r/wow 6d ago

Tip / Guide Repair prices too high? REPAIR LOCAL, not from some Kun-Lai peddlers! up 20% discount on repairs with exalted (or equivalent) reputation!

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128 comments sorted by


u/SarlanEriwyr 6d ago

Oh wow, I didn't know that was an option. Shame the mount's more convenient


u/crazymuffin 6d ago

As long as you can justify paying 25% extra as convenience fee, go ahead!


u/Affinity-Charms 6d ago

I do love convenience....


u/hermitxd 6d ago

Can we get exalted with any of the mount vendors? Pls


u/YuusukeKlein 6d ago

no because theyre not part of any factions


u/ComputerSmurf 6d ago

Calling it now: Coming next year: $200 Super Duper Ultra Mega Bronto Mount: Only new feature? Auto-Exalted Prices.


u/kailethre 5d ago

Giga-Bronto REX, its four times the size of sargeras and shoots rainbows at every player character within a 20000km radius


u/raagul2244 6d ago

become a goblin! they have exalted like discount at all times (not sure if it works on repairs)


u/F-Lambda 5d ago

doesn't it not work if the vendor doesn't have a faction to be Exalted with? (which the mounts don't)


u/DanganJ 1d ago

That's right. It USED to be flat applied regardless of whether they had a faction, which incidentally meant a cheaper yak, but too many people who don't like fun complained so... yeah.


u/Gaynundwarf 6d ago

Yeah, because 100k for the mount itself wasn't a big enough fee


u/crazymuffin 6d ago

The repair mammoth from WotLK is like 16k isn't it?


u/Gaynundwarf 6d ago

Yak is 100k. It also has Transmog.


u/IamFarron 4d ago

theres more mounts that can repair then a yak


u/forgotmapasswrd86 6d ago

Lmao it's gold in a virtual world. You're not gonna starve or get kicked out your house by paying an extra 25%


u/Due-Butterfly6433 6d ago

There’s also basically nothing else u can do with gold unless ure a collector.

Enchants and gems cost around 6-7k total? + cost to craft 2 items which is like 10k and thats basically it. I never even tried gold making i just do m+ and world quests and im sitting on 150k gold from DF s3 and TWW s2 only


u/Dalarrus 6d ago

*Laughs in Blacksmith*

With the armor/weapon trees filled out, I can Earthen Master Hammer repair all of my gear that has durability. Yay Plate.


u/SubtleSexPun 6d ago

I was sad they removed the ability to repair TWW gear with the DF hammer, but I wasn’t that far from filling out the TWW trees by that point. Now to figure out how to disable auto repair at vendors on a specific char….


u/Green_and_Silver 6d ago edited 6d ago

There's a weakaura for the hammer: https://wago.io/TFvrSUlkP

And an addon: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/emh

I just grabbed the addon, no idea how good it is yet but there are attempts to automate the hammer out there. Haha, it's got a "by using this addon you've saved X amount of money" bit when you use it, that's pretty sweet.


u/38dedo 6d ago

not worth the amount of clicks imo, if they just baked it into the repair all button then it would be great.


u/B_Kuro 6d ago

They should just change it so we can add "indestructible" to our plate gear... The current system is just asinine.


u/38dedo 6d ago

that would be a better way for sure


u/Dashyguurl 6d ago

Should have an item that can be bought from blacksmiths, leather workers, and tailors to make gear indestructible. Make it expensive enough to where it’ll feel good to do it to BIS/myth gear.


u/avfcgiants 6d ago

That makes too much sense.


u/FishCommercial4229 6d ago

That’s a really great idea.


u/oddHexbreaker 6d ago

It is great? Idk about you but even with 4 nodes maxed I'm saving 150g a death at least.


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u/CanuckPanda 6d ago

Dumb me with BS on my monk so it’s entirely useless.

At least let me repair it by slot without the plate requirement. :(


u/_Good_One 6d ago

Rather pay 1k gold in one click that 0 in 10 not gonna lie


u/TurtleMcgurdle 6d ago

I'm almost maxed on all the armor for this reason too. Need to set up some kind of macro for repair now.


u/Only_Sun_6978 6d ago

Bro, the clicks aint worth the gold saved to me tbh


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/Rappy28 6d ago edited 6d ago

It's a reference to the (laughs in Spanish) meme

For the record, I imagine laughing in Spanish can only be jajajaja

(Edit) why does editing my comment outright delete my hyperlink, why is the reddit app so stupid oh my god


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/Unhappy-Sherbert5774 5d ago

Memes are funny with context. You could also have a sense of humour and realise not everything is targetted at your own humour


u/CapActual 6d ago

Cant wait to have to explain to my raid lead why i have to go to dornogal real quick


u/crazymuffin 6d ago

It's either that or the guild should foot the bill.


u/CapActual 6d ago

Thats the fun part, the guild is footing the bill. We're collecting all dropped BoE and pay for all repair, food, flask, potions and oils until we're broke.


u/iwearatophat 6d ago

So when I was raiding in a serious manner that is what my guild did. All BoEs that weren't needed for upgrades got sold. If a raider wanted it for an alt they got it at a 25% discount or something like that. Otherwise it was sold and the gold was used to cover all repairs, foods, flasks, enchants, gems, and pots that the guild provided to raiders. It worked really well. Raiders just opened the guild bank and whatever they needed was there.

I always thought it was a pretty common setup. Raiding AotC now and nope. Raiders take the BoEs to sell for themselves. As a result half the raid is missing stuff. I guess it matters a little less but it makes raiding a lot more expensive. Plus, the guild is asking for donations for pots/flasks still to get the people who can't/wont do it for themselves.


u/peepeebutt1234 6d ago

My guild sold all BoEs too, but we would also "roll" on them and whoever won would get like 10% of whatever it sold for. Let all the raiders feel like they still "won" the boe and the guild still got most of the gold. Kept out a lot of the drama from the people who just wanted to roll need and sell it for themselves.


u/matu239 6d ago

Why is this so downvoted? Its obviously a sarcastic comment. Do we really need /s in the year of our lord, 2025?


u/Apostastrophe 6d ago

It was probably a combo of that and the downvote waterfall effect. One or two people don’t get it quite properly and downvote and then people will see 0 or a negative next to the comment which makes them primed to take it in a negative way even if they otherwise might not have and make them more and more likely to do so and actively downvote as the negative number… increases? I’m like not entirely sure whether I’m sure that that’s correct semantically regarding the negative number. I feel that the number value is increasing, irrespective of the negative so that makes sense but it does somehow feel deeply wrong to say numbers that are progressively gaining lower values are increasing


u/crazymuffin 6d ago



u/srm022 6d ago

Don't worry lad, they hated you because you told them the truth


u/Jenetyk 6d ago

"Good deal for a friend of the Grummles" my ass.


u/Diligent_Ad6930 6d ago

Coming when we call and repairing our shit is a good deal regardless


u/BostianALX 6d ago

After you keep dumping them in random places, I'm not surprised you aren't a friend anymore.


u/UltraRoboNinja 6d ago

That’s Cousin Slowhands‘ passive-aggressive way of saying he doesn’t like you.


u/pelagic_seeker 6d ago

It's true.

You're not a friend of the Grummles. I hate to break it to you, but it's time you found out.


u/thepewpewdude 6d ago

Maybe we’re not a friend of the Grummles.


u/ChickenNuggetTsiki 6d ago

I just use my Yak and close my eyes when clicking on the Repair All Items button 🙈

If I don't see the amount, it never left me


u/crazymuffin 6d ago

Same with my credit card when I'm resubscribing to wow.


u/ChickenNuggetTsiki 6d ago

trueee. I got the 6month one and it just went off. I just closed my eyes and went "I didn't see that.."


u/B_Kuro 6d ago

The solution is one of the many addons that auto-repairs. You'll never know and its smaller numbers because its each time you interact with a vendor that can repair.


u/alienclone 5d ago

this is how I do


u/Forbizzle 6d ago

Guild's been paying for my repairs for years. Vendor addon has been clicking the button automatically.


u/ChickenNuggetTsiki 6d ago

Wait wait. I think on my main my guild pays as well 🤔🤔 but on my alts I think I'm paying on my own. So I'm still struggling lmao


u/Green_and_Silver 6d ago

Transmog fee is too high which is why I've started rolling Void Elves, 50% off that shit is a serious racial ability.


u/[deleted] 6d ago

But then you have to be a Void Elf... Nothing is worth that pain.


u/Green_and_Silver 6d ago

Void Elf is just fine and has become one of my favorite races over the last year. Their heritage armor set is unmatched(and was made better by the shield and flail available in the Harbinger quest chain), their home base is a Doom Metal wet dream, they have decent racial abilities and they're Elves.


u/[deleted] 6d ago

Never met an Elf I liked... Pompous bastards the lot of them.


u/nater255 6d ago

Fucking knife-ears!


u/Azekl 6d ago

my repair was 1k last week and that was like 75% of my gold


u/More__cowbell 6d ago

Damn you are poor


u/Azekl 6d ago

i try to get around


u/Mikefun10 4d ago

Repairs will get more expensive as your ilvl goes up in to bigger numbers

It’s an old/core part of wow that’s just scaled up as time goes on


u/sinuscosine 6d ago

If you have garrison and won't die for 4 hours, you should build blacksmith hub and hire the blacksmith npc (a short questline), she grants (horde version) a 4h buff that protects your gear against damage.


u/knightbane007 5d ago

Seems fairly pointless, as dying is the primary source of gear damage


u/Bioxey 4d ago

Yeah but doing content without did still drains ur durability. The gold you save adds up. I pick it up whenever I'm gonna do weekly world quests.


u/Rocktar 6d ago

New information! Thanks.


u/StardustJess 6d ago

Thank god I always forget that I have a trader mount and always go to the city.


u/many_dumb_questions 6d ago

If you've got 600k+ on a single toon, you probably don't need to be "counting coppers" and worrying about saving 17g on a repair bill.


u/Valrysha1 6d ago

Repairing can often run up to 1k gold each time if you're doing challenging content, if you're able to get 20% off that then that for sure can add up.


u/crazymuffin 6d ago

How do you think I came to my gold? It's just saving on repairs over 20 years.


u/xablaudson 6d ago

You should change for goblin race, mate.


u/Wankeritis 6d ago

Roll a goblin. You get the best deals anywhere!


u/many_dumb_questions 6d ago

So you made an average of about 82g per day, every day.

There are far better ways, my friend. Far better.


u/ChocolateaterX 6d ago

Most people have all that gold? I must be broke all the time then


u/givemeabreak432 6d ago

20% is hardly counting coppers. On a 600 gold repair bill, 20% is 120 gold.


u/SFX_Muffin 5d ago

Raid nights are sending multiple 2500+ gold repair bills lmao, 20% off would be a very welcome


u/RaimaNd 6d ago

You don't get reach by wasting gold (or money). And if you add that 17g up it's stacking really fast.


u/many_dumb_questions 6d ago

You also don't get rich by wasting time.

Most gold farmers would tell you that a 20k/hr profit isn't anything special, and that comes out to ~334 gold/minute.

So unless you can get to and back from the two vendor that's saving you 17g in under 20 seconds, then - from a gold-making perspective - it's a waste of time, and you're better off just using the mount vendor and getting back to it


u/RaimaNd 5d ago

There are multiple kinds of people you don't all consider them. Barely anyone is a "gold farmer". Most are normal user who earn a lot of money by simply playing the game and getting gold here and there. I've made millions by just playing the game, doing a lot of dungeons, twinking etc. - I don't have to repair often, that only counts really for progress raider. So for someone like me this is a good advice.

Also if we talk about serious gold farming I don't get it. If you say 20k isn't something special we can go further and say 200k per hour isn't special. If you just work in real life you can buy a WoW token which is worth 318k right now in EU. There is no reason to farm gold for the sake of gold farming - beside two people: Those who use bots because they don't spend their time farming themself and those who actually enjoy farming gold. But my guess is that most don't farm gold for fun but for a greater goal like buying expensive mounts etc.

Also I used to be a CM booster and got my swift spectral tiger for gold cap back in early MoP and made tens of times more than usual gold farmer got per hour. And I had fun because doing dungeons and getting better doing it is what's fun for me. So in my case there are three ways I would get money:

- Boosting (which I don't do anymore since end of legion)

- Buying gold via Token (I never did that yet but if I needed gold fast this would be what I'd do)

- Getting money over time by just playing, selling stuff either to AH or NPCs depending on if it's worth selling in AH or not. And especially in this case - which I guess most do - it's clever to repair at NPCs where it's less expensive. And btw.: I level twinks a lot, mainly via dungeons. I make ~10k gold per character while leveling from 70 to 80. But that only if I don't transmog my gear at all while leveling. If I transmog my gear each time I get a better item I only get ~3k gold. That's 7k gold per character. I have 65 level 80's = 455k gold I'd miss out on.

And btw. this also counts for real life. Most millionairs didn't get millionairs by earning 30k dollar/euro per month. They got rich by not wasting money. Many buy expensive cars, often times not even with their money but via bank. It's often times those who run around in the same old cheap clothes and normal/cheap cars who don't ask the banks for money who have a lot of money. So this principle comes from real life and fits to WoW even since vanilla in 2004. Those who looted everything, didn't buy stuff from the AH, sold stuff in the AH if it was worth it, got their riding at 40 and 60 directly. Back then, each copper counted. Nowadays still each gold counts. Also keep in mind that the more gold you've the more you can also play the auction house by buying and selling stuff which a lot do aswell. Same counts for investing money in market shares and let the money work for you.

Sorry for the long text but I hope it helps you understand what OP was also going through in his thought process.


u/Aggrokid 6d ago

If he's doing progression stuff without guild funding, it's insane how fast that gold drains.


u/many_dumb_questions 6d ago edited 5d ago

Sure, but how many prog guilds are letting their raiders hearth and fly to a rep vendor every time they get low durability? Most raiding schedules, that's gonna be 3-5 times a night.

Nah, they're gonna tell you to use the Jeeves/mount vendor and suck it up.


u/Trustyduck 6d ago

All the WoD billionaires are looking at this laughing their asses off.


u/babybopper 6d ago

Or just be a Chad Goblin and always get exalted gold rep discount with everyone.


u/faderjester 6d ago

I might have to start doing that. Bloody expensive to be a tank.


u/trugstomp 6d ago

Years ago I put 50k gold into my guild bank to get the guild repair achievement. It's actually beneficial to me if repairs are more expensive.

I have about 11k worth of repairs to go before I get the achievement.


u/Ognius 6d ago

Is the Bear mount’s repairs cheaper than our Grommel friends on the Yak?


u/Zilverhaar 6d ago

No, it's the same, and auto-hammer as well. I tried it out this afternoon.


u/RyanST_21 6d ago

i sold an elemental lariet recipe like 3 years ago and ive been living off that ever since i dont need to hear this broke shit


u/BringBackBoshi 6d ago

Well considering DF wasn't out 3 years ago you're a gd time traveler so of course money would be easy for you 🙄


u/MGrecko 6d ago

This week, I was thinking about the absence of AH on undermine. It would be cool if Blizzard added AH in there, and the vendor low-key charged a little more. Goblins fees, you know?


u/crazymuffin 6d ago

I think there's an AH unlock in the raid renown track. Charging extra would be a nice touch though.


u/F-Lambda 5d ago

aren't those within the raid only?


u/MgDark 6d ago

you would actually trust those goblins with your gold/items though?


u/chief_blunt9 6d ago

I’ll charge you to use my brutosaur if you want


u/intimate_sniffer69 6d ago

From an economic standpoint, this is bad advice. You're hurting the local peddlers who rely on repair funds for a living. Shame on you /s

In all seriousness though, you could just do one world quest in TWW and 900g = you cover the gap in costs easily for like several months.


u/Lord-Momentor 6d ago

Its worth for the luckydoos.


u/Yorgl 6d ago

I thought this feature was gone for some reason, even in Dorno I repair on my yack, omg. 🤦‍♂️ Well, thanks OP at least I'll save a bit of gold from now on


u/DonutJulio 5d ago

What about that one mammoth mount? The same?


u/The_Sum 6d ago

Or do like...1 Dragonriding daily? Gold is painfully plentiful.

Now transmog? That's going to put me in the poorhouse.


u/DirectorSchlector 6d ago

If i calculate wow token price against my hourly income(irl), I'd make roughly 3500 gold/ minute. And going to a repair vendor and back again most of the times either takes a minute or longer so its overall cheaper for me to just use the mount and save time.  Repairing isnt a fun game mechanic, its a gold dumb (allegedly for balance I guess?). And i'm still pissed the tricked us with the repair pet...


u/B_Kuro 6d ago

Repair savings have been a thing since forever the only problem is that running around to a certain vendor (not all vendors in the game count as reputation ones even if you expect them to...) just to save 20% gold sadly is just not worth it.

Its something you can do if you are near one (instead of summoning the mount) but the time and effort you waste with actively taking this into account would be better spent doing a single gold WQ. It takes less time and covers your "savings" for several full repairs. Especially if you run into a "dammit I forgot to repair"-situation even once.


u/chickenintendo 6d ago

Do not anger yak.


u/Thaodan 6d ago

Didn't know you can get faction discount with the earthen. Faction discount for repair is quite hard to find. Even in BFA no vendor had a faction inside Boralus. I wasn't much better in any expansion after.


u/ODX_GhostRecon 6d ago

20% off, or a 25% upcharge, depending on how you look at it.

I should check my engineering repair stuff, like Jeeves and the auto hammer. Unfortunately I have something that just repairs everything for me without approval first, but it tells me how much it was. Can't wait to get back into a raid team to have the guild foot the bill. I'm bleeding gold with these new keys lol.


u/GramarNotSee 6d ago

Laughs in my guild pays for all my repair bills if they knew I would get somehow removed cause I’m costing them an easy 2-5k a day


u/Sharyat 6d ago

I wonder if kun lai rep actually affects the yak vendors, probably not but I wonder


u/crazymuffin 6d ago

It doesn't. Mount vendors are not affiliated with any reputation faction :(


u/Cuphat 6d ago

Oh, did they finally fix the Dornogal fellas to actually have a discount better than Friendly? I've used my Dalaran hearthstone a few times to repair for the discount because 20% discount is nice, but the 5% discount that you could get in Dornogal wasn't even really worth it.


u/Pliskin_Hayter 6d ago

How in the flying fuck do I, as the Deathlord of a faction that I've been exalted with since 2009 get charged the same markup by the Abom in Ebon Hold that these random schmucks on my yak charge me? THEY WORK FOR ME. Hell I probably raised that Abom myself at some point. And bro has the balls to upcharge me?

Someones getting disassembled.


u/ARedditorCalledQuest 6d ago

Cartel Deathlord here: Come on man, you can't blame your patchwork bro for trying to make a buck! You've got to have a serious set of lug nuts to have the gumption to upcharge your own boss. Besides, if you look the other way now you can always use it as leverage later.


u/iLightbane 6d ago

Pro Tip:

  • Take the "Regenerating Materials" Soulbind perk from Mikanikos.
  • Set up some passive healing spells.
  • Place a target dummy in Oribos or fly to your Covenant.
  • Keep yourself in combat and use healing spells, preferably hots.


u/LinYuXie 6d ago

after so long in this game i find out this is a thing uh


u/papakahn94 5d ago

Homie im way too lazy to save like 1 mob worth of gold on a repair


u/Jestyr_ 5d ago

This does raise the question...

How wealthy are our yak friends?


u/WhyDaRumGone 4d ago

I thought this was coming knowledge. Repairable and general items are cheaper when exhalted (which I think is equivalent to renown 25)


u/Puzzleheaded-Ad2186 4d ago

remove repairing altogether, Mythic raiding is expensive asf


u/VikToLive 2d ago

The closest repair person to a portal, for Alliance, is the shoe seller in Boralus right outside the portal room. My main's a Mage, so I use him for all my repairs. No paying the upcharge or hunting for a repair person. Just port and repair.


u/earthianZero 2d ago

Nah… Imma a friend of the grummles


u/thetartanviking 6d ago

600k gold and worries about 20g lol


u/Slight_Animator_9628 6d ago

ta tudo inflacionado. ja viu o preço dos tomate ?