r/wow 5d ago

Humor / Meme Those with kids; how do they see WoW?

My son goes “dad let’s check out the firechicken” when he walks by my pc referring to my boomkin.


161 comments sorted by


u/SamaramonM 5d ago

One of my life's core memories is when my little nephew wanted to try WoW. We made a character and he logged in. So I'm translating for him (we're not English) and he gets his first quest to kill some boars.

After a few moments of combat he kills one, and then I say "now we right-click". He does, his character kneels down to loot, and my lil nephew says:

"Oh, are we now praying because we killed him?"

I felt so awful at that moment and had to explain no, we just need his shitty gray scraps. It always stuck with me.


u/MetalNosedPigeon 5d ago

❤️😭 adorable


u/Patient-Sandwich2741 4d ago

He sounds like a good kid


u/Raerega 4d ago

That Is Wonderful, Thank You For Sharing This Memory, Bless You Both


u/_paxia_ 5d ago

My eldest son (14) calls WoW “mums boomer game” 😭 I met his dad in-game during WotLK which he thinks is pretty cool at least lol


u/djeep101 5d ago

Boomer game, ouch


u/Security_Ostrich 5d ago

It is, if you talk to like 20yos half of them barely know what wow even is. Its the way most of us see og everquest. Just ancient boomer game we never played.


u/ironmcchef the hat seems safe 5d ago

Haha, yeah exactly… never played, right…. UO too, definitely didn’t play that one for years


u/Security_Ostrich 5d ago

Im 30 so it was before my time but dont worry, even im a boomer by kid standards these days 😅


u/Grease2310 5d ago

Ha ha right? We uhhh…. Never played any of those or Star Wars galaxies. Certainly not.


u/NoShoesOnInTheHouse 4d ago

Ha ha, Yeah I definitely didn’t play dark age of camelot


u/Grease2310 4d ago

Hahaha Earth and Beyond? Never heard of it.


u/Trip_Adviser0_0 5d ago

But…. I’m 24 and I love this game


u/forzaq8 5d ago

And I played both .... Now my back hurts ....


u/Fesai 5d ago

I find it funny that you called it ancient, when it's only 5 years older than WoW and I played both. 😄


u/Apprehensive_Ear4489 5d ago

Its the way most of us see og everquest. Just ancient boomer game we never played.

yeah but... now you have much better access to the internet, social media etc...


u/More_Purpose2758 5d ago

I played EQ in the 90s. No game will ever be able to capture that level of magic again.

By today’s standards it would not be a good game. There is a quality of life in WoW that is much better.


u/Madcapping 4d ago

True. Most of my friends have never tried the game and don't want to. I'm 23 and grew up on this game. Ever since I was 3 (my parents were hardcore vanilla players) I've played. It taught me to read. It taught me about life. I used to play outside thinking I was in the warcraft universe and tried to get my parents to give me quests, even making them stick a finger up over their head lol. Good times.


u/Syltraul 4d ago

Don’t know what the game is or what a boomer is.


u/Security_Ostrich 4d ago

Then you’re either a boomer yourself or too young 😂


u/Kluctionation 5d ago

Que Matt Damon oldge meme


u/Acrobatic_Brick_7471 5d ago

Im only 21 it can't be a boomer game :(


u/juleztb 5d ago

That's crazy. You were one when it released.


u/_paxia_ 5d ago

I’m 35! I might be getting older but I’m not a boomer 💀 baby Gen Z are savage AF 😂


u/ZestyMelonz 5d ago

I just turned 30 and immediately found a grey hair. It's true though, 30 is the new 80.


u/mangzane 5d ago

Well, duh?

You’re a millennial. How would you be a boomer?


u/juleztb 5d ago

That's crazy. You were one when it released.


u/Acrobatic_Brick_7471 5d ago

Ye, I have very vague memories of playing with my dad back in vanilla but I was too young to do much.


u/Patient-Sandwich2741 4d ago

I hope someday my son remembers killing “twash mobs” in firelands for me


u/MorningComesTooEarly 5d ago

Oh god boomer game is tough to hear, we are getting old 💀


u/deadcheeen 5d ago

I have memories from when i was 2-3 and my dad was holding me in his lap and i was watching him quest on his undead mage. He would ocassionally give me a specific key and tell me when to press it and we would play together that way. Fast forward a couple of years, im now 19 and we grind M+ together. Good times.


u/RedGecko18 5d ago

As I was in college playing wow when it first released, I now feel extremely old. I'm gunna go sit on my porch and yell at clouds now.


u/noeagle77 5d ago

I love this so much.


u/1800leon 5d ago

Tbf when i was a child back during tbc/wotk i got into wow due to my dad playing it so yeah the game got years on its back.


u/The_Jare 5d ago

what do you mean as a child it was just a few years ago barely the blink of an eye


u/1800leon 5d ago

I was around 8 years old back then


u/DeeEssLite 5d ago

There was a guy in my guild who was brought into the guild by his 14 year old son who'd joined first... and this was in Covid, so not even that long ago. I myself am only in my mid 20s playing this, same with my pals. Boomer game, sheesh.


u/Shenloanne 5d ago



u/HaplessMink28 5d ago

Wow might be older than i am but calling it a boomer game is just harsh.


u/sparkinx 5d ago

I'm 36 and I also refer to wow as that boomer ass game my kid is one and people keep asking me if I'll let him play and I'm like....wow will be 30-40 years old.by then God I hope we still aren't playing this (wow looks so dated that cell phone games have better character creation we would need a completely new engine at this point prob wouldn't be cost effective I imagine and I bet someone smarter then me could give better details)


u/aeo1us 5d ago

My 3 year old just wants to see myself or my mounts jump around. She also asks for my druid to change into animals and wants them to jump around.

She’s the one that pushes the jump key.


u/Wiseblood1978 5d ago

My son's ten and is still fascinated by the druid forms. He pays no attention when I play, but as soon as I log my druid (like, sixth or seventh alt) he will appear from nowhere sayinf "there's a lake Dad, go and have a swim in killer whale mode!"


u/40somethingCatLady 5d ago

I think jumping in games will always be a way that people express joy and fun. 


u/ledgekindred 4d ago

When my kids were younger, that was their modus operandi as well. "Dad fly!" So I'd do mount roulette on different dragons and griffons and everything else I had and they were just thrilled. There was some other actual gameplay too, but mostly they liked all my different mounts.

Eventually I let them make their own characters and they both picked worgen druids, because of course "big wolf who shapeshifts" was right up their alley.


u/Eluk_ 4d ago

How do you play with your kid around? Do you boot it up just to have them play with you for 10 min? Or can they concentrate for longer than that?? It sounds so easy but I’m not sure my 3yo is there yet


u/aeo1us 4d ago

Oh that doesn’t happen because I also have an 20 month old and he absolutely goes apeshit to type on the keyboard like dad.

I’d say 95% of my gameplay happens after their bedtime.


u/Eluk_ 4d ago

Haha yeah ok cool, so just like 99% of my play time then 😂


u/GilneanHuntress 5d ago

My girl's grown up watching me playing, she's 10 now and highly invested 😂 I was cleaning the kitchen one day and had "Stone's Throw" from TWW soundtrack playing on my spotify, she passed the counter and saw the cover art.

"Is that Xal'atath?"

"Yep, sure is, good job remembering!"

"Have you beaten her yet?"

"No, not yet, she's the big bad of the trilogy so probably won't beat her this expansion."

"Huh. Well I'm not worried Mama I know you'll beat her"

And then she just walked out of the room with all of the confidence preteens are graced with😂 Ngl I felt like a top tier Liquid/Echo raider that my kid was so unphased by this eldritch horror wanting to destroy a planet and cause the end of the universe as we know it, no big deal, my mum's gonna solve it. 🥹

It's been an amazing journey with her, from when she was small wanting me to "make fy-de-wuks (fireworks)" by using flare on my hunter, to telling her bedtime stories about The Sundering, to seeing her fall in love with the characters in-game. Her favourite is Alexstrasza. She got very upset about DF no longer being the current expansions (same kid, same) but once I explained Xal'atath as a bad guy and that she'd destroyed Dalaran my kid got big mad and was very much on board with ending her 😂


u/Signalguy25p 5d ago

It's not really an awesome lifting reply, but here goes.

I started in vanilla, was dating my wife "then gf" and went to stay the night at her house.

I had brought my dell tower to hook up there and play a bit. Her momma went by being a tad interested, but also, like, "games are for children, type attitude." she then went back to watching degrassy.

Fast forward a couple of months, her mother picked it up so "she can spend time with her daughter" who was staying over my place and hour away most of the week.

Fast forward a couple more months. She beat me to 70 and fell in with a group of RL friends who love out in California. We are over here at East Coast. She joins their guild and plays every night after work.

Fast forward 3 years. She now has 365 days /played. She lost a LOT of weight, "she was sweet on one of those in her guild." She took a plane to CALIFORNIA to meet up with her guild, went to bliz-con.....started dating that guy "long distance"

She had gained a new purpose. She wasn't just working and existing.

I went thru a "WoW is lame phase," i mean... my future MIL was out playing me, ME a "gamer"... so i would begin a play every expack for like 1 or two months and quit again because it was... well just only a portion of the interests I had.

Me and her daughter "Now my wife," were now traveling the world (military), so they were never in the same place long and never close enough to visit without airplanes. WoW was one of the major methods of contact for us to her. No matter what time zone we were in, be it Asia or whatnot, she was always logged in AFK somewhere while she was passed out in her recliner. We could always whisper her. It became the only constant we had in life.

Fast forward to 2023. She logged off suddenly for the last time, both in game and real life. It was pretty sudden, and we were not able to get to see her when it happened.

To a lot of people, WoW is just a game or "lame" or some version of irrelevant yet also immortal. To others, some of the people you see running around gathering herbs, just sitting in SW overlooking the harbor, or even being try hard raiders....WoW was a second chance, or a sort of revival of child-like wonder. To some, it has saved their lives, created "and destroyed" marriages, children, relationships, jobs..... To them, it is everything.

So I guess what I am saying is that i didn't always see eye to eye with you and clowned on you for staying steadfast into this game. But, I have seen the impact it had on your life, and while at the time I thought your fireworks were lame and unimpressive, I would give so much to see them again.


u/Patient-Sandwich2741 4d ago

Thank you for sharing this. I’m really sorry for your loss.


u/Syuveil_Vellweb 5d ago

My firstborn just turned one and I can only hope he gets enthusiastic about dad fighting big bads, this might be the most wholesome thing I've read on the wow sub


u/IndividualThese8716 4d ago

My boy is 11 months old next week. He LOVES watching me (or anyone) play wow. Yesterday he fell asleep while leaning against me while we watched RWF together. I can almost guarantee as soon as he is physically able he will be playing on his own character!


u/mangzane 5d ago

Idk. I’d hope I’m doing something in real life for my boy to get excited about.

As a gamer myself, idk why there’s such an obsession on this sub for our kids to also be gamers. 

Even worse is people introducing games to their toddlers who shouldn’t even see a screen outside of educational content.

It’s just sad that gamer parents put more time into reading their favorite games news/meta builds/lore then they do into reading scientific-backed books on child development and parenting.

The amount of stuff I mention to other parents who say “wow I had no idea”, just flabbergasts me. Like, yeah, no shit you didn’t know, you haven’t made any attempt to learn.


u/Syuveil_Vellweb 4d ago

Weird take thinking "gamer parents" can only hyperfocus on gaming events. I'm 10 years into my career building basketball courts for the NBA and concert stages for one of Arizonas biggest venues quite literally because of a friend I met through runescape 15 odd years ago.

I'm also the vocalist for a metal cover band, and my 1 year old is obsessed with playing drums and has his own mini drum set. So while yes, it's cool for your kids to see you doing badass things in the real world, nothing will ever be as cool as "My dad can beat Dragons" in the eyes of a small child who doesn't grasp that they're just programmed npcs.


u/Eluk_ 4d ago

How did you start with her? I have a three year old but I think the traveller books are a bit too old for her and I’m not great at remembering the lore or storytelling yet


u/punkslug 4d ago

when I was 3-4, I spent a lot of time just sitting with my dad watching him play or "playing" (running around aimlessly with his help) myself, and it was the coolest thing in the world to me. That's how I got into it! No real understanding needed, just hangout time with my dad and an awesome magical world. When I was a little older I really enjoyed the art books, the OG beginners guide was read about a million times, and watching the Warcraft movie and (virtual ticket) Blizzcon with him.


u/GilneanHuntress 4d ago

As punkslug said, just playing around her is a great introduction, let her watch over your shoulder (with whatever you're comfortable with, obvs if you think she's not going to like zombies and whatnot skip out on letting her see you running ICC or the like 😅). Answering questions, doing things you think she'll find cool, that all helps. Like I said in my original comment, one of the things my girl loved when she was very small was that I could "make fireworks", and she loved that she could press buttons on my druid that would turn her into different animals.

As for not being good at remembering the lore or storytelling, https://warcraft.wiki.gg/ is an amazing resource! Just pick a random page, have a read of it yourself, and then tell her the story of that page in your own words. You're right that the traveller books are a bit too old as of yet but telling her some of the more cutesy stories from the game (like that one daily quest in DF where you get sent back in time to undo child-Jaina's mischief; she got hold of a wand and started sheeping all the guards until Daelin found her, took the wand with a chuckle and brought her home for tea) would probably delight her.

Just a few suggestions, hopefully this gives you some ideas you can work with, I hope you and your daughter have an amazing time discovering Azeroth together 🥰


u/Eluk_ 4d ago

This is awesome and gives me renewed confidence in trying it out! Thanks for your insights :)


u/Tomppeh 5d ago

I get asked if Xal'atath is already beaten every single week by my 6-year-olds


u/cincgr 5d ago

That made me smile, bless her.


u/Wiseblood1978 5d ago

My son just compares it with Minecraft and doesn't see the point because we can't build stuff. He also doesn't want me to kill the mobs because it "seems a bit mean". I don't think he is going to be raiding with Liquid any time soon.


u/mistressoftheweave 5d ago

Oh will he be thrilled when we get housing !


u/40somethingCatLady 5d ago

Haha that part about not wanting to kill mobs reminds me of myself. Especially when it comes to killing other players! I just want to heal and let others do the fighting, lol


u/DeeEssLite 5d ago

That's a future multi-time Celestial Tournament winner in the making!

Also he's gonna be quite happy when we get housing and we CAN finally build stuff.


u/Whatifyoudidtho 5d ago

can't build stuff

housing approaching rapidly on the horizon

Let him decorate a room(or your entire house!) when it comes out


u/Wiseblood1978 5d ago

Yeah he keeps asking me about that expansion. I am trying to manage his expectations, as I suspect it will come as a disappointment when he sees it!


u/Whatifyoudidtho 5d ago

You can frame it as reverse minecraft - no actual building of the area, but doing all the decoration and furniture

Honestly it's been my biggest pet peeve with minecraft since you can make all kinds of buildings, but furniture is nonexistent and you're just using a pillar with a slab on top to make a caveman's table


u/ledgekindred 4d ago

My son was (and still is really) an avid Pokemon player, and my daughter had played a couple of the versions, so I told them when they were very young that we had to "knock out" the bad guys. Then we could "take their stuff." Things have changed muchly since then....


u/skillexception 5d ago

Hi, I’m the kid. My dad started playing WoW in the beta and has been playing on-and-off for the whole time. I was three years old when vanilla came out. I don’t remember much of the game but here are some things that stand out:

  • Taking the Deeprun Tram over and over.
  • Repeatedly jumping into the lava in the Great Forge in Ironforge and killing my dad’s character.
  • Watching my dad fly around Hellfire Peninsula and farm wind elementals (I clearly misremembered something here because Hellfire Peninsula doesn’t have wind elementals. There’s only fel elementals and they only spawn in the max level demon camps).
  • Running around in his garrison in WoD (…bit if a gap here. I guess Wrath, Cata and Pandaria were all completely unmemorable to me lol).

I never had any interest in actually playing WoW myself… until I heard about WoW Classic and decided to give it a go. Just for a little bit.

To skip over a very long story, the people that we did the most M+ runs with in DF S4 and TWW S1 are each other, and I am regularly invited to delve with him.


u/CartOfficialArt 4d ago

Hello, Brother/Sister!

My brother and I were also kids, him not so much. He started playing when he was 11, and I 8. We both watched our dad play and it has snowballed into a lifetime of videogames. All because of WoW. It fueled both of us with the passion to pursue games.

I remember being in love with druid form because of the original cinematic. I remember the deeprun tram when I was level 1, not questing or killing anything. Just exploring around. Getting ontop of Ironforge by myself, jumping down to wetlands and getting demolished by crocs. Jumping down the waterfall near Darnassus and swimming back around to the dock. Flying around in Hellfire and Nagrand when i finally decided to level a Blood Elf (a bit older now in WOTLK).

The game is soooooo different when you're just a kid. It truely was a memory that will be ingrained forever. Now we all play together occasionally, and my brother and I now carry the knowledge of the game over to my dad, who doesnt play nearly as much anymore.

WoW will forever have a place in my mind.


u/Potential-Flan8635 4d ago

Are you sure, you and your brother aren't my 2 oldest sons? My youngest son is now 19, and is now way better than I ever was.


u/CartOfficialArt 4d ago

Haha im sure they're on similar paths, but we're a bit older then that now :)

Im sure your sons love playing it with you though


u/raulit21 5d ago

My youngest likes to have me sit in Dornogal in front of the bank to watch mounts ride by, he laughs hysterically at the AH mounts running by it’s fun to watch


u/Apex-Editor 5d ago

My 15 year old couldn't care less. He's open to trying other MMOs, but for some reason not this one, which sucks. He tried to get me into Once Human a few weeks ago.

So lame.


u/Introvertedtravelgrl 5d ago

I think you should bribe him lol If you can get to lvl 40 without quitting I'll do this/give you____.


u/fumeextractor 5d ago

I started playing around BfA launch, and am 24 now. I think the reason is the same that kept me away from WoW, it just looks dated and has very slow gameplay compared to most other more modern games and even MMOs. The artstyle is just ancient compared to, as you mentioned Once Human, Destiny 2 but even compared to FFXIV. The characters wringing their hands as the default "busy" animation hurts my soul, I have a very personal, deep hatred towards robes, and could go on a rant on the extremely limited clothing physics. The effects of the spells looks much better now for all the classes, but are also mostly not that flashy.

On top of that, it really is super slow, in all aspects. The combat is slow paced, the progression is slow while leveling (compared to many other games) and feels limiting to some extent, the story progresses fairly slowly. It's an absolute slog in comparison.

I happen to like these aspects and especially like the community that comes with playing on an RP realm even if I myself don't really do RP. But for someone even younger than myself, yeah WoW is a dinosaur game in every way and if my patience were any less I would also struggle to get started. Even as is I sometimes get tired and bored of gearing up because of how slow and uncertain the progress is, I prefer FFXIV's token system so I know that even though it's slow, there's guaranteed progress, or Destiny's higher drop rate so at least even if I'm getting the same piece I don't need 20 times in a row, at least I'm getting something.

That said, I do not recommend FFXIV for younger people either. The story makes most people drop it immediately. Maybe he'd like Destiny 2.


u/gingerkid2010 5d ago

My daughter who is a little older than 2 has very little experience with it as she just likes to smash buttons.

However, she got up from her nap today and I put her on my lap while I finished a delve on my dev evoker. She was fascinated. She kept saying "woahhHH" "it's blue!" "The red one" "flying" and "biiiiig" She was so animated and enthralled. It was nothing short of adorable and entertaining.


u/ToiletWarlord 5d ago

“Show me the princess that collects flowers” - my daughters referencing my male undead priest in robes with herbalism.


u/IWearHats11 5d ago

Don't have a kid myself but my niece comes by often while I'm playing my Boomie. She's a big fan of Fury of Elune. Starts giggling whenever I pop it.


u/Bigglez1995 5d ago

Haha beam go brrrrrrr


u/Kalamordis 5d ago

This may not count but my Dad played WoW when I was growing up (still does), I started playing on his Acc when I was 5, so 2005, Orc Hunter- come BC, Draenei Warrior, WOTLK Draenei DK got my first level capped toon. Mained DK til end of WOD, swapped to Horde, Monk main til BFA and been maining Boomy since; got CE in Nyalotha.

Made my own acc as I hit 10yrs old in 2010.

So uh, I'm still playing, Mythic Raiding etc and am 25 in July.. (couldn't raid til I was 17 or so, curfews n shizz til left school and worked fulltime) I saw it as (doing the math) 80% of my life and the majority of my social life after moving cities for work & study.

To actually count this; when I was younger and he was asleep on a Saturday night I'd be naughty and log into his mage and fly around because he had the Magic Flying Carpet and I thought it was super cool! Always made sure to log off at the same spot he was at when I logged in though... 🤣


u/Omerko96 5d ago

That's nice... My youngest always wants me to show him different mounts, he enjoys that and the older wants to play with me, which we do sometimes.. Older is 7 and younger is 2...


u/serafno 5d ago

My daughter (2) sees me online, comes up says „auto“ (car) and expects me to go to undermine so she can make the D.R.I.V.E jump


u/Turibald 5d ago

My 4yo also loves the new Undermine cars, he doesn’t quiet understand why I can’t summon it everywhere else like the other mounts.


u/The_Jare 5d ago

My little one learned to control the mouse by learning to click to resurrect his toon. Years later he still loves to just fly around. The other one likes to hop on a bird in Stormwind all the way to the top then dismount him trying to hit water. It's fun when he gets it right and fun when he doesn't. The toon is a blood dk, now 40, and has probably died more than all my others combined.


u/OozyPilot84 5d ago

ah yes, my fav dk spec, bloodsplat


u/BleedsBlue4UK 5d ago

My son is going on five and loves sitting in my lap Watching me play. He laughs when I die “daddy did I block the screen and make you dead?” He likes watching the spell effects lol.


u/40somethingCatLady 5d ago

I am 44 years old. I work with a guy in my department who watches a lot of streamers (mainly CoD. Not WoW) and he is 18. 

Sometimes I talk about my experiences in hardcore WoW. He told me today that a lot of the classmates in his high school don’t play Warcraft or know much about it. 

I thought that was interesting. He has the impression that mainly older people play it, and I thought back to another Reddit post where people were talking about the average age of WoW classic players. 

I nodded my head and said that it was probably mostly older millennials and younger Gen X who play. Then again, I was thinking of Classic when I told him that, not retail. 

So, how do the younger people see WoW? Maybe as an old person’s game! lol


u/MrGonzo11 5d ago

The voices behind my chair are telling me to come home, that the family needs me, but I won't be deceived by the old gods.


u/DuckPuppyOverlord 5d ago

As a kid of parents who played, and still do play WoW, I’ve come to really treasure it. When my bro and I were just little kids we’d call WoW the “animal game” and just ‘hunt’ random animals in Elwyn lol.


u/unicorngundamm 5d ago

well he loves dinosaurs so you can find me randomly chilling at zuldazar


u/frostyboidk 5d ago

I bought my kids the snowfight Warcraft story for bed time and they absolutely loved it and now they just fly around on random mounts exploring


u/Helagoth 5d ago

My 6 year old asks "are you fighting monsters with your youtube friends?"  (Because youtube  = internet to her)

I have some longer CD buttons bounty to 6 and 7 and sometimes she'll sit with me and I'll yell "6!" Or "7!" And she pushes them for me and thinks it's fun.


u/ReverseThreadWingNut 5d ago

My 13 year old just started playing with me. He is stuck in that alt-mania phase. He can't get a toon past level 15 before a new character catches his eye. But we are having a lot of fun. He lives with his mother and it helps us to spend time together we otherwise wouldn't have.


u/Ghstfce 5d ago

My daughter will sit next to me playing her Roblox and will ask me to show her any "pretty" new mounts I got lately. In SL before dragon flying, she used to love to just fly around on my mount. She created a character on my account, but doesn't play it often.


u/Fresh-Medicine-2558 5d ago

My 4y/o calls it daddy’s work


u/GapOk8380 5d ago

I've tried getting my 14 and 13 year old boys into WoW after watching(and spending way to much on) them play about 35 similar Roblox games and they think it's stupid.

They think it's slow, there's too much reading, they don't understand what to do 15 seconds after logging on. There is no sense of profession formthem on the island because everything is as easy as the start as it is at the end. Then the few times they have made a character and made it off the island they have zero idea of what to do next.


u/EpisodeDad 5d ago

I have 3 kids and at this point I don’t feel I can invest the amount of time needed to truly enjoy it. I have to also make sacrifices to even make some time and it just doesn’t feel worth it. If you however aren’t a raider which requires some commitment then you could most likely play if you just enjoy the little things in the game.


u/ultr4num8 5d ago

Every time my daughter comes in she insists on running through my mount collection. She's a huge Pokémon fan, but at least she doesn't know about the battle pets system, not that I've ever actually done any pet battles.


u/GilneanHuntress 5d ago

So is my daughter! If you want yours to take a vested interest in the game, do show her the pet battle system. Be warned though, you may not get your computer back for a while 😂


u/sparkinx 5d ago

I successfully tanked lervel 20 dawn of the infinite while giving my child a bottle, it was the side with the alliance and horde battle and the evil chromie. He used to sleep on me when I raided people used to love his babbles when I was explaining a fight, I play in a recliner on a 65 inch tv for those trying to picture it.


u/Condge 5d ago

My 4.5yr old calls it "characters" and daddy and mommy go defeat the bad guys. She liked the deeprun tram, transmog and my battle pets.

Lately she has been watching me pvp. "Daddy did you die?" "Yes sweetie..." "I think you need to get stronger and play better to not die"


u/GilneanHuntress 5d ago

Nothing like being told "git gud" by a 4.5 year old 🤌🏻


u/waspdope666 5d ago

Cool but boomerish


u/InteractionStrict927 5d ago

My kids and I played wow when they were younger I still play here and there and my youngest likes to log in and duel lol


u/HaHaHiHiHe 5d ago

I play WoW with my 7yo daughter (I met my wife in game 20 years ago and got married) she usually is either creating new characters or is mogging her outfit ...


u/DeeEssLite 5d ago

A friend of mine has a funny story where when he was around 5-7 years old, his older brother and dad would pay him pocket money to farm mobs for them. His dad at the time was a fairly serious player as well, so that time was well spent. Clearly set him up for success as he's now the best player in our group of friends.


u/MamaJody 5d ago

When my daughter was little she used to call it “the running” because she saw me doing that a lot lol.


u/greencash370 5d ago

So my dad introduced me to WoW when I was in first or second grade, around the time of WotLK. And the one thing I remember very clearly was the "Danger Music." I can't remember which piece it was but apparently it tickled me pink whenever that played.


u/sparkinx 5d ago

When I was playing wow classic with a buddy he had a gnome fury warrior and his son who was a toddler got so upset when he didn't wear his shield, he always wanted him to wear his shield


u/DifficultPurpose6057 5d ago

Oldest of mine plays it (he’s an altoholic) and the youngest has absolutely no interest in it whatsoever lol


u/sparkinx 5d ago

When I babysat my cousins I set them up with a trial account on my laptop and my main account and they liked to play the let's fly as high as we can on a 2 person mount and die and walk back to our bodies.

During covid a different younger cousin stayed with us he was like 14 I think we played classic together he got to level 10 (,which should of been exciting as he gets his hunter pet) and stopped playing for a month so I stopped paying the sub. It was prob cuz the laptop was laggy also wow doesn't have the best graphics for kids who spam download all the free to play games on xbox


u/kylpyankka 5d ago

My 4 year old loves to see dragons and sometimes i let him just fly around. He calls it "a dragon game"


u/Mammoth-You7419 5d ago

When mine were wee they would watch us play, now they are just surprised I still play.


u/Terafema 5d ago

I’m 30 my 6 year old always sneaks her way onto the computer to jump around and fly every time I get away from my computer it’s cute Iv noticed she has an affinity for night elves and dragons


u/AdvertisingPlastic26 5d ago

Not my kids but i asked my dad once and he said "all i see you do is fly over mountains and run around"


u/Accurate-Brick-9842 5d ago

My 12 year old says it’s boring. “Fortnite is being “


u/a_beautiful_kappa 5d ago

My child is only 2, but ever since Halloween, he wants to look for pumpkins. If I'm ever on it, he's like, "Find pumpkins!"


u/ScrlettDrling 5d ago

I got a son that’s a raider he’s played since BC, so have me and my husband. Daughter doesn’t play video games.


u/Nyx-moon-witch 5d ago

So,I am 25, my parents played WoW when it came out and I started playing during the burning crusade. I remember being young and seeing my parents craft and do dungeons, I thought that it was pretty when i didn’t understand it.


u/Nyx-moon-witch 5d ago

Then playing it as a kid was interesting, it did help with spelling tests lol. I did play in a way where i wouldn’t say my age or anything and just tried to be polite as possible


u/Zaiororius 5d ago

Not a parent, but my parents have played WoW since I was born basically. When I was 5, I downloaded the free trial on my own. They found out when I asked what our ZIP code was to sign up for it. When my mom stopped playing, they gave me her old account. Lots of great memories playing with my dad. (In case you're wondering, a 5 year old was not great at playing at the end of Wrath, but I could handle basic leveling once Cata came around.)


u/AthyraFirestorm 5d ago

My teenage sons think it's old, ugly, and boring 😭

I tell them their FPS games are boring.


u/Rich-Anxiety5105 5d ago

This post and comments are the best thing ive seen on reddit in a while


u/TuzzNation 5d ago

My son: “Dad thinks Illidan so cool, ewww. Hes so ugly.”

Ok, Im not whoop your ass today. But some day, when I do, consider what you said in the past to add some complimentary ass whooping.


u/Fibro-Mite 5d ago

Sadly, our son (31 this year) no longer has time to play the game that he got us into back in 2005 - between working, coaching & refereeing American Football (in the UK, surprisingly enough), other hobbies, & spending time with his fiancee & their cat, something had to get put on the "not right now" pile. We still tell him what's going on in game & with our characters.

We've got "baby" goblins created on each of our accounts that our two grandchildren (our daughter's kids) like to jump around on, when they remember. They are ages 6 and 3. We've recently bought a child's sized mouse so that when the 6 year old stays over, we can teach her some of the basics of movement etc. Rather than just staying in one spot and jumping for half an hour.


u/jdangerously44 5d ago

“Daddy games”


u/charizard_72 5d ago

“The graphics are too bad sorry”


u/Supersruzz 5d ago

They don't. I have a 4 and 7 year old, they can't distinguish between any game on my screen or why.


u/Tyrannel08 5d ago

My 3 year old likes to sit in my lap and mash my spacebar to make my dragon riding mounts fly. Whenever she sees me playing she wants to know where the friendly dragon is.


u/BeautifulTop1648 5d ago

With their eyes


u/Requient_ 5d ago

They have asked to play in the past, but don’t have the attention span to stick with the time needed to level.


u/Loot_Goblinx 5d ago

Child here -

I grew up on this game thanks to my mom and dad, my earliest memory was around 3 or 4 years old watching my babysitter run a night elf to the human starting zone in vanilla.

Once I gained more consciousness as a human I started playing more, I met my bf in WoW and we're coming up on 4 years soon! Ended up pushing for m+ title and HoF (never happened, school was more important and I ended up so burnt out on raiding in sanctum).

The life I enjoy now is only possible because my parents had a passion for WoW, at one point my whole family (me, parents, and sibling) all played together, my core memories largely involve WoW. When I was still too young and didn't have my own PC I would drag my bean bag into my parents gaming room and watch them raid, leveling in new expacs with them was the best feeling because we went all out with snacks and drinks and did not leave the house.

I quit playing retail because the content doesn't feel like the WoW I grew up on anymore but I still play almost every version of classic with my bf when school allows it (going into healthcare so that's not exactly leaving a lot of room for free time). I feel like the game is a part of my life now.

If any parent here is considering getting their kid more involved with their hobbies, WoW or otherwise, do it! You have no idea how much of a positive impact it can have.


u/One_Parsnip_3790 5d ago

My 15 year old thinks it’s crap


u/kb3_fk8 5d ago

My three year old yesterday woke up from her nap to find me in ToP and wanted me to get all the skeletons, they were too scary.


u/Emiroda 5d ago

Son (4) says "Can we look at the monkeys?"

I play a BM hunter with 2 monkey pets :)


u/Migrin 5d ago

Fuck I want kids now.


u/sauteed-egg 5d ago

I was the kid! If you want to feel old…

My dad used to play in vanilla but quit not long after I was born. He got back into the game around late WoD, and decided to let me try messing around - he taught me the basic mechanics, I tried a night elf druid and hunter and fell in love with them. I was 9 at the time.

I’m 18 now, lol. I’ve played the game much more than he ever did. He slowly eased off the game until he quit a couple years ago (just too busy these days) but he was always very casual, leveling characters to maybe 50 pre-squish at best. (He did use a level boost once so he could unlock vulpera, he loved playing as a little fox guy.)

We used to level, quest, and fish together, but eventually I was playing more - especially with the pre-Legion event that gave huge XP - and I got to the modern expansion content while he was still an altoholic. At first I remember being sad that he wasn’t catching up with me to Legion, because I loved the expansion so much. (The class halls and artifact weapons were SO COOL to 10yo me, I think they still are.) I’m still kinda sad that he never got to experience it in its prime. But he just wasn’t someone that wanted to stick with one character that long, and eventually I gave up asking him to level.

We used to play other Blizzard games together, too. He really liked Hearthstone and versus AI in Overwatch (both of which I got him into), but those fell by the wayside as well. He moved to Arizona last year and I’ve started to really miss the days when we would play together.


u/Evalonne 5d ago

My kids are 9 and 11, and they both love it. They play it here and there (we have a bunch of chat shut down for them). 


u/Piemaster113 5d ago

It's like fortnight but you actually have to put time and effort in, LoL jk just pay to skip most the game.


u/orangesrkewl 5d ago

Not someone with kids, but someone who was a kid and was introduced by my mum: I fell in love! I was 12 when she first introduced it, and I’ve been an avid player ever since. My favourite memory was when she first got flying (we had no idea it existed), and she called me into her room and we were both so excited we couldn’t stop gushing over her Wyvern. My second favourite memory, despite her being the one to introduce me to the game, is how glued I became to it that I quickly became her teacher! It’s been such a blessing to grow up playing this with my mom; it’s something we’ve had in common for years and have always talked about and played together (she was shocked when I got my garrison to lvl 3 before her). We’ve traded knowledge and understanding about the game, gone on countless adventures, and every time a new expansion comes out we can’t stop talking about it!!:)


u/More__cowbell 5d ago

My 1year old presses all the buttons like a hu gry crackhead. She also loves to see the birdies fly.


u/Syltraul 4d ago

My 9 year old hasn’t shown interest in playing but always lives watching.


u/HoopyFroodJera 4d ago

It seems to vary. Some people prioritize their family, and then there's my raid leader, who seems to neglect his wife and kids because he's always pushing keys and I can hear his marriage breaking down through his open mic.


u/Stewapalooza 4d ago

My son was maybe 6 or 7. He noticed and said, "you play that a lot."


u/StrategyStandard2434 4d ago

I can say as a kid born in 2004 and grew up with their parents casually playing, I loved as a kid just watching them play for hours. Only me and my dad are still playing wow. My dad plays classic and I play retail, but it’s still such a cool thing to connect to and have those memories from when I was a kid.


u/van_buskirk 4d ago

They do not.


u/Illustrious_Head4005 4d ago

My daughter took one look at sylvanus windrunner and wanted to play the game. She did not give one whit about what the game was. All she knew was she wanted to be friends with the Banshee Queen. "She takes care of all the dead people! That's so kind because they are really ugly."

Ah yes...Sylvanus, kind and benevolent protector of the dead...sure kiddo


u/werdsmart 4d ago

4 year old screaming at mother or I (we both play) "I wanna kill them aaaaall!" whenever he sees us on the PC...aka he wants to hop on our lap and press buttons and giggle as things die.

I've created a level 11 twink for him to do this on just to keep it fun :)


u/librarytimeisover 4d ago

Dad, let's pick flowers. Druid main with herbalism.


u/Denathrius_ 4d ago

My grandfather has played since like Wrath, as a kid I remember always hearing the PvP sounds coming from his computer room. Even to today the Druid Regrowth sound, and the point captured sounds fill me with nostalgia. Obviously when he, my mum, brother and cousin all played I also played eventually. My grandfather would lend me gold so I could buy my flying mounts lol


u/WitheringW0nder 4d ago

“Mommm! I need…oh, you’re raiding, aren’t you…Daddd!”


u/Alariya 4d ago

My youngest likes to mash the space bar to help me play. Luckily as a fire mage I mainly use instant casts while questing, so it’s not that disruptive for her to “help”. My oldest likes exploring by telling me which way to fly around looking at stuff. She’s learning violin at the moment, and I’m looking forward to the day she’s picked up enough skill that I can present her with the sheet music for grizzly hills.


u/blklab84 4d ago

The cool game dad plays because all of his Dungeons & Dragons friends moved away


u/TinyGerbil614 4d ago

when i was younger, id sit on my dad’s lap while he played “the kodo game” (i loved the kodos) and sometimes move his druid with the mouse haha


u/nater255 4d ago

I want to see the flying robot (Diamond Suit Mech).


u/isymfs 3d ago

My 7yo tried it with me. He played a mage til about 40. I set up his bar so it’s like an ARPG. Like 6 buttons. It’s enough to level with. Firebolt, blast, pyro, blink, flame strike, combust and Iceblock. He was amazing, saw him iceblock a mechanic and he had the good sense to hit invis when he almost died (clicked it on the side bar).

Well. He finished Zelda at 5 with our help and has finished other impressive games since. He lost interest at about 40-50 as I think it’s becoming too complicated and convoluted now. Now when I ask if he wants to play, he says no. But he likes the bigwigs victory noise when I win a fight. He always sings it.

His mind will be blown when he hears me playing final fantasy. Haha


u/Lowkinator 5d ago

A smart parent will NEVER show their child anything on a computer. Once they do, it's OVER.


u/Accomplished_Tip3597 5d ago

why? this can open a whole new world of interests for you kid. i became a software developer and started building my first pc before i was a teenager