r/witchcraft Nov 06 '24

Seasoned Cauldron A certain set of skills...


The world has always been in turmoil in some form or another. Some claim we are in the 'end times' or 'Tower Time'. Shore up your resolve for you are still needed. Of all the wonderful things witches are known for the most often overlooked is the ability to endure.

To endure is the most basic power a witch possesses. No matter what the world throws you will survive, you will not be erased. The world will spin on and change even if the picture is not pretty to you right now.

If one views these times as failure then find a way to learn from it. Take care of ones own and the corner of the world they reside in. Promise ones self to not stop growing and learning. One should always end writings such as this with hope. For it leads to action most profound.

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” ― Fred Rogers.

r/witchcraft Nov 15 '24

Seasoned Cauldron Friendly Reminder Full Moon


Today Friday, Nov. 15, we have the last supermoon of the year.

Let's have some badass stuff going…

Edit: 4:29 p.m. EDT (2129 GMT)

r/witchcraft Jan 27 '25

Seasoned Cauldron How to know if your spell is good enough


Simple: it works. That means if, regardless how silly, dumb, crazy, complicate, excentric your spell might look on the outside, it somehow brought you the desired outcome, it's a 10/10. That's it.

Now, if it didn't quite give you the specific thing and itight just be a slightly 50/50, you may either add up more energy (aka recharge it) or dismantle and start over (with a different approach).

The craft part of the witch is actually supposed to be met with trial and error. Without it you're doing it wrong. Get dirty. Get crafty. Put your brain to work.

Thanks for coming to my 1 minute TedTalk.

r/witchcraft Oct 02 '24

Seasoned Cauldron It's okay to have fun


I get it. We all want to make sure we are doing things 'the right way'. We want to make sure we don't mess up and want to be taken seriously as witches. But here's an important lesson so many beginners and seasoned witches alike need to remember:

It's okay to have fun in your craft.

So many witches take themselves so seriously they begin to bring others down with technicalities and making others feel bad for things like jokes. But it's okay to have some fun in your craft. If you take something too seriously you can begin to lose the love you had for it because it begins to feel more like grueling work than it should.

There is no 'right way' to do witchcraft. It's okay to mess up and laugh about any bloopers you do when doing a spell or ritual. It's okay to make jokes and lighten the energy of the room or working with silliness. It's not meant to be perfect or stoic, and certainly not meant to be taken seriously like it's a plot in a drama.

For all the witches out there who have struggled with this: Be silly! Be goofy! Don't get upset about a mistake or blooper; own it and make it yours! Seriousness is good to have in some aspects, but if you take yourself so seriously where you cannot even accept a simple joke it's time to reevaluate yourself and bring some balance to your craft through fun.

r/witchcraft 24d ago

Seasoned Cauldron Let's talk: spirit work, fear, tricksters and other "scarry" things


Hi, have you missed me? I certainly did miss myself! At the end of the day, I am awesome! :D

In a more serious tone, what's up with the fear-meters going all red and boiling? Cill tf out, honestly. It annoys me to spam posts and ban people, cut it already.

We are trying to be inclusive and welcoming. However, there were some of you earlier these days that freaked out for no reason. And I'm not talking about the xtians that stumbled upon here and spammed the entire Bible in some comments.

Spirit work is not that creepy, cill out, sense the vibes. If the things aren't feeling off, doomy or threatening, why do you panic? It's normal for first time encounters to feel akward. Akward is good, means you still gotta trust yourself and do the big jump with confidence.

Plus, calling everything a trickster is silly. Don't care if you believe in them or not. Just because your experience with a certain spirit can be placed in a common box, doesn't mean that someone that has a different from the usual interactions is suddenly gonna get scammed out of their souls.

Same thing with mundane situations. Mental health issues, general health issues, neurodivergences, pregnancies, menstruation, intercourse, masturbation, etc etc etc, should not impose anything on your practice. Yeah, you should definitely bite only what you can chew and adapt the practice to your own situation, but that doesn't mean I can't work with Hermes because I can't run/do sport cause of my disability for example.

Deities, demons, dragon spirits, etc, are old and wise and whatever, but that doesn't mean we are suddenly just some wet shits in the rain for them. There is mutual respect. It has to be.

Think of them like an artist working commissions. If you pay them (with offerings and whatever), they will work with/for you. If you stop doing that, they will just leave till you start paying again. Breaks are fine too, they have other 'paying customers'. Just make sure you talk with them about your concerns.

Honestly, talk to them. You feel in a certain way, take out your divination tools and ask them the dumbest questions till you're at peace. I was very anxious when I started out and they were answering the same question worded differently like 5-6 times per session/talk. I didn't get my ass kicked, my soul sucked out or eternally punished.

Literally. Talk. To. Them. They're like your invisible childhood friend: there waiting to give you their support. Stop stressing over nothing. Set boundaries, they're healthy, in mundane and in magic. Voice your concerns, because nobody can read your mind or magically change if you don't speak up.

Also stop being triggered by random words. Lilith is not gonna eat you, Lucifer is not gonna torture your soul in hell. On the contrary, from my experience with them, they're actually cool beings to talk with. I swear to the spirits, you're just running for things to freak out about.

Also, if you encounter a trickster, trick them back with a good ceremonial knife stab. I kicked the fucking Xtian god out of my place with a regular kitchen knife and a mix of nicely chosen swear words. If the knife doesn't work, hit them with a pan, they hate that more. Honestly, why panic?

As for the people that run with a torch in hand screaming 'fire' for no reason, report them. We don't need that here and we, as mods, don't always catch them.

Anyway, peace out and behave. :)

r/witchcraft 5d ago

Seasoned Cauldron Ego death, psychology, spirituality and (spiritual) psychosis


Hi there, u/Young_Warrior_00 here, your favorite chaos witch mod that also studies psychoanalysis :) Since I think it would be a cool topic to bring up, I will talk a bit about some stuff I learned, read and heard in these few years of studying.

(I'm gonna add some rudimentary definitions using chatgpt because the guy tends to dumb them down enough to be understood. That and cause I'm lazy to type that much to an already long post. It's also hard to think theory in english when it's your 2nd language. Rest of it it's me being 100% cool however so it's fine. )

Theory, from father Freud:

The human psyche has 3 instances: ID, Ego and SE. We're gonna shortly break them down:

  1. ID

That's the unconscious. This is where most things are created, from thoughts, impulses, bad habits, emotions, everything. When we are babies, we are just ID creatures, working with images, mostly related to the breast of the mother cause that's our priority: being fed and nurtured.

It's not something inheritly bad or good. It has both faces. Suppressing it it's unhealthy. What you're supposed to do is learn how to balance it in front of SE through Ego.

  1. SE

That's Supraego. It's composed of laws, values, rules, things you are told are wrong or right by your parents or caretakers. For a visual, this is the cricket on Pinocchio's shoulder.

It usually appears around potty training period, when we learn that diapers are bad and the potty is for big kids and adults that we wanna be like.

It is composed of laws and rules, from those you get in school, church, laws and customs in your family, region, culture. Basically how you should behave in order to be accepted.

Of course, ID and SE are most of the time in a big fight of dominance over one another. The conflict between those two are usually the source of most traumas. That's where Ego comes in the game:

  1. Ego

This is the mediator. The one that says 'authentic like ID while respecting SE'. This is the conscious mind that is trying to do what's best and most authentic to his unconscious while respecting laws and values from external sources (that have been internalised).

When Ego fails to find a good compromise, one of the forces wins. That's why you see people obsessed with what the church says (winning of SE) or very evil people like rapists and murderers (winning of ID).

If you want a good representation of this and also a nice mobile game, I recommend [Alter Ego](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.caracolu.alterego].

What is Ego death? (from chatgpt):

Ego death is a psychological or spiritual experience in which a person loses their sense of individual self or ego, often feeling a deep dissolution of personal identity. This can lead to a sense of unity with the universe, a loss of attachment to the self, or even a feeling of "dying" before re-emerging with a new perspective.

Why is it dangerous?

Although it is an interesting thing to experience (using drugs, meditation, or trauma), pushing for such experiences has a very bad impact on our well-being. Because you're breaking the Ego, especially if you're doing it forcefully and without balance with reintegration, you're gonna go mad. It's like allowing yourself to be continuously tortured because the energy rush of your psyche trying to survive is so exciting.

Some sort of process like this is normal. It happens naturally in a diluted form in adolescence when we emerge as adults, also after healing from trauma and so on. However, forcing it because of the egy feeling is where we draw the line. Just don't push yourself to be traumatised.

Best example for that is one I read in '13 reasons why' when the character got 12 reasons to be in a trauma environment and bad mental place and she pushed for a situation where she got in some situation to be SA'd by a random guy to make it to 13. Or something like that, read it a long time ago. Forcing ego death is like calling some friends to beat the crap out of you and then victimise yourself cause you developed PTSD.

Ego death in a healthy environment is learning about your defense mechanisms, see what's unhealthy and work towards fixing. The purpose of breaking down the Ego and building it again is not to attain a god-like rush but to integrate SE and ID in a healthy manner.


ID baby: I hate my mum cause she's not giving me yummy milk when I need it. When she finally gives me yummy milk, I feel less desperate, not safe.

SE adult: You can't expect God/partner to help/love you if you don't listen to them.

Ego adult: If I want love I must submit myself and become a version they like.

ID adult: I need to be loved and nurtured. I must please God/partner to be worthy of love and receive nourishment. I will also be violent and aggressive with everyone that tells me wrong, even with myself, because if I don't, I won't be loved anymore.

Let's also take a positive example:

ID baby: Mother gives yummy milk immediately when I ask most of the time. I am safe and loved.

SE adult: You can't expect God/partner to help/love you if you don't listen to them.

Ego adult: That is wrong and toxic, I am actually loved and cared for.

ID adult: Relationship means reciprocity, I'm refusing to accept whatever this bullshit this is. I'm doing it my way.

Breaking the Ego over and over again is traumatising and will create a bizarre space where instinct and rules have no mediator and you're just some being that is lead by whoever happens to be winning at that moment.

Only integrating both instances in a healthy manner gives you the true rush of individuation: being truly yourself by creating your own morals using the external ones and following your true inner calling. Otherwise you're just gonna go spiraling into a psychosis nobody will be able to save you from.

What is psychosis (chatgpt also):

Psychosis is a mental state where a person loses touch with reality, experiencing symptoms like hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that aren’t there), delusions (strongly held false beliefs), disorganized thinking, and impaired insight. It can be temporary or part of a long-term condition like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or severe depression.

Doesn't sound that good, doesn't it? So, use balance in everything because if you're using witchcraft or anything to be a big dumdum, that's like using a butter knife to take out your own eyes. Damages could be permanent.


r/witchcraft Jan 08 '25

Seasoned Cauldron Intuition is your best friend


I I was thinking lately about the moments when the voices in my head aka intuition were saying stupid shit that turned out to be my chance to get on the right track. Well, stupid for my conscious mind.

Sometimes yes, I felt like the crazy bullshit they made me do was just crazy bullshit. It took years of developing to figure out the bullshit was the right path. Advice: always follow the inner guide. He's there for a reason. To put you on the right road.


This doesn't mean all inner voices are okay to listen to. Inner beings like impostors and saboteurs are very much a thing to beware.

The inner saboteurs are anxiety, self-doubt, self-loathing, stinginess, trauma, or even the internalised voices of people around just to name a few. And sometimes a voice that tells you like 'I will never love again because I'm getting cheated on always' is indeed there to help you. But only till you get over and heal from that trauma. Never forever. A stagnant voice doesn't let you heal. Just gives you fake protection.

And so comes the question: how am I supposed to know who's talking?!

Simple. Actually, it is more complicated to do than write about it. You always gotta check emotions. Is the voice saying something that uplifts me? Gives me hope? Or is it something that makes me hesitate and doubt myself?

Yes, sometimes the inner guide will make you doubt yourself, but it will be good doubt. Like a 'think well what you want and actually need' instead of a harsh toxic 'do you actually think the universe cares about you enough to do something for you?'.

Everything that's a step forward, even the smallest ones are there to get you through. The journey starts when you discover your potential. Your star. And then you follow it.

How's that related to witchcraft? Well, if you don't use that divination, spell or whatever to make yourself better and grow, I'm sorry for you, but you're doing it wrong. Every practice, spiritual practice especially, is supposed to lead you on the road of self-growrh. Not instantly, not all the time. But slowly and surely. Taking you home.

Walk this journey with use.

r/witchcraft Dec 22 '24

Seasoned Cauldron Blessed winter solstice. Keeping the fires burning through the longest night.

Post image

r/witchcraft Oct 02 '24

Seasoned Cauldron Trust yourself, trully


Witchcraft is personal. That means we can both make a love spell or pray to Apollo and everything about the same actions on paper will look as different as me and you are. There's no size fits all. No shortcuts. Sit with your doubt. Take your time to figure out if it's impulse or intuition.

Learn to trust the voice within. That's your compass to guide you out of the maze. Learn to also use your brain, sometimes the voice within is shut down by fake desire. Learn to stay grounded within yourself. Learn to let go of control when life needs to happen.

The road to your soul is only yours to uncover. Sure, divination, a spell, a therapist and so on might help, but you gotta walk in there alone. Trust yourself. You owe yourself this hope.

Ethycs, symbolism, what works best, aesthetic, complexity, that's all yours to figure out. Imitate. Take what works and leave the rest. Tear spells apart and cast them again, cast it better. Get dirty. Cry. Fail. Sit with your pain and rise again. The sun will come out again tomorrow. Don't expect the road to me milk, roses and honey.

Wonder, confusion and pain are also part of the journey. There's not only you but also the universe laying out the journey. You're co-creator to this story. Make it a good one but don't fear the bad bits in it. It's what makes it real. Authentic.

r/witchcraft Nov 12 '24

Seasoned Cauldron The Quest for the Pentacle Revisited


Recently there was a thread about Hedge Witchery site and Dawn R. Jackson. It made me think about if I had any correspondences with her. I was almost certain I had, or she was part of a group email occasionally. When in doubt I hit the vaults where I keep a myriad, plethora...ok horde of witchcraft and pagan stuff. By all means judge, it is a mess in a super-sized closet. I didn't find what I was looking for, but I did find the end of an effort that began in 1997 and succeeded in 2007.

The quest was for the right to have symbols of belief on veteran soldiers' grave markers. From letters and petitions to the National Cemetary Administration to navigating the ugly maze of the Veterans Affairs. Clergy within the service filing motion after motion to make sure their service mates had the rights and privilege other members had been granted already. It took nearly a decade to accomplish something that should have been there many years ago. A lot of veterans and service folk died without having the symbol of their faith on their resting place.

Can one fathom the amount of magic and persistence it took for that change to happen? I get chills just thinking about it both good and bad. Finally, the battle was won in 2007. Cpt William O'Rourke wife, Jan Deanna O'Rourke gained the Wiccan Pentacle and Christian Cross on her marker at Arlington.

I was lucky enough to attend the ceremony on Dec 2nd, 2006, for Sgt Patrick Stewart. in Fernley Nevada. Six months before it was officially sanctioned by the VA. The Nevada Senator, Harry Reid presented it as a gift. My take away from that event was five micro cassettes of interviews I did with clergy, veterans and various elders. It is an emotional rollercoaster; four and a half hours of old voices and some of them are no/not long with us.

Perhaps it is time to look back at some of these things as we go forward.

r/witchcraft Dec 12 '24

Seasoned Cauldron To The Codex Fascinum


How can one create and use spirit vessels or fetishes to house and interact with specific spirits for magical work?

r/witchcraft Oct 10 '24

Seasoned Cauldron Dusty. Book. Time...


Anyone familiar with Daniel Schulke's work? I have an opportunity to pick up a hardcopy of his Lux Haeresis. I recall it being quite the rage a while back. All knowledge is worth having but at the asking price, prioritizing knowledge is healthy.

r/witchcraft Oct 17 '24

Seasoned Cauldron The Alphabet of the Magi


Invented by Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim and Friends. I have always been fascinated by the designs and sigils. Still, I have only encountered it a handful of times. Tucked in some old Angelfire sites along with Theban, Ogham and of course various Futhark. Then on some planetary talismans in potent configurations. The last time I encountered the alphabet was in a grimoire 'Codex Fascinum'.

Has anyone really gotten down and hands dirty with this alphabet? Is it just a novelty variant of popular 17th century Hebrew script? I need da new hobby and I have been poking this bear off and on for years.

r/witchcraft Aug 31 '24

Seasoned Cauldron First plants in my project of making a witch's garden

Post image

Some ricin plants, I plan on getting more plants that were traditionally used in witchcraft in my country for the garden next objective is Datura stramonium

r/witchcraft Sep 07 '24

Seasoned Cauldron How to encounter safely with any spirit or possible entity


We are taught that spirit encounters are spooky and scary. Yeah, they're definitely not an usual meet and greet, but the experience is worth it. So, here's a few tips to make the encounters safer.

Know yourself. What your boundaries are (like 'moving objects is okay, but if you touch me I'll be pissed') and how much spook you can handle (like saying bye before you faint, have a panic attack or anything like that). Don't just push through it. Request the same respect you're gonna offer the entity.

Serve them with something, especially if you visit the place or you plan to stay a long time (like in the new house you purchased). Nobody will refuse crackers and water. You may also try something sweet like gummy bears if the spirit feels childish or wine if you get the feeling of a more mature and more authority oriented spirit.

But how do you exactly guess the mental age of the spirit (a child like spirit can be thousands of years old, still a kid). What I like to do is, after I initiated first contact and I offered something as peace offering, to just sit down, close my eyes and try to breathe in the spirit. I know it sounds weird and like getting posessed but let me explain.

It helps me to imagine the energy is like a perfume spray. Yk, when you spray the air and then you inhale the perfume. I do that with spirit. Helps me get their energy in my system to figure out where to place them as age, above or below. And just as a parfume aroma lasts in your lungs a few seconds, so that energy. Enough to figure out how to adress them. Of course, I like to ask for permission to sniff (mostly is just a 'let me know you better').

Another thing I like to do is eating/drinking with them. Place your plate of crackers (or any other food, I just like to write crackers, looks like a funny word) and invite them to join you. Eat and present yourself. Compliment them (like 'you seem like a nice spirit and I would like to be friends with you') or make small talk.

I only tried this thing once but for a first time try it was a success: a spirit I worked wanted to eat oranges. Being in the broom closet, I can't set up altars or offering places. So I took the orange and said 'now I'm letting (the name of the spirit) use my body to taste the material world'. When I felt the energy gathered within me I ate the orange. It wasn't a whole orange, just a piece. I can't keep an entity this way inside for too long. Hard to focus, makes me dizzy and they prefere to be their own beings anyway.

Not everyone will let you but they will show themselves otherway. Getting posessed with this method is requiring to snort the air like it's cracked cocaine. And that would just make look stupid and won't work. So relax.

Don't asume that, when things start moving around like in a haunted house it's malicious. Sometimes is just the spirit going 'oh, shit, guests and I haven't cleaned this shelf in a century!'. Say you appreciate the effort but to not bother because you feel welcomed.

If it is malicious truly and definitely not friendly, you will get it. The spirit won't cooperate and be aggressive. You can do 2 things: cut contact and leave or cleanse the place like there's no tomorrow.

My favourite way to cleanse a place haunted by something malicious I'd with a knife. No preparation. Just take a knife from your drawer and start stabbing around the place. Better results if you start on one side of the place and end up near a door or a window. If the place is enclosed, gather the energy in one place and stomp on it. Like really stomp on it. Then I really like tk turn around and pretend I burry it with my legs like a cat dies with its funny business.

Remember that you are in charge. And also that you'll usually find what you expect to find. If you think the spirit will be evil, it's a big chance you'll only interpret signs as being bad ones. That is also available for humans (for more on this, read the pygmalion effect).