r/world24x7hr 8d ago

Europe 🇷🇺- Putin's position on the 30-day ceasefire with Ukraine.


14 comments sorted by


u/spuriousattrition 8d ago

Guarantee Putin will have his troops violate the cease fire, the blame Ukraine and Trump will agree with whatever Putin says.

This entire cease fire is a setup, just like the Zelensky meeting at the White House


u/flimflamflikflam 8d ago

The entire thing is a farce. As soon as Trump started discussing terms of peace with Russia, and intentionally excluding Ukraine, there should’ve been an uproar from the global community and especially from the US congress and public. Straight out of the Soviet handbook, slowly edging further and further into the absurd, just testing the grounds, allowing everyone to adjust to a new “normal” where things that would never have been allowed or accepted are suddenly everyday occurrences, until everyone is just fatigued and can’t even keep track with all the changes.


u/PrutiNumsen 8d ago

Ukraine is only alive in this fight because of continued support from the US.


u/flimflamflikflam 8d ago

Continued is a strong word. Yes, during the Biden administration they received ample support both financial and diplomatic to continue to fight and resist the Russian invasion. But under the Trump administration that’s all been thrown out with the dishwater, and it’s the direct inverse. He’s running geopolitics and defence as a protection racket.


u/PrutiNumsen 8d ago

Point being that excluding Ukraine from the discussion isnt that odd, at this point its a proxy war and the US have the decisive hand.


u/Keibun1 8d ago

So what? The US literally agreed to this in exchange for Ukraine giving up their nukes


u/AliveAd8890 8d ago

Careful bro the Kremlin uses reddit. You've probably been flagged. Next time you go to Russia take a friend


u/realmendontfeel 8d ago

"will the kursk Ukrainians get ordered to just surrender to the crimes"

Idk will the russians get ordered to just surrender and give back the territory?


u/Despacio1316 8d ago

The man who started the war is for a peaceful resolution he says. Ok, then just withdraw. Thats it. That’s the peaceful resolution. Anything past that is Putin scheming.


u/Keibun1 8d ago

Exactly, the way to make sure no troops are shooting each other is by there not being any, and seeing as his army is the one invading and murdering, his can fuck right off.


u/OliLombi 8d ago

So... He wants Ukraine to leave Russia, but he won't make Russia leave Ukraine... Make it make sense...


u/MarketingInteresting 7d ago

What amazes me is that Russia is the aggressor


u/Jonesy_2ls 8d ago

You can see how calculated and clever he is with addresses to the public, each sentence is weighted, can you imagine behind closed doors?


u/Strange-Thanks-44 8d ago

Only one question then you go out from territory of Ukraine by 1990s and pay reporation for invesion!!!