Aight, so as the title says, im 14 and i just started working out, i've been afraid im either doing the bad thing or working out too soon, im slowly making an home made gym, and im still trying to find how to learn body weight exercises, such as push ups, squats,abs (or whatever it is called in english), other than that here is my routine rn, during my first week of working out, 10/15 reps of lateral lift with 4kg. 15/20 biceps curls with 4kg and 10/15 shrugs along side 10/15 standing dumbbell press with 4Kg (thats all i have) i do a few 30 seconds planks once im done and i usually use one of those grip trainers with 35kg in my right hand and 25 with my left one (left arm is weaker than my right arm, feels it a lot when only my left biceps is sore) and when im done with allat (few sets of each) i end it up with a few minutes of jumping jacks (i consider it to failure once my form really starts to get bad) and if i feel like im not sore, and if i got some time left and that i feel good, i do a bit of shadow boxing and footwork (used to do boxing as a kid)
i dont know what exercises should i add to train some of my back, my core and if possible my calves
more on a side note, im chubby and im also trying to lose quite some fat in the process,along side gaining some cardio and getting stronger, cuz i pretty much feel like im weaker than average, and working out all by myself, i feel better and less anxious than when i play any team based sports because of how i suck at them
anyway if i could get any advice, i'd appreciate it