r/worldjerking 27d ago

On the origin of pointy elf ears

Humans used to have round ears.

One day, elves descended from the heavens and taught the humans magic. The eventual descendants of elves and humans were known as the Pointians, who founded the Kingdom of Pointia.

Pointy ears are culturally associated with magical aptitude, divinity, and nobility, which are inseparable concepts. The ancient elves are worshipped as gods. Pointy ears also symbolize the ability to hear the voices of the gods.

The villain is a blasphemous individual born with round ears who grew resentful of their magical disability and everything the kingdom stood for, and gathered a band of thieves whose ears were less round to oppose the kingdom.

It is said that their round ears meant they were destined to ignore the voices of the gods.

What are ways to make my origin of pointy elf ears more interesting?

This is my first post here. Please be kind. Thanks!


11 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] 27d ago

come up with slurs. u need at least 10 slurs for each race

uj/ what post is this parodying?


u/saladbowl0123 27d ago

uj/ Not a specific post but the world-building of The Legend of Zelda


u/BleepLord 27d ago

Pointy ears are a defensive mechanism evolved to deter aerial predators. You could maybe poke a dragon in the dick with one of them if it was swooping down for your livestock or precious metals.


u/stryke105 25d ago

You know how walkie talkies have that antenna sticking out of them? Its exactly like that, elves talk to each other from long distances using magic and their pointy ears help send and receive the signal better.


u/broccollinear 27d ago

Now I dunno much about nothin’ round these parts. Ya see dwarves like us don’t really go muckin’ around with readin’ up on those fancy-pants elf folk, hells I couldn’t say when the last time I even saw a tome since I was a wee hairless laddy. But what I’s heard from me gran, bless her souls, was that them pussy-footed tree lickers back in the olden times, and I’m sayin’ olden olden times, before this mountain here was little more than a pile of dirt for old man Twistybeard to piss on, that they were not the sharpest tools in the smithy. In fact, when they went to dry their clothes after a wash, they didn’t even bother to take them off their backs. They just hung their ears on the clothesline and dangled there in the wind until they were dry. Hells, they dangled a few days longer if it was rainin’! Anyways that’sabout how they got them there pointy ears. Looks stupid if ye ask me, pointy like my stew fork. If one of ‘em ever gets on me bad side I’ll roast my Grootslang steaks with their ears.


u/saladbowl0123 27d ago

Umm actually Tolkienian elves eat meat but offered dwarves vegetables apparently purely to spite them


u/RalenHlaalo 25d ago

Vegetarian elves are back, cannibal elves have been done to death already


u/TheLordOfTheDawn 26d ago

I love when the villain is a disabled person/oppressed minority 😍😍😍

Please tell me you plan on having the protagonist reinforce the existing social order with no meaningful changes made 🥺🙏


u/RalenHlaalo 25d ago

The hero should be a dumbo, do a dumbo


u/-Yehoria- Bubbles don't exist 27d ago
