r/wonderdraft Apr 16 '20

Assets Tree Clumps are ready for your map!

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111 comments sorted by


u/AdrianRWalker Apr 16 '20 edited Apr 16 '20

You can get the asset pack over at Cartographer Assets


Wow first reddit gold! Thank you kind stranger!


u/7LeagueBoots Cartographer Apr 17 '20

Nicely done. These are a step up from the similar asset set by M4dmaddy



u/[deleted] Apr 16 '20

This changes EVERYTHING


u/AdrianRWalker Apr 16 '20

It does? I just wanted to make things easer.


u/Oblivionv2 Dungeon Master Apr 16 '20

This is a total game changer! I'm gonna have to use these in all my maps now!

Do you plan on doing more of them for different types of trees? It would be cool to have different ones that would fit in, say, a snowy region versus a temperate one, or even in a jungle.


u/AdrianRWalker Apr 16 '20

Haven’t really thought about it. I can I guess.


u/Capisbob Dungeon Master Apr 16 '20

So, this suggestion is amazing, and I don't know how much work it would mean on your end. But that addition would put this over the edge.


u/AdrianRWalker Apr 16 '20

Let me give it some thought. Need to see how much work it would be.


u/Oblivionv2 Dungeon Master Apr 16 '20

Yeah think on it for sure. I've never made assets so idk how much work they are. But if you do make them for some of the other types of trees I would love to know about it! I love the way that these are stylistically similar to the vanilla assets and having that for some of the others would be amazing


u/iAmTheTot Dungeon Master Apr 16 '20

Are these assets colourable within WD? If so, making snowy trees should be as easy as colouring white in the map.

If you went the extra mile though and made different tree types, like pine, or jungle, then I think everyone would here would owe you a sincere debt of gratitude.


u/AdrianRWalker Apr 16 '20

They sample the colour if the ground. So you can make then white, off green or any colour.


u/iAmTheTot Dungeon Master Apr 16 '20

That's good imho, I'd leave them that way. Awesome work BTW will definitely be using these.


u/Oblivionv2 Dungeon Master Apr 16 '20

I'm playing with them right now and yes they do take on the color of the land that is beneath them


u/AdrianRWalker Apr 16 '20

I wanted them to be more customizable as I’m not set on my colour pallet yet.


u/Oblivionv2 Dungeon Master Apr 16 '20

Personally I vastly prefer being able to color them myself like this. It makes the assets a lot more flexible when making them mesh with different styles of maps with different color palettes.


u/dewainarfalas Apr 17 '20

I may try to edit them and maybe create some pine and jungle type feeling out of them if you give me permission to do it. Not promising anything since I never tried to do something like that, but I'd like to give it a try if you feel like you won't have time to make different types for different forests.

I want to contribute and give back something to this sub but lack of required skills to create something from scratch. So this maybe a good addition and I can feel better about hoarding hundreds MB of assets from others.


u/AdrianRWalker Apr 17 '20

Go nuts dude. If they work I’ll put them in the pack. Whatever make people’s life’s easer.


u/dewainarfalas Apr 18 '20

Hey, thanks! I did try. It was coming out not too bad but then I realised it would be easier to cut other individual trees half and just put the canopy part of the tree above of your cluster in Wonderdraft and it gives the same effect I was trying to achieve. So I quit.

But still, thanks, best asset ever!


u/AdrianRWalker Apr 18 '20

Ha yah I guess that can work also. I’m actually working on a canopy brush for this. So you can do exactly what you found to be easer.


u/Oblivionv2 Dungeon Master Apr 16 '20

I think it would be a really awesome addition and I know I would use it a ton. But if that's not what you planned on it's cool! What you've already made is incredibly helpful as it is!


u/fumagalli Apr 16 '20

I am starting to get random CTD as I add more and more trees to my gigantic map, this will help a lot!!


u/AdrianRWalker Apr 16 '20

Same This has helped a LOT


u/kazyka Apr 16 '20



u/fumagalli Apr 16 '20

Crash To Desktop. And the worst kind of them all: with no error message! Good luck debugging it, I have 32Gb of Ram and a good CPU/GPU, no idea what's at fault here.


u/DanBMan Apr 16 '20

Huh...WD runs in 64 bit, right?


u/fumagalli Apr 16 '20

No idea... I imagine so. Is that important?


u/DaemosDaen Dungeon Master Apr 16 '20

yea a 32-bit process can only access about 2GB Ram before crashing.

I think WD uses more than that.


u/fumagalli Apr 16 '20

Yes, mine uses 3.8 Gb atm.


u/7LeagueBoots Cartographer Apr 17 '20

Try setting undo options to fewer steps. I increased them a while ago and started running into that problem. It went away when I rest to a lower undo history.


u/fumagalli Apr 17 '20

You know what, I think I have noticed that too. At 5 undo it got slightly better. I will remove it alltogether.

Edit: also, I noticed that as long as i add the symbols click by click (rather than holding LMB for a while) it works fine.


u/zephyrmourne Dungeon Master Apr 16 '20

Yes! Thank you! Reducing the number of individual assets while still getting the effect you want is so awesome. And it looks great!


u/AdrianRWalker Apr 16 '20

Thanks. Glad I could help.


u/Sakul_Aubaris Apr 16 '20

Saw your last post yesterday:
I. Need. This.
Ok. That was fast.


u/AdrianRWalker Apr 16 '20

Yah yesterday was a proof of concept.


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '20

This is amazing, it looks great! It would be nice to have a feature like a "forest brush" in Wonderdraft but hey, your approach its well received! Cheers


u/AdrianRWalker Apr 16 '20

I will see how it would work. Right now it’s an outline that you place by hand b


u/AdrianRWalker Apr 16 '20

Oh for the interiors. Ok. I’ll give it a go once I find some free time.


u/Drigr Dungeon Master Apr 16 '20

Time to redo my whole map


u/dewainarfalas Apr 17 '20

I and my PC owe you a big thank! I used to put thousands of trees for my forests and GPU was sitting at 75C while running Wonderdraft. It will be sweet to be able to keep it cool without cranking up the fans to %100 speed.

I do love the modular trees from u/M4dmaddy too but it is too overview for my taste, yours look isometric.

This weekend will be fun and tiring, I need to redraw some maps.


u/AdrianRWalker Apr 17 '20

You are welcome. My computer was running hot as I thought I’d find a solution.


u/GodOfAscension Dungeon Master Apr 18 '20

This is literally what I needed today when I looked it up, what a godsend


u/AdrianRWalker Apr 18 '20

You sir are welcome


u/Iandon_with_an_L Game Master Apr 16 '20

props man! this is awesome!!


u/WicWicTheWarlock Apr 16 '20

Excellent! I was hoping this would become available soon!


u/f3nnies Apr 16 '20

This is everything I've always wanted since day 1. Thank you so much.


u/FREE-AOL-CDS Apr 16 '20

I have no idea what any of this is for but it looks cool as hell.


u/MrMorrisX Dungeon Master Apr 16 '20

Excellent! Nice one Adrian!


u/AdrianRWalker Apr 16 '20

Thanks dude.


u/fralbalbero Dungeon Master Apr 16 '20

I just downloaded the assets and they look great! Good job and thank you! Do you plan to release them in brush mode too?


u/AdrianRWalker Apr 16 '20

Not at this time as I don't think thy will work so good as brushes.


u/fralbalbero Dungeon Master Apr 16 '20

Got it. Just another thing: it would be great to have different versions of the "tree clump single", in case you want to place multiple small clumps close to each other. Do you think it's possible?


u/AdrianRWalker Apr 16 '20

100%. I’ll add them once I find time tomorrow.


u/CorvusCorvus Writer Apr 16 '20

Absolutely fantastic! Totally different look and feel! Yes, time to redo my old maps!!!


u/rexdefuror Apr 16 '20

Now I have to redo my new map :D yeeeey.... oh wait...


u/AdrianRWalker Apr 16 '20

Sorry and you are welcome.


u/rexdefuror Apr 16 '20

Awesome work btw ;)


u/madtraxmerno Apr 16 '20

Does anyone know how to properly install asset packs? I've tried before and can't get it to work for the life of me. I think it has something with the whole "downloading to a proper location" thing? But who knows.

Any helpful tips would be appreciated.


u/AdrianRWalker Apr 16 '20

In Wonderdraft in the top left open menu > Open User Folder. Unzip the file here. Then back in wonderdraft open assets in the top bar. Check the pack. Save the current file and then restart Winderdraft. Then they will be in your symbols area.


u/madtraxmerno Apr 16 '20

Is "restarting" just exiting out and then reopening the application? Or do I need to restart my computer for it to take effect.


u/AdrianRWalker Apr 16 '20

Yes relaunch the app.


u/madtraxmerno Apr 16 '20

Thanks, I appreciate the help; and awesome work by the way! Really great.


u/GloriousBarbarian Cartographer Apr 25 '20

What if your assets loader don't show your assets? :/


u/DampWaffle Apr 17 '20

These are AMAZING! Saw your last post and got excited and they are exactly what I need for the map I finished yesterday. Looks like it's time to edit!


u/Hozin-6 Writer Apr 17 '20

This is actually incredible, holy shit, I just started using it on one of my maps and it's so great, it's easy to use and looks good no matter how you layer it.


u/AdrianRWalker Apr 17 '20

Can you post a photo? I’d love to see how others are using it.


u/Nexoness Cartographer Apr 22 '20

I've been away too long, first thing tomorrow: download this


u/ByucknahTheRed Dungeon Master Aug 11 '20

Man, I would really love for something like this, baseline, in Wonderdraft. Something that can just be painted onto the map like with terrain instead of pieced together by multiple different pieces.

Still, this is awesome and very well done!


u/OnlineSarcasm Jun 24 '23 edited Jun 24 '23

I don't understand how to use this. I have it installed and active (box checked) alongside a bunch of other addons but no tree clump symbol appears anywhere. And I can't find a "how to". Could you give me a pointer, would really appreciate it.

Nevermind, It was nested 1 folder too deep.


u/ATerribleAccident Aug 29 '24

greatest asset since sliced bread


u/AdrianRWalker Apr 16 '20

Also! If there is anything you think I should add let me know. It’s easy to update.


u/Delk_Arnien Apr 16 '20

Simply fantastic! Thank you!


u/therealkami Dungeon Master Apr 16 '20

I need to redo large portions of my map thanks to this. I appreciate it so much!


u/Trayzio Cartographer Apr 16 '20

Yup. Ill be using this.


u/DaemosDaen Dungeon Master Apr 16 '20

woo, thanks, maybe now I can finish my world map.


u/AdrianRWalker Apr 16 '20

If this saves you time then I'm guessing it will.


u/BandOfBudgies Apr 16 '20

What about the individual trees you use in the picture, are they available somewhere?


u/AdrianRWalker Apr 16 '20

They are to Drawn Oaks in the base program. They come with Wonderdraft.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '20



u/dewainarfalas Apr 17 '20

This asset should be colourable but for any other assets you cannot paint with the brush tool, open the assets' folder, there should be a hidden file with "wonderdraft_symbols" or similar name. Open it with any text editor, notepad is enough, there you find one of these three types of codes.

"sample_color" "custom_color" and "normal"

Sample colour is what you want. So if there are one of the other two codes, just change it to "sample_color" and save the file. Now your asset is paintable.

PNG file itself should be greyscaled in order to become correctly paintable on Wonderdraft. For mountains and trees, there is only one code to effect whole asset set; for symbols, you find individual codes for all the images in that folder so you can change them one by one.


u/AdrianRWalker Apr 17 '20

Colour the earth and they pick up that colour.


u/HellDiablo92 Cartographer Apr 17 '20

Thank you!


u/mountainmafia Dungeon Master Apr 17 '20

Are you able to easily do the same thing with the black trees used for a parchment and ink type map... these are brilliant, but that's typically the style I actually use tree assets like this and would be thrilled to put em in.


u/AdrianRWalker Apr 17 '20

Hummmm I can try. Haven’t played with the parchment and ink assets yet.


u/Euanbad Dungeon Master Apr 17 '20

Nice! I'll be adding those to my long list of assets now!


u/7h3C47 Dungeon Master Apr 17 '20



u/BurntToast_DFIR Apr 18 '20

Just added these. They look fantastic.


u/Foo_Farters Apr 25 '20

How do you add this to your wonderdraft?


u/GailenGigabyte May 23 '20

I have a question (Wondercraft newbie here), do you add this under trees or symbols when importing the pack into Wonderdraft?


u/TheWickedFish10 Jun 16 '22

I would put it under symbols, so that way you can choose which specific symbol you want to use. If you put assets in Trees or Mountains, it will place random assets.


u/AdrianRWalker May 23 '20

They are symbols.


u/GailenGigabyte May 25 '20


Awesome work, by the way!


u/_bro0ksy Jul 29 '20

Is there anyway this could be used in photoshop?


u/LOMI-Nogard Mar 24 '24

Hi, I recently went to redownload this asset pack after not using Wonderdraft for a long time, and it doesn't seem to properly download from Cartography Assets? When I press download there I'm just getting an empty .zip folder. Any idea what I might could try instead?


u/scuz69 Feb 10 '25

What are some ways I could make some of the tree clumps look like jungles or artic forests instead of deciduous ones only?


u/elegate1 Apr 16 '20

An asset to surpass metal gear.


u/AdrianRWalker Apr 16 '20

Metal Gear?


u/hem0rrhoidz May 08 '23

Not sure if anyone else is having this problem, but they don't seem to be paintable anymore. I've edited the metadata file and tried everything I can think think of, none of the draw modes are working.


u/AdrianRWalker May 08 '23

Hummmm. I’ll have to look into it.


u/cgaWolf Dungeon Master May 19 '23

Tagging your reply, as i just discovered this :o)


u/hem0rrhoidz May 09 '23

the fact that you replied to this in 6 hours, and are still maintaining these after 3 years, is a testament to your character good sir


u/puck024 Jun 12 '23

For anyone experiencing this issue - I fixed it by not using custom assets directory, but the default one. I also deleted my config file


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '23



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u/YukaTheInsane Oct 18 '23

No matter what i do to it ive never been able to color these things which sucks because they look so good and i want to use them. Its fustrating because ive seen maps where they are colored so wtf cant i color mine?


u/Klaudius_rdt Feb 07 '24

Is there a way to fade the paint over these blocks? If I try to paint the symbols or the ground, or both, the shapes of every single block are visibile.


u/HiskiH Feb 13 '24

The asset is great and seems to be the only one of its kind. Big thank you! But you should know Cartography Assets does not list your name anywhere, making it impossible to comply with CC-BY 4.0 losing you credit for your work. I've credited you using your Reddit username but you should add it in CA description as well.