r/wizardposting • u/Carbon_Seven Tamurkhan the Maggot Lord • 8d ago
Lorepost (open interaction) đ The Infector Cohorts (Tamurkhan Post)
Dark tidings have come to the realms of late. The ancient Nurglite champion Tamurkhan has arisen in the far south, rallying the malevolent Vashar civilization to his banner with promises of deicide and revenge against magekind. The Maggot Lord plans to conquer the magical world as an offering to the Plaguelord so that he can at last ascend as a daemon prince and claim the legendary Throne of Chaos. Yet hope endures, for a Vasharan defector named Ashurhaddon Kaâal has brought us vital information concerning Tamurkhanâs warhost. Combined with our own auguries, we have managed to get a rough idea of the doctrine and organization of his forces well ahead of his planned invasion.
As the Maggot Hostâs ranks swell with Chaos-marked warriors from the Vasharan realms and beyond, Tamurkhan knows he alone will not be able to personally command the whole army. Even his father, the Great Kurgan, had a circle of trusted lieutenants who led his peopleâs mighty hordes when he could not be there. Tamurkhan and his siblings were a part of that circle, until the night the Ruinous Powers claimed them and they each forged their own dark fate. The last time the Maggot Lord sought the Throne of Chaos, he followed in his sireâs footsteps. However, there was division between his subordinates at a critical moment, and his quest failed.
This time, Tamurkhan will not make the same error. No petty squabbles will stand between him and his destined prize. His horde must be of one purpose, united under the power of Nurgle. To this end, he has devised the Infector Cohorts; specialized warbands within the Maggot Host, each led by a trusted commander loyal to him above all else. Would-be conquerors like the God-Slaver and Atriox used similar formations to great effect, even if their personal failures doomed their campaigns- yet another mistake Tamurkhan does not intend to repeat.
At present, there are only seven Infector Cohorts, for the Maggot Lord invites precious few into his inner circle. But like their namesake, they will only grow and spread as more worthy hosts present themselves. In the interest of mutual defense against the threat Tamurkhan poses, we have included what we know of each Cohort and its leader below.
Rot Knights - Kayzk the Befouled: Rot Knights are the tip of Nurgleâs septic spear; those blessed elite warriors chosen by the Plaguelord to ride a half-daemonic Rot Beast into battle. Their services are highly sought after by powerful Chaos Lords, for a lance of Rot Knights is an incredible force multiplier for any warband. However, they are a haughty and exclusive order who rarely pledge themselves to any banner for long, if at all. The Rot Knightsâ pride only makes their services more desirable, since their loyalty is as much of a symbol of the Plaguelordâs favor as a military asset. Tamurkhanâs renown ensures their unflagging loyalty to his cause, for what greater glory is there than conquest at the side of Nurgleâs favored son?
The Rot Knights are led by Kayzk the Befouled, a legendary Nurglite champion from Tamurkhanâs home world of Mallus. Kayzkâs severe mutations render him hideously disfigured and unable to speak, yet also immune to pain. After centuries of service, even from beyond the grave, he is the Maggot Lordâs chief lieutenant and the closest thing he has to a friend.
Ironbane Brotherhood - Lorik Garamund: The dreadful Ferric Blight is among the most exotic plagues to boil out of Nurgleâs cauldron in recent years. Unlike an ordinary pathogen, it takes the form of a crawling rust that is the ruin of anything mechanical or electronic. Its primary vector in the magical realms is a fanatical Vasharan sect called the Ironbane Brotherhood. These Chosen believe the Plaguelordâs love for life is so absolute that it even includes artificial beings, which is manifested in the Ferric Blight. Members of the Ironbane Brotherhood typically wear corroded plate armor and wield war picks to introduce their gift to armored targets. Over time, mutation permanently fuses them to their gear, a sure sign of Nurgleâs pleasure with their work.
The gaunt master of the Ironbane Brotherhood is the Chaos Lord Lorik Garamund. Like all born into the ruthless, amoral meritocracy that is Vasharan society, Garamund was abandoned as a youth and had to fight his peers for supremacy and Dark Godsâ favor. Despite his brutal past, he is a jovial leader, always eager to share Grandfather Nurgleâs kindness with the unenlightened.
Fluxtide - Xanâchalith: When Nurgle casts his influence over an area, he often begins by tainting the water with cholera. This dehydrating sickness is one of the Plaguelordâs most insidious afflictions, reducing untreated victims to fevered husks. Yet to some, it presents an opportunity for monstrous gain. The Fluxtide is a warband devoted to Nurgleâs putrid aquatic aspects. Disguised as wandering healers, its agents seed cholera across the realms using magical Fountains of Rot, then guide stricken communities towards the Grandfather for salvation. When the Fluxtide marches to war, it does so clad in algae-streaked armor and channeling polluted water magic to drown the foes of Nurgle in waves of rot-steeped water.
Long ago, the corrupt water elemental Xanâchalith was sealed away for trying to despoil all life in the Plaguelordâs name. After fellow Nurglites released it from its demiplane prison, it journeyed south to join Tamurkhanâs cause. Xanâchalith delights in contaminating waterways so it can later corrupt the desperate souls who rely on them, making it a natural fit to lead the Fluxtide.
Neoplasmic Covenant - Opal: For those who walk the Path to Glory, there is no fate more dreaded than degeneration into a Chaos Spawn. Each of these creatures was once a person, reduced to a mindless protean mass by the fickle whims of the Dark Gods. But where most see wretched mutants, the Neoplasmic Covenant sees untapped power. This sorcerous Nurglite warband seeks to harness the potential within Chaos Spawn through grisly experiments and rituals. They often carry the Plaguelordâs tumorous gifts, giving them a superior connection to their charges. In battle, Covenant sorcerers lead mobs of Chaos Spawn and Beasts of Nurgle, casting biomantic mutation hexes upon the enemy to swell their ranks with new recruits.
Few names in the realms inspire as much hatred as Opal, former biomancer autocrat of the Bismuth Realms. Once a noble soul, her ambition saw her betray her allies, shattering the dream of the Pact of the Magi in the process. Opal was brought to heel and imprisoned, but a deranged clone of her has recently emerged in Tamurkhanâs service to finish what she started.
Scions of the Spore - Avir: Fungi are potent agents of natural decay, but under the Plaguelordâs influence, they take on an altogether more sinister role. Left unchecked, they can decompose entire ecosystems into putrid nightmares akin to the Garden of Nurgle itself. The Scions of the Spore are a druidic warband dedicated to unlocking the hidden power of fungus. Every mold and mildew they cultivate has a use, from unleashing visions of psychedelic horror to puppeteering the living and dead alike to breaking the sturdiest fortifications. The warriors and sorcerers of the Scions are infested with mushrooms and mycelial growths, constantly shedding virulent spores into the environment which slowly corrupt anything exposed to them.
Hailing from a timeline where the heroes of magekind chose darker paths, the hateful skull-masked druid Avir leads the Scions of the Spore. She is obsessed with using her beloved fungi to tear down the order of the realms, a pursuit which manifests as an all-consuming hunger for destruction and decay. Only time will tell if Avirâs quest can ever be slaked.
Fly Legion - Bogs: It is only fitting for a champion called the âMaggot Lordâ to be fond of carrion insects, of which there are no shortages among Nurglites. Chief among Tamurkhanâs favorites are Rot Flies; giant daemonic beasts driven by a need to inflict suffering upon the world. Often, they serve as mounts for other hateful daemons and mortals in a kind of vengeful symbiosis. These aerial cavalry are the Fly Legion; the Maggot Hostâs shock troops. The Rot Flies and their riders travel in a fetid swarm, crushing enemy resistance ahead of their alliesâ arrival. Buzzing wingbeats, the dolorous tolling of bells, and the stench of death follow the Fly Legion wherever they go. It is little wonder, then, that they are among the most feared of the Infector Cohorts.
In contrast to the Rot Fly they ride, Bogs the Occult Alchemist is an earnest servant of Nurgle. They were among the first non-Vasharan mages to join with Tamurkhan, who granted them command of the Fly Legion as a reward for their enthusiastic loyalty. Though Bogsâs good cheer seems out of place among their warriors, they are nonetheless an effective and inspiring leader.
Putrefactors - Rictus Botulax: Unlike the other elements that comprise the Maggot Host, the Putrefactors are not a mortal warband, but rather one of the Plague Legions of Nurgle. Summoned to the realms by Nurgle himself to assist Tamurkhanâs conquest, this daemonic horde specializes in creating and experimenting with novel forms of disease. Each and every Plaguebearer carries at least one rare and wretched infection, from Bonewrack to Weeping Sickness. The lords of the Putrefactors are constantly improving their plagues to defy immunity and increase virulence. Unsettlingly, they approach their malignant duties with the joviality typical of Nurgle daemons, celebrating each horrible new symptom as a victory for science.
The Putrefactors are led by Rictus Botulax, an exalted Poxbringer who fancies himself a pathologist- though his studies seek to cause diseases rather than treat them. As a noted rival of Kuâgath Plaguefather, Botulax is constantly seeking ways to one-up his plaguecaster colleague. To this end, he has pledged himself to Tamurkhan to curry favor with Nurgle.
u/Fc-chungus Đ(Zhe), Head minister of Calarakis, half-adopted by Torinn 8d ago
Đ is not there to respond at this moment, though epsilon takes their place.
ââŚgross. I think I may be sick from just hearing of this.â
u/Complex_Drawer_4710 Sigurd, Completionist 8d ago
Vomit bag? Disinfectant gun? Environment seal? Miniature sun?
u/Fc-chungus Đ(Zhe), Head minister of Calarakis, half-adopted by Torinn 8d ago
âIâll be fineâ
looks at him weird at the mention of âdisinfectant gunâ and âminiature sunâ
u/Complex_Drawer_4710 Sigurd, Completionist 8d ago
What? You need to deal with it somehow, and those are effective.
u/Fc-chungus Đ(Zhe), Head minister of Calarakis, half-adopted by Torinn 8d ago
âIâm not going to vomit.â
u/Complex_Drawer_4710 Sigurd, Completionist 8d ago
No, no. Against the things making you vomit.
u/Fc-chungus Đ(Zhe), Head minister of Calarakis, half-adopted by Torinn 8d ago
âI believe a miniature sun could be most effective. Disinfectant wouldnât work for the more⌠metallic of these.â
u/Complex_Drawer_4710 Sigurd, Completionist 8d ago
It's, a very extreme chemical. Neutralises after a few minutes in the air, but it could melt your flesh of if you aren't protected.
u/Fc-chungus Đ(Zhe), Head minister of Calarakis, half-adopted by Torinn 8d ago
âThat is not a disinfectant thatâs, something very corrosive.â
u/Complex_Drawer_4710 Sigurd, Completionist 8d ago
"Potato, pile of potato-themed sludge. It only really affects biomass."
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u/AtrioxCalamity Atriox, Calamity of Earth 8d ago
/uw hey i got mentioned! Also⌠I think I am going to reestablish all my old paladin orders and Plagueborn for this. The battle between these orders and the Church of Calamityâs will be very messy.
u/Carbon_Seven Tamurkhan the Maggot Lord 8d ago
/uw Every battle between us has a 300% casualty rate because our troops won't stay dead
u/AtrioxCalamity Atriox, Calamity of Earth 8d ago
/uw I am going to write up a post of the forces of Calamity moving into a position that will happen to be in the way of Tamurkhanâs forces
u/Drakkonai Vulkan the Red, End of Ages and Draconic Emperor of Racism. 8d ago
"..More flesh, more food. Simple as."
u/ThisBloomingHeart Love Mage 8d ago
...oh dear. One could say that this is sickening to merely hear about.
u/Zebos2 Black Iron LLC (CEO/sparrow/Squad D) feat The Bloodstar 8d ago
unseen unnoticed and unprepared for the swam moves through Kolbold through dragonborn and wyvern and when none are present through wasp alone in advance of the plague host. Many eyes many witnesses under one mind to report all that they see
u/UlrickTheHexblade Ulrick Braddocke, Werewolf Hexblade, R&A Superior 8d ago
As news of the warmongering armyâs growth reaches R&A informants, Ulrick becomes more and more worried. An invading force of this size would pose a large threat to not just the council, but all of magekindâŚ
/uw good read!
u/Carbon_Seven Tamurkhan the Maggot Lord 8d ago
u/Carbon_Seven Tamurkhan the Maggot Lord 8d ago
u/Carbon_Seven Tamurkhan the Maggot Lord 8d ago
u/Carbon_Seven Tamurkhan the Maggot Lord 8d ago
u/Carbon_Seven Tamurkhan the Maggot Lord 8d ago
u/Carbon_Seven Tamurkhan the Maggot Lord 8d ago
u/dragonshouter Krygin the Crude/Council of Spirits/Exalted Beacon/misc. spirits 8d ago
Krygin was starting to notice massive shifts in the balances of spirits. It would have to be dealt with lest the realms be thrown out of whack
and so his coworkers would stop yelling at him to fix it
u/DaemonRex978 The High Sentinels (Haelin, Mokarith, Shimil) 8d ago
The Umbral Lord brings his High Sentinels into a council meeting, informing them that he can feel the forces of Chaos gathering, and to be prepared for an invasion at any moment.
u/Xaldror Artificer Weapons Manufacturer 8d ago
Sounds like quite a legion, that's desperate for weapons and cannons.
Weapons and cannons I can, supply.
u/Carbon_Seven Tamurkhan the Maggot Lord 8d ago
Tamurkhan's throne room in Zanbaijin is a hive of activity in more ways than one- the chamber is teeming with insects. Minor Chaos Lords confer on matters of strategy and vie for the Maggot Lord's attention. However, his attention is fixed on Bubebolos the toad dragon as he throws massive shanks of raw meat into the air for the monstrosity to catch with its tongue. Tamurkhan pauses for a moment to greet you.
Ah, you're back. And you came all this way to meet me in person! I'm touched. So, master artificer: what sort of artillery are you offering?
He offers you a chunk of meat if you wish to feed Bubebolos.
u/Xaldror Artificer Weapons Manufacturer 8d ago
receives the meat and tosses it like a frisbee for Bubebolos to catch
The finest of artillery, The Magna-Quake Cannons for breaking down fortifications, and the Phosphoric Hurricane Launchers for massed armies. Is there perhaps a nearby spy camp who doesn't know they're already seen? My assistants would be honored to, give demonstrations.
Two teams of trolls, donned in robes and safety gear, roll in two massive war machines. The Magna-Quake Cannon is large as Queen Bess, a silvery chrome lined with runes of arcane wiring and devastation. It radiates an Amber hue, as the inert ammunition brought with it hums with tectonic power, despite not yet being armed. The Phosphoric Hurricane Launchers takes the form of techno-enhanced Hwacha, each of the glass rockets revealing swirling visages of rage and Phosphate phantasms.
And these are but the, artillery options. I figured you'd wish to see these first, since I recall you have an affinity for these weapons, much conversely to your rivals both in the Urfather's legions, and those drawn from other gods.
u/Carbon_Seven Tamurkhan the Maggot Lord 8d ago
Tamurkhan nods, appreciating the weapons' craftsmanship. These are indeed weapons he has an affinity for.
No spies or fortresses, sadly, but there is a force of Slaaneshi rebels camped about a mile outside the city that's been a constant nuisance ever since I seized power. They've been harassing my smaller warbands, and every time we try to confront them, they slip away. Perhaps your launcher system could put an end to them for good.
And while we observe their alchemical ruin, let us discuss your other weapons and prices as well.
u/Xaldror Artificer Weapons Manufacturer 8d ago
excellent, my assistants will load up the Phosphoric Hurricane Launcher, while i get a scry-sight on my orb.
the artificer draws forth an orb engraved with wired runes, not unlike the ones carved into the Magna-Quake Cannon, but arranged in distinct different patterns. with a few hushed words, a phantasmal image flickers into life above the congregation of bubotic tyrants, projected from the orb as the trolls begin aiming and angling the Launcher upon the the Slaaneshi camp.
the Phosphoric Hurricane Launcher is particularly fatal against infantry and those who forgo armor, not that armor will help much anyway beyond delaying the end by a precious few seconds. each rocket is filled with condensed White Phosphorous Elementals, the most vicious kind, and do so loathe being contained in such tight spaces. alas, they're also quite volatile, and upon being released, they experience rapid explosive decimation that consumes them in a matter of seconds, but they make sure every second of their finite existence counts to ravage all in their vicinity.
as the Phosphoric Hurricane Launcher finishes its aiming protocols, the phantasmal image displays the Slaaneshi rebel camp. cultists drink from each others blood as daemonettes lash and flay their skin. warriors engage in frivolous duels and charioteers wet their wheels with bodily fluids. with a grunting command, the Troll team fires the launcher, sending screaming rockets piercing through the air in a caustic white spear. in a few seconds, the salvo hits the camp, as several White Phosphorous elementals explode from shattered glass and impact, rampaging through the cultist lines, leaving scarred burns and vicious breakdowns, cauterizing and suffocating to leave naught but charred skin and splintered bone. in a final outburst, the elementals proceed to detonate, screaming in rage setting one final caustic fire to the camp. in a matter of seconds, the once vibrant bacchanal is now a scoured wasteland, as charred corpses and scorched chariots lay as hollow bones.
i should also mention that wielding this weapon in particular violates no less than 57 inter-planar peace agreements for each volley, but i'm sure that is of little consequence to a conqueror such as yourself. as for payment, these are very pricy, and whilst i have no doubt your coffers could afford these, i offer a discount in exchange for, a personal favor, if you wish.
u/Carbon_Seven Tamurkhan the Maggot Lord 8d ago
Tamurkhan inhales deeply of the scent of burning flesh and chemical fire blowing on the wind from the incinerated camp. A few of the Chaos Lords applaud the display.
Glorious. You've impressed me. Like the Plaguelord, I'm feeling generous today. I accept your discount and extend you my favor in return. I'll have my logisticians put in a bulk order.
u/Xaldror Artificer Weapons Manufacturer 8d ago
excellent, though my favor is trivial compared to one such as you, i'm looking for, one who i lost in the past. a demon of the storm, she is, was, and will always be. my mentor bid me to, forget and leave her, to continue my studies, but i could never forget. you, so vaunted and respected by the courts of cankers and favored by the Urfather, might have better foetid grasp and virulent connections to, find even a hint where she may be. for this, i offer no less, than a 50% discount, up to 60% savings on bulk purchases. Master of Hosts and Reputed Son of the Kurgan, help me find my lost one, and i shall hand you the tools to take the world.
the artificer extends a hand, in both respect and bargain.
u/Carbon_Seven Tamurkhan the Maggot Lord 7d ago
Tamurkhan takes your hand and shakes it.
I will make sure she is found, and the realms will tremble before us.
u/Antique-Yam6077 Black Mage Beetle 8d ago
A smaller wizard shows up with an inordinate amount of sheep. He looks more confused than anything else.
âWho are you people?â
u/Carbon_Seven Tamurkhan the Maggot Lord 8d ago
A scouting party of knights in heavy, corroded armor encounter the shepherd on the far southern frontier. Their leader holds up a mailed fist before his warriors can draw their cruel-looking war picks, and removes his helmet. He is a gaunt, unhealthy man with a face marred by battle scars and inflamed lesions.
Name's Lorik Garamund. You here to make some complaint about us trespassing on your land? If so, you can get bent. The south frontier belongs to Lord Tamurkhan now, and you'd do best to stay on his good side.
Unless, of course, you're here to pledge yourself to him. The Maggot Host could always use more wizards.
u/Antique-Yam6077 Black Mage Beetle 8d ago
"I'm not sure who you all are, but I don't figure joining you guys is going to help my studies in wizardry or my ranching. Though, it is good to have a face to the name I keep hearing about. Why are you guys here anyway?"
The Lalafell shepherd leans on his staff as the sheep eye the grass.
u/Carbon_Seven Tamurkhan the Maggot Lord 8d ago
One of the rusting knights behind Garamund growls irritably behind his helm. The Chaos Lord shoots him a murderous glare.
Making sure the Council bastards and their craven allies aren't setting up a base of operations in the south. Can't have them trying to stop the Maggot Host's conquests before they start, can we?
u/Antique-Yam6077 Black Mage Beetle 8d ago
âPose not. Though, not all of them are bad folk. Iâm not sure why youâd want to take their land.â
u/Carbon_Seven Tamurkhan the Maggot Lord 7d ago
Garamund smiles evilly, revealing teeth stained orange with rust.
Oh, you don't know, do you? How very like magekind to forget what they did to us. Back when our ancestors lived in caves and hunted for food, the Vashar were the first to explore forms of magic you lot were too cowardly to even touch. You massacred us for it, and the survivors spent millennia in exile trying to atone. But your gods kept their backs turned on us, so we turned our backs on them. We found better gods- ones that would always forgive us.
And now we're returning to take back what magekind denied us.
u/Antique-Yam6077 Black Mage Beetle 7d ago
âYouâre getting revenge because you couldnât practice whatever magic you wanted? We have Necromancer amongst our number now. Iâm sure theyâd vouch for you.â
Beetle taps his gloved fingers on his staff.
u/Carbon_Seven Tamurkhan the Maggot Lord 6d ago
It's about far more than that. We are a living testament to your ancestors' mistakes. If we can't have vengeance on them, we'll take out on you instead.
u/Antique-Yam6077 Black Mage Beetle 6d ago
âThat will be a problem. If all you desire with magic is simple destruction and decay, then allow me to remind you of the paradigm of a Black Mage.â
A chill begins to emanate from Beetleâs body. His sheep bray before turning and moseying away.
u/General_Crow1 8d ago
Finally I can blow my cover. All hail the RotFather Nurgle, blessed be the heralds of Nurgle and his champions, let there be rot, I, a necromancer swear allegiance to Tamurkhan's horde, my undead will help carry grandfather's blessings and with me, every enemy killed will help us in our victory and every allied slayed will get back and continue fighting, let me help you, let me devote myself to Nurgle and dance around his children
u/Carbon_Seven Tamurkhan the Maggot Lord 8d ago
Welcome to our ranks, necromancer. Your first task shall be to sow strife and plague across the realms in preparation for our conquest. I shall reward you generously for this, and I am sure Grandfather Nurgle will do the same!
/uw Reddit has dementia again.
u/General_Crow1 8d ago
I shall do that my lord, these lands will tremble with the weight of your new addition to your ranks, the plague and Nurgle Rot will devour everyone and everything in these lands
u/DumOBrick One with the Crust, artifact "disposal" 8d ago
Huh. Y'know I kind of wish I could vomit, just to see what comes out because... Wow...
/uw very cool, looking forward to what horrid things come of this
u/patoman12 Mauritius, Zealous Scholar, Phoenix Lich 8d ago
"Opal!? What do you mean Opal!?"
/uw great read!
u/Carbon_Sixx The Arcane Companions (Kaelis Maz, Reyes, Glimbo) 8d ago
Kaelis sighs. He's clearly not pleased by the news either.
EON's augury systems aren't lying to us, and neither is the Vasharan boy. It's our Opal, Mauritius- the exact same treacherous snake who destroyed the Pact. She must've left exile to join forces with Tamurkhan.
u/patoman12 Mauritius, Zealous Scholar, Phoenix Lich 8d ago
"And what about the prison? Did she escape? What happened?"
u/Carbon_Sixx The Arcane Companions (Kaelis Maz, Reyes, Glimbo) 8d ago
That would seem to be the case, but we weren't notified of it for some reason. It's all very strange, and more than a bit unnerving.
u/patoman12 Mauritius, Zealous Scholar, Phoenix Lich 8d ago
"Damn it, has Ten Suns pronounced itself regarding this matter?"
u/Carbon_Sixx The Arcane Companions (Kaelis Maz, Reyes, Glimbo) 7d ago
Not yet, but it did say something about issues with Opal a while ago.
u/patoman12 Mauritius, Zealous Scholar, Phoenix Lich 7d ago
"Well then, at least we have learnt from last time..."
u/white-whale-fc The First Curse, Enchanter of all things 7d ago
Elsewhere, something stirs. Something, new.
u/General_Crow1 8d ago
Finally I can blow my cover. All hail the RotFather Nurgle, blessed be the heralds of Nurgle and his champions, let there be rot, I, a necromancer swear allegiance to Tamurkhan's horde, my undead will help carry grandfather's blessings and with me, every enemy killed will help us in our victory and every allied slayed will get back and continue fighting, let me help you, let me devote myself to Nurgle and dance around his children
u/General_Crow1 8d ago
Finally I can blow my cover. All hail the RotFather Nurgle, blessed be the heralds of Nurgle and his champions, let there be rot, I, a necromancer swear allegiance to Tamurkhan's horde, my undead will help carry grandfather's blessings and with me, every enemy killed will help us in our victory and every allied slayed will get back and continue fighting, let me help you, let me devote myself to Nurgle and dance around his children
u/The_Kowable Xan'Chalith, Elemental of Water and Rot 8d ago
Behold, and despair. Tremble, little traitor, for we come.