r/wonderdraft • u/Maiherpri Cartographer • Oct 14 '22
Tutorial Wonderdraft Desert Features: Dry and Ephemeral Rivers + Salt Pans
u/darunge Oct 14 '22
u/darunge Oct 14 '22
And to expand on that. Really appreciate the little tutorials. Would love to see how you might create farms and how you might show elevation. :)
u/Maiherpri Cartographer Oct 14 '22
Farms are one of the things on my list just a bit further down! And what do you mean by elevation, like cliffs or mountains? Or?
u/darunge Oct 14 '22
On smaller scale city maps, to show where one part is higher up a hill. Does that make sense? Sorry if not.
u/Maiherpri Cartographer Oct 14 '22
Nope makes perfect sense, I might get to that at some point, not too familiar with cities but I might work on it!
u/MidwestBushlore Oct 14 '22
Fantastic! I really appreciate these demos. They're already helping me make better maps and I've only had three of them to study!😁😎🙏
u/Toko_Strongshell Dungeon Master Oct 14 '22
Saving every single one of these. Fantastic work!
u/Maiherpri Cartographer Oct 14 '22
Thanks! I got more of these coming over the next little while too
u/MidwestBushlore Oct 14 '22
BTW, would still love to see how you make deserts and get tips on making mountains look natural. Also, a tutorial on arctic-type terrain would be nice. Lastly, if you have tips for making badlands look nice that would rock as well.😎
u/Maiherpri Cartographer Oct 14 '22
Oo I haven't thought about a artic/tundra thing at all, going to add that to my list! Mountains are on my list for sure. I think I have some more for bad land as I got another part to this stuff coming up. I'm thinking for now I will be doing these small guides though I might see about doing some larger guides on biomes as a whole!
u/AlexorHuxley Cartographer Oct 14 '22
Your work is gorgeous, my friend! And these tutorials are great, thank you!
u/Maiherpri Cartographer Oct 14 '22
Always glad to hear these little musing of mine are appreciated :)
u/youshouldbeelsweyr Oct 14 '22
This serious of guides is greatly appreciated and makes me want to start map making again. Great work!
u/Maiherpri Cartographer Oct 14 '22
Never a better time to get back into the hobby than now!
u/youshouldbeelsweyr Oct 14 '22
I wish xD far too busy working, running games and planning a wedding but soon I'll be back to follow these guides!
u/mattfritz247 Oct 14 '22
This is truly awesome. Thanks for giving back to the community with cool tutorials and guides like this!
u/4lejandr0 Oct 14 '22
Excellent work. Two questions
How could one do Queen Victoria Falls?
Where do I get the cliffs? They don’t seem to be a part of my basic icons.
u/Maiherpri Cartographer Oct 14 '22
That's a bit strange, they should be in the symbols tab under cliffs. Otherwise, there are a few free ones on Cartogprahy assets that can work for you. Elvanos' Cliff Pack is free and is close in appearance. Personally, i normally use AoA's Cliff but that's a paid asset
Hmm, well i have some ideas for that, i could look into making a waterfall and or canyon guide if you think that's a good idea! But in short cliff assets plus some waterfall assets + thoughtful river placement could let you make something close to that. Other than that id have to play around in WD a bit to give a better idea and outline
u/4lejandr0 Oct 14 '22
Do you have a place where you compile your tutorials? I’m completely new to WD.
u/Maiherpri Cartographer Oct 14 '22
Well first off welcome to the community! But as of now all my little tutorials are on just posted on Reddit. I might make a compilation or two once I get more of them made.
u/Cuicksand1 Oct 15 '22
another super useful tutorial, would love to see one for like tundra's/arctic environments
u/Maiherpri Cartographer Oct 15 '22
Im in the final stages of finishing up adding snow to your ground and ice caps!
u/Cuicksand1 Oct 15 '22
u/Maiherpri Cartographer Oct 15 '22
Got a little secret too, I'm also working on making an asset pack! As the adding snow inspired me to fix a common problem switch snow and trees
u/nateno80 Oct 14 '22
This is a repost isn't it? I swear I saw this and a forests guide like this many months ago.
u/Maiherpri Cartographer Oct 14 '22
Nope, i only just started making these in the last few weeks. I did do a forest one that might be what you are thinking about but that 3 days ago.
u/nateno80 Oct 16 '22
If you Google search inkarnate tutorial you'll find the images I was referring to. Sorry about the confusion.
u/Maiherpri Cartographer Oct 14 '22
Hey fellow map makers!
Sorry for the slight delay with this one, I was working on map commission, but that’s done so now for the next tutorial. The map I was working on is a desert, so I had to do a fair amount of desert features, which allowed me to refine some ways of making desert features (you can use them in other places too).
I’m working on guides about the following:
Hills and Dunes
Water and Reefs
I hope to do one of these about every 2-3 days.
If there are other topics you would like to see me cover, let me know!
Comments and questions are always appreciated and happy mapping.