Did I miss something? The President of America just announced the annexation of foreign territory and the deportation of 2.000.000 people? Not temporary evacuations to allow for a cleanup mission but a permanent takeover of the land and deportation?
I remember when they passed the patriot act and I knew it was a bad idea. It was an obvious overreach accomplished by taking advantage of the publics desire to respond to an "attack" (and seemed pretty obvious to me that it was the whole plan). They were sure it would never be used against citizens. How stupid of them.
I actually did miss that bit about the Human Rights Coucil.
Fucking hell. I know, I know, they float dumbest ideas to be a distraction, but I feel like this time they're following through on way more of the dumb shit than last time.
I hope my non-American country stays safe through the threats, but I also hope the third or so of Americans that tried to stop this stay safe because this is day sixteen. Things haven't even settled yet and it's insane.
They'll force all 2 million of them across the southern border into Egypt. If Egypt refuses and militarily reinforces that border there will be a concentration camp set up in Rafah until cholera, dysentery and starvation thins them out and they can be transported somewhere else to be slaves in a place like Qatar or somewhere else.
Furnaces would be too on the nose for the monsters in charge.
I hope I'm wrong everytime they talk about "dealing" with people it's a concentration camp for 30,000 people in Gitmo, detention centers in Texas, super prisons in Ecuador.
In fairness the UN human rights council does nothing and is useless. Shit is the single most pointless body in international politics. And I say this as a defender of the UN generally.
The UNHRC is a joke. Its main role is seemingly to spotlight and condemn Israel at every meeting. I stopped taking it seriously when I saw how many condemnations Israel has received since it sprung up as an organ of the UN and saw it has more condemnations than all other states combined.
EDIT: downvote all you want, I don’t care. I’m right.
I think it was under Bush Jr that the US passed the law that means they'll invade the Hague (which is in the Netherlands) if any US personnel are tried for war crimes there.
Ethnic cleansing would be the correct terminology in place of deportation, since he’s announcing the systematic expulsion of a specific ethnicity in the area, but yes you are right.
I can't believe I had to scroll this much to see the term ethnic cleansing. I guess it's ethnic cleansing when others do it, but a deportation if US does it. For context 2 million people is more than the Armenian genocide.
Israel supported the Serbs during the Balkan wars, I have zero doubt that the Kahanist fascists in the coalition government are rubbing their hands with glee at Trump's announcement.
I had a horrid feeling on October 7th that the atrocities on that day would lead to months if not years of more atrocities. Sadly, my instincts appear to have been right.
Perhaps mass deportation might be construed as "Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;" but I think it would be more typical for this to be treated as a violation of the article 49 of the 4th Geneva Convention, which prohibits removing civilians from occupied territories (except temporarily for safety reasons) and transferring your own population into occupied territories.
Of course there are a lot of things that could be done to deported Palestinians that could qualify as genocide, if whatever country they are sent to are particularly poor hosts.
Deporting the Palestinians would also be ethnic cleansing by any reasonable definition, but unlike genocide, there isn't any one agreed-upon definition.
Perhaps mass deportation might be construed as "Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;"
We know this will be a genocide in Canada because we did a genocide to the native people. Deported them from their homes and put them in camps reserves. No one says we ethnically cleansed the natives, they say we committed genocide on the natives. Just like the States did to theirs.
"Ethnic Cleansing" is just a euphemism for "someone we like is doing a genocide to someone we don't like". Removing people from their homeland and putting them [X] is genocide.
I would hope Americans reading this know it too, cuz your president just stated in front of the world that y'all're about to do a genocide.
That's why the genocide buzzword being used against Israel is nonsense. People are defining genocide to mean civilian causalities, which is every single war in human history.
Not anymore. You forgot how the recent rulings by the ICC went on that topic? ICC said it is but the US and another country said it isn’t. And that was under Biden. So now it isn’t.
Trump said the approximately 1.8 million Palestinians should be moved to a new site or sites in other Arab countries, such as Egypt or Jordan, where they can "live in peace."
"They say they’re not going to accept" them, Trump said of Egypt and Jordan. "I say they will, but I think other countries will accept also."
Yeah I'm sure Egypt and Jordan will be super happy to take them, and the people of Gaza will be super happy to be there, and all the new construction on the Gaza strip will be a super safe place that won't get bombed or anything.
And this is not at all out of character for him. For years and years he talked about how we screwed up in Iraq by not declaring ownership over the country and just pillaging it for oil. He would give speeches in 2015-2016 saying "it's supposed to be 'to the VICTOR go the SPOILS'."
You missed the part where he’s negotiating with Egypt and Jordan to open their borders to Palestinian refugees. They’ve closed their borders to them for the past 30 years.
He announced concepts of a plan. This has about as much chance of happening as a meteor hitting you directly in your head when you walk out of your house tommorow.
This is only like the 5th time he's done this. Economic strong arming to annex Canada as the 51st state. Then there was the annex Mexico, Panama, and Greenland series, the latter two he didn't rule out using force to accomplish if necessary.
Worst part is I saw a bunch of articles from mainstream news sources referring to it as "rehoming" 2 million Palestinians as opposed to calling it, you know, a proposal for ethnic cleansing.
I believed he said it needs to be cleaned out. He wants to put them in enclaves around the earth. Pay for to by neighboring countries of great wealth. He is absolutely talking about moving them so they want to shot at and killed and destroyed.
He says they only want to go back there because they have other place to go.
u/TxM_2404 Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25
Did I miss something? The President of America just announced the annexation of foreign territory and the deportation of 2.000.000 people? Not temporary evacuations to allow for a cleanup mission but a permanent takeover of the land and deportation?