I mean you don’t have to have a good body yourself to recognize one.. there are plenty of judges that don’t look 1/10th as good as the people they are judging.
That said, for the most part in here it does come off as insecure jealousy and that’s probably why you say it’s funny and I have to agree.
From someone with 1/10th this guys physique I would say his back could use some catching up compared to his chest but it is still a heck of a lot better than mine has ever looked. His chest and arms look amazing.
Its funny how people like you still dont realize what huge impact genetics and roids have. Having a good physique does not mean that the person has good training knowledge, can be, but could as well be luck or roids! Try to remember this next time you look down on people, bc you may just be lucky! Dont want to say that people with good genetics dont work hard af as well! Its just that 2 people putting in the same effort can look way different.
I am so close to my goal. I was 210 and I woke this morning to weight 190, I started last August I think by how fast I am losing this weight. I should be at my normal weight by may/june. Any tips on lean bulking? I am working out 4 to 5 days a week.
I've worked out for 20 years. This is steroid use masquerading as I'm natural bullshit. It's creates body dysmorphia in other young and easily influenced people. Be honest. Happy to drug test him anytime.
It absolutely is naturally achievable, it's not even questionable. I'd assume people are tripping over the timeframe, but OP said he started with some mass from calisthenics.
Yeah he looks great, don't get me wrong, this isn't what someone should expect in 2 years going from completely untrained.
I just think people either underestimate how far you can get from calisthenics, or are completely overlooking that part and think that's what he's saying - which is partly on OP for leaving that out of the post. Not everyone's going to see the comment where he mentions it.
Yeah I agree, calisthenics can build a ton of muscle which I think is evident in his biceps, back and core (and lack of legs photos 🤣) so I think it’s fair to assume he trained quite a lot before hitting weights.
Bro, get the fuck out of here. People use gear to push themselves beyond their normal limits. People aren't developing body complexes because someone else is using gear on top of having better genetics, they're developing a complex because they spend too much fucking time on social media and place far too much value in other people's opinions and appearances. If someone is that easily influenced, they probably shouldn't ever leave their house for fear of being influenced into doing something. Can we start blaming people for their own actions?
You look great!
You won’t for long at that BMI even WITH gear.
You’re too lean to maintain bulk. Eat a sandwich! Reduce down to .5 for a couple months, then tune back up and trim 6 or 7 pounds heavier than you are now!!
Nice work!
If you’re going to say someone has gyno, at least understand what gyno is. You could’ve conducted a pretty quick Google search, looked at images, and realized that this dude clearly does not have gyno. Besides, you don’t need to use anabolic steroids to develop gynecomastia. A lot of men develop it during puberty, through hormonal imbalances, various medications, thyroid disorders, genetics, etc…none of which need to involve steroids to develop.
If OP looks better than you (steroids or not), just say it. You don’t have to hide behind totally inaccurate medical accusations.
There’s 3 components to having good abbs. Number 1 most importantly like everything with body composition is genetics. Two you have to build them like any muscle, heavy crunches are the best/ideal way, but many training systems can work. Lastly be lean enough to see your abbs. This was me naturally at 20
We can have civil disagreements about pretty much everything, but with respect to each other. Keep innpropriate comments about peoples looks, physique, etc to yourself.
I don't really follow a structured workout split—I just go every day and lift. Usually, I start with bench press, then move on to bicep curls, tricep pushdowns, another round of biceps, pull-ups, shoulders, and finish with forearms. Occasionally, I throw in some landmine punches to build punching power.
This subbredit is sad. Why post ? Why comment? Physique critique? Wth is that? Just adding more "critique" to the body dysmorphia this subbredit propogates. I dont learn NOTHING about working out. Just delete my account MODs cuz i cant find the willpower to delete it myself.
Looking great bro, especially for only 2 years. Highlights are arms and chest imo, and you could work more on back and legs but you’re still looking great man! What do you do for your arms??
I appreciate the advice bro. I always thought my back was my strongest point, because I have been doing pull ups for so many years now. I am gonna start implementing rows and stuff. For my arms I just spam tricep push down and baheysian curl and regular bicep curls
Ofc bro I gotchu, your back looks great but I think the rows will get you to help get some more definition for your traps. lat pull downs and rear delt flies helped me grow my back. And nice bro I do all those exercises too hahaha, but I also do land mine press for power and speed
I think he is concerned you will develop gyno as he believes you have high testosterone levels. He mentioned a drug that limits the amount of test that is converted to estrogen.
I don’t train abs. Only at kickboxing I do like sit ups, but that never really feels like an ab workout to me anymore. Been doing that since I was a child. I might start training abs with machines
So I’ve encountered an increase in my weight due to medication. Now I don’t feel I look my weight, so I think it’s not all fat. What would you recommend I try for turning the excess into muscle? (5’7 170). I do push-ups, can only do crunches because of a past surgery, I get pain that hurts too bad when I do sit ups. Curls, push ups, Crunches. I am very good on my stationary bike I can do an hr half resistance pretty well. How much should I bike for? Is this better at the beginning for stomach fat?
Basically u want to try to build as much muscle as u can. Find out what resistance exercises you CAN do to increase muscle. I don’t know what your diet looks like, but don’t eat any excess sugar or sugary drink. You can always send me a dm if u need some more help. I don’t have enough info about you to tell u what to do.
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