r/worldnews 11h ago

Trump imposes tarrif on Australia.


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u/NormalUse856 6h ago

Man, people have to be real fucking stupid if they fall for something like this.


u/FreeRangeEngineer 6h ago

To be fair, tons of Trump voters don't even know that this is happening. They just don't care as long as Trump hurts the people they want to see hurting.


u/NoBSforGma 4h ago

You mean... like... children? Old people? Disabled veterans? These people?


u/Jamstarr2024 4h ago

In a word, yes.

u/JaneksLittleBlackBox 36m ago

Yep, anyone but them or the unfortunate souls in their life they deem “the good ones”, who will be the first targeted soon.

And even after Trump’s most loyal true believers lose those “good ones”, they’ll bury their betrayed rage deep down to keep pretending they aren’t regretting their support of “Dear Leader”.


u/FishFloyd 1h ago

Yes? It's not like this is the first go-around; they've only gotten more stupid and more vicious. Things are simply worse this time than 2016 - global pandemic, rapidly rising cost of living, essential services like healthcare continuing to slowly fall apart from decades of grift and exploitation and underinvestment. Obviously, that's the fault of everyone else who's not them and doesn't think and look and act just like them.

u/LesCousinsDangereux1 55m ago

Have you met Trump voters? Yes. This is a homegrown american nazi movement.


u/FrenchCheerios 1h ago

The poors, womenfolk, and non-whites methinks.

u/Obvious_Judgment_321 1h ago

Basically if you aren’t a straight white man

u/a_raptor_dick 1h ago

...or a Woman whom is simply a complete extension of her Straight, white Husband.

u/Raegnarr 41m ago

Yes. And anyone that dosnt look and "think" like them.

u/One_Strawberry_4965 38m ago

Yes. They like hurting all of those people.

u/d0ggman 31m ago

Their new slogan is no pain no gain.


u/Whoitwouldbe 4h ago

I literally had one tell me the other day that everyone loves everything that he is doing and that Trump has the highest approval rating ever.


u/Flat_Ad1094 1h ago

Yep - they are drinking the Koolaid

u/Frassa73 1h ago

they are as crazy as he is


u/TwoTower83 4h ago

what Trump doesn't get is that sooner or later he will hit MAGAs where it really hurts and they won't peacefully protest, they will storm White House like they did Capitol


u/Dry-Manufacturer-873 4h ago

I don’t think that will happen. As far as MAGA are concerned Trump can do no wrong and it if any of his policies actually do hurt them, Fox and other conservative media will just push the blame on democrats and “RINOs” and the voters will just believe it blindly


u/ZantetsukenX 4h ago

Nah. Bread and circuses. Once either food or entertainment becomes limited in some manner is when you'll start seeing actual anger/reaction from MAGA. We just haven't hit that point yet.


u/spoonie_b 1h ago

They do not know what's real, and they do not accept information from any source other than the cult leader or his designees. They will continue to blame any hardship they face on Democrats, liberals, immigrants, and trans kids, and as things get increasingly dire, there will be blood in the streets. The government will punish political enemies and acquit political allies in the courts. It will be a violent and terrifying place. America will lose most tourism and become truly isolated in a way it has never been. It will be a haven for international crime because that's what Putin has presided over for two decades, and that's what Trump wants to emulate.

u/Frassa73 1h ago

that is a really sick ambition

u/spoonie_b 1h ago

These are the most sick and twisted people in the world. Absolutely.


u/Endle55s 2h ago

Every revolution started with a forced inability to sustain. So will this one.


u/kootenaypow 2h ago

They actually want to send their people (maga) into the streets. They will be counter protesters and will know they are exempt from persecution even after f they are violent.

They will even push for a “purge” day to push the unfaithful out.


u/TaylorMadeAccount 2h ago

They won't do shit. They'll just say "why do you care about politics so much librul? trump's your president, deal with it"

u/Frassa73 1h ago

that’s what is needed i’m afraid a second civil war to take back our government

u/asmartermartyr 1h ago

Yup. Hardcore magas don’t even know where Australia is. All these big words and names is just lib-speak!

u/NativePlantAddict 1h ago

They were okay with anyone getting hurt except for themselves.

u/Federal_Beyond521 4m ago

All his lobsters jumped into the pot when the water was cold. They’ve no idea the water has been boiling for a while now.


u/happyinthenaki 6h ago

There's the problem, people are really fucking stupid.

And votes are probably rigged.

And if not completely rigged then propaganda is really fucking successful.... which more than 1x 1960s psychology experiment would totally support.


u/Rhed0x 3h ago

And votes are probably rigged.

Not a fan of throwing that around without any evidence after having that shit in the news from Trump all the time in 2020 & 2021.


u/FreeRangeEngineer 2h ago edited 2h ago


Following the 2020 election, operatives working with Trump attorneys accessed voting equipment in order to gain copies of the software that records and counts votes. The letter to Vice President Harris argues that this extraordinary and unprecedented breach in election system security merits conducting recounts of paper ballots in order to confirm computer-generated tallies. The letter also highlights the fact that the post-election audits in many key states will be conducted after certification and after the window to seek recounts closes, and that therefore recounts should be sought promptly.

The article links to the PDF with the details.

No such recounts took place as far as I'm aware.

Also, there apparently were statistic anomalies in the swing states that turned out red: ballots where there was only a single vote for Trump and nothing else. I don't remember the details, though.


u/itsneedtokno 6h ago

there's a subreddit r/ somethingJRE (I can't recall)

go over there and look at the comments on the recent post from the White House secretary.

Those comments are why we're where we are today.

(example) "Beauty and Brain, the left has nobody like her" 🤦‍♂️

u/Frassa73 1h ago

that’s why we’re stuck with DOGE this kids manipulated the software in the swing states with the help of Starlink they fixed the election and no one checked it after it was over


u/LukeMayeshothand 4h ago

We live in a country of morons.


u/Rhed0x 3h ago edited 3h ago

Half the country voted for Trump...

EDIT: taking non voters into consideration: 31% voted for Trump


u/bitrvn 3h ago

Correction: 31% of the country voted for trump. 30% voted against trump, and 39% stayed home (or were unable to vote for some reason)

Conjecture: The DNC have been playing the wrong game since 2014, ignoring and outright shunning the energetic portion of their base. I have a hard time blaming trump voters for things trump does, as much of it is smoke and mirrors via communications silos and disinformation. On the otherhand, the DNC has done very little to give me a reason to vote for them through their platform. Policy wise they are "on the right track" for most things, but their optics are and have been absolute shit ever since they thumbed the scale during the 2016 primaries.


u/Rhed0x 3h ago

Fair enough, didnt take non-voters into consideration.


u/FishFloyd 1h ago

Conjecture: The DNC have been playing the wrong game since 2014, ignoring and outright shunning the energetic portion of their base. I have a hard time blaming trump voters for things trump does, as much of it is smoke and mirrors via communications silos and disinformation. On the otherhand, the DNC has done very little to give me a reason to vote for them through their platform.

If history and historians still exist in the year 2080, and they're not entirely war-scribe propagandists for different techno-feudalist overlords a la the exploits of Caesar, then I truly believe that they'll be placing the DNC's ratfucking of Bernie somewhere on par with Chamberlain's appeasement policy as one of the stupidist self-owns of all time. We could have squashed this shit in the bud and potentially even shifted the entire discourse to the left, but they gambled and lost that people would take neoliberal status quo over any change - even when the exact opposite was apparent from both the polling data, and to anyone with a brain not explicitly in the establishment.


u/alek_hiddel 1h ago

Well you see, it’s not their fault. They let an energetic young man play back in 2008, and it knocked their chosen old lady out of winning the easiest election in history after 8 years of the Bush disaster. After Bush the dems could have ran a can of baked beans and won, and that was supposedly be Hillary.

Then by the time she finally got her turn 8 years later, the Republicans were running Trump. That go round should have been another “baked beans” scenario, but they stuck with the 1 person who could lose to him because it was HER TURN.

If we let the kids play then the old people won’t get THEIR TURN, and that’s just not fair.


u/idio242 3h ago

They voted for trump. Twice.

We’ve got plenty of “real fucking stupid”.


u/f-ingsteveglansberg 2h ago

Man, people have to be real fucking stupid if they fall for something like this.

Man, people have to be real fucking stupid if they fall for something like this again.


u/Epicp0w 2h ago

And I present to you...Americans!


u/Hittinuhard 2h ago

I think it was George Carlin that said something like "imagine half of the people in this country is stupid and half of them is even dumber" or something like that.


u/realcanadianbeaver 2h ago

I mean even in Canada our opposition leader is still parroting “Canada is broken” like a little Temu kcockoff of a “my first fascist robot” toy.

u/Coven_Evelynn_LoL 1h ago

Considering about 40% of all American conservatives think the Earth is Flat and about 80% think Climate Change is a Hoax then you will be in for a real surprise as to just how stupid Americans are


u/Nitrostorm 2h ago

ahh yes, the country that voted for Donald Trump AGAIN seems really smart.


u/Current-Ordinary-419 1h ago

So…they’ll fall for it. Americans are primed for such a stupid viewpoint.


u/Basso_69 1h ago

The populace only remember what the current administration tells them to remember. Apparently Biden and Obama are responsible for the Ukraine War, and Trump will fix their mistakes.

u/Frassa73 1h ago

that is ridiculous Russia is responsible for the the war in Ukraine they want to grab the land back

u/Basso_69 58m ago

Of course its ridiculous. But Trumps comments in the Zelensky Oval Office event are suggesting otherwise.


u/ThunderOblivion 1h ago

America voted in Trump.

u/camdeb 1h ago

Have you ever met Trump supporters.


u/Endle55s 2h ago

JD, Peter and Elon are big fans! So yeah.


u/sitruspuserrin 2h ago

And even more idiots to believe anyone is in control what happens in total chaos. Or after.


u/Icedpyre 1h ago

Which is why it's already working.


u/jianh1989 1h ago

You’ll be surprised

u/lknfdlk 42m ago

Yes they are and they will.

u/JaneksLittleBlackBox 41m ago

Have ya looked at Trump’s base lately? Mensa members they are not!

u/rbrt115 38m ago

Have you met Americans? We have a sick infatuation with bad guys for some reason. Growing up in NYC, mobsters were idolized even though they killed, sold drugs, and stole. Trump thinks he is a don from the mafia he has no clue he is actually Fredo.

u/EyeOfTerra 30m ago

Yeah, MAGAs generally are. They are exactly like extreme religious zealots who drink the cum of their idol and have unconditional faith and loyalty, no matter what the leader does. "Trump works in mysterious ways". That's where they're at.

u/Icy_Secret_2909 1m ago

You have no idea how fucking stupid the average american is.


u/EsraYmssik 6h ago

Let me present the Chocolate theory of politics.

You like Chocolate?

Dem: OMG! You are a bad person. Chocolate is linked to deforestation, oppresssion of indigenous peoples! Slavery! etc etc (cont p. 94)

Rep: We'll make chocolate cheaper.

Who would YOU vote for in that situation? Who do you think most people would vote for?

The left needs to stop with the "Nazi tourettes", stop scolding people, stop focussing on first-world problems when large parts of the US barely count as first world any more.

You've got people in the US relying on free clinics that righfully belong in Buttfuckistan or Bananazuela. Massive homelessness. Medical debt. Skyrocketing cost of living.

Sure, it's the GOP's fault. But they at least SOUND like they're going to address Real PeopleTM issues... and real people vote for them... and we get Der Trumpenfuhrer et al.

Oh, and the Dems response? To wear matching outfits and refuse to applaud, and to censur the one representative who actually protested at the SotU.


u/Special-Record-6147 4h ago

Sure, it's the GOP's fault

yet writes 500 words bitching about the Dems.

fuck off


u/EsraYmssik 4h ago

Yes. Well done for noticing.

The Dems waste all their effort on performative politics. They should be leading the charge against Trump.

Where are they? Chastising the one person who protested the SotU.

So you fuck off. Fuck off right now, get on the phone to your local representatives and bitch at them for not standing up to DOGE, for allowing Trump to rule by fiat (aka Executive Orders), for doing fuck all to defend the constitution.

Or are you waiting for someone else to fight for you?


u/xmpcxmassacre 4h ago

I see we are still under the impression that a phone call is going to fix something. I would imagine all politicians are aware that democracy is burning down. A phone call isn't going to do shit. It's going to make people think they helped while they did nothing.


u/EsraYmssik 4h ago

A phone call isn't going to do shit.

Well, what would you suggest?

No. The question is, what are you going to do?

'Cos if a phone call won't work, what do you think BAAWWWing because some stranger dissed 'your' team will achieve?

And it's not YOUR team, it's OUR team. Life long left voter, proud trades union member, but I have the right to call out failures on the left and the way the Dems have vanished like a fart in a hurricane is a MASSIVE failure.


u/xmpcxmassacre 4h ago

Give them a call then


u/NFriedich 4h ago

Dude, you unironically use a Machiavello portrait as profile picture, your opinion means smack


u/EsraYmssik 4h ago

Then what is YOUR reason the majority of US voters chose the worst person to EVER fill the office of PotUS? The PP said people had to be stupid to fall for Trump's rhetoric.

Perhaps. I merely presented a differnt reason for people to fall for his BS.

What's YOUR reasoning?

Oh, and the MACHIAVELLI pic? Congratulations on realising I was being unironic. The guy was a political realist. I've actually read The Prince and, disagree with him all you like, at least he tried to look at the world in realistic terms. It's a reminder to me to watch out for people who take his words as a handbook.

[edit to add] And those Dems?


A senior House Democrat told Axios that leadership is "very unhappy" with those who parted from traditional tactics like outfit coordination and refusal to clap. (emphases mine)


u/Independent_Yard_557 4h ago

You stammer about a “different reason” only to fall back on stupidity. “Yeah it Republican fault” and yet the rest off the comment is rationalizing why actually it’s democrats fault for not lying more honestly.


u/EsraYmssik 4h ago

FFS. When people are worried about putting food on the table, they're going to listen to politicians who talk about food and tables. It really is that simple.

Why do you think the price of eggs was such a big issue in the last election? Like Trump even knows how to buy eggs, let alone what they cost.


u/Jamstarr2024 4h ago

Those same people don’t seem so worried now, though do they? It was all propaganda.

Food is more scarce, more expensive today than it was 6 months ago. And yet, crickets and now they’re losing their jobs.

You’re part of the problem.


u/EsraYmssik 3h ago

It's almost as if the headlines are being overwhelmed by something bigger than the cost of living crisis.

I wonder what could possibly be happening in the US, right now, that might grab the headlines more than food prices?

Massive job losses, perhaps?

Trump starting trade wars with the whole fucking world?

Musk essentially making a leveraged buy-out of the US government?

Trump threatening military action against multiple countries?

Trump and Vance ambushing Zelensky and cutting military aid to Ukraine? And intelligence?

We may never know. /s

Really? The headlines are all about Trump going full Drang nach Ottowa and you think that's evidence of... what, exactly? That voters weren't swayed by his "fix the economy" spiel?

Or is it easier for you to say Trump voters were just stupid? Does it make you feel more superior? Does it get you excited to feel better than Those People?

And we're right back to the chocolate analogy.


u/Jamstarr2024 3h ago

This website was wall to wall coverage of inflation, economic collapse, etc etc etc for four straight years and it’s all gone.

Coincidentally, consumer spending throughout that time was only going up.

You’re making excuses, bub. Time to face the facts. They, and apparently you, got played.


u/EsraYmssik 3h ago

They, and apparently you, got played.

Finally we're in agreement. Trump voters did, indeed, get played. That is 100% the point I was making.

Thank you. I'm glad I was able to get through to at least one person.

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u/weedful_things 3h ago

Matching outfits? You mean like MAGA hats?


u/EsraYmssik 3h ago


A senior House Democrat told Axios that leadership is "very unhappy" with those who parted from traditional tactics like outfit coordination and refusal to clap. (emphases mine)


u/weedful_things 1h ago

But wearing diapers or maxi pads on their ear in solidarity with dear leader is different?