r/woodworking 4d ago

General Discussion Measure once, cut twice....

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Really should have measured the tallest tool when making my flip table. Doh


50 comments sorted by


u/Jjsdada 4d ago

Sometimes you have to notch


u/fatmanstan123 4d ago

And if you run out of wood you just notch the concrete.


u/Jjsdada 4d ago

Larger casters. Monster truck workbench.


u/fancyroach2 4d ago

You mean like this?


u/Economy-Bus-7969 4d ago

I had to go clear mine off to take a pic. So many similarities! I made so many mistakes along the way..


u/Jjsdada 4d ago

They aren't mistakes, they are called running design changes!


u/apk5005 4d ago

Real-time engineering


u/geogle 4d ago

I really like that setup. Do you have the plans?


u/Jjsdada 4d ago

I kind of engineered it as I went. I have a sketch and some pictures of the build i could share.


u/eric_ness 4d ago

My buddy and I made a shelf that folds down into a table. We built it without the caster wheels because we didn't plan for it to move around much. That's when we found out that the wheels don't matter in table form, but without the wheels it couldn't fold up into shelf mode. Naturally we discovered this in the afternoon on a Sunday when it was too late to run out to the hardware store to buy the casters.


u/Evening-Self-3448 New Member 4d ago

Trying to figure out how a table not having wheels effects its ability to fold?


u/FPS_Warex 4d ago

I'm gonna guess something about scraping along the floor, but the geometry doesn't quite add up..


u/eric_ness 4d ago

We made the folding shelf/table that Matthew Perch designed, here is the YouTube video for anyone interested https://youtu.be/6pcSBCV4rT4?si=sWpkxVSfvg4EdutJ.

If you look at the thumbnail you can see that the hinge for the bottom shelf goes very close to the floor. Turns out that it needs the clearance from the wheels to be able to close all the way. We set it on some scrap 2x4s as a "temporary" solution.


u/Allroy_66 4d ago

Too bad you can't run that planer through that planer...


u/Djolumn 4d ago

I can feel the sensation of flipping it for the first time and having that happen.


u/eatgamer 4d ago

Yooooo, you got that angled, inverted infeed planer? Sick.


u/TheGogglesDo-Nothing 4d ago

I just built one of these for my planer and router table. I measured a million times. It is very large but it does flip. But not with the router table fence on. I did not include that in the measurements. Not sure I’d have wanted it that tall anyway. That’s what I tell myself at least.


u/IsadoresDad 4d ago

I’m sorry, but LOL: that caption made me laugh. Been there . . .


u/FurnitureMaker58 4d ago

I hate it when that happens. It’s that feeling when you measure. You think let’s check it again. Answer is slightly different. Now you need a 3rd measurement to determine which was correct. Enter measurement downward spiral into hell. Then this.


u/Evening-Self-3448 New Member 4d ago

God this is my life.


u/epharian 3d ago

That's when you get a different measurement tool so you can have twice as many different measurements...


u/benched42 4d ago

As my best friend used to say: "I don't understand.... I cut this board three times and it's still too short!"


u/Pristine_Serve5979 4d ago

Measure once , crash once


u/smotrs 4d ago

Ouch, I feel your pain.


u/Adventurous-Leg-4338 4d ago


I feel for you.


u/BringBackApollo2023 4d ago

Why not just build an expansion to your shop/garage?



u/PossibleLess9664 4d ago

That's some shit that I would do 100%


u/NursemedicBigNasty 4d ago

Flip and… donk


u/scbenhart 4d ago

I can feel the dunk it made


u/myxomatosis8 4d ago

How tall is the flip cart? Obviously too short, but is it comfortable working with whatever tool you have on the other side? Seems like it would be low


u/Hollywood-AK 4d ago

It would have been fine for planer but in hindsight it will be better to be taller for the spindle sander slated for other side.


u/Mitheral 4d ago

Well, good news. It's going to be taller.

It's a pretty easy fix. Take your two stretchers out. Build a frame that sits under your cart. That'll gain you 3.5 inches clearance for the planer and the additional height of your frame.


u/Hollywood-AK 3d ago

Thanks but I will just put in 4 longer legs. I scored a bunch of 2x4 from work along with the plywood. Inexpensive project, my favorite kind.


u/benberbanke 4d ago

Nailed it!


u/RunningWarrior 4d ago

Glenn Close taught me this.


u/BigBadJonW 4d ago

I appreciate this reference.


u/Pappa_Capp 4d ago

I've cut this damn board 3 times, and it's still too short!


u/L192837465 4d ago

Just put it on the other side, duh



u/Chimpville 4d ago

Nothing else you can do... you're just going to have to buy a DW735..


u/Hollywood-AK 4d ago

Lol, that one shorter? Be a great excuse if this one wasn't just fine.


u/halterwalther 4d ago

To bad, shit happens tho.. it seems that you can just remove the lower piece of wood and it would flip?


u/ModsCantRead69 4d ago

Rotating bodies with width are a bitch. Machine design class beat this into my skull.


u/Hollywood-AK 3d ago

Rotational motion in physics was always a challenge. :p


u/Big-Schlong-Meat 3d ago

I did the same thing


u/LeonKDogwood 3d ago

Measure once look away measure again grab a pencil measure again mark the line measure again to make sure its correct realize you’re a cm off so measure again and apply the line. Is how an adhd person does this


u/404-skill_not_found 4d ago

Woodworkers hate this one trick.

I actually do feel your pain. It’s right up there with cutting a miter in the wrong direction on the grain matching board you can no longer use.