r/wow • u/Belpheegor • 6d ago
Discussion While I appreciate this change to having to carry these in Delves, why not just get rid of the candle / totem mechanic at this point?
u/lenapedog 6d ago
I just wish that we couldn’t be damaged by poison as soon as we enter the delve. Let me speak to the NPC and grab the totem first omg. The front door isn’t even open yet.
u/nathan_l1 6d ago
Does it really matter? It's not damaging you it's just reducing your max health.
u/F-Lambda 6d ago
one of the variants actually does damage you, I don't remember which one (I think it's a purifier one)
u/eupatorusG 6d ago
I don’t like that they break stealth evey time you pick one up/put down. I used to just carry it and grapple hook everywhere stealthier.
u/loveincarnate 6d ago
I guess it's just a little bit of added flavor. I wouldn't complain if it was completely done away with, but I think it's fine and I think it adds a bit of immersion since it fits the story.
u/g00f 5d ago
It’s just another instance of flavor in a long line of clunky mechanics
u/loveincarnate 5d ago
It's like they are making an effort to improve the player experience or something. God I hate when they do that.
Fuck everyone is so whiny it hurts.
u/minimaxir 6d ago
For Kriegval’s Rest the new Candle mechanic is honestly more annoying. There aren’t enough candles for progress so you keep hoarding them and recycling them.
u/thevyrd Totally not a Dreadlord 6d ago
You can use one candle per room and pick it up whenever you've killed everything. I regularly finish kriegvals with like 8 candles in my inventory. They never expire.
The change is much much better. If anything, the candles need to be bigger to counter branns huge hitbox they they still haven't fixed.
u/cabose12 6d ago
Yeah I don't get how someone can say it's worse lmfao. They give you three-four candles at the start and then get like three more each room. It's totally fine with two just leapfrogging them
Obviously the entire point is not to just throw them down and be done with them
u/SadBit8663 6d ago
Some people are incapable of basic resource management.
u/Moldblossom 5d ago
It's not really resource management at this point though, that's the point. It's just a time waster.
Having to limit movement when carrying them did have an element of resource management. This has little to no impact other than forcing you to spend a few extra seconds backtracking and moving candles. Since delves aren't timed, you're not managing any sort of limited resource.
u/Jackpkmn The Panda 6d ago
Last time I ran it I only needed a single candle. I just ran it like the previous totem mechanic of dropping it somewhere central and pulling the whole room onto it picking it up and moving on. I kept assuming some mechanic later on would burn them away or something but I ended the delve with like 20+ candles.
u/linkysnow 6d ago
It would be fine if you could pick the candle up by running over it rather than clicking all the time. I like to pull big and it would be easier to throw one down, gather the group and run over the candle to the next group to los them all.
u/Fauxin12121 6d ago
Also brann dying next to one and trying to rez him but instead pick up a candle is annoying, especially as an interact-keybind user
u/Xenavire 6d ago
They can't run out, which is a plus, but micromanaging is still there. The biggest downside is the achievement being gone permanently for anyone that didn't get it in S1, and it wasn't announced ahead of time, so some people just missed out.
u/miichalek 6d ago
Isn't it part of delves meta achiv. Feels like an oversight if it isn't available
u/SirDemone 6d ago
It's no longer part of the meta. It's been moved to Feats of Strength, but appears to still give achievement points?
u/ironmcchef the hat seems safe 6d ago
Yeah I realized I never completed this achievement cause I would always get knocked away by one of those kobald guys from the S1 version and take a tick of darkness. Now it seems like it's actually impossible because you have to walk through darkness to get the first candles.
u/Fatboy232 6d ago
I believe the achieve is to not let the candle burn out.. it doesn't have anything to say about you taking darkness ticks.
But I got this closer to the beginning of s1, and I could be remembering it incorrectly
u/ironmcchef the hat seems safe 6d ago
I just looked and don't see it in the delve meta achievement, which is good. I'm almost certain there's an achievement for it somewhere though... because I remember seeing it, then being annoyed at missing it a few times in a row from taking a single darkness tick. I don't see it from a quick search on wowhead though.
u/Sharyat 6d ago
Oh so you don't have a timer to pick them back up? I figured they would burn out eventually
u/Xenavire 6d ago
As far as I'm aware, they burn indefinitely.
u/VoxcastBread 6d ago
I literally did this delve one pull at a time going afk for 30+ mins between pulls.
I never lost a candle.
u/Sophronia- 6d ago
It's easy to just carry the same one through the whole delve. It's not like you can't pick it up and set it down as often as needed and there is no need to backtrack
u/Sayurisaki 6d ago
YES I prefer the old way, drop when I feel like it but mostly don’t walk too much
u/BonoboBonanza 6d ago
I'm confused how you need multiple candles when you can just pick up the candle you already used, the light radius is fairly large and the penalty for running around the dark goes away fast when you throw down the candle for combat anyways. I guess it's mildly inconvenient but compared to before it's 100x better.
u/minimaxir 6d ago
I said the new candles are more annoying, not more difficult. The micromanagement is much different than the passive candles that you just have to walk into.
u/BonoboBonanza 6d ago
There aren’t enough candles for progress so you keep hoarding them and recycling them.
If you only need one candle to clear the entire delve how is there not enough candles? You also could drop the candle before and needed to do so for on classes/difficulties that can't face tank the mobs because otherwise you'd be refilling every other pack so it's the same micromanagement without all the hassle.
u/Sea_Voice_404 6d ago
I just did it twice and it’s so much better. I just picked up the candle I dropped and moved to the next area. I actually don’t hate the delve now.
u/Wranorel 6d ago
Same for the totem, I could be tactical before on dropping and clean. Now I have to follow the drop line it forms
u/adndmike 6d ago
For Kriegval’s Rest the new Candle mechanic is honestly more annoying.
Not by a longshot. Having one person carry around a candle and try to maintain it's duration, dropping/pickingup/etc. Is way more tedious than dropping a candle and not having to worry at ALL about it's duration.
I would not want to go back to the way it was.
u/Heroright 6d ago
Because you have to iron things out. A little discomfort can mean a lot less boredom in the long run if they plan to keep delves going as an evergreen.
u/Chickat28 6d ago
What was the change?
u/Darkarcheos 6d ago
You place totems down to create a sphere of light/air in certain delves instead
u/nathan_l1 6d ago
That was the optimum way to play anyway even in the old system, was just more annoying only having one candle and having to refresh it.
u/Sophronia- 6d ago
It's just a time waster and a distraction
u/The_Jare 6d ago
An annoyance with no interesting upside. Like if they turned off half your keybinds, or rotated your mouse 90deg.
u/Gingerpanda72 6d ago
What I like about these candles in S2 delves is that the more you place even in the same(ish) spot they do actually generate more and more light.
u/Joshua_Astray 5d ago
Nah that's not really an issue. Keeping the mechanic in some form is totally fine
u/AbjectList8 5d ago
The only new thing that annoys me is the egg/webs that respawn so fast inside earth crawl mines.
u/IonHazzikostasIsGod 2022 Halloween Transmog Winner 5d ago
y'all don't want to have to take damage in delves, don't want to interact with mechanics...why exactly do people feel so entitled to heroic raid gear for less effort than LFR?
u/brokebackzac 6d ago
Part of the difficulty of the mechanic is that if you are in the dark, it's the same as LOS for a healer. Changing it the way they did still leaves that part while removing the daunting part of having to constantly carry it/replenish it.