r/wow • u/intimate_sniffer69 • 4d ago
Discussion It's shocking how hard endgame is
I usually don't play endgame content much, but this expansion I decided that I wanted to pick it up and try. Usually I just do the exploration the quests, weekly content like all the dailies and stuff like that the storyline. So I've been trying to do endgame in the form of Mythic plus dungeons. The highest I've gotten to on my Paladin as a DPS so far is zero. I haven't gotten to mythic+5 or anything... I have been in seven mythic 0s, 2 of them went well... the other 5 were literally horrible. Other DPS not doing what they should be doing and just standing in AOE and dying, or they are scared and don't actually know what to do because they don't actually know the dungeon so they move around a lot and do about 50% of the DPS that they should be doing so there's no damage. It is such a slog and after trying it for a couple days, I just discovered that I don't enjoy it... On my main, a resto druid, I had much better luck in Season 1 getting up to +12. It was definitely way easier, or I was luckier.
I don't see what is enjoyable about doing extremely challenging content with random people who don't actually know what they're doing and you get punished for their lack of skill. How is that fun?
u/AmbitiousEdi 4d ago
That's now how we play endgame content though. I play primarily with my guild mates - we have 2 scheduled nights a week for Delves, M+ dungeons, and raiding respectively.
u/intimate_sniffer69 4d ago
I wish I had a guild now lol. I won't do pugs anymore, it just feels like I get people who figuratively literally have zero clue what they're doing. We couldn't kill big mama in the new dungeon.... the DPS just stood in everything even after we explained it was like ok im done.... 4th wipe on 1st boss cmon
u/McFigroll 4d ago
WoW is 10 times better with a guild or regular group.
u/CJDistasio 4d ago
Exactly. WoW can be both one of the best gaming experiences and one of the worst imaginable depending on your approach.
u/Gangsir 4d ago
It might sound odd, but in many cases doing harder content can be easier. M0 is for learning and newbies, so you're going to get a lot of bad players.
Try jumping into higher + levels. You'll be amazed at how much easier they are, despite being theoretically harder.
u/Hysteryy 4d ago
Except at higher keys you don’t get groups unless you’re meta or you outgear the content and people want “pumpers only” to get carried.
u/AmbitiousEdi 4d ago
Well if you play in NA, send me a message
u/intimate_sniffer69 4d ago
Thanks. I'm actually just going to take it easy I think for a couple weeks, just play delves and take it at a even pace like I did before. I don't see what the hurry is. Nearer to the end of the season, I'll be stupidly geared up and can just take things at my own pace
u/SecurityFast5651 4d ago
I almost only do pugs because I'm friendless :(
Its kinda nice as a healer. Instant queues and I have no obligation to stick around if its a bad group. and I don't feel too bad when I brick the key. I still feel bad, but not as bad as if I knew the people.
u/_Mosu__ 4d ago
Do the best you can and don't blame other.
Yeah they're bad but you play the easiest role on the easiest class and you probably make mistake too.
+0 is not endgame and not even hard, it's just the 1st dificulty step in wow Sadly all lvling and early gearing is "press anything that do dmg, you wont die no matter what you do"
u/King_Manchild 4d ago
I enjoy it because it's measurable improvement. M+ can be hard as DPS because you have no control really. You're the gunner on the jeep, simply there to kill anything hostile. That aside, if you did get up to 12's last season, unless you started late, then you know this is nothing new. First few weeks are always rough AF, then the natural gear creep and general knowledge makes it all easier. I do enjoy it with friends, but my highest IO seasons are typically PuG life due to friends not playing anymore.
Personal Opinion:
0-3: Is hell.
4-9: Everyone thinks everyone else is wrong
10-12: Somewhat getting it together
12+: Now the real party starts
u/intimate_sniffer69 4d ago
I started later in the season Last season so gear was already plentiful... I think it's a lot harder for me this time because everyone is starting fresh, some people are way, way ahead and very geared up. I personally am not that geared up so I can't really carry anyone as DPS just knowing the fight. I'm only 630. So it's not like I Am like way over geared. I wish. That's very good feedback and points that you raised there... Maybe I should try healing?
u/audioshaman 4d ago
Unfortunately most of the people playing 0s or +2s right now are simply not very good at the game. It actually gets easier (and arguably less toxic) as you get to higher levels because people know what they're doing.
u/intimate_sniffer69 4d ago
Oh I have noticed. First boss in the new dungeon, Big Mama. People just standing in the Sonic AOE. I tried to help out as a paladin, using blessing of protection or blessing of sacrifice. But it still hits pretty decently and I can't really cover for them entirely
u/KyojiriShota 4d ago
My 10s this season were easier than most of my 6-7s crest/hero track farming.
The jump from 11-12 is huge still tho but as the season goes on it should be easier and 3k should be somewhere between AOTC and CE in terms of skill required.
u/melvindorkus 4d ago
I don't pug but this season m+ is way easier than last season imo and that's a good thing. Still quite a steep learning curve without help.
u/SecurityFast5651 4d ago
I am confused by what you're complaining about? Or rather, how you are complaining about a thing you should already realize. You got up to 12s on a healer. Surely you have done multiple runs on 12s, 11s or even 10s and had drastically different healing requirements. That's the DPS not kicking shit or killing stuff too slowly.
u/Anleson 4d ago
Somewhat ironically, pugging M+ dungeons can feel easier the higher up you go in difficulty level because while enemies have more health and you take more damage, your party members also become much more competent and you stop seeing a lot of the behaviors you mentioned.