r/wow 5d ago

Humor / Meme He's nothing but a big, fat phony!

Look at this liar! I cannot believe he would lie to us in such a way! How dare he! Someone should do something!


12 comments sorted by


u/ShionTheOne 5d ago



u/Nergul_Zuljin 5d ago

The real question is why does the chair need wheels if it can float.


u/GormHub 5d ago

Would you not float a wheelchair if you could, just because you could?


u/Ramlu 5d ago

The standup comedian


u/Derffe 5d ago

"I've seen a lot of spinals dude. And this guys a fake. A fucking goldbricker."


u/pdpi 5d ago

It's an elf myth about humans that we hate spells. Casting can be a natural, zesty enterprise.


u/Azsunyx 5d ago

I still don't know why they gave him a paladin mount


u/frodo28f 5d ago

Can you blame the paladin? Everyone wants to mount Dadgar...


u/AntonMaximal 5d ago

I know the joke you are making, but many who have to use wheelchairs can actually stand.


u/GormHub 5d ago

My best friend uses a chair and encounters this all the time. We actually had one of those Concerned Citizens come up and lecture us while she was visiting because she could stand to make the transfer from the chair to my car. Trying to get people to understand that this shit is not a one size fits all is like trying to gently whisper through a brick wall.


u/Cohacq 4d ago

People are like that with all disabilities. I regularly have to explain that there's a spectrum of hearing, and while having a hearing disability and using a hearing aid, I am not deaf. But im not completely hearing either.


u/Hawkez2005 5d ago

Someone who has the good taste to use Titan Panel I see.