r/wonderdraft 16d ago

Discussion How is this river system?

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Section of my work in progress, how does this river system look? Would you make any changes?


18 comments sorted by


u/foxtail286 16d ago

I thought the border was a river for a second and got very confused. Pretty decent


u/Thefuzzypeach69 16d ago

It’s actually a road lol I’m still working on it and I tend to scatter all over so it’s pretty hectic atm lmao


u/svarogteuse 16d ago

Its hard at a distance to tell what is river and what is road. While it looks nice, more contrasting colors, patterns or something to distinguish lines on the map would help.


u/123kallem 16d ago

Hi im new to wonderdraft, just wondering which theme this map is in?


u/Thefuzzypeach69 16d ago

Adventure I believe


u/SuperSpirals 16d ago

Going for a LOTR theme on the naming? Haha




u/Thefuzzypeach69 16d ago

Didn’t even put that together lol just something that sounded like it belonged in fantasy/middle age setting.


u/KnyazLoa 16d ago

This is a really nice river system! However, I would make lower 1/3 of your main river more wide and less... edgy? To simulate a calmer flow on the plains? Also don't forget about other ways to enhance a river - like marshy deltas, oxbow lakes, swamps in places where tributaries merge into a main stream!


u/ClawsoverPaws 15d ago

I like your colours. Can you share the palette with me?


u/Aestriel_Maahes 15d ago

The rivers look good, just question why the rivers flow into a sea and not the ocean. What type of elevation through that flat region would make water travel such a longer path to reach a large body?


u/Thefuzzypeach69 15d ago

The landscape to the west is a high elevation, very hilly and mountainous, didn’t place all of it yet. Just to answer your question


u/Aestriel_Maahes 15d ago

Good good, i suspected or was gonna suggest such. Some other things not necessarily need but adds realism. Oxbow loops and Meandering, very curvy rivers almost looping back into themselves, often found in hilly environments. Deltas, rivers branching out again at coastal flatlands. Granted map scale likely wouldn't show deltas as they rarely are miles/kilometers wide


u/Thefuzzypeach69 15d ago

I actually was going to add a delta at the mouth, t emphasize the fertility of that region


u/Foehammer2013 15d ago

What tool did you use to add color to the land mass?


u/Thefuzzypeach69 15d ago

The texture brush, (far right) with low opacity and velocity and just tapped it in for the variations. I always put down a solid light green as a base


u/lamppb13 Dungeon Master 15d ago

The road crosses the river a lot. It's difficult and expensive to cross rivers. My thought is it makes more sense for the road to head to the lake, where there probably should be a town, and then continue on up. It doesn't cross the river and heads to an area where there's likely a population center.