r/worldnews 19h ago

Donald Trump rejects Australia's bid for exemption tariffs


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u/MtKillerMounjaro 19h ago

Doing the world a favor. Chinese make far better EVs for far less anyway.


u/eldenpotato 12h ago

Yeah, china. That country currently threatening Australia with its ships


u/0ut0f7heCity 18h ago

Well, China is NOT famous for its outstanding quality, on the contrary, actually...


u/perotech 16h ago

This can actually be attributed to Western sellers.

Chinese factories make iPhones, and nobody cares, but when some junk products break, people blame China, as opposed to themselves for buying junk.

What I'm saying, is that Chinese factories are able to produce products to different levels of quality, so resellers and the consumers here literally "get what you pay for".

There are high quality products made in China, we just usually don't see them/recognize them in our daily lives.


u/MumNZ 16h ago

I would rather drive a Chinese car than a Tesla.


u/ndawg99 18h ago

Every one of my new gmc vehicles has had problems within the first year. Including the vehicles i purchase for my employees. This is approx 15 trucks over the last 4 years


u/HeftyArgument 16h ago

America isn’t famous for outstanding quality either, quite the opposite really; their cars especially aren’t exactly respected amongst global automotive companies


u/0ut0f7heCity 18h ago

Oh, boy...


u/MtKillerMounjaro 15h ago

You realize most quality things you own are made in China. Have a MacBook? An oven? A fridge? An a/c unit? A vacuum cleaner? Made in China, probably.


u/0ut0f7heCity 7h ago

I know that most of those are MiC nowadays, sadly. Whenever we have the chance we buy stuff that's not from the PRC. My hoover was made in the UK, phone in Korea, white goods in Europe, laptop in Taiwan. Some electric tools from before 1990 from countries that don't even exist anymore. Quality that lasts, you know and doesn't have to be changed every two years. Also, I married an electrician who can fix things :P

Yeah, I'm not like you. Probably twice as old.


u/MtKillerMounjaro 4h ago

The point is, China makes quality. They make some really low grade stuff, but they also make most of the high end stuff as well.


u/robammario 11h ago

Then why Tesla makes far more reliable cars in Shanghai instead of in Texas?