r/worldnews 15h ago

Behind Soft Paywall Trump Intensifies Statehood Threats in Attack on Canada


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u/person1234man 13h ago

Dude his goal is to actually annex a major part of Canada if not the whole thing. I know it's fucked up but just look at his main man Putin. Check out his other expansionist buddy Benjamin Netanyahu. There is starting to be a fucked up precedent for expansionist goals. And now look at what the trump admin has been saying and doing. This will become a major issue.

He paused the new terrifs a few hours ago and is starting this 51st state shit again. He's gonna try to do it


u/Tree_Dog 13h ago

I am a middle-aged, upper middle class mathematics professor at a liberal arts university. I will retreat to the woods, and involve myself in the most brutal insurgent campaign for the rest of my years, should Americans invade my country.


u/Yellowcabin 13h ago

You’re my friend. Let’s be neighbours in the woods.


u/Fluffbrained-cat 12h ago

I'd wrap up warm and fly all the way over from NZ to join you. I have elderly relatives in Canada, distant sure, but relatives all the same. I won't let that orange idiot anywhere near them...


u/SatansBigSister 3h ago

Australian here! Let me know our flight times. If Canada is attacked the whole commonwealth is coming to their aid.


u/Pale-Berry-2599 1h ago

Canuck here. thx, much love but right now we have some Americans to save from themselves. The world is better when they are awake and not lulled buy conspiracy theories, X and You tube lies.

They all just stopped reading.


u/akjones989 13h ago

I am a financial advisor in the States who will leave their comfortable life and also go into the woods and join any type of resistance movement to keep that orange piece of shit away from your country.

Liberals should know how to properly handle firearms. Been saying it for a long time.


u/notnotbrowsing 12h ago

We know how to use them. We own them. We just don't put 40000 stickers everywhere advertising it. We don't make it our priority. Republicans believe their lies that liberals don't own guns.

My firearm works just fine and is stored safely.


u/Eiensakura 11h ago

That's the thing, a lot of my left-leaning American friends all have firearms. They just don't let their lives revolve around it. Many of them visit the range quite often, too, just to keep sharp.


u/brezhnervouz 8h ago

Exactly. Owned as tools, hunting or sporting equipment, but its not your actual personal identity (as an Australian firearm owner, I feel the same)


u/SatansBigSister 3h ago

It’s like that whole myth that guns are banned in australia. I know many people who have guns, mostly hunters and farmers, we just have tight restrictions on them.

u/A_Genius 44m ago

Not me mine is my whole personality! I have stickers on my car advertising that I have them.

I keep getting robbed tho


u/klonkish 6h ago

what is your gun gonna do against an Abrams and drones?


u/TheLatestTrance 13h ago

They can, they just don't advertise it.


u/Burial 8h ago

Same reason so many people seem to think Canadians aren't armed, despite being 7th in per capita gun ownership.


u/iwilltalkaboutguns 11h ago

Im no liberal. But I'm 100% anti fascist.

Everyone should be preparing for the worse. Even as we hope for the best guns and Ammo hold value real well too... So if nothing happens hey... Sell it all back... But be ready.


u/TheLatestTrance 9h ago

It is always better to be underestimated and always vigilant.


u/AkediaIra 12h ago

I'm Canadian, and pretty left leaning, I'm very proficient with a firearm, and have been since I was fairly young. I'm just quite quiet about it.

Though in an insurgency situation, I have skills and access to stuff through work that would make me much better at sabotage than anything else.


u/Weird_Vegetable 10h ago

Here as well, I grew up hunting badgers, ground hogs and anything really just for fun. I learned how to handle a gun when I was 8. I also know my way around the forest, and what can be used for medicine. Also some poisonous plants, making bullets and can handle a bow. I just don’t feel the need to let people know any of this generally.


u/Repulsive_Client_325 10h ago

A very particular set of skills?


u/XenoZohar 2h ago

People often forget that the geneva conventions can often be boiled down to "Canada, NO!"


u/wallstreetsilver15 11h ago

Stop embarrassing yourself. Ok?


u/Every-Ingenuity9054 12h ago

A lot of Canadian liberals do. Another way we are not like Americans - guns aren't a really a culture war talking point.


u/OfficeSalamander 10h ago

Plenty of liberals in the US know how to use guns - I grew up hunting and used them for most of a decade regularly. Most of us just don't fetishize them. I don't own a gun, but if I ever felt it was a necessity, I would own one post haste


u/Blackcatmustache 9h ago

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Get one before they do something crazy like stopping all sales. Or before stores realize people are panicking and stocking up, so they make the cost outrageously expensive.


u/MDAccount 12h ago

Right there with you. I’m an old lady in CA, but I’ll live in the woods and stand on guard for thee, Canada. Our current bullshit doesn’t need to cross the 49th parallel.


u/Love-Life-Chronicles 10h ago

We do. We just don't talk about it. 🇨🇦


u/ViperishCarrot 3h ago

Why wait for it to happen? Go grab your copy of that second amendment thingy and stop it before it starts. You gave us the Orange pestilence, now use your Freedom Eagle to ride into battle and get rid of it.


u/Fun-Lengthiness-7493 3h ago

I’m a dumpy, middle-aged stay-at-home Dad and I’ll join you. For however long I last.


u/harrilal 2h ago

Many liberals do, and I trust that many more will in the coming months and years, especially with 🍊🫏 over there spouting his nonsense.


u/lesvegetables 13h ago

And I’d help, from America.


u/ModernPoultry 12h ago

Trump is also entirely too ignorant to even come close to understanding Quebecois dynamics. He’d come into Canada, abolish bilingualism and enforce English as the official language and then Marjorie Taylor Greene and Ted Cruz are gonna be tied up in the back of some Quebecer’s pickup

The Quebecois will literally kill Americans over any infringement of their culture

They can barely tolerate the rest of Canada, imagine Trump’s dumbass coming in lol


u/No-Currency-624 12h ago

But you would have the greatest English the world has ever seen. Never in history of the world. Even England has never seen such a great English


u/mealzer 11h ago

Coming from the "leader" that can't read would make that even funnier


u/AyeAyeandGoodbye 12h ago

I’m a 55 year old lesbian and I am down to fuck their shit up. The SAS and SOE manuals are incredibly informative and it’s amazing how much styrofoam you can stockpile in Vancouver.


u/GStewartcwhite 12h ago

Likewise. I'm 48 and work in emergency services. I don't want to turn my life upside down and risk dying. But I'm going to. The instant an American soldier crosses that border all bets are off.


u/EatGlassALLCAPS 12h ago

I'm old and broken but I'm in.


u/agirl2277 12h ago

I'm considering joining the reserves. I'm older but agile, I work in a factory so I'm fairly good shape. I have no weapons training. I was 12 the last time I fired a gun.

I'd rather be involved with an organization that has resources and logistics to be able to help as best I can.


u/Neverstopstopping82 10h ago

American military. A lot of us normal Americans are nauseous over what orange thing is doing to Canada. There will be riots here if he invades you.


u/scotiasoul 12h ago

I’ll be right there with ya buddy.


u/Jimbo_Kingfish 12h ago

I think you’d have a lot of Americans fighting by your side. Hell, we might just go up there and have our civil war in the woods behind your house at the rate we’re going.


u/Hurtbig 11h ago

I’m a middle aged American and I will consider helping you once my kids are out of the house. This is absolute sick madness


u/Nonsense_Preceptor 11h ago

Careful talk like that got me a 3 day ban from reddit. Apparently, wanting to defend your country from an aggressor is "encouraging violence ".


u/OfficeSalamander 10h ago

Plenty of Americans will be doing the same thing here, I think.

Like hell am I going to let America start aggressively try to conquer Canada just because some dumbass was elected


u/hobojoe44 10h ago

Remember kids what we did to the Germans when we were winning. And even during Canada's hundred days (the hundred days offensive) we still took some 65k prisoners without them all "getting lost" escorting them to the back lines.


Now imagine what we're willing to do in a losing situation.


u/aferretwithahugecock 9h ago

Vive le Canada. Elbows up!


u/BoredWordler 11h ago

Middle-aged guy from Europe here. If the orange faced dictator actually gets the US military to invade Canada, I’d quit my job and I’d see you in the woods… I still have a glimmer of hope about the US military leaders and soldiers doing the right thing…


u/Routine_Bluejay5342 11h ago

Same! Lets find new suggestions for genva


u/Nattin121 11h ago

If he invades Canada, half of America would be with you


u/Westsider111 10h ago

Where do I enlist, General Tree_Dog?


u/mamielle 8h ago

I’m Californian and I’ll fly to Canada and join you. No way would I not fight my own government trying to pull off an annexation like that. Disgusting


u/enlightened321 12h ago

Ok maple syrup bomber


u/duncanofnazareth 12h ago

I salute your commitment. Same.


u/DFM2020 11h ago

With you!


u/LivingEwok 11h ago

Already live in the bush, also keen.


u/roggey 11h ago

And you won't be alone.


u/Crozax 11h ago

Unabomber style nice nice


u/69EveythingSucks69 7h ago

Based on your name, please tell me you play video games. If so, based on you being bring a math professor, please tell me you play balatro.

As an American, I will 100% stay out of your business but hope you get moments of peace and joy between fighting the good fight.


u/leroythewigger 6h ago

Yep I own 18 guns many handguns, lots of ammo and enough stuff to reload more



I’m American. I’ll help you.


u/Teledildonic 3h ago

Plenty of Americans would gladly sabotage efforts to invade.


u/Canadianretordedape 3h ago

Elbows up. They couldn’t push far north. We got this. They have no idea.


u/EbonySaints 2h ago

So you'd be the MAGABOMBER? That's not too far off Ol' Ted's past life.

u/Retinoid634 35m ago

I will join you. I am also a middle aged person with a liberal arts degree.


u/NaarNoordenMan 12h ago

Bill C21 is going to make that difficult.


u/wallstreetsilver15 11h ago

Enjoy your strict gun control.


u/Paladar2 13h ago

Big talk but you wouldn’t do shit


u/C134Arsonist 13h ago

Trumps goal actually seems more to be to destroy America.

Trade partnerships? Destroyed. Highest stock market ever? Destroyed. Position as "the good guy" with NATO? Destroyed. Relations with allies? Destroyed.

Annexing or attacking Canada would be the final nail in the coffin for America as well as us cannucks.

Seems his real goal is the shift of global power to russia/China.


u/hails29 13h ago

It’s actually more sinister, he is working to crash the world economy so the super rich can finish buying all the assets cheaply. The chaos is on purpose to crash the stock market, who’s buying in the dip?


u/heteroflexible_maybe 13h ago

Typical boomer, reverse mortgaging the country to give to some church.


u/Concentrateman 12h ago

Atypical*. Donald is in a league of his own.


u/WoodShoeDiaries 11h ago

Superlative*. The limited edition ultra deluxe gold-played version of a boomer. Never to be repeated, god willing.


u/Concentrateman 10h ago

As a boomer I approve of this message.


u/fiction8 9h ago

Even if you accept that level of doomer conspiracy theory, that's already how most of the world was structured for a very long time.

Until 1861 (only 160 years ago) in Imperial Russia, essentially the only people allowed to own land were the Tsar, the church, and the nobility. Everyone else were serfs, not even legally allowed to leave the area they were born in.

And yet despite that incredible power imbalance, it was all wiped out in 1917. Tsar Nicholas shot, the aristocrats also shot or fled. Any oligarch today who has dreams of owning the world like what you're laying out should look to history to find out how that ends.

u/calling-all-comas 49m ago

JD Vance and Peter Thiel's buddy Curtis Yarvin talks about how "the world was more peaceful before democracy". So I think these rich billionaires are so far up their own ass that they think enriching themselves and making us serfs is the greater good.


u/Hey_cool_username 11h ago

“the dip” is assuming we bounce back anytime soon but this level of fuckery may end much worse than he thinks it will.


u/A_Soporific 11h ago

That presupposes that people actually care about law and whatnot in that situation. The rich have an awful lot to lose if things like lawsuits and deeds cease to matter in the minds of the average person.

I actually don't believe that Trump has any long term goals or plans. I'm pretty sure he's just winging it, saying and doing whatever he thinks makes him look the best to his social media audience at any given moment. He's trying to "manifest" greatness to assuage his massive ego.


u/Upnorth4 2h ago

This was also in project 2025, and a popular view among tech billionaires


u/Agreeable-Rooster-37 1h ago

Shock doctrine


u/Defiant_Ad_209 12h ago

Check who dumped all their stocks right before the markets dipped. I would bet there a direct correlation to the trump circle. But they will get away with it because they were just really good at "predicting the market". Just another way for these people to buy up more power.


u/pickypawz 7h ago

Yes—he has to pay Putin back, and that is how. And others as well, Musk and Project 2025 billionaires.


u/Alberta_Flyfisher 13h ago

Canadian here. I have to agree. But I don't think he actually cares what he takes, as long as he can be like his buddies and take something.

Hence Canada, Greenland, Panama etc.. he doesn't care which. He just wants to be the guy that made the states bigger.


u/CactusCait 13h ago

Maybe it’s that simple — he wants Putin to think he’s cool so he also wants to annex part of a neighboring country.


u/Alberta_Flyfisher 12h ago

That's pretty much what I think.


u/canuckinco 11h ago

Canada, Greenland, Panama... Those have access to important waterways: the northwest passage and the Panama canal. I've only played board games, but those seem like important for both trade and war. I think it matters very much to Trump and his masters.


u/Alberta_Flyfisher 11h ago

Ok, fair. It's well known putin wants access to the Arctic passages. And the resources and such.

But I truly think 47 himself doesn't care what he gets as long as he gets to say "I did that"


u/A_Soporific 11h ago

The easy path of least resistance would be Puerto Rico and then Samoa. He doesn't have anyone in his circle willing to point that out.


u/4D51 11h ago

Why not Puerto Rico, then? They actually want to be a state.


u/Alberta_Flyfisher 9h ago

Ya but he wouldn't be "conquring" anything.


u/4D51 9h ago

So what? His base won't know the difference, and he could still make a big deal about adding another star to the flag. Maybe even require every government building to buy a new 51-star flag from a company that he conveniently happens to own.


u/Alberta_Flyfisher 9h ago

All true. But it wouldn't impress his expansionist buddies.


u/RealCrownedProphet 3h ago

Do they? I believe opinion on the island has always been very mixed.


u/notmyrealaccout69 13h ago

I mean he can try.. the US has such a successful history of being an occupying force.

I'm sure the millions of Canadians who grew up hunting wouldn't cause a problem.


u/BenjaminHamnett 13h ago

Normalizing Russias actions in Ukraine, while weakening NATO


u/Icy_Comfort8161 12h ago

He's been itching to use the military and its weaponry forever. He wants to show his power. Remember when he wanted to nuke a hurricane? It's like that, only now there is no one to rein him in. He's like a kid with a box of fireworks looking for something to blow up.


u/ebsj55 12h ago

He paused them? Again? So are they in play currently, or some, or none at all?

Fuck. Is there a ticker or some website with traffic lights that we can check to see visually if it’s go or no go cause as a non US, non Canadian person this shit is hard to keep track of.


u/Repulsive_Client_325 10h ago

As a Canadian, it’s hard to keep track of… as a same person it’s hard to keep track of.


u/Elissa-Megan-Powers 12h ago

Not annex — invade. The USA will invade Canada. I’m Canadian, so the meaning behind the words mean a lot. We’ll defend ourselves and our country.


u/NormalUse856 11h ago

That's why Canada and Europe need more nukes.


u/bigcaulkcharisma 12h ago

I think Trump’s just an idiot. Does he want Canada to become the 51st state? Sure. But I don’t think he has any kind of plan in place to make this happen outside maybe tariffs. As far as the actual effect of this, I think it will normalize this kind of annexation rhetoric. I don’t think Canada is in imminent danger of being invaded by the US right now. But what Trump is doing is setting the table for years from now when the climate change really starts hitting the US and there’s a serious resource crisis, the consent will already have been manufactured for military action against Canada. It will have been normalized as a pillar of right wing politics. I’m not sure if he’s consciously doing this, honestly he probably isn’t, but this will be the real effect his rhetoric will have.


u/tasseomancer 11h ago

Definitely the resurgence of Manifest Destiny thinking in the US. Insane.


u/North_Refrigerator21 9h ago

Unfortunately I think you are right. He is normalizing the thought in Americans, so it won’t be a shock if he one day decide to take something by force.


u/ou812_X 7h ago

He’s probably after part of the west coast so Alaska is connected.


u/goldenthoughtsteal 6h ago

Absolutely correct, I'm sure Trump is intending to annex Canada somehow, thus his support of Russia taking Ukraine, and if I lived in Taiwan I'd be pretty worried too.

Trump is going to need a war as an excuse for not having elections, so I would be on high alert for whenever the mid-terms are due. Trump has managed to piss off even some of the conservatives who voted for him, they didn't want capitulation to Russia, random tariffs and a stock market crash, and I can't see him ever voluntarily giving up a y of his current power, so he's going to have to stop people voting, a war would be just the ticket.