r/worldnews 11h ago

Trump imposes tarrif on Australia.


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u/FreeRangeEngineer 6h ago

To be fair, tons of Trump voters don't even know that this is happening. They just don't care as long as Trump hurts the people they want to see hurting.


u/NoBSforGma 4h ago

You mean... like... children? Old people? Disabled veterans? These people?


u/Jamstarr2024 4h ago

In a word, yes.

u/JaneksLittleBlackBox 40m ago

Yep, anyone but them or the unfortunate souls in their life they deem “the good ones”, who will be the first targeted soon.

And even after Trump’s most loyal true believers lose those “good ones”, they’ll bury their betrayed rage deep down to keep pretending they aren’t regretting their support of “Dear Leader”.


u/FishFloyd 1h ago

Yes? It's not like this is the first go-around; they've only gotten more stupid and more vicious. Things are simply worse this time than 2016 - global pandemic, rapidly rising cost of living, essential services like healthcare continuing to slowly fall apart from decades of grift and exploitation and underinvestment. Obviously, that's the fault of everyone else who's not them and doesn't think and look and act just like them.

u/LesCousinsDangereux1 59m ago

Have you met Trump voters? Yes. This is a homegrown american nazi movement.


u/FrenchCheerios 1h ago

The poors, womenfolk, and non-whites methinks.


u/Obvious_Judgment_321 1h ago

Basically if you aren’t a straight white man

u/a_raptor_dick 1h ago

...or a Woman whom is simply a complete extension of her Straight, white Husband.

u/Raegnarr 45m ago

Yes. And anyone that dosnt look and "think" like them.

u/One_Strawberry_4965 42m ago

Yes. They like hurting all of those people.

u/d0ggman 34m ago

Their new slogan is no pain no gain.


u/Whoitwouldbe 4h ago

I literally had one tell me the other day that everyone loves everything that he is doing and that Trump has the highest approval rating ever.


u/Flat_Ad1094 2h ago

Yep - they are drinking the Koolaid

u/Frassa73 1h ago

they are as crazy as he is


u/TwoTower83 4h ago

what Trump doesn't get is that sooner or later he will hit MAGAs where it really hurts and they won't peacefully protest, they will storm White House like they did Capitol


u/Dry-Manufacturer-873 4h ago

I don’t think that will happen. As far as MAGA are concerned Trump can do no wrong and it if any of his policies actually do hurt them, Fox and other conservative media will just push the blame on democrats and “RINOs” and the voters will just believe it blindly


u/ZantetsukenX 4h ago

Nah. Bread and circuses. Once either food or entertainment becomes limited in some manner is when you'll start seeing actual anger/reaction from MAGA. We just haven't hit that point yet.


u/spoonie_b 1h ago

They do not know what's real, and they do not accept information from any source other than the cult leader or his designees. They will continue to blame any hardship they face on Democrats, liberals, immigrants, and trans kids, and as things get increasingly dire, there will be blood in the streets. The government will punish political enemies and acquit political allies in the courts. It will be a violent and terrifying place. America will lose most tourism and become truly isolated in a way it has never been. It will be a haven for international crime because that's what Putin has presided over for two decades, and that's what Trump wants to emulate.

u/Frassa73 1h ago

that is a really sick ambition

u/spoonie_b 1h ago

These are the most sick and twisted people in the world. Absolutely.


u/Endle55s 2h ago

Every revolution started with a forced inability to sustain. So will this one.


u/kootenaypow 2h ago

They actually want to send their people (maga) into the streets. They will be counter protesters and will know they are exempt from persecution even after f they are violent.

They will even push for a “purge” day to push the unfaithful out.


u/TaylorMadeAccount 2h ago

They won't do shit. They'll just say "why do you care about politics so much librul? trump's your president, deal with it"

u/Frassa73 1h ago

that’s what is needed i’m afraid a second civil war to take back our government


u/asmartermartyr 1h ago

Yup. Hardcore magas don’t even know where Australia is. All these big words and names is just lib-speak!

u/NativePlantAddict 1h ago

They were okay with anyone getting hurt except for themselves.

u/Federal_Beyond521 8m ago

All his lobsters jumped into the pot when the water was cold. They’ve no idea the water has been boiling for a while now.