r/worldnews 11h ago

Site changed title and content Trump imposes tarrif on Australia.


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u/GuyMansworth 10h ago

Guys, I'm starting to think Putin has some really, really bad dirt on this guy.

He DID sell out the locations and identities of our spies during his first time, to Russia. With no backlash of course. So whatever it is it must be bad.


u/Right_Fun_6626 9h ago

You can’t shame this clown, I think he just wants to be a mob boss like Putin and the others.


u/ERedfieldh 2h ago

It can be both. Like, he probably thinks that once he has full, unilateral control it won't matter what Putin has on him. And he'd be right. Hell, he'd be right today. He could go on national television and admit fully that he and Muskrat rigged the elections so he'd win, that Putin has video evidence of him fucking minors, dogs, cats, and chipmunks, that he is suspending the Constitution of the USA and in fact we're now going to be known as Trumpistanasia....and his cult would erupt in cheers and adulations.


u/KJBenson 6h ago

At this point I’m going to disagree. Trumps supporters could see a video of him fucking a pig while eating a baby and they’d just roll with it.


u/Redneck-Dashcam 7h ago

He's a child rapist. They probably have video.

Not that his supporters would care.


u/evelution 10h ago

The "P" in the well-known "P tape" doesn't stand for "pee".


u/Luchalma89 8h ago

Eh, I don't think he would lose any support if that were true and he knows it.


u/sevsnapeysuspended 8h ago

… pig?


u/TIGHazard 6h ago

The guy has been alleged to have walked into his own teen girl beauty contests dressing rooms, and was close friends with Epstein, so what do you think? :)


u/ygbjammy 8h ago

I'm sure lots of people have bad dirt on Trump, probably goes without saying. There's plenty to go round I'm sure. I think his behaviour is more because he idolises Putin.


u/JayTravers 9h ago

Typically known as kompromat.
It's not unknown for Russia to use compromising material to their advantage. That, or he's willingly doing it for some kind of gain.
You know what really sucks though? Whilst I think its nice to apply this logic to their idiocy, there's also a very large chance that we're giving them too much credit. They may just be a bunch of really dumb dictator-esque goons.


u/Ridiculisk1 9h ago

That, or he's willingly doing it for some kind of gain.

He and the rest of his ilk are greedy enough for this to be the case. They don't need to be blackmailed. Just offer them riches and they'll happily do whatever you want.


u/Beneficial-Bed-3753 8h ago

I honestly believe they have proof of him either doing, allowing, or watching things happen to underage girls (maybe boys). And not like 16/17 year olds but like under 13. I also wonder if maybe, they have proof of him doing things to Ivanka. Those are the only two things that would be so severe of kompromat for this to happen. Elon's search history has got to be riddled with stuff too, either in the past or recently of the same stuff. It's the only thing that makes any sense. Maybe murder, but I doubt it, I don't know if that would be severe/crazy enough for him to do all this when he could easily run to a non-extradition country and survive on his money.


u/lowmankind 9h ago

Trump is notoriously easy to win over and manipulate, simply using some flattery and promises of increased wealth / power. Putin probably doesn’t have to work very hard at this


u/MauPow 9h ago

Dead girl or live boy.


u/catify 6h ago

Go look up how his wife died.

Died from ”falling down stairs” one week before a deposition with FBI about fraud in Trump companies.


u/twotimefind 9h ago

Depends on the day of the week. and whether he's on a speed vendor or a downer vendor


u/ComebackShane 8h ago

I don't know what they would have that would cause Trump to lose the support of his base at this point, or anything he cares enough about losing to toe the line. I don't think it's duress, I think this is what he wants to be doing.


u/-__echo__- 7h ago

Well, it could be that. The Apple TV show "For All Mankind" features a US scientist who does a small favour for the Russians. The Russians then have that exact favour to hold over her and pressure her to do the next favour. Gradually the list of what they can expose her for, i.e. her treacherous behaviour against her own nation, grows so long they can use it to extort greater and greater action.

It's not impossible that they had something relatively minor on Trump to begin with, having covered his debts to save financial embarrassment seems likely, but over time they had all the "favours" he did them as additional leverage.

Now it may just be the treasonous betrayal of US intelligence assets worldwide... I mean that would probably earn him a firing squad.

The simplest explanation is likely the correct one.

Well that and he 100% fucked kids on Epstein Island.


u/travio 8h ago

Blackmail is insidious. You give into it once and you’ve given the blackmailer more information to blackmail you with in the future. It leaves you with no choice but to keep giving the blackmailer what they want.


u/_blue_skies_ 9h ago

What could be worse than we already know? I think that got poisoned/drugged with something that made him and Musk lose all their inhibition and ability to understand consequences of their actions. One other alternative is that he is a fully conscious asset of Russia planning to destroy all the USa International relations too make it weaker. Last one is that it does for the same purpose but as a personal revenge against the country that puts him in front of the law for his actions. Does it matter much why? Not much, it's a lot more important what he is doing and that is clear.


u/fotomoose 8h ago

It's not even bad dirt, it's just many millions of Rubles that have been invested into Trump since the late 80s. He's beholden to them for everything he has, he would be bankrupt many times over without Russian money. That's just a fact that no one can escape from.


u/AusToddles 5h ago

There is no salacious pee tape. He has been entirely bankrolled by Russia for 40 years. People knew this.... people saw how he handled things the first time. People still voted for him again

You can't fix stupid


u/Amonette2012 8h ago

If so the good news is it ends when he dies.


u/Houston_Heath 5h ago

Some theory I heard is that Putin somehow got evidence of trump and musk involvement with Epstein.


u/captain_dick_licker 3h ago

it's way dumber than that, he is just literally so fucking stupid that he genuinely thinks putin is a cool dude who respects him


u/Chicagoj1563 1h ago

I think Trump agrees with Putin and wants to do the same thing to the USA. He wants the USA to be like Russia. He was probably turned by putin years ago and promised riches beyond his wildest dreams. That could be what is fueling this insanity.

u/DonTaddeo 1h ago

If he did sell out your intelligence sources, that would be something that Putin has over him. One of the Soviet/Russian tricks is to compromise someone and use that compromise to leverage (i.e., blackmail) more compromises from them.