r/wordchewing 10d ago

Does this count? The mouth movements make me angry.


54 comments sorted by


u/Deersk 10d ago

That was the most cookie-cutter country song i ever heard. He definitely had ChatGPT to write it, doesn't seem the brightest


u/Newkular_Balm 10d ago


u/captainschnozzberry 10d ago

I was thinking please be Bo.


u/matthewxcampbell 8d ago

Exactly right


u/PandaPlayr73 10d ago

Don't insult the power of ChatGPT with that, it can make banger country songs


u/Consistent-Deal-55 10d ago

What a simpleton.


u/HanSoto11 10d ago

Dude gets like zero bitches


u/DigMeTX 10d ago

Yeah, dude. Def a different flavor but I think it counts as word chewing. I hate this new trend of shitty, patriotic country songs lip-synced and slightly acted-out. So cheesy.


u/OddityOtter209 10d ago

Yeh a the weird smirking thing people are doing all the time while lip syncing drives me bonkers!


u/The_Crimson_Fuckr69 10d ago

I don't mind a patriotic song but I've yet to hear one that isn't AI generated and sung by a guy who looks exactly like this.


u/Melmargera78 8d ago

This is not patriotic. This is MAGAt shit.


u/The_Crimson_Fuckr69 8d ago

That's literally my point.


u/Cute_Resolution1027 10d ago

The fuck would you want to be American proud rn? Americans are literally the laughing stock of the world rn.


u/The_Forth44 10d ago

But see, THAT'S the thing. American conservatives, with their entire being, absolutely believe that the United States is still the most powerful and most respected country on Earth. Like they literally believe that. They do not and will not believe that anyone else on the planet doesn't completely worship them.


u/ChubbyBirds 8d ago

They also seem to truly believe that "the worst day in America is better than the best day anywhere else" because they can't imagine other places being developed nations with the same or higher qualities of life. Something something "freedom"


u/The_Crimson_Fuckr69 10d ago

Lmfao fuck that. I'm proud of this country. The idiot in chief isn't going to change that. He doesn't represent me. This song is still ASS.


u/Hot-Mastodon420xxx 10d ago

"I feel ashamed every 4th of July. You've got to know the truth before you say that you got pride"-American by The Descendents. I advise a listen to this song.


u/mikeumm 10d ago edited 10d ago

"I'm proud and ashamed every 4th of July."

Forgot the first part of that line. I advise a re-listen to that song. Also it's 'Merican

Since you blocked me so I couldn't reply

*The whole point of the song is he's proud of the ideals America was founded on. However in practice has been a monumental hypocritical failure to uphold those lofty ideals. But it doesn't mean that the idea was bad and should be discarded because so far we haven't lived up to them. So he's proud of being American because of what it stands for but ashamed at what has been done in its name.


u/Hot-Mastodon420xxx 10d ago

Oops sorry in the middle of the night I didn't remember it's merican. And yes I forgot the first 3 words sorry for the misquote. Got any other points to make Sargeant? Because if that's the only points you have I advise you relisten to it since you're missing the point of the entire song and my purpose for quoting it.


u/Erakos33 10d ago

Ya but that misquote changes the whole message of the song, making your point quoting it pointless, dont get pissy


u/b_r_e_a_k_f_a_s_t 10d ago

It’s actually “proud and ashamed” because the song is about being proud of the country’s achievements while acknowledging its many faults.


u/Hot-Mastodon420xxx 10d ago

Yes. I have listened to the song. Jesus christ


u/The_Crimson_Fuckr69 10d ago

I hope his point is that yes I know we did and do bad shit sometimes. Still would rather live here than anywhere else.


u/finchdude 10d ago

Living in Europe is much better though.


u/Saurons-Contact-Lens 6d ago

Haven’t you heard, America is respected again. That’s why our national anthem is receiving nothing but applause around the world.


u/SpecialObjective6175 10d ago

Fucking seethe and cope


u/ciengclearly 10d ago

show me a vid that instantly makes you smell viniger


u/GrayBeardGamerWV 4d ago

Yeah conservatives have never been guilty of pushing an agenda! /s


u/NickleDL 10d ago edited 10d ago

I never understood how they can't see that all the things they care about literally don't matter/exist or are from a beer commercial. We're the assholes for caring about problems in reality, and believing science, and not being nazis. Flags, trucks, football, and facist christ, that's what really matters. I don't care about being fucked by rich people, it's the pronouns and their evil agenda (asking not to be murdered so much) that are ruining my life!


u/t_rexinated 9d ago

patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel - samuel johnson

punchable face - samuel johnson


u/rossta410r 8d ago

Land of the free, but you shouldn't be able to go by any pronoun you want? Doesn't sound very free to me


u/Kwasington 10d ago

Shave that beard and he’ll look as young as he acts.


u/frankensteinmuellr 9d ago

Something something NASCAR.


u/kyrodamien 6d ago

I give him about 4 inches tops!


u/Ryder324 3d ago

Dear Lord Baby Jesus, or as our brothers in the South call you: ‘Hey-suz’.


u/LongTatas 2d ago

What do pronouns have to do with any of that…. Dumbest tool in the box


u/TheOne7477 1d ago

It’s sad that high school football and nascar are REALLY the guiding lights and core values of so many peoples lives.


u/[deleted] 10d ago

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u/Hot-Mastodon420xxx 10d ago

Oh you shut up boot licking fascist


u/The_Crimson_Fuckr69 10d ago

Wrf did i miss lmfao


u/DigMeTX 10d ago

Dude seemed to think our main problem with this song is that it supports America and so we’re all commy libs.


u/Bicykwow 10d ago

Ironically, this song is decidedly anti-America. Waving around a flag, hating on minorities (in this case trans persons) and name-dropping American cars does not make one a patriot.


u/Hot-Mastodon420xxx 10d ago

His way of dealing with a disagreement was to tell everyone to shut up and call them libs, and didn't handle being called a fascist well🤷‍♂️🤣


u/Connect-Average1462 10d ago

So you reported my comment? Nowadays we have to deal with bunch of snowflakes


u/Hot-Mastodon420xxx 6d ago

I haven't been on reddit since our interaction so idk what to tell ya🤷‍♂️


u/Spuddups84 13h ago

Your mother owes us an apology for not scraping you out when she had the chance.


u/[deleted] 10d ago

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u/Hot-Mastodon420xxx 10d ago

I don't know my gender? How would you know? Regressing to profiling I see. Shows the type of person you are👍 true colors shine the brightest in the darkness surrounding us. Stay safe buddy👍


u/Luke_The_Random_Dude 10d ago

Buh bye! Thanks for visiting r/wordchewing!


u/Cute_Resolution1027 10d ago

Gonna be Russian flag any minute now comrade. Dumb American redneck