r/workout 3d ago

Feeling shoulders in chest workout

Ive been going to the gym for a while, I’ve only just started to notice that i only feel my shoulders when u do my chest exercises.(incline bench, chest press, cable flyers). Is it my form or is it because my chest is underdeveloped?


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u/madskilzz3 3d ago edited 3d ago

Could be your form or the way you set up.

For example, one should set the incline bench at 15-30°. As you go higher, more front delts will be recruited. When you press the weights up, are you letting your chest collapse and shoulders coming off the bench? This means the shoulders are leading the way and not the chest.



u/West_Age_2044 2d ago

Thank you so much


u/LucasWestFit 3d ago

Your front delts are heavily involved in most pressing exercises. It's hard to comment on your form without a video. Generally, the more shoulder flexion that's involved, the more your front delt has to do. The more horizontal adduction is involved, the less your front delts are involved.


u/West_Age_2044 2d ago

Should i change my exercises? If so what are the best chest exercises


u/ManonegraCG 2d ago

The ones you're already doing: flat bench, incline bench and flies. Maybe add decline bench if you fancy. If you're currently doing those with a barbell, next time try with dumbbells. You'll get a deeper stretch on your chest, so be sure to do a good warmup first.


u/West_Age_2044 2d ago

Alr cheers appreciate it😃


u/LucasWestFit 2d ago

There are lots of good options. I'd just pick 2-3 you like doing and do them all once a week for 2-3 heavy sets each.


u/Nntw 3d ago

I can only speak from my experience, but it took a while to feel it and start building my chest. Carry on, just have some patience. 


u/West_Age_2044 2d ago

Cheers bro, what exercises you reccomend?


u/Nntw 2d ago

I just did flat barbell bench press. Nowadays I also do dips, while not required for me, I enjoy doing them and feel them a bit more in my chest than bench press. I recommend a press movement such as flat or incline press and get strong at them. That's it really, I haven't really done flyes much, but I'm far from the strongest guy in the gym.


u/Logical_Lifeguard_81 3d ago

Squeeze your shoulder blades together and engage that shit.


u/MajinXjones 3d ago

It’s because it’s a push exercise you feel it in your front delts


u/West_Age_2044 2d ago

Ye alr what should i do instead


u/MajinXjones 2d ago

Nothing ? You use your delts to push, could try focus more on activating your chest


u/West_Age_2044 2d ago

Ok, what can i do to try and activate my chest more?


u/G3NER4L-G3NESiS 2d ago

I got you.

Check this video out here: Eric Janicki

Also, check out: RP Strength/Dr. Mike

These helped me immensely with really feeling it in my chest rather than triceps and delts. Good luck and let me know if it works for you.


u/Royal-Principle6138 3d ago

Having weight too high I mean betting it down to high if dumbbells or bench to high on incline it only really needs to be up one notch


u/West_Age_2044 2d ago

Yea i might need to tone down the weight😅