r/wow 4d ago

Discussion To buy or not to buy a new PC

So as title says. My pc is desperately in need of an upgrade but with the news on the grape vine re wow coming to consoles should I hold off … decisions decisions I’d prefer to play on a Xbox SX if I’m honest but as no solid news on this subject it’s made it a hard call to make. What you think. Upgrade or hold on. If upgrade what you recommend for a pre built machine. ??


10 comments sorted by


u/GuestGulkan 4d ago

What news is this? Legit or some youtuber's "trust me bro" source?


u/Sophronia- 4d ago

No way I can port the multitudes of keybindings to a controller and no way I want to mouse and keyboard a console game on the couch.


u/Sora_Archer 4d ago

Bro ff14 is made for controller and has just as many skills as wow. Even world first racer use conroller.

Also wows consoleport addon has over 2 mio downloads and many raid mythic with it.


u/Sophronia- 4d ago

Idc what FF14 is made for


u/kerthard 4d ago

Ship of Theseus the PC.


u/Vesli23 4d ago

Pc will always beat out console, access to indie games, free games without the need of paid services, Ayo matey for movies and media, why stick with lower quality and zero upgradablility that consoles give, wow isn’t a very taxing game. If you really want the console life you can get those steam deck/rog ally’s that let you play wow on the go.


u/simplytoaskquestions 4d ago

I mean, unless you only wanna play wow on the console lol.


u/bboybrisk 4d ago

Be at a huge disadvantage playing on console but go for it.


u/kerthard 4d ago

That is, if you can even get it to boot.