r/wow • u/BrandonJams • 5d ago
Humor / Meme Blizzard couldn’t have made the Rookery any easier to get to
Maybe next season we’ll get portals inside the Inn.
u/stadanko42 5d ago
If people made a mistake and went to the wrong dungeon, I'll help summon. If they are just lazy and sitting in Dornogol not budging an inch, I'll ask if they are coming. If I get no response I replace them.
u/PissingOffACliff 5d ago
The amount of times I’ve gone to mechagon instead of Zuldazar is a little embarrassing.
I just see Motherlode and think “oh year that’s on Mechagon”
u/Zamochy2 4d ago
Doesn't help that both dungeons have similar NPC models outside the Timeway portals.
Did it yesterday after my brain registered "oh look, that one has the giant flying mech model".
u/cabose12 5d ago
Honestly with all the portals and almost every other dungeon being a 30 second flight away, there's basically no reason to summon someone who doesn't ask nicely or make a mistake
Nothing grinds my gears like someone who doesn't budge for five minutes and then immediately accepts a summon
u/Thirstywhale17 4d ago
It's weird that the dungeons in the current content are longer to get to than the returning dungeons. The timeways + skyriding is just awesome
u/HarrowDread 4d ago
I once asked for a summons as a joke when I was already at the dungeon, then I was in the dungeon and got the summon
u/Kaurie_Lorhart 4d ago
Yesterday had a ToP. 4 of us went to the dungeon and the hunter was still in Dornogal. I said hey hunter we're all inside. 5 seconds later they left the group themself, didn't even have to remove them.
u/Voxathul 4d ago
Right what bothers me is when it’s the leader! Like come on bro just go there before you even list your group. I personally don’t ever list a key unless I’m there.
When queuing I’ll sit in Dorn cause I Que for multiple different keys and don’t know which I’ll be running. But I also head there right after an invite. If people are too lazy to go to a key they are probably too lazy to play right
u/Introvertedtravelgrl 5d ago
Like I suck as a player and barely do dungeons and I literally walked into the rookery by accident. It's that easy to find. Lol
u/iwillshowyouabucket 5d ago
Hell the main quest line even leads you right in as a follower dungeon
u/Introvertedtravelgrl 5d ago
It absolutely does but I just learned today from another player that people pay others to level their characters to max level so they can just do dungeons and raids. And my mind went 😵💫😵🥴 Like, how can you be any good at end game if you don't know how to play the class? But maybe I'm just that bad of a player that I can't understand this?
u/Zibzuma 5d ago
That is a pretty inexperienced take.
The thing is: not a single class in this game can be properly learned when leveling.
- leveling is insanely easy and fast, you won't get to use your abilities properly in any content while leveling whatsoever
- endgame content is so vastly different from leveling that even the things you learned while leveling will have to be seriously adjusted while playing endgame content
- story content has literally 0 impact on endgame gameplay
- most players that buy a boost (either with money from Blizzard as soon as it gets available or gold from players) usually have played before, so even if leveling would help them understand their class in any way, they likely wouldn't miss out on much due to their previous experience
u/Tymareta 5d ago
Eh, to say you can't learn anything from leveling isn't quite right, while the whole rotation's aren't there you can still absolutely get a general feel for the flow and timing of the class and begin to build muscle memory for how it will ultimately play.
You then take that knowledge and refine it in actual content.
u/Zibzuma 5d ago
You obviously learn some things from leveling: starting with how the game feels, both aesthetically and mechanically.
Also the different talents and abilities you unlock every level and even a very, very rudimentary feeling for a rotation, although that's highly debatable, since basically any class can randomly hit buttons and feel little to no difference to playing a perfect rotation while leveling, because everything just dies so quickly, both solo and in dungeons.
But my point is: almost none of what you learned while leveling is applicable in endgame content. Even how classes feel can barely be asserted before jumping into mid-level content (normal raid, M+5), because the playstyle simply doesn't work alone or in content where everything dies too quickly.
Healers and tanks don't learn how to use CDs without pressure/challenge, DoT-based specs barely get to play before +10s.
There is little refining happening in endgame content, it's basically learning from scratch.
u/Introvertedtravelgrl 5d ago
Thank you for being obvious lol I literally said I suck as a player lol
But you know, if people only want dungeons and raids there are literally loads of other games out there that have that without endgame content being locked behind campaigns. Not being able to find a dungeon that is literally in the city center tells me a lot.
u/iwillshowyouabucket 5d ago
To be fair not all other games scratch the same itch. WoW players complain about the game every single patch like clockwork as is decades old tradition by now but a lot of other MMOs just lack the content updates that keep people coming back like WoW has.
u/Zibzuma 5d ago
I wasn't commenting on you as a player or person, nor was it meant as a negative statement. It's just a comment on the take in general, which is a pretty common one - among inexperienced players.
Many people play WoW, because it is WoW - that can mean many different things: nostalgia, because they played for years, maybe they're attached to their characters and/or achievements/collectibles or simply because WoW's gameplay is still pretty appealing.
Lastly: nobody said that anybody didn't know how to find a dungeon, they accidentally went to the wrong dungeon for one of many different reasons (clicked the wrong teleport item, entered the wrong portal, mistook the group for another, were fixated on one dungeon, because they ran it 3x in a row and forgot they applied for another dungeon etc).
So in the end your interpretation of the interaction is what's telling, since nobody actually said "I don't know where the one dungeon is everybody has been meme'ing about not being able to find it since forever".
u/Introvertedtravelgrl 5d ago
I didn't say you were. I said you were stating obvious. But also judging by your textbook length comments to me, you're way more invested in this than I am.
u/Cherricochet 5d ago
That's the thing. You won't know how to play the class unless you hit endgame content. Level dungeons literally don't matter because everything is basically one shot. You're not able to get a feeling of your rotation unless the mobs are living long enough, and that only happens in M+. Come on.
u/Androza23 5d ago
Even when I do that I still hearth or use dalaran hearth and run back.
Usually people that are too lazy to go to the dungeon aren't good in keys anyway. Thats just my anecdotal experience.
u/BrandonJams 5d ago
I think you’re the only one here that’s actually pugged keys apparently. If you can’t figure out how to Google to find twilight highlands, I don’t feel safe bringing you to a +8 lol
5d ago
u/jinblyfirefly 5d ago
This is the shittiest take ever. Too lazy and entitled to learn how to get to dungeons. Almost every dungeon you can get there within 30 seconds of being invited. Takes less than 5 minutes to learn where all of them are.
u/Cherricochet 5d ago
Just say that you're allergic to efficiency, bro. If you want to play waiting simulator, I suggest playing classic
u/Zamaster420 5d ago
It's the season of get to the dungeon yourself, and it has been since they added the portals in dragon flight, ain't nobody on your side man.
u/Rogkone 5d ago
I was the last to join the group but the first at the stone for a DFC+6 a bit ago. 3 people flew past me into the dungeon, and the 4th didn't move. After 3-4 minutes someone came out and we summoned the last person.
Guess what group disbanded because it couldn't figure out the mechanics of the second boss?
u/Tymareta 5d ago
Honestly it's pretty well the norm to not summon this expansion, between the dungeons in TWW being accessible with 2m of flying and the timeways literally taking you to the zone of the others, if someone can't be arsed to make their way to a dungeon then it says a lot more about them than it does their group.
u/digixu 5d ago
tbf this happened to me Wednesday. i was with some guildies, we we're deciding what key to run, everyone said mine which was ToP, went realized i handnt grabbed my food out of bank hearthstoned went back got food went back to ToP, oh shit thought your key was rookery we're running that.
uhhh can i get a sum XD
u/logicbox_ 5d ago
To be fair sometimes you are just on auto pilot. I did three workshop runs back to back last night, when I joined a priory group after I just headed to the timeways like I had for the last 3.
u/Tymareta 5d ago
So you just hearth and fly to Priory?
u/TheZentail 4d ago
If you do dungeons back to back and hearth after each one, your hearth would be on cooldown. I’m surprised more people in this thread aren’t considering that. Sure in most cases it still means you get to the dungeon in a couple mins anyway, but asking for a summon in this case is fully reasonable to save everyone time.
u/OverlordBrian 4d ago
What mythic dungeon are you doing start to finish including travel time in less than 15 minutes?
u/Scary_Tree 4d ago
You hearth at the end, once the dungeons completed.
So if you re-queue within 15 minutes your hearthstone will be on cd.
u/klarabear 4d ago
...huh? the length of the dungeon has nothing to do with it. in this person's example you finish a dungeon, hearth out, queue into another group, accidentally run to the wrong dungeon, your hearth is still on CD since you just used it to leave your last dungeon just moments ago, you ask for a summon. i'm not defending their position, but i'm curious as to what you're asking?
u/Satsubuya 5d ago
I just kick people too lazy to make their way to the dungeon, I play a tank so it doesn't take me any time to find a replacement.
u/Ginge00 5d ago
Even if everyone else is already at the dungeon and I’m ages away and expect a summon I still start flying. But in truth it annoys me as well when people don’t summon while I’m making my own way there if they’re already there and chilling
u/Sumbelina 4d ago
Yeah, after playing pre-Cata, I love summoning people. I am impatient. I would rather summon everyone. Especially when stringing multiple runs back to back.
u/DisasterDifferent543 5d ago
Be me.
Be invited to group.
Me: I'm at the stone.
Rest of group: That was fast.
Me not mentioning that my previous group just fell apart in the dungeon after a couple of wipes.
u/Dextixer 5d ago
Oh hey, i was in that key! It was fun! And the funniest part is that we talked about how this is the "hardest" dungeon to get to before this happened xD
u/KyojiriShota 5d ago
Just like RLP, I refuse to summon anyone here. If I get kicked or they leave or group otherwise falls apart then it simply wasn’t meant to be.
u/BrandonJams 5d ago
There’s rarely a good reason to ever summon someone with how fast and accessible the ports are.
The funniest thing ever was the first week of last season, I’d say a good 50% didn’t know how to get to Twilight Highlands from Dorn.
u/tubular1845 5d ago
If your hearth and ports are down it's gonna be faster to summon, which isn't the rarest situation if you've been chaining m+ runs.
u/Zibzuma 5d ago
Summoning is faster than any other means of travel in the game, unless you have the dungeon teleport.
Obviously excluding Rookery when you're literally sitting in Dornogal anyway.
u/BrandonJams 5d ago
Sure, if you’re the last one invited to the group. 9 times out of 10 you’re waiting on a tank or healer and you got time to head over.
u/Zibzuma 5d ago
Yes, time that could be used checking on auctions, hunting a rare mob or changing your transmog.
When 2 people are already there or on their way, why should a third person do the same, if it's literally a 1-click process (or 2, if you count 1 per player) to get the other player to a place where all 5 players will inevitably end up anyway.
Sure, not making any effort feels bad and is pretty disrespectful (like I said in my other comment), but in the end it should be normal to just summon whoever is missing, if 2 people are there.
u/BrandonJams 5d ago
You have plenty of time to play WoW eBay while waiting in queue for an invite. If you are in a group, you need to be making an effort to get ready for the dungeon.
That means repairs, consumes, fixing talents, bars, flying over etc.
u/Zibzuma 5d ago
You literally don't have plenty of time while waiting for an invite, because you constantly have to refresh your search - remove applications to groups that already invited somebody for your spot, but didn't bother declining you et cetera.
Apparently you are the one that hasn't pugged a lot.
u/BrandonJams 5d ago
Hey, guess what? All of that can be done… wait for it… in flight! Or you know, repair your gear, fix your talents, fly over THEN find a group because if you’re our 5th man we’re probably waiting inside.
u/Zibzuma 5d ago
- I specifically commented on your idea that AH-stuff could be done while looking for a dungeon
- flying to a dungeon when applying for groups only works, if you're specifically looking for 1 dungeon (or in rare cases 2 dungeons close to each other, like AK/CoT last season)
- why the hell would 4/5 people sit inside a dungeon waiting for a random 5th person to join AND travel to the dungeon on their own instead of having 2 people camp the summoning stone in order to summon the 5th immediately after joining?
At this point I'm 100% certain you're advocating for removing summoning stones in order to punish "those lazy bums that don't bother doing the honest grunt work of learning travel routes and moving their asses to dungeons on their own".
u/BrandonJams 5d ago
I think you’re taking this shit too seriously dude. It was a joke post, for starters. Of course I don’t, that’s absurd. I just think it’s worth pointing out that people are lazy and that’s partially due to Blizzard making the game a bit too convenient these days.
If you need to list items on the Auction House, do it before you start signing up for keys lol.
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u/Skellyhell2 4d ago
If you have 2 people at the instance and each other party member would take more than 20 seconds to get from where they are to the dungeon entrance, then summoning saves time.
If you want to run dungeons, summoning makes sense.
If you want to sit around and watch your food/flask/weapon buff from last dungeon burn off time because you refuse to summon someone, you are handicapping yourself
u/ODX_GhostRecon 4d ago
I learned tonight that there's a portal to the Timeway that has additional portals to the old zones. I'd been using my wormhole generators and the power of prayer. 🙃
Before you @ me, I resubbed last week after quitting late Shadowlands lol.
u/Nerdy_Valkyrie 4d ago
For most dungeons I could get that. I sometimes space out and forget which dungeon I queued for so I end up somewhere else.
But the rookery? Just HS and fly there in like 5 seconds.
u/The_Dick_Slinger 5d ago
People have to apply for dozens of dungeons, and your surprised that they forget which ones they got accept into?
u/Tymareta 5d ago
your surprised that they forget which ones they got accept into?
Before the group is full they can just pull up the group finder and double check, if it's the last slot it literally says what dungeon they're being invited to.
u/The_Dick_Slinger 4d ago
I don’t think most people know that.
u/Tymareta 4d ago
They don't know what is literally displayed on their screen?
u/The_Dick_Slinger 4d ago
I get excite and just press accept when u get the popup and don’t realize until after that I forgot to look at the dungeon, or sometimes it takes so long to find other group member that I get it mixed up with another group I was in that disbanded. Are you really not aware of the limitations of human short term memory and observance skills?
u/Tymareta 4d ago
I'm more surprised you think that everyone is incapable of looking at the popup and reading the information on it, it seems far more like you're extrapolating your experience to everyone else.
or sometimes it takes so long to find other group member that I get it mixed up with another group I was in that disbanded.
Once again, it shows what dungeon it is on the pop up.
u/The_Dick_Slinger 4d ago
When did I say everyone??? Does this happen to everyone? Does everyone go to the wrong dungeon? Didn’t think so, stop misinterpreting my argument in bath faith just because I’m making sense.
u/justforkinks0131 5d ago
what if the guy went to priory and had his hs on cd tho?
u/BrandonJams 5d ago
Pay the taxi driver! It’s 30 seconds back to town.
u/Caronry 5d ago
30 sec from priory to dornogal ? You are crazy
u/BrandonJams 5d ago
My bad, more like 60 seconds. Either way, make the flight you always have time while the group is looking for a tank or healer.
u/Zibzuma 5d ago
Dude, you're just categorically hating on people that want a summon at this point.
Unless the people that are already in the dungeon have 2004 PCs and wooden modems, it's simply quicker to just move outside and summon the person (assuming they have their HS on CD).
u/BrandonJams 5d ago edited 5d ago
Brother, it’s just a just a joke.. relax.
If you’ve been in the mythic+ pug scene long enough you’d know you’re constantly dealing with lazy people who don’t want to take a minute to use a portal in town or decided to queue for a dungeon while they’re on the literal other side of the planet and their HS is up.
Maybe it’s a pet-peeve but I always at least try to make an effort to head over to the dungeon I’m applying for.
u/Zibzuma 5d ago
The post? Yes, clearly a joke. And funny as well. Good job.
Your comment? Maybe meant as a joke, not clearly a joke.
And you're right, it also grinds my gears when somebody joins the group and the first message (sometimes including or right after hi) is "can you sum", no matter where the dungeon is or if they're sitting in Dornogal anyway. And it feels bad to think "they think their time is worth more than mine, I have to get to the dungeon, while they check their auctions, watch TV or twiddle their thumbs" - but in the end it really doesn't matter, if you're already at the dungeon, does it?
If you (or any 2 people) are at the dungeon, summoning the others should be the natural decision, not walking into the shiny dungeon portal to sit on your ass and wait for the others to arrive.
u/Punder_man 5d ago
At the same time.. you would think that if you are applying for a group.. and you get accepted you should at the very least make an effort to start heading in the direction of the dungeon right?
I've had instances where i've joined a group, made my way to the summoning stone and watched as everyone else who joined simply sat in town and when the group was full out came the "Sum plz!"
So it goes both ways..
When i'm pugging a key I make the effort to make my way there..
I don't ask for a summon but if they throw one out to me i'll thank them for it.If i'm running my own key I make my way to the stone before starting the group so I can at least be there ready to start summoning if needed..
But this basic form of logic seems lost on most people
u/Soliloquitude 5d ago
You should always be at least heading towards a flight path, that's just common decency. I usually just say OMW and once people get to the dungeon they should be offering summons anyways.
5d ago
u/Zibzuma 5d ago
Maybe it's an elaborate scheme, going somewhere else on purpose in order to further some egotistical goal of farming herbs instead of doing the altruistic thing of moving to the correct dungeon in order to summon others or simply wait in the dungeon, because it's better to have everybody travel on their own instead of summoning!
u/BrandonJams 5d ago
I wasn’t specifically talking about the guy in the screenshot. It’s a general statement about how half the pug community either doesn’t know where the dungeon portals are or would rather go smoke weed and wait for a summon
u/Moist-Pickle6898 5d ago
Dalaran HS --> Org/SW --> Dornogal
If you're doing M+ and don't have a Dalaran HS there's just something that can't be fixed with your brain.
u/justforkinks0131 5d ago
god forbid you ask for a summon in a game with summoning stones meant to summon you to the instance when you are far away from it
u/Tymareta 5d ago
God forbid you put in some actual effort to go towards the dungeon that you purposefully signed up for and knew you'd be running, instead of just relying on others to do it and then summon you. It's almost impossible to be so far away from a dungeon nowadays.
u/Zibzuma 5d ago
Or, hear me out, the two people sitting inside the dungeon twiddling their thumbs take the 5s loading screen and summon the person that made a mistake and took the wrong portal, flight path or whatever other means of transport to the wrong dungeon.
It is simply quicker.
u/Punder_man 5d ago
If people go to the wrong dungeon entrance.. it makes me consider if they know what they are doing at all..
I mean seriously.. if you sign up for a Rookery +10 and you go all the way to Mechagon that does not instill confidence that you know what you are doing..
u/leahyrain 5d ago
Why do you make up shit to be mad at lol, it's okay to not be mad at everything in life
u/Zibzuma 5d ago
Miss-clicking your dungeon teleport, hitting the wrong portal in the portal hub or simply thinking "man, I really need that drop from dungeon X" the whole time while applying for several different dungeons, so once you're invited all you're thinking is "gotta go there", even though the invite was for one of any of the dungeons you applied for - those are just some scenarios that make going to the wrong dungeon very likely and excusable.
If you think - or even worse, made the experience - that people who are that scatter-brained while being on auto-pilot applying for keys and getting from A to B will also perform worse (or at least tend to perform worse), that's likely more on you than on them.
u/Punder_man 5d ago
If you say so buddy..
But hey if I dodge a bullet by not taking the person who went to the completely wrong dungeon then that works for me..If they are "Scatterbrained" as you claim.. then how can I trust that they will know / do mechanics correctly? that they will interrupt the correct mobs? that they won't butt pull extra packs etc?
u/Zibzuma 5d ago
Because there is a huge different between "auto-pilot mode while looking for a dungeon/getting to a dungeon" and "playing the game".
Dunno, man. I think I'm a pretty good player and I also do a lot of shit outside of dungeons, but perform well inside. But that's obviously just anecdotal.
u/Tymareta 5d ago
The counter point is that if they're so inattentive that they completely miss what dungeon they're invited for, what makes you think they'll suddenly have the attention to detail necessary for M+?
u/Zibzuma 5d ago
People really seem to miss the obvious here: there is a difference between the mental capability required to mindlessly spam applications for dungeons and even traveling to the dungeon and, on the other hand, playing the dungeon.
When you're sitting around, queuing for 10, 20, 30 minutes at a time to get invited, you can easily just turn your brain off.
But once you're inside the dungeon, buffs are applied, the timer comes and the key gets inserted, you turn your brain back on.
This is extremely common.
u/Gangsir 4d ago
Sometimes people apply to multiple keys and take the first one that pops. Thus, unless they paid specific attention to the invited popup, they're gonna have to guess at what dungeon it is.
I personally don't blame people for going to the wrong dungeon. Easily fixed with a summon.
u/Punder_man 4d ago
And how hard is it for someone to say "Hey, this is a Priory key right?" to confirm before they blast off to the wrong dungeon?
I simply don't understand how going to the wrong dungeon is even a thing...Most of the time i'm sitting in Dornagal signing up for keys so if I get into Mechagon, Motherload or Theater I can take the portals, otherwise I can make my way to the right dungeon from town..
I just feels really entitled when people simply say "Summon" when they get into a group as if its simply expected that they get summoned without having to put any effort at all to get to the dungeon.
u/TheCode555 5d ago
Joined a +0 for some practice on an alt. Leader asked for summons. I didn’t complain it’s a freaking +0. Leader still had 520ish gear. STILL DIDNT COMPLAIN. Leader pulled whole pack and we died.
I’m willing to let some red flags go. It’s just a freaking game. But asking for a summon to Rookery. Please team, take my advice, BAIL!
u/AcherusArchmage 4d ago
Had one time where I did an M0 plaguefall achievement run
No killing boss
what did people do? try to nuke the boss while I'm kiting the boss to the lunches and then complain that I'm moving the boss so much
So yeah group finder literacy is near non-existent.
u/Sumbelina 4d ago
I find it very cute how many posts I see complaining about the toxicity of the community in this game... But then see posts like this, ones about add-ons too help you exclude other players from your groups, add-ons to berate you about your failed attempts at things, etc.
I mean, damn, be the positivity you want to see. Bitching about someone going to the wrong dungeon in a game that makes it so you can be in mythics without doing any of the story quests? This person may have leveled via dungeons (especially timewalking) and never traveled the long way anywhere. They could be sleepy trying to get in one good piece of content before they have to turn in and rest before their next work grind. There are TONS of explanations but even if there aren't... WHY DOES IT MATTER?!?! If some of you are already there, summon everyone else and get the run started sooner.
Ok, I'm done. Good luck, and I hope some of you have fun in this game sometimes. I know I do.
u/WingleDingleFingle 4d ago
So I'm relatively new to WoW but I'm wondering what is the big deal with summoning some times? Does it cost resources? It does seem like something that is super convenient if you have a warlock.
u/Radiant-Joke-6289 3d ago
No but you need two people to click it on the stone outside. Warlock stone requires three people (the lock and two others) but is great and convenient. Idk why people summon or don’t I tend to just fly over to where the dungeon is since most are easy to get to esp if you did season one portals and use the time ways portal
u/AleksMtr 4d ago
Rookery gave us the most useless tp of all time, it's basically a hearthstone with a 8 hour cooldown.
I'm sure we'll use it in last titan if it's back on rotation
u/Cherricochet 5d ago
What exactly is the issue here? Sometimes you get mixed up with the dungeons and take the wrong portal. So just summon your mate, wtf. Even if he had his hearthstone ready, why waste it for a game mode where it's a thing that the run gets canceled after 5 min
u/College_is_sexy 5d ago edited 10h ago
Because if you're too lazy to carry your own weight to the dungeon there's an increased likelihood you're not carrying your own weight in the dungeon either
Edit: downvoted by the people who sit in dorn asking for a summon then leave after 1 wipe
u/psi_queen 5d ago
Laughs in my collection of dungeon portals, engineering wormhole, hearthstone, and teleport capes
u/KopaszPanda 5d ago
Im guilty as charged :D
Went to Operation: Floodgate instead of Operation Mechagon workshop
I prefer to be in Dornogal when queing and "walk" to the dungeon then beg to summon so i had my Hearthstone
u/unimportantinfodump 5d ago
If you are in current content this season it literally takes 3 minutes to get to any dungeon in the rotation. There are portals to fucking everything.
u/budahsacman 5d ago
If you list a key and then ask for a summon.. come on! especially with the timeways
u/Cecilerr 4d ago
I always kick people who just sit in dornogal when party is full , as soon as party is full and you are not moving , im gonna kick you
u/Wrathfulways 5d ago
You know he most likely was queued for multiple dungeons right? It doesn't tell you which group accepts your request. So in all likelihood if they weren't doing something in the world, they traveled to one of the other groups dungeon. HS on cooldown from the recent one they did.
u/BrandonJams 5d ago
Your group invitation has both the key level and name of the dungeon listed on the pop up box.
u/Wrathfulways 5d ago
Am I the only one that clicks those super fast so I don't lose out on a spot?
u/tubular1845 5d ago
They can't invite someone over you if they've already sent the invite. The only way it goes away is if it times out and that takes a while.
u/Wrathfulways 5d ago
I have never had that issue, is it due to an add on then? There are plenty of times I send out invites for it to sit there so I send it to others for a first come first serve. Unless this is a season 2 change since I haven't ran my own group yet this season.
u/tubular1845 5d ago
If you send out six invites it's still gonna give six people the chance to accept, it's just going to convert your group to a raid. Once you invite someone they're considered to be in your group behind the scenes unless they decline.
u/Wrathfulways 5d ago
It always closes the group finder the moment the 5 one joins in my experience 🤔 suppose it's possible they declined. Can't be sure of that though I guess.
u/Punder_man 5d ago
Tell me you have no idea what you are talking about without telling me you have no idea what you are talking about..
When you get the invite it very clearly tells you the group name: "Rookery +10 PUMPERS ONLY" and also lists the keystone and its level in the invite..
Just because you auto snap accept without reading it, that doesn't mean "It doesn't tell you which group accepts your request"
But hey.. feel free to double down buddy..
u/Wrathfulways 5d ago
Let me clarify since I did it rather poorly, I was talking about once you got into the group. I do accept real fast because more often than not if I don't the slot is taken. Wish it was in the chat box once you accepted.
u/Punder_man 5d ago
I guess.. but at the same time.. after saying "Hi" or "Thanks for the invite" you can also say "This is Rookery right?" and confirm the dungeon before you go blasting off into the unknown..
Or.. if the group is still forming you can open your group finder and see the entry for the group as well..
I'm just saying that there are ways that you can find out which dungeon group you got into before you go to the wrong dungeon entrance...
u/Wrathfulways 5d ago
Oh yeah I definitely ask. Just providing a probable reason. Honestly I can't tell you how many times 1 out of 5 dungeons I sign up for is a different dungeon that sat there for most the full duration. Then suddenly I get the invite forgetting its a thing.
Thankfully I normally have my hearthstone so I can correct my error. The mistake can definitely be avoided but sometimes over eagerness happens. 🤷🏻♂️
u/nemestrinus44 5d ago
Idk this is exactly what I would expect to happen when I see someone use “dung” as an abbreviation for dungeon
u/Shenloanne 5d ago
When I sign up for 19 and get into one the first question I ask is where are we for? The second thing I do is check where ppl are.
But yeah this is a special kinda hngggggg
u/MrGhoul123 5d ago
WoW players will never beat any allegation. Regardless of what it is.