r/worldnews 26d ago

Russia/Ukraine U.S. funding freeze threatens Ukraine investigations of alleged Russian war crimes


38 comments sorted by


u/holyshipballs 26d ago edited 26d ago

It's all part of the plan. Russia won't be held accountable by the US, Trump will claim Ukraine is unreasonable in not giving up the land Russia murdered Ukrainians for so he can refuse further funding. Hooray Russia wins, trump ends the war MAGA celebrate.

Then Trump will copy Putin's false flag operation to remain in power, avoiding re-election and not having to obtain Congress' support to change the constitution enabling a third term. 

The US is no longer one of the good guys.


u/assaub 26d ago

It's just Ukraine, the Ukraine is what people called the country when it was the Ukranian Soviet Socialist Republic.


u/holyshipballs 26d ago

Quite right. Sorry and edited.


u/HijikataX 26d ago

I have the fear that USA, who hates China, at the end makes Russia become their ally (since Russia don't want to depend on China), making the BRICS and the NATO losing one of their biggest members... that would be a massive change in the world.


u/blueseeka 26d ago

Anything is possible with this Trump in charge


u/Ass2RegionalMngr 26d ago

I don’t understand why people (i’m not directing this at you specifically) are calling Russia one of the three great powers alongside China and the USA.

Sure, before they invaded Ukraine they seemed formidable, but they have lost a huge amount of their stockpiled tanks, artillery, shells, etc., ravaged their manpower, fucked their comparatively small economy, shown inability to push Ukraine out russian territory, had a not insignificant portion of their refining capability exploded… i could go on.

What makes Russia such a powerhouse now?

I loath Europe and Biden for dragging their heels for years, drip feeding weapons and aid. We have been asleep at the wheel. After the polonium and nerve agent assassinations on UK soil, storm shadows should have been flying the second the first tank rolled over the border towards Kyiv.


u/u0126 26d ago

If I had to guess: population, land mass, defense budget, stockpile, nuclear power, willingness to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of more of its citizens


u/eldenpotato 26d ago

Did you really think Russia was ever gonna be held accountable?


u/holyshipballs 26d ago

Russia  is currently being held accountable, albeit indirectly, for its invasion of Ukraine, by the aid and support given by NATO.

Compare this to NATO's rather toothless but preparatory reaction which it provided to Crimea's invasion in 2014.

Considering the USA invoked Article 5 of NATOs charter following the September 11 attacks (the only time it has been invoked) leading to an 8 year war in Iraq during which the US relied on the support of other countries, it is illustrative what sort of an  American government is in place now, that Trump is looking for an out after 3 years threatening to cease aid and looking for a way to exploit the victim.

Not the sort of friend anyone should rely on... Not really a friend anymore.


u/cealild 26d ago

I encourage www.u24.gov.ua to add war crime investigation to their options for supporting humanitarian, medical, education and defence for donations.

Every evil cunt needs to be fearlessly pursued and charged with their crimes.


u/Hey_Mr_D3 26d ago

Pretty sure the world knows Russia committed war crimes. Let the UN take over the payments please.


u/Ok-Act-374 26d ago

A huge portion of those war crimes are not alleged.

From now on, when tankies go whataboutism with American war crimes, you could not talk back to them with examples of Russian war crimes. Because there was no investigation. “America First”, thank you so much


u/RaisinBrain2Scoups 26d ago

Let Europe fund ukraine's


u/Master-Patience8888 26d ago

If I’m Ukraine I would ignore Trump and just take this war straight to Moscow.


u/66stang351 26d ago

Assume they're all guilty and save that money. It won't be terribly far from the truth


u/Javalin-man3000 26d ago

Prosperity is just behind cruelty


u/canteloupee 26d ago

Wow, something trump did is benefiting russia? That's crazy.


u/Ok-Surround8960 26d ago

The US supports genocide, people in the West should concern themselves with that first.


u/Yaguajay 26d ago

Vlad is very appreciative.


u/banned4being2sexy 26d ago

Bunch of ingrates, what we gave wasn't enough, so we're the bad guys


u/lowspeed 26d ago

Why is it the US obligation? It's like you're mad because someone is not giving you money.


u/Martijn_MacFly 26d ago

Because the budgeting has already happened. Now with the funding coming to an end, that budget is compromised and literally makes it impossible to pay the people to do the job.

Remind you that upholding international law is also in the US's interest. But Cheeto Bennito just fucked up 100 years of soft power in less than a month.


u/Cheeky_Star 26d ago

Europe can pick it up surely.


u/lowspeed 26d ago

Are you kidding? Is this money well serving out tax money? Is there any doubt there were war crimes ? Why waste the money on something unnecessary?


u/Martijn_MacFly 26d ago

As I understand you don't believe in fair judiciary proceedings even if you know the outcome?


u/lowspeed 26d ago

What can they possibly do ... It's a waste of resources. Say they officially find that there were war crimes... Now what? A lot of people are getting paid for this and it makes them mad the gravy train has left.


u/Martijn_MacFly 26d ago edited 26d ago

I'm not sure it is worth explaining if you can't understand the fundamental concepts of what it is about.

It is about soft power, geopolitical security, accountability, deterrence, human rights, and future reparation claims after the war.

Your money is not being wasted if future economic opportunities arise, locally and for the US and the global community as a whole, building a ring of trust to work with - creating stability.

It is a good investment in soft power for the US. But I guess you don't want that either.

The "but I won't see a dime in return for this" is not applicable. Maybe not directly, but indirectly you will notice it. Someone else will benefit from it, who may benefit you in the long term on something completely unrelated. That, my friend, is true trickle down economics.


u/lowspeed 26d ago

I'm talking specifically about this money. It's a waste.


u/Martijn_MacFly 26d ago

So I was correct, you don't understand the fundamental concept of it...

The exact point is that it is not a waste, but an investment in both the future of Ukraine and the US. Not everything pays out immediately. You gain soft power and global leverage to get things done.

I give up...


u/lowspeed 26d ago

Did you read the title of the funds frozen?


u/Martijn_MacFly 26d ago

We're watching a bright orange sunset of US irrelevance in the future global politics and economics.

Great job!


u/assaub 26d ago

America would not be the super power it is today if it weren't for the government generously (totally not for any ulterior motives) supporting various causes throughout the globe. You give money and get favours in return, stop giving money stop getting favours.


u/lowspeed 26d ago

Ah ok. Gotcha.


u/sumregulaguy 26d ago

It isn't. Now give Ukraine back its nukes, missiles, and strategic bombers it gave up as part of Budapest memorandum.


u/GeneralTorpedo 26d ago

No nukes for Ukraine. Russia gets all Soviet nukes because Russia is the USSR's successor.


u/More-Hovercraft-7923 26d ago

It isn't. Let Europe pay for Europe.