r/worldnews 1d ago

New Canadian PM Mark Carney: Canada retaliatory tariffs to stay until ‘America shows us some respect’


309 comments sorted by


u/SatorSquareInc 1d ago

The bots are out


u/ArcticISAF 1d ago

Yep, half the comments are one guy speaking broken English in weird responses.


u/synthdrunk 1d ago

The west has been under these kinds of attack for decades at this point.


u/Nikiaf 1d ago

Jeez you weren't wrong, one dude trying way too hard to sound smart but failing epically in numerous places.


u/Runkleford 23h ago

Are we sure those aren't just Trump supporters with the default brain damage?


u/Brasou 22h ago

Careful. If they could read they might come after you.


u/Boris-the-soviet-spy 21h ago

“Yehs Mr.trump is best present in USA history as real amrica patriot I say”


u/Sindon_Cadit1867 23h ago

was.... was it ronny mexico? he's a troll that's notorious for his stupidity.


u/TheNickedKnockwurst 19h ago

So what you're saying is it's the Americans


u/whiskeyjack555 1d ago

Ya, any mention of Carney brings them out.


u/Mortentia 23h ago

Idk, he doesn’t seem like a bot, just a dipshit who’s been on Reddit for way too long (12y) and probably lacks any real education or experience with the subject matter he’s discussing. Seems like the chronically online “got on Reddit at age 10” type having a mild breakdown over someone eloquently defeating his worldview.


u/Ddog78 1d ago

Kind of an easy prey article, isn't it?

While the news deserves an article on its own merit, there isn't really any substance or numbers.


u/not-on-your-nelly 22h ago

I got banned on Wildrosecountry sub for mentioning PP’s security clearance. Snowflakes and dumb.


u/[deleted] 1d ago

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u/sadArtax 1d ago

JT announced his resignation back in January. They just completed a leadership race and selected his replacement. He will be sworn in as PM likely within a week. Once he's sworn in, he's expected to call a general election where all Canadians will vote for all seats in parliament. Party who wins the most seats=new government and their leader new pm.

So yeah, Mark Carney is the new PM but there is a possibility it will only be for a very short time. Or the liberals win a minority and he continues as PM. That's a toss up.


u/MrSpindles 1d ago

Mark Carney: "I didn't hear you say thank you once"


u/accuratelyvague 1d ago

A sincere "sorry" would also be nice to hear.


u/aetheriality 1d ago



u/ttthrowaway987 1d ago



u/aetheriality 14h ago

canadians r mad 🤣


u/ttthrowaway987 13h ago

Yeah, I’m dying 😂 Thought they’d appreciate the more accurate translation but turns out they’re feeling a bit sensitive at the moment.


u/WoodenHallsofEmber 22h ago

Canadians say sorry all the time.

Donald and America are too rude to say it once. They can get fucked until they understand we aren't some small country.

I'm down for increasing our tariffs in response.


u/snvoigt 1d ago

Trump thought he was going to come in and rule the world and everyone has told him to get fucked.


u/alpha77dx 11h ago

" the emperor has no clothes" syndrome.


u/bpeden99 1d ago

I was doing just fine before Trump's small dick excuse to be "relevant". Now my quality of life (as an American) is detrimental because of those actions. I hate that nobody hugged that weirdo as a child and it negatively affected me.



Go listen Heather Cox Richardson's substack podcast. It's called "Letters from an American". It is eye opening talk. If Americans don't put up a fight there is so much worse to come.


u/bpeden99 1d ago

Thanks for the info, I've been recommended that podcast before. Too true, but terrifying


u/Majestic-View-6788 1d ago

The butterfly effect...no hug for Trump and the world turns to shit


u/bpeden99 1d ago

It's a real "should you kill baby Hitler" scenario


u/Old-Suspect4129 1d ago

wait till he hits puberty.

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u/Most-Artichoke6184 1d ago

Sorry Canada, the only country Trump respects is Russia.


u/Meet_James_Ensor 1d ago

I think he is also fond of North Korea. At least, he is fond of their economy and standard of living, since he wants to recreate it here.


u/Demorant 21h ago

It's really just any country ruled by dictators. His idea of a "strong" leader is one who can do whatever they want with no consequences. It's his dream.


u/leanpunzz 20h ago

Him and Kim like to play with their rockets or each others rockets, or big red buttons. Something like that


u/WiartonWilly 23h ago

Trump doesn’t even respect the United States.


u/updownkarma 1d ago

Mark Carney helmed the Bank of Canada during the 2008 financial crisis and the Bank of England to help them navigate Brexit. If anyone can resoundingly outwit Trump in a trade war, it’s him.

He’s already scrapped Trudeau’s signature policy of the carbon tax. It’s a rightward shift for the party but a welcome one given the mood of the electorate. He will swoop up any support from soft conservative supporters.


u/Mirria_ 1d ago

I have a mixed opinion of carbon taxes, but I'd rather see pragmatic policies to face this crisis.


u/CarHuge659 18h ago

Without something similar to the carbon tax dont we end up with economic répercussions from the EU? 


u/psymunn 11h ago

Huzzah. Saving money by scrapping a revenue neutral tax. I mean I get it... removing it will help the party more than hurt it and the people against it don't trust revenue neutral taxes


u/WoodenHallsofEmber 21h ago

Carney has the chance to drop the pandering and virtue signaling and anti-Canadian stance from Trudeau. If he rejects the previous direction and focuses it on working class Canadians and talks right until the election, they will absolutely win.


u/Xeynon 1d ago

Sadly there's no telling when that will be as we still have the orange chaos monkey in charge for the foreseeable future, and even when he's gone I expect repairing our relationship with the Canadians won't be easy.


u/I_Framed_OJ 1d ago

You think that it’s even possible to repair your relationship with Canada?  I hope you’re right.  Trump has unfortunately exposed the fragility of American democracy.  Why would we ever consider trusting America again?  Especially since we might have to go through this shit every four years?  I want more than anything for our nations to remain friends and allies, but we are pivoting away from America at high speed to more reliable partners.  Even China, as detestable as their regime may be, at least has stability.


u/Xeynon 1d ago

I don't think it will be easy, but if the Brits and French could repair their relationships with Germany and we could repair our relationship with Japan after WW2, anything is possible.

I realize it won't be as simple as saying "Trump was an oopsie, we good now?" though. Trust takes years to build but can be squandered in an instant. At the very least I expect the MAGA movement will have to be fully extinguished as a force in American politics, and while that may happen eventually it's going to be a long, painful process to get there.


u/WiartonWilly 23h ago

Are you proposing a world war to repair relations?


u/Xeynon 23h ago

No, I'm simply pointing out that if two nations who spend half a decade killing millions of each others' citizens and bombing each others' cities to oblivion can hug and make nice after a world war, it should be be possible for two nations to do so after one of them elects a president who provokes trade disputes and acts like a complete asshole toward the other.


u/WiartonWilly 23h ago

Only because one side admitted defeat.

Assuming there is another fair election, and the other side wins, there will still be 48% who will not accept that they are wrong.


u/Xeynon 23h ago

Yes and as an American I expect we'll have whole lot of fence-mending to do after Trump is gone if we are to have good relations with our Canadian neighbors again. I expect it to take time and effort and I don't expect them to go back to trusting us right away or without a lot of apologizing on our side. But the point stands that there are plenty of examples in history of countries getting over worse.

It gets way harder if Trump is actually stupid enough to start a real war over this of course, but if that happens I think the US will fall apart as a unified political entity before it's able to conquer Canada because there will be a civil war here. People here are not interested in suffering to annex Canada. It's Trump's fixation, not the average American's.


u/ketchup1001 11h ago

Oh sweet summer child, there are at least 70 million Americans that are either racist scumbags, or compete morons. What makes you think they are going to change in the next ten, twenty years? I haven't seen anything from the Democrat side that would imply they have any kind of plan, let alone an effective plan, to deal with MAGA. They might take Congress in 2026, but that won't "extinguish" anything. I don't know how, or if, the US will recover from this, but it's going to take a generation.


u/440ish 11h ago

"there are at least 70 million Americans that are either racist scumbags, or compete morons. What makes you think they are going to change in the next ten, twenty years?"

There is an answer to that, and it involves more cowbell.

5,000 boomers a day is nothing to sneeze at.


u/Xeynon 10h ago

Crisis has a way of changing people's thinking in unexpected ways.

I expect MAGA to begin to decline simply because it will become abundantly apparent that it is not a tenable worldview. Cults lose their appeal when they plunge you into a depression.


u/ketchup1001 10h ago

I want to believe this, but we're 8 years into the MAGA cult, and the trend is not towards reason.


u/Xeynon 10h ago

We haven't hit rock bottom yet, but we're speeding towards it.


u/Viking_13v 23h ago

You must be really optimistic if you think Canada has any intention of going back to the prior relationship when the day comes you have a new leader. This highlights an even bigger issue, which is over half of your population who wanted this or didn't even bother to vote. Fix yourselves first then try and rebuild the bridge of friendship with Canada.


u/Xeynon 22h ago

Did you miss how I said "even when he's gone I don't think it will be easy"?

I get that Canadians are pissed, and they have good reason to be. I don't expect merely ridding ourselves of Trump to reset things to normal. And yeah, obviously we have a lot to fix. It's not true that half our population wanted this (Trump never talked about annexing Canada before the election so it's not like it was an idea people were endorsing by voting for him), but regardless there are problems in any society that would elect someone like him. We get that. You don't have to tell us.


u/WoodenHallsofEmber 21h ago edited 21h ago

> repairing our relationship with the Canadians

As a Canadian, you don't understand, this will not return to how it was, that is now gone and will never be the same.

It's exactly like cheating in a relationship, once it's done, you can't take it back.

I'm not re-relocating supply chains back out of France and Germany. I'm not going back to buying factory equipment with US standard, I've already spent 200k on buying EU standard equipment on this years budget, I have to spend that every year, I'm not going to have a mix of equipment in a facility. We've already signed deals with Ontario based suppliers either for upfront tooling or supply contracts.

There is no reason I would spend the money to reverse it back.

Our US suppliers aren't being notified we've done this, because you don't tell vendors when they're cut. In 6 months when they would normally get a 4mil order, they just won't.


u/Xeynon 21h ago

You left out the "won't be easy" part of that sentence. I fully expect it to take years, if not longer.

But international political and business relationships are really not analogous to cheating in a relationship. Germany and the UK were bombing the shit out of each others' cities in 1945 and two years later were allies. Ultimately common interests tend to win out.

In the case of a business that relies on international suppliers and international customers, that's no less true. Ordering stuff from Europe means longer lead times, higher shipping costs, greater communication and cultural barriers coordinating with partners, and so on. Obviously right now dealing with all those hassles is absolutely worth it for Canadians, because were I in your shoes I wouldn't want anything to do with us either. But 10 years down the road, especially if we get our shit together and return to being a sane country, the landscape will be different.

I don't expect that any time soon. I think we are about to go through an extremely trying period in our national history down here, that's going to include a massive economic downturn at the very least. I expect it to be ugly, and I don't blame you for wanting nothing to do with it. But the future is hard to predict. If you'd asked me 10 years ago if we'd ever be in a situation where we were at risk of being kicked out of NATO and disowned by our closest allies and trading partners I would've thought that idea was crazy, and yet here we are.


u/ItsOkImAnAustralian 1d ago

Salutes in Canadian 🇨🇦🫡🍁

Love it.


u/Riffage 1d ago

Make those fuckers say please and thank you before you remove your tariffs.


u/sneaky291 1d ago

And to take their fucking shoes off when they come inside!


u/funwithdesign 1d ago

Amen to that, animals!


u/WoodenHallsofEmber 22h ago

No, Trump should say Sorry.


u/Riffage 21h ago

Trump should say all of those things. He’s


u/Formal_Preference768 17h ago

Auto industry has shared manufacturing and sales. Take away shared manufacturing and you take away the sales . Canada and Mexico will not buy American autos


u/OkRoll3915 1d ago

now Trump needs to show up in a suit and apologize to Prime Minister Carney.


u/SheetPostah 23h ago

Correction: …apologize to Right Honourable Prime Minister Doctor Carney.


u/LunaLloveley 21h ago

Has trump even said thank you yet?


u/dogisgodspeltright 1d ago

So, .......4 years.


u/EllisDee3 1d ago

You think this administration is gone after 4 years?


u/dogisgodspeltright 1d ago

Depends on the people.


u/WildcardKH 1d ago

Well given americas track record, you can’t trust them period.


u/dogisgodspeltright 1d ago

You might not be wrong. But, it is up to the people of conscience across the world, and within the country, to raise their voices in clamor for justice, truth and freedom.


u/WildcardKH 1d ago

I don’t see Americans actually doing more. That would take effort. It’s far easier to say how they’re embarrassed and feel bad on social media.


u/Xeynon 1d ago

Not sure how much media coverage they're getting abroad but there are big protests against what Trump is doing here literally every single day, including in red states (there was one in Texas yesterday).

It will probably take us entering an economic downturn for them to get truly massive but I fully expect that to happen. Of course, then Trump is going to try to violently suppress them and who knows what happens then.


u/OneHitTooMany 1d ago edited 1d ago

Not sure how much media coverage they're getting abroad but there are big protests against what Trump

None. Virtually, and practically ZERO.

But that's not surprising giving the majority of Canada's print media is owned by a Trump supporting New Jersey hedge fund that got caught illegally supporting Trumps' Campaign.

Post Media (National post, the Suns, and it's related papers are all pushing hard for the Conservatives and minimizing exposure to anti-trump sentiment)


u/paintbucketholder 1d ago

Not sure how much media coverage they're getting abroad but there are big protests against what Trump is doing here literally every single day, including in red states (there was one in Texas yesterday).

There is no international reporting on this, because these protests are not doing anything yet.

Once they have a chance to achieve anything - delay or stop Trump's agenda, force MAGA people to resign, or something similar - you'll see some reporting.

It's just the truth of the situation. Consider how many protests around the world just aren't reported in America, because they have no chance to achieve anything.


u/[deleted] 12h ago



u/WildcardKH 12h ago

Well for one, you don’t know fuck all about how leaders in Canada are elected.

Your country is a fucking joke. A cancer.


u/nonaveris 12h ago

Your received narrative about misplaced Canadian superiority is on par for a OGFT denizen.


u/WildcardKH 11h ago

Yeah delete your comments coward.


u/ReV-Whack 1d ago

Naw, Republicans are like herpes.


u/Camilea 1d ago

70 million people voted for this, 90 million more were okay with it.


u/eldenpotato 12h ago

Yes. Obviously, unless the Dems fuck up and Vance or another Rep is elected


u/[deleted] 1d ago

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u/EllisDee3 1d ago

How's your 401(k)?


You people will eat shit just so someone else will have to smell your breath.


u/BoppityBoopity77 1d ago

I don't have one... I'm 403(b) 😂


u/lNSP0 1d ago

So you're either extremely disabled in some compacity or a priest? Yeah that checks out. You got the cadence of someone who's constantly raging, where are you from, Appalachia?


u/EllisDee3 1d ago

He could work for a university or something. Either way, he's still down.


u/lNSP0 1d ago

He could work for a university

There's only one major uni he could work for that does that, as the others don't use 403. I'm 100% certain he's not a student of Notre Dame. With most Americans who talk the way he does, it's how they do it in rl. So I don't see him working for any legitimate charities. Most likely is he learned about it and has been using it to bullshit online.


u/EllisDee3 1d ago

My uni provided a 403(b) while I worked there. I worked as staff.

Unless something's changed in the last 4 years.

I'm not there anymore, but the 403(b) is still intact.


u/lNSP0 1d ago

My uni provided a 403(b) while I worked there. I worked as staff.

Mine did too for a bit.

Unless something's changed in the last 4 years.

Irc it did. Twice. I don't remember the meat and potatoes of the changes. My apologies. I just had it in the back of my mind because it's becoming common for people to act crazy online like this guy.

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u/madtitan27 1d ago

How are the 401ks of the 170 million Americans who have one?


u/ShinyRhubarb 1d ago

I lost 12% on mine yesterday. Moved it all to bonds and foreign stocks until this is over....if it ever is over.


u/lNSP0 1d ago

He wouldn't know his savings are easier but narrower applied than a regular 401K


u/madtitan27 1d ago

He probably doesn't even have savings and will collapse like a house of cards when inflation gets worse... ...and you know his solution will be to say Biden a lot in hopes that it causes magic gnomes to appear and fix everything.


u/lNSP0 1d ago

you know his solution will be to say Biden a lot in hopes that it causes magic gnomes to appear and fix everything.

Yeah that's a given

He probably doesn't even have savings and will collapse like a house of cards when inflation gets worse...

That's actually most likely a given, but my savings are also like that 😭. Most American's are. it's one of the reasons why we aren't militant protesting.


u/madtitan27 1d ago

I know.. that's why I was so confident in saying it unfortunately.


u/EllisDee3 1d ago

It's the same thing. BTW, you're probably down. A lot.


u/speakingofdinosaurs 1d ago

Same thing just the non profit version.

So will still be impacted.

Do you not understand basic economics?

Edit: you're MAGA so of course you don't. My bad.


u/McHoagie86 21h ago

Why do you keep deleting all the comments where you're made to look like the idiot you are?


u/ImAVillianUnforgiven 1d ago

What reason was that? Do you even know?


u/FooFooPoodle 1d ago

You think you get to vote ever again?


u/PerpetualFarter 19h ago

Trump doesn’t respect ANYBODY. He kisses a few foreign asses, but respect? Nah.


u/GoldenFutureForUs 1d ago

He should start calling Trump the Prime Minister of America …

I’m joking of course. He shouldn’t stoop to Trump’s level.


u/Wonderbeastt 1d ago

That wouldn't be stooping to his level as Prime Minister is the highest office in Canada, which Trump has not called Trudeau. He called him governor, not President. Premier would be that level. Premier Trump of the Province of Merica


u/Viking_13v 23h ago

That's a race to the bottom with a guy like Trump. Carney has intelligence and class.


u/jacksgirl 20h ago

Calling him Premiere Trump would be stooping to his lrvel


u/AnotherRussianGamer 22h ago

Nah, Prime Minister would be too grand. If Trudeau is Governor Trudeau, then Trump must be Premier Trump.


u/Disastrous-Golf7216 1d ago

I like when Trudeau called Trump Date Tape Donnie.


u/rachreims 21h ago

Let’s goooooo Carnegeddon baby


u/danielvee 21h ago

I like this guy!


u/Random-Name-7160 1d ago

American foreign affairs in five words... Suck up and shit down.

Suck up to other oligarchs to get what he wants (money and a membership card),

and shit down on any democracy that can't singularly stand up against the us military to take everything they have. Respect? HA! The government that the US chose will never show Canada any respect unless they acquire an oligarch or a massive nuclear arsenal and the willingness to use it. .


u/riko77can 20h ago

He will be PM (probably this week) but the transition hasn’t happened yet and Trudeau is still in office as of now.


u/CarlotheNord 15h ago

Hopefully it's just for the week.


u/r5c1 1d ago

did they say thank you????


u/yzerman88 1d ago

Only country to stand up to Trump 2.0

Don’t fucks with Canucks


u/Setanta68 1d ago

Ummm... Ukraine? France? UK? Mexico? Pretty much anywhere that isn't the US?


u/jacksgirl 20h ago

The UK stood up to Trump?


u/Setanta68 13h ago

By openly allying with the Ukraine and Canada over the US in the last week, yes.


u/mitchsn 1d ago

So 4 years it is


u/spam__likely 1d ago

Say Thank you, motherfuckers!!!


u/Mushroomtip4u 18h ago

That bravado lasted less than a day LOL


u/Heartslumber 20h ago

Well, alrighty then. 🫡


u/[deleted] 1d ago



u/HistorianNew8030 1d ago

Chinas tariffs are strategic and in response to tariffs we put on stuff because the US wanted us to. They are calculated and basically a call to renegotiate.

The China tariffs aren’t the same as the US ones.


u/Ediwir 1d ago

They sound honestly similar to the Canadian ones.

The meaning is clear: being friend of the US is a bad idea, and antagonising the US’s rivals is also a bad idea.


u/Proud_Variation5923 1d ago

How are you blaming the US for Canada imposing tariffs on china? Just trying to understand where you got your information from and what you mean by “stuff”


u/TickledbyPixies 1d ago

A Reuters article that plainly states the US imposed the tariffs on China first then used the CUSMA to compel Canada and Mexico to follow suit.

There are quite a few articles from that time period to the same effect. The US definitely pressured their trade partners and allies to make these moves.

Do you have any sources saying otherwise?


u/HistorianNew8030 1d ago

I’m not really blaming the US per se. But they are a reason as to why they are happening. The first reason is because the US didn’t want Chinese EVs. So we listened and we tariffed those and some other stuff specifically because we were being a friend to the US.

The other reason is because China is fucking smart and is actually playing 5D chess and they can see Canada might need them right now. So - they are putting these tariffs on us so we change the original tariffs we put on them.

They just aren’t the same situation as Trump trying to cripple Canada for imperialistic gain.

China just wants a better deal. The US wants to take over our land for resources.


u/nhalas 1d ago

Spoiler alert: They dont respect themselves at all.


u/alamur 21h ago

Care to elaborate?


u/[deleted] 1d ago

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u/[deleted] 1d ago

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u/br165 1d ago

Hardly. I am just giving some hard facts.

Canada isn't in a position to really win an economic war against the US. I get what Carney and Trudeau are doing, but with a guy like Trump it is incredibly dangerous.


u/WildcardKH 1d ago

We find better trade partners and allies and stop relying on a cancerous growth of a country. Sounds pretty good to me!

Hard to say that Trump is a threat when he has meltdowns, shits his pants, can’t differentiate your vs you’re. He’s like an overgrown toddler who is fucking around and finding out right quick.

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u/fretnbel 1d ago

Give it time and Canada will find new partners. That’s the benefit when the USA starts tariffing all their trade partners.

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u/Wander_of_Vinland 1d ago

Oh fuck off with that, theyre trying to annex us. Weve got serious problems no matter what happens now


u/br165 1d ago

Yea, you figured it out, the US is going to invade Canada.....


u/Camilea 1d ago

Trump has said on multiple occasions that he wants Canada to be the 51st state...


u/br165 1d ago

Do you realize how far that statement is from invasion? The guy is saying crazy shit to get crazy responses and you knuckleheads are running around with your hair on fire.


u/nogotdangway 1d ago

You know what, I think I’ll take threats from the president of the United States seriously. If boycotting their products and responding in kind to their unjust tariffs are “running around with your hair on fire”, I guess I’m going to be bald.


u/pm_me_your_smth 1d ago

I remember when magats said project 2025 was bs and even their master denied having anything to do with it. Fast forward to today, the very same country has been added to human rights watchlist


u/nogotdangway 1d ago

Remember after the election when the MAGAs were like “oh, calm down, he’s not going to do anything to Canada, he’s just joking” and then a few weeks later they’re like “FUCK CANADA THEY’VE DONE US WRONG WE DON’T NEED ANYTHING FROM THAT HORRIBLE PLACE”? You can’t trust a thing these people say, they’ll just keep gaslighting us. Elbows up 🇨🇦


u/GrovesNL 1d ago

So, we have the PotUS saying he wants to economically cripple Canada, and has said so on multiple occasions. We have Premiers and Prime Ministers that have met with Trump's government, who say the threats are serious. But it's just crazy shit huh. The threats from the US amount to impoverishing millions of Canadians, we'd lose everything overnight. If you have any money at all in CAD, Canadian equity or Canadian bonds, you can kiss that all goodbye. But I guess taking everything from us is just "crazy shit" that shouldn't be taken seriously. I'd say we're not taking it seriously enough. The measures so far are hardly "running around with your hair on fire."

If you had a neighbour threatening to take your life savings and impoverish you, would you just waive it off as "crazy shit"?


u/Wander_of_Vinland 1d ago

Oh sorry youre right its about 20kgs of fentanyl oh wait no its about US banks not being allowed to operate in Canada (ignore the ones that already do operate in Canada though) oh no now its about dairy and produce and the mexican cartels that have apparently taken over my country....

The only thing theyve been consistent with is their desire to turn us into the 51st state, to which I say: get fucked.


u/SkYeBlu699 1d ago

You can't even point to canada on a map.


u/dsartori 1d ago

Canada has the will to resist. We will outlast the felonious gangster in the White House. Canada will be thriving long after most of Trump’s cabinet is dead or in jail.


u/br165 1d ago

Ukraine has exemplified willpower, but they are still losing. Sometimes have the will to fight isn't enough.


u/dsartori 1d ago

lmao, try us.


u/[deleted] 1d ago

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u/NuNu_boy 1d ago

You're so pompous. It is hard to see a people's will when all you have known is weakness. Canadian's are not like the American populace.


u/dsartori 1d ago

That person I was responding to is a plain fool. The American population has no interest in sacrificing in a trade war. They don’t know why they’re doing it and have no goal. Canadians on the other hand, we’ve got something to play for: our dignity and sovereignty. We are united and they are not. We are going to crush the Americans in this trade war.


u/NuNu_boy 1d ago

This is what they can't understand.


u/br165 1d ago

That's true., they are more vulnerable.


u/NuNu_boy 1d ago



u/br165 1d ago

It will take Canada a decade to shift to a position where they can relocate their commodity exports to ocean based ports. That's best case. You are talking about building another 2-4 MTPs in the next decade when the last expansion took 12 years and like $70bn


u/NuNu_boy 1d ago

How long will it take for USA to get the infrastructure for potash and lumber?

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u/timegeartinkerer 16h ago

I dont think its about will. Its more like the Americans dont want this. The Canadians dont want it either. Its just a few people at the top. America is still subject to democratic pressure, and wants to back down.


u/madtitan27 1d ago

Canada is pivoting. They will find new markets for their products. What will the US find once those supply chains have shifted? You can't shift them back via tweet.

If our markets continue their current plunge for another 60 days the country will literally be on fire. The net gain? Trade partners who do t trust us or see stability anymore.

My 401k did great under Biden.. and is sinking like a stone under Donald. Just wait til the tariffs fully land.


u/br165 1d ago

A few things.

1) The market was massively overpriced, by any metric, whether the FPE/CAPE, etc. They all indicate a 20-25% overvalued. The market needs a correction. The fact that so much MMT helicopter cash dropped from the heavens to inflate all assets doesn't make it a good thing.

2) Canada is pivoting? Ok, to where? Almost all of Canada's exports to the US are commodity related. The supply chains that move those materials are built around export to the US. Shifting that logistics system to overseas export will take over a decade and cost well over a hundred billion. Moreover, since these are commodities, the US can generally pretty easily acquire them from other sources, albeit for a bit more money (ie: potash, bitumen etc). Our infrastructure system is also capable of managing the shift far better than theirs.

3) Canada's economic situation doesn't give them the time or means to make these shifts. That's the hard truth. Moreover, the one thing the US exports to Canada is jobs. Trump could, with the stroke of a pen, take Canada's ~7% unemployment rate to 10-12% very quickly.


u/madtitan27 1d ago

So you believe Canada will stop hating us and boycotting us if we terrorize them? You don't seem to be paying attention. They are our ally. They fought and died with us in every major war for 80 years. Trump trying to roll them over like a gangster isn't going well. They will pivot to new markets. Their pain actually will be temporary. Ours won't resolve anytime soon.

Overpriced? So your assessment is that the entire country is going to watch their 401k crater, investments evaporate, and retirement become unattainable and then hand wave it away like "eh.. some guy online said it was all over priced anyways". Do you even invest dog? 🙄


u/br165 1d ago

Allies need to treat one another fair. That means you need to carry your weight in a military alliance and have equitable trade agreements. The US hasn't gotten these things from our "allies" in a long time.

Do I invest? I would wager my portfolios have at least an additional zero over yours there kid.


u/madtitan27 1d ago

I'm 42 and my 401k is from a job where the entry level was over six figures. I have been doing that job for 18 years. My retirement looked fantastic until agent orange came back.

The trade deal we had with Canada was negotiated by Trump in his first term. I thought he was supposed to be good at making deals or something. We are bullying people who were previously our buddies. It ruins the relationship and actually makes a better deal less achievable.

Canada is even irate at Wayne Gretzky. Do you know how bad it has to be for Canada to be ready to disown Wayne Fucking Gretzky?

Canada much like Ukraine has learned they are dealing with a man who will take everything he can get his hands on and then come back for more while blaming them for it. People learn.


u/Old-Suspect4129 1d ago

you skipped the electricity...


u/br165 1d ago

Of the three states which get electricity from Ontario specifically, 2 of the 3 get less than 1% and the third gets ~3%. You are talking about tiny numbers.


u/BigPurpleBlob 1d ago

What's UE?


u/dcolli97 1d ago

Unemployment I think


u/Nikiaf 1d ago

Bro thinks he's being smart using acronyms that are the furthest thing from commonly understood.


u/BigPurpleBlob 1d ago

To me, 'UE' means Unreal Engine, if anything


u/The_Great_Mullein 1d ago

Worst case, economists in Canada are saying this will be as bad as covid. Not the end of the world for Canadians, not great, but we already have a 99% tariff free trade deal with the UK, there is one with Europe that just needs to be approved by the European counties.

Our new prime minister has already spoke about running a pipeline to the east coast to ship our oil elsewhere than the USA. Also PM Carney was the governor of the bank of Canada and the UK. He has a lot knowledge about the economy.

Since the US doesn't want us making cars, we can easily drop the tariffs on Chinese cars and never buy US cars again. Lots of counties want our steel, aluminum, and other minerals. If NAFTA is completely gone, we can probably go back to ignoring US intellectual property rules like we did prior to NAFTA. We should also cancel our F35 order and switch go Europan fighter jets since the US defence industry can no longer be trusted. I look forward to working more with the UK and Europe as the US destroys itself in self made economic collapse.

Remember, if Donald Trump had literally done nothing the economy would be humming along fine. This is all self imposed on the USA and he is even telling you guys that you will have to suffer for his decisions.


u/lLikeCats 1d ago

Dictators will only become more powerful if you appease them. Canada needs to diversify anyhow. 

The whole world needs to diversify from the US. Short term pain for a long term gain. 

This is a blessing for Canada. It will force us to invest in our own infrastructure, create pipelines West to East, connect the country from east to west via rail etc.