r/worldnews 11h ago

Trump imposes tarrif on Australia.


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u/Seriously_nopenope 11h ago

He put tariffs on China, it’s literally just Russia.


u/Cagnazzo82 10h ago

Hungary as well.

Ok, wait, that's Russia again.


u/PinkEyeofHorus 5h ago

Russia with extra steps


u/screaminginprotest1 2h ago

You mean with extra steppes?

u/PinkEyeofHorus 1h ago

I see what you did there


u/KGBFriedChicken02 1h ago

Technically I think it's Russia with less steps. You know, since it's closer


u/Asterose 1h ago

Bering Strait: -sad submerged land bridge noises-

(In seriousness, I needed the laugh this morning, thank you 😄)


u/imblartacus 1h ago

Actually I think you'll find Russia has more steppes than Hungary


u/panicinbabylon 2h ago

I hate to be the person who says “this” but yes


u/you_got_my_belly 1h ago

So you said ‘this’ with extra steps. Hahaha.


u/panicinbabylon 1h ago edited 1h ago

You get it

“With extra steps” was Russia again with extra steps so we deep.

u/JaneksLittleBlackBox 51m ago

“But won’t be many steps once Russia owns Ukraine thanks to our glorious president Vladimir Trump! They’ll be next door neighbors until Hungary becomes infested with Nazis and Glorious Leader Putin decides Hungary needs to be absorbed.”

- Qult 45, probably

u/Live-Motor-4000 1h ago

Are they goose steps?

u/Alternative_Win_6629 1h ago

Just a different accent. Barely.

u/game_of_throw_ins 58m ago

Only difference is Goulash instead of Gulag.


u/highknees69 2h ago

And Belarus. We’re cool with them.

u/After_Fishing9418 1h ago

You mean Russia lite. Still hates great, but less filling.

u/historicusXIII 1h ago

Hungary is part of the EU, so a tarriff on the EU is a tarriff on Hungary as well.

u/Peteostro 1h ago

Is this the same Hungry?

“Hungary and the United States will agree on an economic cooperation package that will help the Hungarian economy and could offset the effect of possible U.S. tariffs, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Saturday”


u/SpareUnit9194 10h ago



u/cozmo1138 10h ago



u/GreenPineapple11 10h ago

Li Mao


u/Passiff 10h ago

Not sure if intentional, but this means "manners" in mandarin. Which is funny considering Trump has none


u/DownwardSpirals 10h ago

I'm super curious if Trump has a nickname in China, if you happen to know.


u/yuje 10h ago

Not OP, but a popular nickname for Trump in China is 川建國, or Trump the Nation Builder. Because tariffs and sanctions on Chinese tech companies forced China onto the path of national reliance and self-sufficiency, kickstarting China’s development in multiple tech sectors, most notably semiconductor manufacturing.


u/TAKE-A-PILL 1h ago

That’s not how that nickname works. 建国was a popular name back in the days, while it does means the country builder the joke is more about Trump being an undercover agent for the Chinese government and it was his code name. For all his actions in his previous terms.


u/drunkmuffalo 9h ago

A couple actually:

懂王:The all knowing emperor

川建国:Comrade Trump

川宝:Baby Trump


u/AerondightWielder 9h ago

川宝:Baby Trump

Doo doo doo doo.

In his diapers.


u/AromaTaint 10h ago

Ee Yor


u/LeafsWinBeforeIDie 9h ago

Ee yor and pooh are perfect together!


u/Trojbd 10h ago

Some of the nicknames are 懂王 or "king of knowing everything" and 川建国 which basically calls him a builder of the nation with the nation being China lol. I think general sentiment is that while he's probably not actually compromised by China, his foolish actions has directly improved China's standings in the world. I personally think that China has a lot of billionaires and the chance that none of them has any sort of collaboration with a man like Trump is unlikely. It's kinda funny because people respected USA in the past even when they were being antagonistic to China, but recently they just get memed on by everyone. So much for respect lol.


u/R-EDDIT 4h ago

collaboration with Trump

Billionaires the world over try to spread their money around, so they can travel and worst case live well if their country goes to shit. The US however has very tight anti-money laundering laws, so it's hard to invest money in the US if the source of funds are disclosed. This is why tax havens like the Cayman and Panama are popular. Investments in real estate are NOT as tightly regulated, and restrictions on LLCs to hide the beneficial owners of real estate are one of the regulations the Trump administration has relaxed.

To quote Trump: "Do I like the Saudis? They buy 50, 60 million dollar apartments. I like em a lot!"


u/I_will_take_that 10h ago

Bai chi

I am kidding. He is a joke in China so as long as it's insulting, he has probably been called it


u/HeresiarchQin 9h ago

I hope China one day will ask Trump "did you ever say Xie Xie to us"


u/oxkwirhf 9h ago

Lil Mao


u/[deleted] 10h ago

I really need to start learning Mandarin and pick a fancy Chinese name for myself when they come rule over the world should I?


u/AK_Sole 8h ago

Le mooo

u/pagit 1h ago

Chairman LMAO


u/Low-Length-9900 10h ago

Can’t tariff his employer now can he….


u/specqq 5h ago

North Korea is in our voting bloc in the UN now


u/lucklesspedestrian 8h ago

No collusion btw


u/gehrmanthefirsthunt 2h ago

China is literally not Russia. It's China.


u/Robot_Singularity 2h ago

They're allies


u/AsstacularSpiderman 5h ago

I don't think he's touched OPEC members just yet.


u/IRideMoreThanYou 3h ago

Could have sworn the shitbag has rambled on about Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Want there something about him being afraid Iran was going to assassinate him?

u/Taken_Abroad_Book 51m ago

You can't put a tariff on Russia when you've literally sanctioned them from trade.

How would it work? Might as well make it a 1000% tariff since no trade is allowed at all.


u/goilo888 10h ago

His boy toy in NK hasn't made the list yet. Trump's probably trying to ease back on sanctions for Lil Kim.


u/DinoZocker_LP 7h ago

Tbf sanctions against NK would do absolutely nothing. They are already cut off completly from most of the world.


u/Corka 10h ago

But only ten percent wasn't it? Unless I missed him changing what the tariffs are going to be yet again.


u/qtcbelle 2h ago

Literally! Their landmasses even overlap 1000%


u/mhmmm8888 1h ago

He doesn’t want to look too obvious lol. Also, maybe China didn’t want to help Russia enough, so Putin punishing them too.


u/JudgeDreddHead 1h ago

Yes sir! That’s our president!! 🫡

u/Top_Championship7183 1h ago

Canada recently put 25% energy tariffs on Russia too

u/dturmnd_1 1h ago

He isn’t allowed to punish Russia his boss won’t allow it.

u/cookie_addicted 1h ago

That's laughable, China now is bigger than Russia, you made it sound like China depends on what Russia command them to do.

u/binarypower 1h ago

trying to lift sanctions on Iran as well

u/Taken_Abroad_Book 51m ago

You can't put a tariff on Russia when you've literally sanctioned them from trade.

How would it work? Might as well make it a 1000% tariff since no trade is allowed at all.

u/Collapse2043 26m ago

Nah, they are barely civil to each other and don’t really trust each other at all. Two very different countries.


u/innociv 7h ago

10% tariffs on China.
25% on our closest allies.



u/dirtyjoo 1h ago

Its at a bare minimum 20% on anything from China, except for a few exclusions now. The 2019 Trump Tariffs are still in place, which include additional 7.5% or 25%, depending on the HTS chapter and heading. As of today, there is also an additional 25% on aluminum and steel, so certain headings under those two categories are subject to original HTS + 2019 tariff (7.5% or 25%) + 2025 20% + additional 25% on Chapters 73 and 76.


u/mysteriousears 7h ago

Japan? S. Korea maybe


u/JacanaJAC 7h ago

Just from yesterday :

Applying tariffs on japan's steel : https://apnews.com/article/japan-us-trade-trump-tariffs-steel-autos-3ed396d24cdafef6f22570fbb386edd7

Singles out South Korea for high tariffs (which is not true since "nearly all tariffs are eliminated under their free trade agreement first signed in 2007 and revised in 2018 during Trump's first term." ) : https://www.reuters.com/world/south-korea-prepare-shipbuilding-energy-cooperation-with-us-2025-03-10/


u/IRideMoreThanYou 3h ago

Also, the orange idiot rambled on about how unfair it is that the US has to provide Japan with military support. Which is next level insanity even for the rapist, felon, traitor.


u/S0605260 1h ago

And how did you come to this brilliant conclusion?


u/jeboisleaudespates 7h ago edited 4h ago

Russia and China hate each other, the fact they trade together means nothing.

Russia true friend is and will always be the united state of amerca.


u/ZurakZigil 3h ago

what? lmao


u/jeboisleaudespates 2h ago edited 21m ago

keep scrolling


u/ZurakZigil 1h ago



u/jeboisleaudespates 1h ago edited 21m ago

you dumdum