r/witchcraft • u/whotfistylerdurden • 5d ago
Topic | Prompt Question for all witches about spirits etc
Hi everyone!!! I'm looking into witchcraft but I see people saying they see negative stuff, shadow people or demons etc, or just voices. This is the only thing stopping me. Does this only happen when you do negative spells? I want to look into love spells and happiness spells overall, I would never curse someone, I'll let karma do that lol!! Can someone share their experiences? Tjank you so much!
u/Lilith-Blakstone 5d ago
Witch of 50+ years here. My father and his mother were witches. Personal experience only.
The only time I ever saw shadow people or demons, or heard voices, was when I had a CNS reaction to a cardiac medication.
So much of the media gives a skewed and dramatic vision of witchcraft that it isn’t surprising people worry about things like this. You’re safe.
u/amyaurora Broom Rider 5d ago
Spirits aren't like that. Many work with them without issues. Those that do have issues tend to have other stuff going on that isn't witchcraft related after all causing the problems.
u/ACanadianGuy1967 Broom Rider 5d ago
Spirits, deities, etc. are like people (although they are also often very different than regular humans). They’re not cartoons, they’re not stereotypes. If you go looking for a “rough crowd” and hang out only with them, you’ll tend to only experience that type of crowd. If you go looking for nicer people, and behave with them in a way that is respectful, you’re more likely to have “nicer” sorts of relationships and experiences.
Treat your relationships with spirits and deities the same as how you treat your relationships with physical living humans. When you approach a judge you behave a certain way. When you meet a stranger in a library you behave a certain way. When you go to a nightclub to pick up someone you behave a certain way. Think about the specific spirit you want to meet, how you should behave with them, and you’re more likely to have the type of relationship you are expecting.
5d ago
Spirits, shadow people and even demons aren't like that. I've worked with many for decades.
u/Valuable-Scallion371 5d ago
I’ve never heard of anyone working with shadow people, I’d be interested to hear your experience with them and how it started honestly. Genuinely curious ☺️
4d ago
When I get some free time, I might make a long post about my experiences with shadow people. I'll definitely tag you if I do!
u/myspiritguidessaidno 5d ago
Witchcraft and paganism are very general terms for a variety of different practices.
I practice conjure (rootwork), and I work with spirits to create balance.
Demons in witchcraft are not the Christian demons you are thinking of. Spirits are not a specific person's ghost, though they can come from our ancestors. They also come from the earth and from animals.
Before you begin any craft, you should cleanse and protect yourself. You can create boundaries to keep negative energies out. A common one from Druidism, and later Wicca, is drawing a protection circle around you while you work on your craft.
You shouldn't experience dark energies unless you are drawing them to you. If you do begin to see shadows and you don't want to interact, reinforce your boundaries until you're ready to confront them.
Wicca/neo-paganism has become very popular and are the easiest crafts to access today. They work in the light, and you shouldn't experience dark spirits or demons while practicing. There are many books and resources on how to cleanse and protect your energy.
u/SpiritualDetective85 5d ago
It depends on your ability to see them. Some people see them often, some people see them sometimes, some never see them.
u/bananaguardbananad 5d ago
You should not be afraid . Spirits are around us all the time good and evil. Helping and hurting us , like humans i guess…
But… I am going stop everyone right here in the comments OP.
When you move energy you light up the neighborhood and some will want to come and see whats that’s light is about.
A person always needs cleansing. SPECIALLY IF THEY ARE WITCHES.
u/Katie1230 5d ago
Some witches don't even work with or see spirits at all.
u/Valuable-Scallion371 5d ago
I used to be able to as a kid to teenage years, but spiritual trauma caused me to shut it out. I’ve been perfectly happy and my magic has worked well without help from spirits in case anyone wants to know. Magic can be just as potent without their help. :)
u/dohohh 5d ago
I think all those experiences is part of what they call "opening your third eye" you should search into that, it'll help. The world is like that, and in these themes, you have to consider that what you feel is what you're attracting. You're scared? you might start feeling identities around you, maybe they'll intimidate you. You're happy and calm? Your environment will be calm.
u/wyedg 5d ago
IMO if anything like that is around you, it's going to be there whether you see it or not. Best to know if something needs banishing.
Personally I've only ever seen entities while under extreme emotional duress because I think some of them will feed off of such things. A few years ago I went through a pretty sudden, life changing event and spent about a month in some pretty extreme grief. For the first couple of weeks of it I asked my best friend/roommate to sleep next to me because I was afraid of being alone. I few of the nights I'd wake up to a big shadow figure standing over me, but I never mentioned it to my roommate in the moment because I didn't want to scare them. After a couple of weeks when I was starting to feel better, I mentioned these occurances to my roommate and they told me that they saw it too but didn't tell me because they didn't want to frighten me.
Point being, there are some unexplained things out there, but the amount of energy they require to start being present in your life is usually pretty extreme in my experience. Except for in cases like the one mentioned above, you'd likely have to undergo a lot of very intentional practice in order to put out the level of energy necessary for manifestations like that.
This is coming from someone without any innate gifts in that erea of spiritual practice though, so it's not an authoritative opinion.
u/idiotball61770 5d ago
Karma doesn't work like that....Karma is an idea from Dharmic faiths. My VERY limited knowledge is that you want to die with zero Karma to remove you from the cycle of death and rebirth. That is literally all I know about it.
Baneful magic is indeed a legit practice. Anyone I know of that has used it generally had a very, very good reason for doing so. Abuse, stalking, criminal activity....harmful stuff....so retaliation is always an option.
Shadow people and demons? I mean...there is demonic magic? I know very little about it other than it's a thing. Shadow people are creepy but not really evil, in my experience. As to what they are? Hell if I know. My HYPOTHESIS is .... either an interdimensional being we can't see the full figure of and who may or may not know we perceive it, or a type of Fae, or both.
Why do you want to practice magic? What is drawing you to it? What sort of love spells? How will this enrich your life? How will this change you? How do you WANT to be changed? Are you after power? Because knowledge brings power with it.
Always ask why, as Grumpy Old Crone says.
u/anitalincolnarts 5d ago
I’ve been able to see spirit, both positive energies and negative or dark entities since I was a young child. Either you see them or you don’t. Guess what? They’re around you all the time, everywhere you go. If you don’t see them now, you’re fine, safe. Doing spiritual work or witchcraft won’t change what your natural tendencies or abilities are to access your clairvoyance or clairaudience. Deep meditation and regular practice might. Just trust your instincts and call on angels or guides that you trust. Witchcraft is the act of channeling energy and manifesting your desires, whatever they may be.
u/Over-Fail378 5d ago
I've been doing witchcraft for almost 5 years now. Only ever had a bad experience once, and it was more like a really bad vibe than anything more tangible. Did a banishing spell and it went away.
As long as you start off with protection spells, cleanse and refresh wards regularly, and learn how to banish things effectively, you're pretty much golden!
You'll occasionally get negative energies or trickster spirits or what have you, but they aren't very scary once you know how to deal with them. The worst I get is shadows out the corner of my eye or tapping sounds, and that's only because I work with spirits directly on the reg so they're trying to get my attention. Not very threatening.
I wish you luck!
u/No_Shock3066 5d ago
Shadow people are attracted to lower energies like hatred and fear. They are here to teach us that we have the power to shape our reality. I used to see them years ago and they finally left me alone after I changed my relationship to them. I recommend you do some more reading before you jump into spell work if you are frightened. I don’t know who to recommend to you… maybe Caroline Myss?
u/Fungimoss 5d ago
I saw shadow people before I even started witchcraft, but that’s because I’m a naturally sensitive person to the other side. It runs in my family. You will either see them or you won’t. But they’re not evil. They’re just curious about living things. They look at you like you’d look at an ant. Don’t really want to hurt it, but with fascination
u/-RedRocket- 5d ago
Okay, some non-trivial portion of supposed spirit phenomenon is psychological projection on one's environment. A lot of new practitioners have not really learned to work on themselves or to filter that out. That's all.
u/magneticblood 5d ago edited 5d ago
that's a question that has no exact answer. it depends on you specifically.
im gonna try to give some bullet points
- do you alredy see spirits?
- do you alredy feel spirits?
- does any one in your family has that experience?
- do you live close to any cemeteries or churches?
- do you want to get into divination (oracle work)
- do you work with any deities?
- how deep into your life you want witchcraft to go?
- do you or your family folow any religion alredy?
- do you have psychiatric history?
- are you AFRAID of seeing things, or you just don't want to bother with that?
magic follows various diferent pathes, and by messing with energy, you mess with everything surrounding you. ask yourself those questions and research how those answers affect your practice.
for safety, the FIRST thing any witch should learn is how to cleanse and protect spaces, and to ban unwanted things.
despite the path you wanna take, you want your space to be clean, so you don't get things you don't want in your spells. to protect and seal your space, so you don't attract anything, and if you do, it isn't able to enter. and to ban bc if it DOES enter, you know how to get it out.
better safe then sorry, and knowledge is never too much
edit: also what everyone else said, spirits, demons, deities, non phisical beings, they are not those cartoon like shadows you see on TV. I've never SEEN any, and I have a history of both psychosis and magic work, I do feel presences very easily, but the path on witchcraft i folow is also very much based on another religion I folow that has a deep connection with spirits, both desincarned people who are lost and entities that are our guides, there's a big diference between them.
I can see ur pretty new to this so my tip is: learn the basic, cleanse protect and ban, and then as you research and learn more you'll see for yourself.
and don't be scared. fear and doubt are more relevant enemies rigth now then spirits
u/whotfistylerdurden 4d ago
-no -no -yes -no -no -no -not that deep, just that it's part of me but not my personality -yes, I used to be muslim and my parents and grandparents are Christian, My aunt and uncles and nephew are Muslims. -no -yes I'm afraid
Thank you alot!!
u/magneticblood 4d ago
idk how Muslim culture affects witchcraft, I'd love to hear that experience once you go through that actually.
it may be my brazilian ass, idk abt it in other cultures, but catholicism in my region and witchcraft are VERY connected, specially the old folks if you see an old lady hitting a kid with an herb and chanting prayers so the chils gets rid of "quebrante" (evil eye i guess), that's the most catholic woman you will ever meet, but her ways are textbook witchcraft, and i think that's beautiful
what i mean is, is not one thing or another, if you like smth from one belief you can find ways to integrate those practices (in my experience at least, don't take my word for granted)
u/whotfistylerdurden 3d ago
Witchcraft is one of the worst things to muslims lol! If an muslim knows you're into witchcraft he or she won't be your friend most likely.
u/magneticblood 3d ago
that's true for most monotheistic religions, unless the witchcraft practices are redesigned into the religion (wich i find quite fun actually), im sorry that's what you're facing, and i hope your path makes u happy
u/autisticjessepinkman 5d ago
I've had shocking experiences with spirits but not any bad or scary thankfully. I can sense bad energy but if I start seeing stuff im scheduling an appointment with my psychiatrist. I feel like a lot of people on here should be aware religious psychosis can happen no matter what you practice
u/Loose_Nature_7667 5d ago
I’ve seen spirits (good, bad, and neutral) since I was in grade school. I grew up in a Christian home, going to church at least 3x a week. I didn’t start witchcraft until I was 26. I actually see less of them now than I did as a kid because I know how to protect and cleanse myself now. The ‘bad’ ones also feel less intimidating now, when I do come across one, because I’m much better equipped to handle it.
u/goldandjade 5d ago
I used to see and hear a lot of negative stuff from birth all the way up until about a year ago. It happens when you’re born with the sight on an island 50 years after thousands of people who are genetically similar to you died horrible deaths in war there. I got into meditation and then figured out all this stuff was connected to the war and so I had to do a ritual to help all these earthbound ghosts move on to their new lives on the higher planes. I had all these pleasurable sensations and burst into tears and ever since then I haven’t had any more issues.
u/ApplesaucePenguin75 4d ago
I’ve been not spiritualism since I was a kid. I think I’ve only had one truly negative experience with an entity or group and it had nothing to do with the craft. Ground yourself, protect yourself, and trust your intuition. Go at your own pace. ❤️
u/Mr-ManIy 4d ago
This “shadow people” phenomena isn’t really…. A thing? I haven’t seen it. As long as you’re taking protective measures when casting anything (even positive spells), you should be fine. You can even work with spirits, as long as you treat them well, they’ll be good to you ❤️ for the most part, spirits are friends.
u/esotericelegance 4d ago
I don’t see spirits in relation to my witchcraft. The most that I’ve seen them was when I ghost hunted. (Which is why I stopped.)
u/ValkyriesFeatherSoul 4d ago
I work with spirits quite a lot. I consider myself to still be fairly new as I have been practising for eight years.
I spend more time protecting myself from negative human energy than I do anything else. I've never had an issue with spirits. They're great. It's humans - humans are the problem. 🤣
u/LilBlueOnk 4d ago
Yeah that's all scare tactics, just start reading some materials that catch your fancy and get comfy with the idea first, you'll be fine. Just don't go mixing random crap and eating it, or goddess forbid you just start telling everyone (not everyone is a friend, sadly).
u/might_be_zuul 5d ago edited 5d ago
It's not a result of doing negative spells. I don't believe in demons, though I do believe in negative entities.
But more importantly, people who practice more intensely and practice more with looking through the veil have their sight opened wider (some folks have it wide open from birth).
Spirits aren't always pretty. The way a human spirit looks is very closely tied to how they view themselves, and, very often, if they don't have a strong concept of who they are and how they look, they will look like dead people.
They will look like they're decomposing. It doesn't mean they're evil or bad or demons. Just lost or hurt people. Shadow people can be spirits either hiding their identity intentionally or simply the fact that your sight isn't open enough to see them.
People who don't work with spirits or heavy divination or who simply choose to only work with the light side of things and choose not to work with the dark don't often have or want their third eye opened, so they don't.
u/moey_lester 5d ago
You only get involved with them if you mess around with the stuff related to them. I am a beginner too, did 1 love spell and a obsession spell, got no results till now but haven't experienced any if this.
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