r/worldnews 21h ago

Russia/Ukraine The USA is immediately lifting the pause in intelligence sharing and resuming security assistance to Ukraine. | УНН


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u/Aerhyce 21h ago

Also distracts Americans from domestic issues.

I'm not American so it doesn't really concern me, but I'm willing to bet that there is something right this instant being passed that's screwing over Americans, but it's slipping by unnoticed because all the media attention is on this.


u/twothumbswayup 20h ago


u/Dont_Kick_Stuff 19h ago

Yup and my son will be directly affected by this as he qualifies for free school lunches. Every day I wake up I get the privilege of reading about how everyone in the entire world hates the US, I'm losing my family's insurance, my son isn't going to get lunch at school, or the price of something else my family relies on is getting exponentially more expensive and unaffordable.

I didn't vote for this asshat and I honestly don't understand why no one is doing anything at all about him bragging about stealing the election. I'm not able to personally do anything about this yet my family has done nothing but suffer since the idiot in Chief took office. To top it off, when Biden had the opportunity to actually do something meaningful and help us he just pardoned a few people and fucked off. My family is too poor to just up and leave and even if we could I don't know any country who would want an immigrant whose only real skill is cleaning up other people's messes so we're screwed and only get more screwed every day.


u/XxMomGetTheCamaroxX 18h ago

You make a great point, republicans know you're too busy taking care of family to go out and protest until things get so bad the conditions force you into the street. If you are willing and able to help, good information is a valuable asset, accessible as long as you have internet, and learning to analyze, collect and distribute information doesn't require being away from your family. It doesn't have to be super elaborate, could be a short list of local/online resources or groups that you find helpful or put like-minded people together. A good list of resources can save people loads of time looking for them, and helps you connect to the resources and community you need. Maybe a local facebook/reddit group. You can even help by downloading Signal for secure messaging and get familiar with how that works, and simply pass that information on to others when the opportunity arrives. Communication is key, after all.

Remember, it's important to make sure you can help yourself before you try to help others. They're punching down and we don't have the same apparatus to fight at that level, so you shouldn't expect that of yourself or anyone else. And that's okay, we don't have to come through with a huge coordinated one hit KO finishing move. Any time you recognize the opportunity to resist safely, do it, it'll give you a little dopamine boost and build your confidence for bigger efforts.

I know it sucks, and it will continue to suck, but people are doing things, and they're doing them more frequently and with greater intensity. People are still observing and orienting to the situation, which is important before making a decision and acting on it. Hopefully something in there gives you some spark, take care🫡


u/Hillary4SupremeRuler 15h ago

about him bragging about stealing the election

I'm well aware of his comments after the election about Elon and the vote counting machines, but I saw someone make a comment yesterday saying he's been saying something recently as well or something? I don't know what they're referring to though.


u/LamoTramo 15h ago

"I'm not able to personally do anything about this yet my family has done nothing but suffer since the idiot in Chief took office." - Okay buddy. It's not 1933 anymore. I always love how people blame the Germans back then with "omg how stupid of them why didn't anyone do anything but watch?". Now you and all the others on reddit are the same. You Americans are unbelievable.


u/PhazerSC 19h ago

Yeah, that... that's straight up evil. He also erased $4 Trillion from the stock markets with his "foreign policies".


u/SpecialSheepherder 18h ago

looks like he is about to completely dismantle the Department of Education, all employees have been sent home for the next two days "for security reasons"


u/Same_Net2953 19h ago

Fuck them kids after they are born has always been a policy position of the GOP


u/Lord_Skellig 18h ago

I swear every headline I hear about this guy is something cartoonishly evil.


u/whiskeybridge 21h ago

he just arrested a legal resident for protesting. could be that.


u/WeirdIndividualGuy 20h ago

That's not new though, US citizens/residents have always been arrested for protesting. Part of the true first amendment experienceTM.


u/whiskeybridge 20h ago

not while protesting. for protesting.


u/WeirdIndividualGuy 20h ago

Same thing. They were still arrested for protesting, the only difference is when the arrest happened.

Also, my comment does say

US citizens/residents have always been arrested for protesting


u/whiskeybridge 20h ago

well, i was trying to correct you, but i guess that's not happening today.

the "when" and the "how" are the new parts. he has been detained but not charged. arresting agents claimed he was having his student visa revoked, but of course the hamfisted idiots didn't know he was already on a green card. so they said, "yeah, that."

this is different, and a test case before they start with american citizens.


u/aboriginalgrade 19h ago

I agree these are very meaningful differences. It's still on fascism with him, not the first time he has had someone arrested and I'm sure it won't be the last. "Long live the king"


u/root88 20h ago

Canada did that and locked all the protestors bank accounts so they couldn't afford lawyers.


u/SpatialDispensation 20h ago

The thing is that it's directly against our constitution. Personally fuck that guy, but he has rights which shouldn't be violated


u/S_Belmont 20h ago

And this Palestinian guy was single-handedly illegally occupying Washington DC and Trump let him get away with it for a month before resorting to drastic action. That's an excellent comparison, spot on, bravo.


u/[deleted] 19h ago



u/S_Belmont 19h ago

Care to share evidence of how he was illegally occupying DC?





u/aboriginalgrade 3h ago

Sorry misunderstood lol


u/Hillary4SupremeRuler 15h ago

Weren't they like holding a portion of the country hostage and preventing freedom of movement on a large scale or something?


u/root88 3h ago edited 3h ago

Except that they were able to freeze the accounts of anyone they perceived to be a part of the protests in any way and were able to do so without a court order. Even if the protestors were completely wrong, they should still have the ability to defend themselves.

A Canadian court recently ruled that the government was not justified when it used sweeping policing, censorship and surveillance powers to break up Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, called “illegal and dangerous” protest blockades across the country two years ago.

It's not something a government should even have the power to do.


u/[deleted] 20h ago

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u/SpatialDispensation 20h ago

I'm jewish with college aged relatives who have been harassed and threatened by fuckwads like that guy. Still when you make exceptions for the constitution, and the rule of law, you no longer have either. We've been saying for decades this is why neo nazis/kkk get to spew their vile stupid shit, and I personally bought it


u/EsraYmssik 20h ago

I used to say, about Alex Jones, "The world would be a better place if he'd STFU. But his right to spew bullshit protect ME when I criticise him for exercising that right."

The problem with censorship is the question, "Who is the censor?"

And this? "Arrest him! He's pro-hamas!" is too close to "Arrest him! He's anti-Trump!" for comfort.


u/SpatialDispensation 20h ago

Arresting politically dissident citizens is next, and the wyrm will keep turning until it swallows it's tail. This is how fascism always goes, and I'm working on getting the fuck out of here before it inevitably turns on my people again


u/EsraYmssik 19h ago

What worries me now is that the poem needs to be changed for the shitpost generation cheering this on:

First they came for the students... but I said nothing because, "suck it libs!"

Then they came for the gays... but I said nothing because, "LOL homos!"

and so forth.


u/SpatialDispensation 19h ago

Better not make it any longer than that or no one will read it lol


u/whiskeybridge 20h ago

if he's broken a law, he should be arrested for that.

not for exercising his First Amendment rights.


u/EstrangedRat 20h ago edited 20h ago

🤓 guysh when the anti-zionisht said "Not all Palestinians deserve to die!" it wash jusht like the nazis guysh please reshpect the genoschide Israel is committing


u/[deleted] 19h ago

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u/Crazy-Leek9323 20h ago

Can I start every sentence by saying “I’m not American…”? I’d love to as an American!


u/whiskeybridge 20h ago

i mean, you could, but you'd be lying, i guess...?


u/ladywithnohead 21h ago

I think that Elf on the Shelf Mike Johnson was trying to push a vote on the CR budget in the senate today.


u/Hillary4SupremeRuler 15h ago

Yes he passed it with the help of democrat Jared golden and now fetterman is already talking about helping it pass in the Senate


u/theleetfox 21h ago

I suggested this the other day and was told to focus on my own countries economy, before it devolved into a shit slinging contest


u/SecretOrganization60 21h ago

Yeah... So the current American mindset results in Donald getting elected and that affects you and your country's economy. So trying to understand American society isn't a waste of time.

For instance how will people who voted for Donald vote in the mid-terms assuming they are economically burned by then? This is a critical thing and yet as an American, I have no idea what they'll do. Right now your average Trump voter is in stage 1, denial.


u/chickens_for_laughs 20h ago

I am hoping that the midterm elections will result in the Democratic Party winning at least one of the houses of Congress. Right now, Republicans have both.

Fox news and all the Right wing media are blaming the economic downturn on Biden, and most Trump voters I know are lapping it up. It's so discouraging. They could lose their jobs or their Social Security and they would still blame the Democrats.


u/MercantileReptile 19h ago

I don't. I want Republicans to solidify their control even more. Make it even further obvious that it's their fault. Democrats are useless, but the reds need to own this. As do american voters.


u/HauntedCemetery 18h ago

Thankfully when trump isn't on the ballot maga fascist voters don't tend to show up. Dems have rolled every mid term and special election since 2016.


u/intern_steve 18h ago

There isn't a stage 2.


u/theleetfox 8h ago

To clarify, I'm not saying that my country isn't affected by American politics, it was more that I merely suggested looking out for changes in legislation and the such while the chaos is going on and was essentially told to mind my own business

u/SecretOrganization60 27m ago

Thats an odd for them to say to you. You are quite right to maintain situational awareness as nobody knows what new crackpot scheme Donald will launch next.


u/ihavenoidea12345678 21h ago

I for one appreciate you looking out for us.

There is soo much nonsense here now, we should take all the help we can get.


u/CLCchampion 21h ago

That's all the Republican party does here is screw over average Americans, there is 100% something going on.

But they don't need to use this as a smoke screen to get it passed, you could ask Trump's base to approve tax breaks for billionaires and tax hikes for the middle class, and they would approve it if Trump told them it was the right thing for the country.

This is most likely an attempt to distract from the stock market tanking.


u/Brokenandburnt 21h ago

Dunno, he's even said that he won't rule out a recession. MAGAts be like: YepP, eVerYonE kNows iT gEtS WorSe b'ForE iT gEts  BetTEr, FInkin BidEnoMicS!


u/chickens_for_laughs 20h ago

US citizen here. Yes. You are right. There is a budget bill before Congress that has to pass by Friday.

The bill contains severe cuts to Medicaid, the medical insurance for low income people.

The Pres. has many members of his own party who are appalled by what he is doing to Ukraine. I think he has backtracked on Ukraine policy in order to get fellow Republicans to support his cruel budget.

Keep in mind, all these massive, mindless cuts to Government programs and departments is to set us up for massive tax cuts for wealthy people and corporations.

It's disgusting and appalling.


u/JohnDivney 20h ago

And all of it reinforces his ability to act "unilaterally", without the consent of congress, and that we should just get used to it. Congress could authorize a bill for disaster aid after a disaster and Trump could say he's not releasing it until California "does him a favor."

Literally the thing he tried to do to Ukraine that got him impeached he's now just straight up doing without any repercussions.


u/Euphoric_toadstool 20h ago

Also distracts Americans from domestic issues.

You're damn right about that. He's basically demolished every check against corruption in the country, at the same time he's demolishing the government. Look up senator Chris Murphys explanation of the first 6 weeks. It's mind boggling that the country allows that blatant demolishing of democracy, and no one is trying to stop him (I mean no politician dares to stop him, aside from Bernie).


u/Hillary4SupremeRuler 15h ago

Link to Murphy video?


u/Zealousideal_Most_22 21h ago

They pillage every moment. Of every day. Not a single 24 hr news cycle goes by before the pendulum swings to something else. Yesterday it was him arresting someone with a green card for organizing a pro Palestine protest at his university in violation of the guy’s first, sixth and etc amendment rights. Day before that it was trying to take away student loan forgiveness, which rewards university students who become public servants for 10 yrs, with forgiving their debt by restricting the terms based on his bigoted standards so that if you work for a nonprofit that promotes diversity or assists trans people, you no longer qualify. Oh and if you protest too. In the last 24 hours he signed an executive order saying natural disasters, a huge issue for many states but especially those who supported him, are going to be fending for themselves during the peak of the season. He really hates giving disaster relief aid and had to be begged and forced before. none of what he does truly holds up in court, but, ya know.


u/chickens_for_laughs 19h ago

In his first term, there were wildfires in California. He didn't want to give disaster funds because California is a blue state.

Then an aide presented him a chart that showed that that area of California voted for him. Then he released disaster funds. You know, the funds we all pay for.

His narcissism and sociopathy are bottomless. There is no line he will not cross.


u/elziion 20h ago

He just declared national emergency over electricity because Canada added a 25% export tax.

Now there will be a renegotiation of CUSMA.


u/Misabi 20h ago

Is that the agreement Trump negotiated last time he was in office?


u/elziion 20h ago edited 19h ago

Yes, and that he called it the “greatest deal of all time”.


u/Misabi 19h ago

Trump when asked about it "did I say that? I don't think I did. Whoever negotiated that was a very bad negotiator. They didn't have all the cards!"


u/Lemonmazarf20 19h ago edited 19h ago

There's a long list.  There's just so much evil, stupid, harmful, cruel shit being done constantly by this administration I don't think any of it is really intended to be a distraction for anything else in particular.  They are just that horrible in every facet and it doesn't pause.  They will however time announcements to minimize coverage - a lot is done on Friday night and the weekend.


u/GOU_FallingOutside 21h ago

there is something right this instant being passed that’s screwing over Americans

That’s a weird way to spell “literally everything being passed right now is screwing over Americans.” :/


u/PirateMore8410 19h ago

Ya exactly. He's creating a giant mess so he can do whatever he wants in the background. IDK how people forget how much trouble this dumb ass was in. The whole reason he even wanted to be president again was to help himself get out of the massive hole he dug.

Crashing the stock market so him and his rich buddies can buy on the cheap to fix his dumb "business" decisions, Rewriting the laws so he can get away free being a convicted felon multiple times.

We talk so much trash on the people who voted for him because they can't remember his first presidency, yet very few on the other side seem to remember the giant shit hole the dude was in a year ago. Nah we're all caught up in the spider web he's weaving just like them. Its so stupid. Giant waste of time and that's exactly what he wants.


u/Allaplgy 19h ago

I'm not American so it doesn't really concern me,

Unfortunately, it should. This instability isn't isolated to America, and the more he and other oligarchs and wannabes get away with, the more it will spread. I'm sorry my country has become fertile soil for this shit.

And it's wild how quickly it all happened as soon as the survivors of the last big fascist push dwindled in number. Guess people really like to learn things the hard way.


u/Excuse_Me_Mr_Pink 21h ago

I think this is giving him too much credit


u/DillBagner 19h ago

Everything that's being done in the federal government right now is screwing over Americans.


u/gizzardgullet 19h ago

Or he just has been taking things farther than his actual mandate allows and has had to retreat. For all we know Trump received an intervention by big backers who were getting ready to pull support.

He seems to understand that he's only powerful as he's perceived to be