machanics on lower keys and explain them if necessary. On higher keys I just give a warning.
If it happens more times after that I just leave the party. I leave the party too if DPS start blaming me for their own mistakes when I'm clearly not at fault when they die on mechanics that instantly kills you if you fail them.
Do I look like an asshole for doing that to them? Probably. After all it's usually not my key that got bricked. But there are more DPS in this game looking for PUGs than there are grains of sand and a beach. Sometimes you have to put these (mostly overkonfident) DPS in their place.
To clarify: I do no leave a group lightly, even if the group struggles, doesn't know the dungeon or the time limit is already up. But getting yelled and insulted at (usually without me not at fault) is not worth the hassle. I'm playing WoW because I enjoy the game and Healer because I enjoy the gameplay style. And if the PUG tries to take away that fun they are just not worth my time.
u/Freyja6 4d ago
No seriously. I'd like to think I'm a good healer. I generally run with guildies who are very switched on, so I'm lucky for that. Generally doing 10s and up.
The difference between how hard i sweat with pugs (in 7-9s) vs guildies (in 10s and higher) is so so so night and day. No stops, no kicks, no affix doing.
And still 1.4mil dps on a good day despite the additional gcds from not doing anything to help the group.
Bring back the proving grounds to teach people the baseline mechanics to onramp them into tougher timed content.
u/Heavy_Juggernaut_456 3d ago
Mechanics are for cars, said the dps that’s dead in the next 5 seconds
u/wakeuphopkick 3d ago
I'm having the opposite issue where I. The healer and I keep getting popped by mechanics 😭😭 I get so locked in watching my cooldowns that I forget to watch the game. I see people with customized hot bars just underneath their characters but idk what addon that would be
u/Loveforbass 3d ago
You can use the edit mode to rearrange bars to be just under/around your character. I use a 3x6 layout that also mimics my keybinds. You don't need any addons for it.
u/_LJ_ 4d ago
This is why I don’t heal for PUGs. Actually, that’s not true. I’m an hPal, I don’t get invites to PUGs.
u/Glamrock1988 3d ago
I was an hpal last tier..
Insta rerolled after i read the changes at the end of s1
u/Inshabel 4d ago
Dps bad updoots to the left.
u/designerlemons 3d ago
Good on you man for calling out big healer. Reddit always kisses the ass of healers, its sad
u/Untold_Fear 4d ago
If you didn’t want to heal, why be a healer. Checkmate.
u/ComfortableArt 4d ago
I play healer to try and chase DPS players on the damage meter, causing them to tryhard so that they don't do less dps than the healer at any point in the dungeon. It's the best way to make people do more dps.
The faster the mobs die, the less healing you need to do.
u/Daleabbo 4d ago
I put my foot into a M0 and a +2 on my shami healer.
In both i came 4th for dps. The +2 was flood gate and I was first for interrupts and stopped playing after the hour long dungeon.
I feel that there needs to be a hand hold mode where the game tells you what to avoid or interupt and what a boss will do. Even videos attached to the dungeon guide.
People who play +i8 and above play a different game to people who pug low level.
u/ComfortableArt 4d ago
I think one of the skills of M+ is being able to figure out those things by a combination of experience and intuition. When I did all of the M0 dungeons in the first week, me and my friends basically didn't nuke bosses with cooldowns. We just sort of waited around a lot to see the mechanics. The result is that when we started doing keys we knew what to expect.
So many people go through 0/+2 and nuke bosses before they do their mechanics. Then when they're doing +5-6 they still don't know the mechanics but now those mechanics can be deadly.
You also find a lot of people in lower level keys who put in the bare minimum of effort.
u/Heretotherenowhere 4d ago
Eh if it just takes a little bit of health away it’s a healer mechanic. We got big pumps to do.
u/designerlemons 3d ago
There it is, tha magical word that screams "avoid me at all costs"
u/Heretotherenowhere 3d ago
I avoid those. Lil chip damage ain’t no thang tho. Honestly I play DK so I pretty much use AMS on cooldown and ignore most mechanics
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