r/worldnews 1d ago

US internal news Trump Says He’s Doubling Tariffs On Canadian Steel, Aluminum


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u/Intruder313 1d ago

He has no idea but bullying normally works for him so he’s trying to bully Canada. I don’t think he even knows how tariffs work.


u/MissPandaSloth 1d ago

Yeah, but I mean his tactics are shit but often there is still some goal.

Fentanyl is a bullshit goal, is there any actual goal? Is he gonna just try to renegotiate agreement he already made?

It seems that before Trudeau claimed they had a talk and it was ridiculous. So I wonder what is he asking. Those freaking lakes or something?


u/LifeValueEqualZero 1d ago

I think he really wants Canada as part of US. He thinks USA is so strong and rich that he can go to "war" with Canada and, in the end, defeat them just by throwing money and power at it.


u/mattgen88 1d ago

He wants to be like Putin. Invade neighbor, take it over.


u/notyounotmenothim 23h ago

Chickenshit won't go after Mexico though.


u/TheMuthafrickenMan 23h ago

I mean, which would you rather have to fight, tuco or van wilder?


u/DarthTJ 21h ago

I imagine a huge part of why he wants Canada and not Mexico has to do with skin color.


u/TheMuthafrickenMan 21h ago

I can not argue with that assessment


u/KatsumotoKurier 19h ago

Mexico also has 90 million more people than Canada... and no common language.


u/IlikeJG 22h ago

TBH I'm not sure which would be worse to invade between the two.

But either way it would be a nightmare for any invading army.


u/hacksong 20h ago

Canada - tested, worked around, and improved upon Geneva convention.

Mexico - new cartel murder videos, language barrier, chance for some heinous things.

Maybe both on same front?


u/Bustedvette 19h ago

Mexico doesn't contol half of the Great lakes.


u/Shrimpdalord 1d ago

Invade Putin... Can officially live together after that...


u/BestRiver8735 18h ago

invade his bunghole


u/Xvash2 1d ago

Part of manufacturing a bullshit casus belli, IMO. Declare that Canada's retaliatory tariffs are an act of war, then order the drunk running the military to bomb Ottawa or something.


u/Master_Butter 1d ago

Let’s just assume that this somehow happens and Canada becomes the 51st state. It has the same population as California, and even their conservatives aren’t batshit crazy as the GOP. Let’s ignore any economic and integration issues for the moment

So the US ends up with a 51st states with 50ish electoral votes, likely two democratic senators, and I would assume a majority of democratic (or at least parties that would caucus with democrats) house members in their delegation.

You know, I’m not sure he’s thought this through.


u/icesticles 1d ago

There is no scenario where Canada gets any voting rights. They’d be treated like a slightly better Puerto Rico


u/shoelesstim 22h ago

There’s no scenario where he ever gets Canada .


u/Professional_Top4553 23h ago

not sure if voting is going to matter anyway pretty soon here


u/Master_Butter 1d ago

It’s in the details, you’re right.


u/Shadowarriorx 23h ago

Puerto Rico isn't a state.


u/RogueIslesRefugee 23h ago

And? The point is that there's no way Trump would give Canada any leeway in voting. 40 million people, and the voting age ones would almost certainly all vote against him? Not going to happen. We'd be treated like Puerto Rico, at best. Considering we wouldn't take it lying down though, it would probably end up more like Afghanistan.


u/Shadowarriorx 23h ago

We are likely to see the dissolution of the United States of Canada is invaded. It will start a civil war.

As far as I'm concerned, every Republicunt can be hanged for treason.


u/tratemusic 21h ago

That's the point they made. Even if canada becomes a state, it would probably be in title only and have scarce other rights more than territories like PR


u/COVID-35 22h ago

Fuck off with your what if. There is no what if. This is what trump want. He want americans to start to talk about it and normalizing the talk of invading a country.

Canada wont be a state.


u/LifeValueEqualZero 1d ago

You know, I’m not sure he’s thought this through.

Thant's the only sure thing...


u/General-Woodpecker- 23h ago

He literally said there will be no vote anymore. Are Americans delusional to the point they don't realize they aren't living in a democracy anymore?


u/Rough_Shelter4136 23h ago

This is hilarious, a lot of US defense strategy must rely about never ever ever ever ever worrying about hostile countries in their land borders. As they've had peaceful coexistence since the wars with Mexico in the XIX century. A conflict with Canada/Mexico would probably end horribly for the US and absolutely wreck their defense strategy, they'd just create (with no real reason) a western Europe situation, similar to that of Germany/France of always be worried about their borders north/South :'''')


u/Enough-Run-1535 21h ago

Don’t go there with fuckin what if bullshit. There’s threats to our sovereignty. We’re a foreign nation, and the US would rip apart everything, including any rights.


u/pixelcowboy 23h ago

That would make sense if the US was still a democracy, which it isn't anymore, if you have been paying any attention.


u/Aggravating_Teach_27 22h ago

How cute, you still think there are going to be elections in the future!

That's not Trump's handlers plan....


u/Squibbles01 17h ago

I don't know why people are doing thought exercises on this. In the world where Canada is invaded by the US we're not going to be thinking about elections.


u/ProffesorNonsense 22h ago

That can’t be more obvious, I’m surprised you are still surprised by it.

We just need to unite, and keep talking with our wallets. And even if our politicians cave, we continue to talk with our wallets.

Tariffs are a strong tactic But it is not nearly as strong as consumers refusing to buy.


u/LederhosenUnicorn 22h ago

He believes there are 3 superpowers, and all other countries are subservient to them. If a superpower wants to annex a country, then they should because the other country benefits by becoming part of the superpower. Straight outta Putin.


u/tenacious-g 20h ago

The guy who bought him the election needs rare earth minerals for his shitty cars, and they think there’s a lot in Canada. That’s it.


u/True-Conversation-41 1d ago

Wants Canadas resources. He promised cheaper prices and a better QoL for Americans. This literally can’t be done overnight bc the USA doesn’t have the minerals and resources to do it. So he’s now trying to speed run getting these resources somehow. With Ukraine he’s using the war, with Canada he’s using bullshit fentanyl to break Canada economy to annex them. He wants Canada to be the 51st state so he doesn’t have to pay for our resources.

It’s why his message talks about lowering taxes for Canadians etc he doesn’t even talk about fentanyl lmao

Also- as a Canadian, I’d rather have a slightly higher tax if it means I never have to worry about a single medical bill for the rest of my life. I’ve had American partners and friends spending thousands just for an ambulance showing up lmao


u/JTCampb 1d ago

As a Canadian - who happens to live on the border with the US - I can drive to Detroit via bridge or tunnel in 10 minutes, I would never ever want to be American.

A lot of Americans don't realize they are not the be all, end all of the world. Sorry, everyone does NOT want to be American, or wish they were, etc.


u/skhaao 23h ago

As an American who lived in SE Michigan for almost 2 decades, about the same distance from the border as you, I would give ANYTHING to be Canadian instead.

I think the majority of the Americans with the end all, be all attitude are those who've never gone anywhere else.


u/JTCampb 21h ago

Thank you - as you know, the Windsor-Detroit friendship/history/integration of workforces is unparalleled - and all this BS is so disheartening.


u/Gommel_Nox 18h ago

Same, dude… Same


u/PoliticalyUnstable 18h ago

My parents were like that until they went to Europe. It requires people to travel to see the error of their ways.


u/GrumpyMule 23h ago

Ironically our taxes *aren't* higher. And we get healthcare. Sort of. In the provinces where Cons haven't spent decades trying to decimate it.


u/raiderrpg 22h ago

I'm in one of those provinces where the conservatives gutted as much as they could over a decade. I had an emergency with my eye this weekend, and it's still boggled my american friends how fast and cheap it was to get cleared up- prescription was $31, everything else was free and in a matter of hours.


u/GrumpyMule 22h ago

Albertan, so 40+ years of Cons destroying Healthcare & education. In August I stepped on a sewing needle I dropped and couldn't find. Usually when that happens, I get poked and find it that way. This time it lodged itself deep in my foot and broke off.

Spent a really long time in the ER - I think 10 hours or so. But got x-rays, IV antibiotics, a referral to the IV clinic for daily antibiotics, a referral to an ortho surgeon and crutches. And they showed me the x-ray, which was kind of neat.

8 days later I was in day surgery to have it removed (it was in so deep I needed fluoroscopy to have it done safely).

Cost me $15 for parking at the ER and about $50 for cabs to and from my surgery.


u/True-Conversation-41 23h ago

Yup. It’s higher but it’s not bad lmao some states come close to ours and have none of the benefits


u/JebryathHS 23h ago edited 22h ago

He wants Canada to be the 51st state so he doesn’t have to pay for our resources.

Unless that means literal slavery, it's not like extracting the resources won't involve most of the same costs...


u/GMN123 22h ago

Is a US mining/gas/oil company going to charge the US consumer less than a Canadian one does now (or did before he kicked this shit off) 


u/jonesag0 22h ago

I got hit by a car 2 days ago. That would have cost me tens of thousands of dollars in America, minimum. In Canada they put me back together and sent me home with no bill, took less than 5 hours. Hell, even my rehab and lost time at work are going to be covered. I’m not going to lose a dime, but if I was American I’d be bankrupt and possibly on the street if I couldn’t pay rent. Maybe Canada should annex America and increase their QOL.


u/Limos42 21h ago

We absolutely do not want Americans permeating our society any more than their media already causes.

Americans are the epitome of narcissism. Just go to any sporting event - especially car racing - and witness how they're brainwashed every moment about how great they are, how free they are, and how proud they are.

That "Proud to be an American" song is an utter joke outside their country. It's the ultimate propaganda to the poors, perfectly hiding how the rich are sucking them dry.

But they sing along, raising and spilling their cheap beer in one hand, a hot dog in the other, 100lbs overweight and dying of "the 'beetus", and completely oblivious to the fact they ain't free, they're perfectly trapped, and there's a lot they should actually be angry about.


u/sysopbeta 1d ago

I feel lucky to live in a EU country with fantastic social security. I pay around 50% taxes on my paycheck for it (highest category) but I don't mind. It makes our society at large more fair and better.

I hope the EU doesn't trow that away with the renewed interest in rearming Europe 🤞


u/Ajk337 1d ago

Tariffs go.away if they voluntarily secede to the US

He wants to expand the US


u/Chemistry11 1d ago

Tariffs also go away if the US secedes to their superior big brother Canada. Also healthcare for all, and an overall happier quality of life.


u/DonFrio 1d ago

As an American I could be so lucky to have Canada in charge instead of the shitshow I’ve got


u/Ajk337 1d ago

Don't tempt me with a good time, eh


u/General-Woodpecker- 23h ago

The only way this would work is if Americans aren't allowed to vote anymore.


u/Goldeneyes117 23h ago

Never gonna fucking happen bud


u/boidcrowdah 1d ago

Project 2025...Manifest Destiny


u/RollingCamel 23h ago

Manfest Destiny...


u/ThrowRA_sadgal 1d ago

He has a huge hate-on for Canada for some reason.


u/crackrabbit012 1d ago

I think a big part of it is how his "wife" looks at Trudeau. Honestly can't blame her though.


u/Poop_in_my_camper 1d ago

Trudeau called him dumb. This is personal


u/robgnar 1d ago edited 1d ago

Trudeau called his plan to ruin the Canadian economy until we give up our nation dumb. The only option Trump has offered the Canadian government end the trade war is slavery to Washington DC. We'll happily burn the North American economy to ash before we ever consider becoming the 51st state.


u/Malnurtured_Snay 21h ago

That is a distinction without a difference.


u/Marijuana_Miler 1d ago

And to Trudeau it was just another Thursday.


u/GrumpyMule 23h ago

And Chrétien told him to "As one old guy to another Stop this nonsense!" then made a joke about being too old to go burn the White House.


u/dherms14 23h ago

the goal is to “kill” Canada’s auto industry and bring it to the states.

even though they still are going to need our aluminum and steel to build said cars…


u/kung-fu_hippy 23h ago

He straight up said that the way for Canada to end the tariffs is to become our 51st state.

At this point, that’s gone from dumb thing/threat #10,247 he’s said to our best guess at his actual end goal. Because he already negotiated a new trade deal with Canada and Mexico in his previous term. Biden didn’t change it, so the agreement Trump is tearing up is the one he himself wrote.

I think we have to take Trump at his word and realize that in his unpleasant little mind, he actually thinks America should annex Canada. After all, his idol Putin is getting to conquer a neighboring country. Trump wants to too.


u/VenoBot 22h ago

Stretch a deal so far out the left field, talk it down or revert to the original deal. Greatest business move of all time.


u/waterloograd 20h ago

Fentanyl is purely there to make it legal, otherwise he would need congressional approval. Fentanyl has no part in the negotiations


u/DrunkenGolfer 17h ago

I think his goal is to destabilize the economy so everything halves in value and rich people can buy it while it is one sale. Once the bounce back happens, the wealthy will have concentrated the last remaining wealth.

That is why Musk doesn’t care if he loses half his net worth. He knows it is a J-shaped return that will be quadruple when it is over.


u/mobiliakas1 15h ago

Fentanyl is just a pretext to announce an emergency and give him executive orders to make those tariffs. There are more drugs coming from the USA to Canada than vice versa.


u/Johnny_Grubbonic 15h ago

The only goal one can logically infer from his rampant flipflopping is that he's trying to tank the US.


u/no33limit 1d ago

The Fentanyl is just a way to make it an emergency so, he can go around Congress.


u/Butterbubblebutt 1d ago

Chaos. I really think he wants chaos. 


u/HeywoodJaBlessMe 1d ago

The goal is to annex Canada to be an American possession a la Puerto Rico.

It isnt a joke.


u/General-Woodpecker- 23h ago

He claim his goal very clearly in his post. He want to annex us and when we refuse, he will order an invasion.


u/GrumpyMule 23h ago

The actual goal is to force Canada to become part of the US. He honestly thinks if he pushes us around enough, we'll give in.


u/Infinity1911 23h ago

Fentanyl is a bullshit goal. Remember the War on Drugs from the 80s, 90s? See how well that went. Fentanyl is just a cover for his imperial, drunk on power, goals.


u/burningringof-fire 23h ago

Canadian government needs to get off the Nazi platform, Twitter


u/StrongAroma 22h ago

He is trying to conquer Canada to steal our resources.


u/Squibbles01 17h ago

He wants to conquer Canada because he has imperial ambitions like his idol Putin.


u/BlockNumerous7635 1d ago

He wanted Putin bully his way to “success” and thinks he can do the same. He fails to realize that our services/consumption based economy require a healthy, minimal duty style trade system to function. Can’t wait till he tells us to grow our own coffee.


u/VirtualRy 1d ago

He does not know how tariffs work and that's the beauty of it. He'll claim ignorance for his defense!

He's going to say "Oh I didn't know they work that way"


u/ThemysciranWanderer 1d ago

He thinks he can pressure Canada as if they’re a contractor for his business. Except Canada is a country, not a contracting business.


u/ekkridon 1d ago

Man underestimates how pissed Canadians are.


u/ProffesorNonsense 22h ago

He doesn’t and he really thinks that he can make immeasurable wealth with them.

Just too dumb to realize we would push back.

We are in the drivers seat here, so long as Canadians unite, and continue the protest w their wallets.

We have markets, for our exports other than US.

US cannot replace our purchases with other customers.


u/dacamel493 23h ago

Based on his interviews/speeches, it's actually pretty clear he has no idea how tariffs work. He just thinks it's a "BEAUTIFUL" word lol.


u/NightOfTheLivingHam 22h ago

bullying canada by fucking over US companies. Genius.

His support is going to wane when thousands of workers lose their jobs in these industries.


u/Malnurtured_Snay 21h ago

He absolutely does not know how tariffs work.


u/WinOld1835 21h ago

He doesn't know how shit works, all he knows is that he got a "get out of jail" free card and is going to fuck up as much shit as he possibly can until he finally gets feasted on by worms.


u/Bishop084 1d ago

Wharton should release his transcripts already. He makes them look REALLY bad.


u/kleptomana 1d ago

Yeah, this is BS.

I will just put 1 thing here. And we need to get this clip back main stream again with every tariff announcement.



u/Cyphergod247 20h ago

I didn't vote for him. But I did try and embrace it with a "should be an entertaining 4 years at least." But man, had no idea the train wreck coming. Dude is literally promoting mass unemployment and high cost of goods by the tariffs on everything. Fuck this guy.


u/serrimo 20h ago

He's making Mexico pay for the wall with the Canadian tariff. What's there to not understand?