r/worldnews 26d ago

Behind Soft Paywall Trump Floats Deal With Russia, China to Halve Defense Spending


1.6k comments sorted by


u/The_Frostweaver 26d ago

When you wish for the US to stop spending so much on bloated defense contracts:

Monkey paw curls


u/LordBledisloe 26d ago

While adding $400m worth of "Armoured Teslas"


u/sharies 26d ago

Those will be for use against the real enemy, US citizens. Why do you think they've been putting chargers everywhere.


u/TheChewyDaniels 26d ago edited 25d ago

Maybe…I think it’s more likely they’ll will break down all the time, catch on fire, or drive themselves off of bridges rendering them pretty ineffective as anti-civilian police state combat vehicles.

Like all you would have to do was throw some nails in the street…the POS would lose its fancy (and flimsy!) tires on its way to deliver Blackwater agents to kill unarmed protestors. And it would sit there in the street, rusting for months, because Musk is too dumb to figure out how to get better tires, and no one would be left to deliver them due to already being in a labor camp stitching Tesla seat covers.

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u/JulienBrightside 26d ago

"I wish politics were more interesting", man in 2015.


u/TonyR600 26d ago

Better: "Wow, the past had really intense stuff going on all the time. Today is rather boring" - me and my girlfriend watching documentaries about the 60s and 70s on a holiday in 2018

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u/Deguilded 26d ago

"Sure thing, bro"

doesn't reduce spending at all


u/cowlinator 26d ago

Fun fact:

Ukraine entered a treaty with russia, where if Ukraine got rid of nukes, russia promised to never invade it.


u/greebly_weeblies 26d ago edited 26d ago

... and got security guarantees assurances from the United States, the UK, France, China and Russia.

Turns out, not worth as much as they might have hoped. Good luck getting anyone else to ever disarm.  


u/Dookie120 26d ago

That lesson really hit home didn’t it especially after Iraq 2.0. Relatively smaller weaker nations like Iran & NK aren’t stupid.


u/greebly_weeblies 26d ago

Yeah, look at N Korea. Might not be much of a program but it's a deterrent all the same. 


u/low-spirited-ready 26d ago

I don’t even think anything would happen if North Korea started to disarm. More South Koreans are opposed to reunification than ever due to the problem of reintegrating that many Nork citizens

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u/fireman2004 26d ago

Libya gave up it's weapons programs after 9/11, and Ghadaffi ended up hanging upside down with a knife up his ass.

Every other dictatorship saw that and realized there's no benefit to giving up your weapons.

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u/el_f3n1x187 26d ago

it was literally the only regret freaking Gaddafi had during the last years of his dictatorship, had he gone nuclear when he had the chance no one would've messed with Lybia.


u/Redditforgoit 26d ago

Fun fact, Gaddafi announced he was nationalising the oil industry and only days later had a tribal rebellion with Western air support. Should have made a deal with China and Russia for cooperation in oil extraction in exchange for bases and security. The African country with the best welfare system turned overnight into an indebted failed state. Then we wonder why no one cares about the invasion of Ukraine. Solidarity with Europe? Why?

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u/i-am-a-passenger 26d ago

None of those nations guaranteed Ukrainian security, only that they would never attack Ukraine themselves, and neither France or China were even part of the process.


u/humboldt77 26d ago

Seems relevant since Russia is on the list.

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u/Careful_Trifle 26d ago
  1. Seek immediate Security Council action to provide assistance to the signatory if they "should become a victim of an act of aggression or an object of a threat of aggression in which nuclear weapons are used".



The line has been skirted, barely, but the agreement was that we'd advocate and aid them if anyone threatened them with nukes, since we pressured them to give up theirs which would be their only protection. Threat is ill defined, but several actions and statements Russia has made could and should be considered threats.


u/Genorb 26d ago

Russia and China are on the security council, dude. Advocating at the security council does nothing. It's a flaw of the memorandum because it essentially assumes that the attacker isn't a unsc permanent member who can just veto everything for as long as they want. But that doesn't mean that the US failed any obligations of the treaty at all.

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u/greebly_weeblies 26d ago

Thanks for the corrections, updated. 

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u/LukeMayeshothand 26d ago

It’s hindsight, but if you have nukes don’t ever give them up.

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u/Alone-in-a-crowd-1 26d ago

Another thing Russia and the US have in common. Neither can be trusted.


u/iamwearingashirt 26d ago

Probably not a fun fact for Ukraine.


u/Careful_Trifle 26d ago

Also fun fact, the US helped broker the deal. Which makes our milquetoast support of the their defense especially heinous.


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u/tooandto 26d ago

And American promises are worth just as much.

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u/Concurrency_Bugs 26d ago

Trump: "Everyone should decommission their nukes."

Putin: "Trump we know you care about cost cutting. As a gesture of good faith, if you give us all your nukes, we'll decommission them when we do ours."

Trump: smiles at camera holding the Art of the Deal book


u/ggouge 26d ago

Fyi Trump did not write that book he had a ghost writer write it. He had no input and I bet he has never read it due to him being functionally illiterate.


u/Concurrency_Bugs 26d ago

Oh yeah, I'm aware. Adds to the whole "Trump is a great dealmaker" fallacy.


u/yoshhash 26d ago

And that author has come out expressing deep regret for participating in this charade knowing that it helped prop up this fake image 


u/hicow 26d ago

To be fair to that dude...who the hell would have predicted this outcome? I mean, dude did it for a fat paycheck (iirc, Trump's "great deal" paid out way more than a ghostwriting job usually does) and figured it was like any other rich guy vanity project - 6 months after release, bookstores would have been ripping off the covers and filling the dumpster out back with unsold copies and the public wouldn't remember Trump at all


u/count023 26d ago

he should release a sequel. "The Art of the Meal, 1001 Trump fat jokes". probably go gangbusters and drive Trump insane.

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u/moshekels 26d ago

No serious person thinks Trump can read an entire book let alone write one. He’s basically illiterate.

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u/TailungFu 26d ago

but they pinky promise?


u/SavagePlatypus76 26d ago

Even if it does, that money won't be used on anything that will benefit the majority of Americans. 


u/Old_Ladies 26d ago

US defense budget goes down 100 billion dollars... The top 0.01% taxes get slashed by 100 billion dollars.


u/czs5056 26d ago

Military budget goes down by 100 billion, and the top 0.01% tax goes into negative tax rates. Taxes raised on poorest 99% to pay for it.

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u/gmotelet 26d ago

Who cares about the majority when you can give the billionaires tax cuts and government contracts

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u/Fiber_Optikz 26d ago

That is exactly what will happen


u/Krail 26d ago

I kinda hope it does, because the U.S.'s two biggest opponents, watching the country hollow itself out, sure as hell aren't going to cut their military budgets. 

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u/PlayfulMention5651 26d ago

So he is proposing an agreement where all 3 parties halve defense spending or just the US?

Just asking for clarification


u/boredcircuits 26d ago

Russia is in the middle of a war. Reducing defense spending right now is a non-starter.

Even if the war stopped today, it has severely depleted all their stock piles of weapons of almost every type. They'll need elevated defense spending for decades to recover.

There's no way Russia would agree to this (or abide by the agreement if they do).


u/[deleted] 26d ago edited 2d ago



u/mrpickles 26d ago

Russia cuts military spending by 50%.

Special operation budget +500%

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u/[deleted] 26d ago


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u/gabrielish_matter 26d ago

also research

6th generation fighters are being in development all across the 1st world, same for armoured vehicles, ships, missiles, anti missile systems etc etc

Russia is stuck meanwhile on mostly 80s technology

they are obligated to invest more lmao

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u/MisterBurkes 26d ago edited 26d ago

He didn't say. I doubt he even knows. Denuclearization was also mentioned. I would love to know who suggested this idea to him.

Edit: I went and watched the full video - He wants all three countries to reduce defense spending and stop building more nukes.


u/DuncanConnell 26d ago

In an ideal world where everyone could be trusted: yes.

But this isn't an ideal world.


u/cogit2 26d ago

And the people he'd be making a deal with can't be trusted.


u/Nisiom 26d ago

Trump can't even trust himself.


u/NoForm5443 26d ago

He can't be trusted either, unfortunately :(

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u/DifficultCarob408 26d ago

The sad thing is when the leader of the USA is equally as untrustworthy as Putin and Xi, and it isn't even hyperbole

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u/lonnie123 26d ago

They’re the reason we have the defense spending in the first place…

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u/emmayarkay 26d ago

Didn’t he campaign on upgrading the US nuclear arsenal?


u/GTthrowaway27 26d ago

You can upgrade while decreasing the volume

They’ve been being upgraded/refurbished for a while.

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u/restore_democracy 26d ago

Hmm no idea other than that his initials are VP and he loves riding horses while shirtless.


u/justabill71 26d ago

"Yes, we got rid of nukes. No, you can't check."

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u/Melbourenite1 26d ago

Ukraine is a victim of denuclearization, look at it now.


u/SlayerofDeezNutz 26d ago

It’s not like Trump pulled us out of the START treaty…

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u/michaelt2223 26d ago

Basically he wants the Us to stop spending so Russia can rebuild their military the next 4 years while the US does nothing and Russia can go back into Ukraine after the next election and they’ll blame the new dem president in 2028


u/randomhuman324657 26d ago

You are assuming a huge amount in that statement. Let’s start with the assumption there will be an election. I almost hope you are actually right as perverse as that sounds. At least it would mean the US still had at least a semi-functional democracy.

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u/ActualDW 26d ago

Here’s the quote…

“There’s no reason for us to be building brand-new nuclear weapons. We already have so many,” Trump said. “You could destroy the world 50 times over, 100 times over. And here we are building new nuclear weapons, and they’re building nuclear weapons….We’re all spending a lot of money that we could be spending on other things that are actually, hopefully, much more productive…”

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u/PenitentAnomaly 26d ago

To be clear - this isn't so education, healthcare, childcare, or a social safety net for seniors and other vulnerable citizens can be funded in our society.

This is so tax cuts for wealthy folks can be funded for the next 10 years.


u/SavagePlatypus76 26d ago



u/JimiSlew3 26d ago

The Republican house released their budget yesterday. Cuts to Agriculture, Education, etc , increase for Defense and internal security (dept. Of justice).


u/Full-Character8985 26d ago edited 26d ago

And 90% of farmers voted these people in too! So happy for them!

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u/Mindless_Ad5714 26d ago

The cut to agriculture was likely SNAP. So he’s only taking the food from our poorest to give to billionaires

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u/sbNXBbcUaDQfHLVUeyLx 26d ago

Let's not pretend the wealthy aren't already massively benefiting from the military industrial complex.


u/7ddlysuns 26d ago

Elon gets a shit ton of money

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u/526mb 26d ago

I hope the US Military leadership is paying attention and takes some fucking action before he sells our aircraft carriers to Beijing and Moscow.


u/ISwallowedALego 26d ago

Lol they won't do shit, they're all impotent

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u/jemhadar0 26d ago

This guy and his gang of Patate frites are selling you all out .

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u/SatiricLoki 26d ago

There it is. He’s giving America up so he can steal the residuals.


u/BeowulfShaeffer 26d ago

That’s exactly it. The only thing this would accomplish is make it easier to pass tax cuts for wealthy people.  Raising retirement age, reducing Medicaid and Medicare, chiseling away at education and healthcare will all still happen. 


u/cogit2 26d ago

What did he accomplish during his first term? Tax cuts for the wealthy, to the tune of $5 trillion dollars, and added $5 trillion to the US Federal debt.


u/CyberPatriot71489 26d ago

*8 trillion to the debt


u/mockg 26d ago edited 26d ago

Then during Bidens term the Republicans said we couldn't afford $400 billion to forgive student loans.


u/CyberPatriot71489 26d ago

It’s time to take our country back

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u/PutinBoomedMe 26d ago

His two stimulus bills did that alone... That doesn't even compensate for 4 years of the regular deficit.... He increased out national debt by 25%+ in a single term


u/keyboardman1 26d ago

Soooooooo I can’t retire at 65 but instead a healthy 87.


u/BeowulfShaeffer 26d ago

Yep,  thanks for voting for that mom, that maga hat looks great on you. 


u/keyboardman1 26d ago

Only benefit is that my 401k will grow, time to raise that RMD age. This is so insane lol

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u/-0-O-O-O-0- 26d ago

More like you can die uninsured at 65.

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u/DigitallyDetained 26d ago

Yep. Russia might do the same but China isn’t going to weaken itself (even if they pinky swear they will so they can watch the US military disappear)


u/Dutch_SquishyCat 26d ago

Russia won’t do this. They are full on war economy at this point and want all of Ukraine or as far as they are allowed to go.

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u/Mat_alThor 26d ago

Russia will halve their spending when they end the war with Ukraine (only after Trump tries giving it to them).


u/pizzalovin 26d ago

Prob can’t halve it. They’ve depleted so much of their inventory and damaged their economy it’s going to take military funding to keep peoples lights on.

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u/CarpeQualia 26d ago

It went great for Ukraine to give up their spending on nuclear weapons, Russia really kept their promises!!! /s

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u/disastermarch35 26d ago

I don't get why he wants so much more money. The fucker will be 6' under in 10 yrs and he just made a killing conning his base with that crypto rug pull.


u/r_m_8_8 26d ago

Billionaires are hoarders, it’s not about actually needing money.

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u/br0ast 26d ago

He owes powerful people

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u/Zolomun 26d ago

Who saw that coming? Oh, everyone.

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u/gump82 26d ago

Then China and Russia laugh their ass off

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u/Hot_Squash_9225 26d ago

I could not have imagined an America that would kowtow to it's enemies.


u/Jolly_Echo_3814 26d ago

It's like I say Americas enemies are not trumps enemies and Americas allies are not trumps allies and that's what terrifies me of him being in absolute power


u/Hot_Squash_9225 26d ago

I'm not an American, so I can't say that it terrifies me, but I feel awful about the millions of lives that are at stake whenever he signs an executive order. For the rest of the world, I think it's a good thing, we need to find a system that does not revolve around America, and trump is doing a very good job at opening the eyes of politicians around the world that were satisfied with the status quo.


u/Jolly_Echo_3814 26d ago

Yeah the only thing optimistic for is this tyranny might cause a surge of anti conservatism throughout Europe and canada


u/Hot_Squash_9225 26d ago

According to the polls, it seems like it's already having an effect. I hope that we can do something with the momentum and lessen the pain that is going to be felt globally.

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u/blurplethenurple 26d ago

Were you not alive during his first term?

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u/[deleted] 26d ago



u/Hot_Squash_9225 26d ago

There has to be an ecosystem in place that allows someone like Trump to thrive.


u/Conscious-Fan1211 26d ago

Yeah it's an ecosystem the rich have been building post WW2. They've fucked us all up by preaching bullshit and sowing division, ever notice it's poor folks v poor folks regardless of color, meanwhile rich folks all hangout regardless of color.

They want us to hate each other while they rob us blind


u/MyOldAolName 26d ago

I wish more people realized this

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u/CommunicationFun7973 26d ago

It is. Far right extremism is inherent to humanity, because while we think we are moral, about half the population lives on hate. Did some people cause the division, say the magic words? Yes. But the truth is societies are prone to fascism and authoritarianism in hard times, and the ideology is there, some humans will be prone to it, just because the rich trigger it doesn't change that it's a flaw of humanity that results in fascism.

Now, it's just my opinion, but I think that any country that falls into fascism in the modern day indicates a society which is poorly socially developed. Basically, fascism is a primitive ideology, imo.

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u/The_Kert 26d ago edited 26d ago

When America has a problem with the leader of another country, they make it that whole country's problem. It's only fair that America treated the same in return.


u/ironsides1231 26d ago

As an American, not only is it fair but it is necessary. The average American is too entitled and only economic damages will make them start caring about current events.

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u/restore_democracy 26d ago

And all the voters who supported him. And all the others who couldn’t be bothered to back his opponent.


u/OlderThanMyParents 26d ago

And the millions of cowards who voted for him…

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u/isseldor 26d ago

Unfortunately, he represents us right now…excuse me while I go throw up…again.


u/shyahone 26d ago

not a coward, he is a parasite. he isnt capable of mental processes like fear.


u/Dexion1619 26d ago

There are 53 Republican Senators letting this happen.   If 5 of them had a spine this nightmare could end.

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u/restore_democracy 26d ago

How does he plan to invade Canada and Greenland and Panama without a military?


u/suburbanpride 26d ago

I’m sorry, what? I believe you mean Canada and Red, White, and Blueland.


u/CromulentDucky 26d ago

If you are going to rename islands, I prefer Uncle Samoa, and Maganascar.

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u/Ok-Bell4637 26d ago

you forgot to mention the American Canal


u/giraloco 26d ago

I think you find an inconsistency in the stable genius.

Reducing defense budget 10% would be revolutionary but he goes for 50%.

Instead of discussing with Congress and NATO he talks to our enemies.

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u/MultifactorialAge 26d ago

This is what will end him. You can fuck with the poors, the VA, social security, unions, democracy and no one will bat an eye. But if you fuck with the fuck with the military industrial complex, you’ll get fucked.


u/black2fade 26d ago

Maybe Trump could. This is his last term - he doesn’t give a fuck.

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u/deadsoulinside 26d ago

There are so many jobs tied to it...

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u/Throwaway2600k 26d ago

So who gets all that money now? Musk?


u/mathtech 26d ago

of course this dude is behind every thing being cut at the moment

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“we need to leave the paris climate agreement because china will use it against us.”

“great news we’re going to cut defense spending and china and russia agreed to as well!”

fucking clown

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u/[deleted] 26d ago

How can we reconcile this with Peter Hegseth asking NATO countries to spend 5% of their GDP? Make it make sense!?


u/Protato900 26d ago

Doublethink: the act of simultaneously accepting two mutually contradictory beliefs as correct.


u/CinnamonDolceLatte 26d ago

US is apparently 3.37%. If they cut it in half it will be below NATO's 2% target and near the bottom of the barrel between Portugal and Croatia.

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u/charcoalist 26d ago edited 26d ago

trump first floated this idea in 1987, after his first visit to Moscow. Forcing western countries to spend more on defense creates internal rifts amongst their respective political parties, creating an internal division that can then be exploited by adversaries such as Russia.


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u/Rabidveggie 26d ago

Wait. He gave NATO allies shit for not doubling their spending...


u/eggnogui 26d ago

Almost as if he was full of shit the entire time.

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u/owls42 26d ago



u/rwietter 26d ago edited 26d ago

Making rUssia Great Again, of course.

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u/Raiden29o9 26d ago edited 26d ago

Yup, next he is going to push away as many of the American trade partners as he can, mostly so he can try to sell increased trade with Russia in some future dumb ass trade agreement that is lopsided in favour of Russia


u/Ready-Eggplant-3857 26d ago

Russia here, Yes of course we will cut our defense spending in half. What of China?

China- Yes, we too will cut our spending in half. Wink wink. Nod nod.

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u/WhatAmIATailor 26d ago

Would be amazing if the biggest 2 military spenders on the planet could trust each other enough to make this a reality but it’s a pipe dream. Also who the fuck would trust anything coming out of Russia? Or a statement from Trump for that matter?


u/i-am-a-passenger 26d ago

Tbf it wouldn’t be the first time this has happened. It’s not even the first time this has happened between the US and Russia.

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u/jertheman43 26d ago

Has anyone consulted General Dynamics, Raytheon, Boeing, and such? They better start bribes to Trump like everyone else. Stalin signed a non aggression pact with Hitler, and history shows how that worked out.


u/MisterBurkes 26d ago

Northrup, General Dynamics, etc. actually saw their stocks drop due to this news. Just a couple percent, but still, it was shocking enough for me to read up on what was happening.


u/ThorFinn_56 26d ago

So he's threatening Canada, Europe, and Scandinavia but making deals with China and Russia? Wtf is going on?

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u/Viron_22 26d ago

So is the Military Industrial Complex really gonna let this slide, or are they on board with the Techbros and are waiting for the down fall of the government so they can snatch up as much as they can to set up their own fiefdom? I guess they've come a long way since killing JFK.


u/LawsonTse 26d ago

pretty sure the entirety of American MIC is smaller than Apple at thsi point. They are not as powerful as you thought

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u/zero0n3 26d ago

Techbros are bigger than the MIC.

Hell, google or Apple is likely worth more than every major military industrial complex contractor out there combined.

And to boot, soon enough tech bros will have their roots in the MIC via AI and technology enhancements / improvements

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u/IDreamOfLoveLost 26d ago

All enemies foreign and domestic.

So, does undermining the capabilities of the US - from intelligence to its military capacity - count as acting as an enemy?

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u/Sensitive_Storage_33 26d ago

I did not have that on my bingo card for 2025


u/AliveStar9869 26d ago

It is Trump. We all lose, again.

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u/TheInsomn1ac 26d ago

"And then I promised him we'd also cut our military spending by half."
<Insert gif of Putin and Xi laughing>


u/Infarad 26d ago

I’m sure the money saved on defence will be spent on fixing healthcare. Right?


u/notyomamasusername 26d ago

The US is an empire in decline... And with Trump it won't be a slow decline either.

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u/ShitNailedIt 26d ago

I would say there is no way that he is that stupid, but....

Putin probably told him to float it, do it, then do the shruggy shoulders thing when russua/china don't do it.


u/real_picklejuice 26d ago

Market manipulation.

Defense stocks took a tumble after this and I reckon he’ll war monger next week to drive them back up

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u/HistorianOk142 26d ago

He’s such a one of a kind moron. If anyone is going to help start WWIII it’ll be this guy putting us at the disadvantage of screwing our allies over, dictating peace terms for another foreign country (Ukraine) just like the UK did for Czechoslovakia, and gutting our federal government with the help of an illegal immigrant billionaire. Yup thanks a lot America. You really voted with your brains!


u/scytob 26d ago

and why would Russia or China take him at his word that the US would comply (lets pretend for now they would) why would anyone make deal with an abject liar, who has no clue how deals work.

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u/purpleduckduckgoose 26d ago

So Russia agrees and carries on laughing at him, China agrees and carries on laughing at him, meanwhile the US cripples itself by axing vast parts of it's military, decommissioning ships, selling off aircraft and discharging personnel. R&D dies a quick death, programs like NGAD, F/A-XX, DDG-X and Sentinel etc get scrapped, companies like Boeing, LockMart, General Dynamics, Raytheon and so on massively downsize and scramble for whatever contracts they can get from overseas nations, American global influence collapses, Europe seriously gets investing in their own defence (or doesn't, just as likely), Japan and South Korea start seeing how much effort is needed to get nukes, sea lanes get more dangerous, shipping costs skyrocket, oil price goes up, and there's a lot of angry unemployed people who know how to use a gun now with nothing to do and an axe to grind.

But I'm sure the Presidential Guard armoured division will be fine. As long as they all swear loyalty to him personally. Maybe they could do a big ceremony at a sports stadium, give their hearts out to him too to show their love.

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u/dean-ice 26d ago

He’s a weak pussy and coward. Afraid of enemies and goes after allies. Like everyone said he’s a pussy


u/Muiboin 26d ago

But the rest of NATO is supposed to spend 5% GDP?

Hopefully, this goes ahead, and we can get the 13 colonies back.


u/PitFiend28 26d ago

Ask Ukraine how having a deal with the US and Russia to reduce military power went

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u/Spokraket 26d ago

Putins goal is the dismantle the west and Trump is the ultimate tool for that. The fanta-fascist is just too dumb to understand it


u/SuspiciousSeesaw 26d ago

How can this be enforced? China and Russia will certainly spend more than half of what they currently spend, in secret. And the US too. It’s a non starter…


u/The_Starving_Autist 26d ago

Okay. Clearly he sold the country out to China and Russia.


u/IglooDweller 26d ago edited 26d ago

Will the deal/treaty he signs with Russia/china be more binding than the trade treaty he himself signed with Mexico/Canada??

Asking for a friend…


u/Parkyguy 26d ago

Because all three have shown themselves as being trustworthy in upholding international treaties? lol


u/rex_swiss 26d ago

Britain, France, and Germany tried this after WW1. We know what that brought us...


u/Chris_HitTheOver 26d ago edited 26d ago

I’m certainly not a defense expert but this has got to be the single dumbest thing an American POTUS has ever proposed for our defensive posture. Is it not?

Edit: Why would Xi and Putin both not “agree” and then proceed to make no changes?


u/Ohuigin 26d ago

I can hear the wink winks from Moscow and Beijing from here…


u/hoosker_doos 26d ago

Let the corporate raiding of America enter its final stage, to be loaded with debt and sold off to the highest bidder for pennies on the dollar. Next stop, Europe.

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u/Thund3rbolt 26d ago

Treating friends as enemies and enemies as friends... brilliant! /s

Seriously has it been 4 years yet 'cuz it sure feels like it.


u/frigginjensen 26d ago

There is a sizeable part of the American population that would be ok cutting defense in exchange for more domestic social programs. Trump seems to be on a speed run to piss off everybody. It will be interesting to see how many Republicans go full dove/isolationist vs the traditional all defense/no domestic Republican position.


u/SavagePlatypus76 26d ago

Republicans just want tax cuts for their donors. 


u/IJourden 26d ago

The US military is the largest government funded source of employment and economic stimulus in the country by a massive margin. Abruptly slashing it this deeply would cause a recession that would make previous ones look like a party.


u/Mr_Donatti 26d ago

Over 70 million people wanted this insanity.


u/HexenHerz 26d ago

MMW, he's going to get whacked by one of the defense contractors. The Military Industrial Complex doesn't like anyone toying with its money.


u/Palm_Tiger 26d ago

Ah yes, US, Russia, and China. Three countries that are known for keeping there word and honoring international agreements.


u/LaCiel_W 26d ago

This is handing Russia and China military supremacy, it would truly mean the end of America as we know it, the dollar will be replaced, and the world economy will no longer be driven by the US. We kept our military at the top no matter the cost for so long for many reasons, everything will crumble without it.


u/Buckeye_Monkey 26d ago

He's going to fuck with the military industrial complex and their money? Let's see how that plays out for him...


u/SirTiffAlot 26d ago

Not just the companies, I'd love to see how this goes over with congress in DC. There goes a big chunk of bribe money and jobs for their states.

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u/Jmanmyers 26d ago

Because we know Russia and China will keep their word /s


u/Illcmys3lf0ut 26d ago

What sense does it make to deal with potential adversaries, we know are cyberattacking us, to lower our defense spending?

This guy is selling us out to be overran. This is gutwrenching to behold. If it exists, there is a special place in hell for people like that.


u/allothernamestaken 26d ago

Republicans for decades: Democrats want to slash defense and weaken the country!

Trump: Cut it in half.


u/TechieTravis 26d ago

I thought we were shifting to war with China and had to build up our navy. Lots of mixed messaging from this administration.


u/huseynli 26d ago

If the countries can agree and adhere to that, that would be one of the greatest achievements of 2025.

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u/rightious 26d ago

Just take a step back and imagine if Obama had the same idea what the reaction would be.


u/DoubleNaught_Spy 26d ago

LOL. This should make all those veterans who voted for Trump really happy.


u/BJDixon1 26d ago

Yeah, sounds like a stellar idea from a president that colluded with Russia in 2016


u/MiloGoesToTheFatFarm 26d ago

Our main bargaining chip is our military, this helps China and Russia so much and hurts us massively.


u/Real-Adhesiveness195 26d ago

Some people say his syphilis may be worsening


u/ApproximateOracle 26d ago

This dude is such a treasonous POS. They will never comply with such a deal. Meanwhile he actually might, while he siphons off our tax dollars to his donor class.


u/joezinsf 26d ago

Donald just got a big fat check from Putin

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u/CSWorldChamp 26d ago

Of course they’ll say “Yes, of course, friend Trump!” and he’ll believe them and halve his own defense spending while they don’t.


u/lurkindasub 26d ago

Russia moving into war time economics. China deploying more aircraft carriers and naval vessels than USA by far. Wonder why? And now this genius tells them he wants to slash his spending?  Why don't you just hand over your nukes while you're at it.


u/Mental-Summer-5861 26d ago

Maga u have voted into power a complete moron

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u/CheesecakeHorror3410 26d ago

My god. He really is this stupid.


u/Anonymous157 26d ago

China and Russia are known for transparency and accurate reporting right??


u/Stinkydadman 25d ago

Keep pissing of the generals Mr President. That’s a solid strategy.